10-19-2007, 08:39 AM
ThreeSpeech link. (

Quick news from Capcom with an announcement at Gamers Day in London. Lost Planet will be available early next year and will include all bonus characters from the PC version and extra downloadable content from the 360 version, making it the complete game. It will have 16 player gaming online over the PSN. Are Capcom now redeeming themselves after the Monster Hunter situation? More to follow�

IGN Link. (

UK, October 18, 2007 - It's been revealed that Capcom is bringing its frosty shooter Lost Planet to PlayStation 3. Sony fans should rejoice to hear that the game is set to ship with all additional content offered as a download to 360 owners, on the Blu-ray disc. What's more, the PS3 version will also star extra characters - including Mega Man, Frank (Dead Rising) and Jo - previously only available in the PC edition.

Capcom also announced that this PS3 iteration has a 16-player online mode and that it's set for release in early 2008. This exciting news comes via semi-official PlayStation 3 blog Three Speech - which helpfully broke the embargo from yesterday's Capcom Gamers Day. You go, guys!
