10-18-2007, 04:18 AM
1.) It's an acid-trip.
2.) You are an eco-warrior.
3.) Nobuo Uematsu.
4.) The snowboard game.
5.) "This guy are sick."
6.) It's the greatest game ever, don't you even know that?
7.) It's the lucky number.

10-18-2007, 04:28 AM
Love the last reason :P

10-18-2007, 04:36 AM
Superstition > logic

10-18-2007, 05:07 AM


Hex Omega
10-18-2007, 10:45 PM

10-18-2007, 10:47 PM

10-19-2007, 05:14 AM
Dimitri Shostakovich

10-20-2007, 08:03 AM
1.) It's an acid-trip.
2.) You are an eco-warrior.
3.) Nobuo Uematsu.
4.) The snowboard game.
5.) "This guy are sick."
6.) It's the greatest game ever, don't you even know that?
7.) It's the lucky number.

The "Why You Shouldn't Play FFVII," Video had me more convinced it was a good idea to play FFVII than your list.

Desert Wolf
10-20-2007, 10:08 AM
Superstition > logic

I take it you'll be giving FFXIII a miss then.

10-20-2007, 10:11 AM
The "Why You Shouldn't Play FFVII," Video had me more convinced it was a good idea to play FFVII than your list.

Ofc, I mean how many times can you see a chocobo haired hero having a bath with abot 6 gay wrestlers? This is art!

10-21-2007, 02:42 AM
The "Why You Shouldn't Play FFVII," Video had me more convinced it was a good idea to play FFVII than your list.

That's the entire point.

10-21-2007, 02:43 AM
I take it you'll be giving FFXIII a miss then.

I've only played 4,5,6,7,8 and Tactics and am leaving it at that.

10-21-2007, 11:21 AM
I play FF7 because of the music...

But as you play, more things came to my mind. Esp why Nobuo will write the notes this way and such...

Good Game!

10-21-2007, 11:27 AM
you play a game just cos of the music? why not just buy the soundtrack then and listen to it as you drive to work/school

10-21-2007, 11:32 AM
If you don't play, you won't get the exact FEEL of the music.

Plus I love gaming...

I do have the soundtracks though.

10-21-2007, 11:40 AM
FEEL of the music? what the hell do you mean? surely to enjoy the music, you would listen to the soundtrack.

10-21-2007, 02:36 PM
The music is great the characters are great (except for tifa) and it has my fav composer of all times :D. Need I say more?

10-21-2007, 03:05 PM
Just in case you do not know,

music is another form of abstract expression though sound.

What i mean was in the previous reply was FEEL of the music is the content or meaning that the composer is trying to convey. Each note he wrote is like words forming a story.

Playing the game just gives more depth to the music of what the composer is expressing.

Hope I explained myself and lets not side track this thread shall we?


10-21-2007, 05:23 PM
truth is playing any game while game-rip music is on is kinda cool...always works for my n i've tried many combinations

10-22-2007, 02:54 AM
I liked playing FF8 and listening to X Japan.

Maybe subconsciously I was thinking FF8... 80's speed metal... Number 8...

10-23-2007, 02:07 AM
6.) It's the greatest game ever, don't you even know that?

wrong its tactics and 8... stupid

10-23-2007, 02:38 AM
it was decent but not great

10-25-2007, 12:34 PM
1.) It's an acid-trip.
2.) You are an eco-warrior.
3.) Nobuo Uematsu.
4.) The snowboard game.
5.) "This guy are sick."
6.) It's the greatest game ever, don't you even know that?
7.) It's the lucky number.

7 of the many reasons why cawnil has posted an over-retarded topic.

10-25-2007, 06:05 PM
7 of the many reasons why cawnil has posted an over-retarded topic.

I like the duality of your of personality. "guys guys guys guys chill man" "lol this is an over retarded topic"

You're like a moronic version of Jung.

10-25-2007, 07:04 PM
7 of the many reasons why cawnil has posted an over-retarded topic.

You don't have to post it in every thread.

Desert Wolf
10-25-2007, 11:26 PM
I liked playing FF8 and listening to X Japan.

Maybe subconsciously I was thinking FF8... 80's speed metal... Number 8...

X Japan ftw!

Also if FF7 is the greatest game ever and you've played most of the other games then why stop there? Afraid of disappointment? Id really recommend playing FFX.

10-26-2007, 12:10 AM
I hate FFVII. I just don't like it. I'm sorry, but it didn't catch my attention. The beggining was slow, the ending was fast. I got so confused because it was just an awful and unfinished game.

