10-19-2007, 08:44 AM
Link. (

October 18, 2007 - Although Sony and Insomniac Games announced not too long ago that Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction would be delayed a week past its original October 23rd release date, it seems that the furry and metallic duo couldn't wait to hit the PlayStation 3 and will indeed ship to stores on this coming Tuesday.

Though Insomniac had requested the extra week to polish up a few last bits of the title, the studio managed to hit its original target date and Sony was able to crank out a few hundred thousand copies in order to get them to retailers on time. In fact, we're told that stores may already be receiving stock of the title, so don't be surprised if the now-closer release date is broken a bit early.

We just received the final boxed copy of the game in the office and will be back with our full review soon, so stay tuned.

wOOt! I'm happy because the demo is super-wonderful-fantastic-yummy-fun.