10-21-2007, 02:50 AM
I liked the simple but brilliant soundtrack in the PSN game Everyday shooter, does anyone know if there is an official soundtrack for it?

11-24-2007, 05:47 AM
I just got this game and the music is AWESOME! I've been looking, but so far haven't found anything yet. I hope some can locate a soundtrack for it or a rip.

11-26-2007, 09:44 AM
I think that the music is all created by the game, on the spot. So it's always different, and therefore there is no 'official' soundtrack. That's what I think, though - I'm not sure.

11-26-2007, 04:38 PM
True, but I wondered if there were some master tracks of the songs. Ones they broke apart to use in the game.

11-27-2007, 06:19 AM
I started work on creating my own rip of the game's music. It's far from complete, but here's what I have so far for anyone who's interested. There's a txt file in the zip that will explain a little about my progress.

11-30-2007, 12:30 AM
Here you go! All done!

10-19-2008, 08:35 PM
thank you very much i need this

09-25-2011, 06:01 AM
Ah, perfect- I was wondering if anyone would record a couple of playthroughs to get slightly different versions of the songs. You just made my day :b

Thanks very much!