I'm really sorry, but I just don't like FFVII.

10-26-2007, 11:30 AM
7 of the many reasons why cawnil has posted an over-retarded topic.

What an astute perception. You totally are not retarded. You forgot the invisible reason #8: It's fun making Chocobos have sex.

10-26-2007, 11:42 AM
I hate FFVII. I just don't like it. I'm sorry, but it didn't catch my attention. The beggining was slow, the ending was fast. I got so confused because it was just an awful and unfinished game.

I'm really sorry, but I just don't like FFVII.

This forum is strange.
People post pros of FF7 in the anti-FF7 thread, and post cons of FF7 in the pro-FF7 thread.

You people are backwards.

10-26-2007, 11:49 AM
X Japan ftw!

Also if FF7 is the greatest game ever and you've played most of the other games then why stop there? Afraid of disappointment? Id really recommend playing FFX.

I only really was interested in FF7 and 8 (also Xenogears), as those were the two main games that had literary value to them. Aside from the 'saving the world' and sci fi shit, they were mostly just about the human psyche. Yes, I'm a book geek and read books like Brave New World, 1984, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Catcher in the Rye, Island, Of Mice and Men, Animal Farm, The Lord of the Flies, Siddartha, East of Eden, etc.
I read non-classic literature too (Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, lol), but it's not as relevant to things like FF7 & 8. FF9 was just about a monkey guy who wanted girls to cry on his shoulder, from what I understand. FF10 makes even less sense. It seemed to be all about the sci-fi fantasy stuff. But then again I haven't really looked deeply into any FF other than 7 and 8, and to a lesser extent 6 (but only because I never owned it and only rented it on the SNES).
If you believe there are any sort of archetypal or psychological merits to these games, please let me know and I'll consider playing them.

But there is a definite trend I've noticed in videogames:
The better the graphics, the worse the game.
Although FF7 and 8 had pretty decent graphics, they were just to illustrate the storyline. Xenogears' graphics were obviously crappy.
Super Mario Bros is still one of the best games ever.

10-26-2007, 04:18 PM
Yes, I'm a book geek and read books like Brave New World, 1984, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Catcher in the Rye, Island, Of Mice and Men, Animal Farm, The Lord of the Flies, Siddartha, East of Eden, etc.

Yes, you are such a geek for having read books recognized worldwide and that millions others have read that I feel like giving you a wedgie just from reading that list. :rolleyes:

10-26-2007, 08:28 PM
Final Fantasy VII is always going to be ONE-OF-THE-BEST-GAMES-EVER!
It got several prequels & sequels, which all in my opinion were really awesome, FFVII may be overrated, it sometimes makes me angry, and even I sometimes say something ofensive about it.. But still it`s the game that have made people cry, laugh, feel sorry for the characters... Most of FFs can do it, that is what FF a FF! There aren`t any THAT succesful games, FFVII is just a classic, a legend, or whatever like that. Even the creators say that it was incomplete, but still it`s a worth-to-play game, whether you agree or not.

10-26-2007, 08:36 PM
Wow. You are such a rabid fancunt that it hurts my eyes to read your posts.

10-26-2007, 09:45 PM
Yes, you are such a geek for having read books recognized worldwide and that millions others have read that I feel like giving you a wedgie just from reading that list. :rolleyes:

I just meant that I'm a geek because I've met only very few people who read those kinds of books on their own time, not just in school curriculum.
There are other less well known ones such as Tortilla Flat, In Watermelon Sugar, The Book of Five Rings, The Prophet, and some other stuff I can't remember.
My main point is to get something out of games like FF7 you gotta read between the lines, and then between those lines, and perhaps even between those ones.

10-26-2007, 09:46 PM
Wow. You are such a rabid fancunt that it hurts my eyes to read your posts.

The answer is "The Moops"...

10-26-2007, 09:51 PM
I just meant that I'm a geek because I've met only very few people who read those kinds of books on their own time, not just in school curriculum.
There are other less well known ones such as Tortilla Flat, In Watermelon Sugar, The Book of Five Rings, The Prophet, and some other stuff I can't remember.
My main point is to get something out of games like FF7 you gotta read between the lines, and then between those lines, and perhaps even between those ones.

So what you're saying is that to get any meaning out of games like FFVII, you have to invent it yourself. You could do the same thing with Pac-Man.

10-27-2007, 12:25 AM
So what you're saying is that to get any meaning out of games like FFVII, you have to invent it yourself. You could do the same thing with Pac-Man.

