10-18-2007, 06:44 AM
So I've been really looking forward to seeing how this thing plays with the way they set up the motion controls. There are good and bad aspects to it. In general, I think I approve. A lot of fighting game fans hate the whole idea, I'm sure, but I think in a sense it actually improves the control. I know, that's weird, but here's why:

The main reason you'd normally not want to play a 2D fighter on a standard gamepad, and especially not on the Wii controller where you're basically stuck using an analog stick for movement, is because it's hard to pull off the circular motions necessary for move inputs. But the motion controls eliminate this need completely. Now, you hold either Z or C, and shake either the nunchuck or the pointer, to do a special or super. Basically this means that you have less opportunity to slip up, can do it faster, and don't need an arcade stick to flawlessly pull off moves. I don't know if GG uses them or not but I am remembering moves like Zangief's piledriver in Street Fighter where I could never ever consistently pull it off unless I jumped into it, and even then not always. I always wished there could just be some simple way to pull off moves. My theory is that the less precise button combinations and joystick motions factor into things, the more pure strategy and focus become the main skills involved in play, and personally I like that.

It does have some drawbacks. An analog stick still isn't terribly desirable for stuff like aiming jumps or dashing. But you can get used to it. I dunno, I haven't really been playing 2D fighters much since the days of the NeoGeo Pocket, but I'm actually enjoying this quite a bit so far. In general I love the bizarre style of the series but I've never really played it before this so I am full of teh suck so far.

Anybody else tried it out? Ideas?