Pac-Man was never scripted or written literarily (is that a word? haha).
Sure, you could appreciate other games on a more profound level as well, I wasn't denying that. I was saying to get the most out of more intricate games like FF7 you should look beyond what's on the screen. It's like the Matrix. Sure it's about machines vs. humans and whatnot. But it's definitely about a deeper analysis of the human psyche.
And what do you mean by invent it yourself? You don't have to invent anything.
By reading into pieces of literature, you gain insight into what is already in your mind, only it has gone unnoticed until a certain piece of art of a certain style parallels it and therefore brings it to the surface of your consciousness.
Of course Pac-Man can make literary sense.
He is a paranoid stoner. He eats a lot, and is afraid of ghosts.
But the thing with something like FF7 is that there is much more going on than in Pac-Man, and is more satisfying as an exploration into the psyche.
FF7 parallels Brave New World in some ways.
But what would you get out of reading See Spot Run? Maybe something, but not as much.
FF7 is basically a story, with graphics, music, and fight scenes, all of which are just superficial things to make the story accessible, at the same time elaborating and emphasizing. Like when a book is made into a movie (maybe good, maybe bad, I know the graphics weren't that great but the music was pretty sweet).

10-27-2007, 12:57 AM
You just went and proved my point. Thanks for that!

What I was implying is that the game was so ridiculously devoid of meaning that all you got from it was what you brought with you in the first place. The only way to get meaning from it is to invent it, dragging forth whatever meaning you want to slap onto it from the bowels of your mind.

And you know, some people would try to argue the game was meant that way and that it was brilliant for it. They're full of shit. all you have to do is look at the development process of the game; note its accelerated development and incompletion upon release, note the fact that its original story was shredded and rewritten for purposes of mass appeal. Under those conditions, it was utterly impossible for the outcome to have been intentional or desirable.

If you want to regard it as a happy accident, that's your prerogative. Just remember that accidents can never equate to true greatness, and that on its own merits, the game is dismally lacking.

10-27-2007, 02:12 PM
Well you're pretty much right that the game is fairly devoid of meaning. But what was in the original script (whatever it was) echoes through the game, and that's what I pay attention to. To be perfectly honest I've tried contacting Square to get a hold of the original script, as I'd much rather read that than play through the game (but listening to the soundtrack simulatenously).
I don't know what you mean that you have to invent the meaning yourself. It's obviously about some kind of journey of self-empowerment (Cloud striving to become strong enough to not let Sephiroth control him) and compassion (to save the people of Earth from death at Sephiroth's hands) that started modestly as the desire to live day-to-day (a hired mercenary). How could you 'invent' anything other than what's in the game? I guess you could pretend that the whole story is rather a metaphor for a man who drives an ice cream truck for a living and has an impressive stamp collection. I'd have to ask you how you read something like that into a story that is very cut and dried.

10-27-2007, 06:16 PM
Man, Cawnil, not only are you an awesome book geek, you are also a double and triple poster! How cool is that?

10-28-2007, 04:53 AM
I know, I'm so awesome it doesn't even make sense.
Shit that's all I have to say this time... What will I do for the next two consecutive posts?

10-28-2007, 04:58 AM
But of course! It goes without saying.

10-28-2007, 04:58 AM
There should be a FF7 speedrun tournament.

J. Peterman
10-28-2007, 05:27 AM
i win in 2 minutes

Marshall Lee
10-28-2007, 06:10 AM
Play it just so that you can say "hey I played it." It's a new year, a new era and frankly FFVII's graphics aren't "oh-wow!" anymore. And FF7 is still a fun game (in some ways). Everything Prak said was right on the money, I replayed it not too long ago and I did feel like "oh we are at whatever," I wasn't orgasmic about it and it did feel very devoid. I think the staff spent more time on the graphics and Tifa's boobs than the actual story. But I'm not an FF7 Fancunt/boy so I guess idk.

10-29-2007, 08:12 AM
What an astute perception. You totally are not retarded. You forgot the invisible reason #8: It's fun making Chocobos have sex.

then if that's the case why bother posting this topic?

EDIT: and besides this is going way off the hook.
EDIT2: no offense intended.

10-29-2007, 09:04 AM
Yeah, I'm probably way-the-hell late in posting, but I do have a somewhat relevant point to make, mostly to cawnil.

If you're concerned about literary value, then you shouldn't be playing games at all. Having been a gamer for about 16 years now, I've yet to play a game that has a story that can hold a candle to any book that's considered remotely good by anybody with any standards to speak of. And I'm not even a "book-geek." If you're simply connecting games to books because of similar themes, that's one thing, but when it comes to actual literary value (at least as I understand the term), there's no real comparison.

10-29-2007, 09:05 AM
idk my bff jill?
it's just low-brow humour... perhaps the brow is so low it's really a moustache.

10-29-2007, 09:07 AM
idk my bff jill?
it's just low-brow humour... perhaps the brow is so low it's really a moustache.

then why don't you quit posting for a while and start thinking positively for a change. that way you won't get so retarded.

10-29-2007, 09:10 AM
then why don't you quit posting for a while and start thinking positively for a change. that way you won't get so retarded.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, mir?

10-29-2007, 09:11 AM
Yeah, I'm probably way-the-hell late in posting, but I do have a somewhat relevant point to make, mostly to cawnil.

If you're concerned about literary value, then you shouldn't be playing games at all. Having been a gamer for about 16 years now, I've yet to play a game that has a story that can hold a candle to any book that's considered remotely good by anybody with any standards to speak of. And I'm not even a "book-geek." If you're simply connecting games to books because of similar themes, that's one thing, but when it comes to actual literary value (at least as I understand the term), there's no real comparison.

Yeah you said it better. I mean to say that if I could find a story like FF7 anywhere else, I'd be there instead. "Off course" FF7 has squat literary value, in terms of eloquence and stuff. I just mean the plot is fairly literary. I guess I just like those post-modern dystopian stories.
As for games, that's why I usually only play the ones that actually have some sort of story. I mean, who would play FF7 for the graphics, or the battle system or whatever?

10-29-2007, 09:12 AM
then why don't you quit posting for a while and start thinking positively for a change. that way you won't get so retarded.
but i want you to read all of my posts
btw i'm retarded from hard drugs and brain injuries, not posting crappy forum messages lol

10-29-2007, 09:12 AM
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, mir?

again why don't you quit posting for a while and start thinking positively for a change. that way you won't get so retarded.

10-29-2007, 09:14 AM
again why don't you quit posting for a while and start thinking positively for a change. that way you won't get so retarded.

hahaha think positively? And what exacly makes you think I'm thinking negatively? Wait wait, let me guess: you want me to be more like you and not think at all!

10-29-2007, 09:18 AM
Why all the hating?
FF7 is above all a love story. And this is a pro-FF7 thread.
So this thread is therefore pro-lovin, and by reason of logic, anti-hatin.

10-29-2007, 09:23 AM
hahaha think positively? And what exacly makes you think I'm thinking negatively? Wait wait, let me guess: you want me to be more like you and not think at all!

holy fuck, man i don't know why i even bothered talking to this Portuguese Bitch of a Colossus, he talks wayy too much about his sexuality.

10-29-2007, 09:24 AM
FF7 is above all a love story.

If by love story you mean a story where every love possibility is touched but not fully exploited, leaving the player with nothing but ambiguity towards the game's near-inexistent love angles, I agree completely.

I mean, "I love Aeris. I think. No wait! I love Tifa. I think. Oh Aeris is dead now. I cry. I will now not love anyone, even though Tifa clearly wants a good smack in the butt."

Also, lol at Loogie for making no sense at all in his comebacks.

10-29-2007, 09:26 AM
Exactly. FF7, while totally gnarly, was at most a love story. And that very love story was flaky at best. But somehow it was all still sweet.

10-29-2007, 09:29 AM
Also, lol at Loogie for making no sense at all in his comebacks.

yeah neither do you Portuguese Prick of a Colossus

10-29-2007, 09:31 AM
Exactly. FF7, while totally gnarly, was at most a love story. And that very love story was flaky at best. But somehow it was all still sweet.

It wasn't sweet. The fact Cloud is an indecisive asshole throughout the game is anything but. I like the game, don't get me wrong, but there's really only two choices in this: you either include a love angle that works or you don't include it at all.

Yes, Loogie, you can go to bed now. The adults are talking.

10-29-2007, 09:38 AM
I agree that Cloud's psychological weakness is definitely not sweet, but it's still an integral part of the game. If he just swept Tifa off her feet, he wouldn't really be Cloud, eh? He's a loser. But so is Bernard of Brave New World, and Winston of 1984. Although they both did get some in the sack somehow. That makes me wonder if Cloud's a virgin, ha ha... Maybe he got some hookers in his time as a mercenary before the FF7 story started. But the way he reacted to Aeris at Gold Saucer in the hotel room tells me he didn't know what the fuck he was doing. He has some serious psychological illnesses/complexes going on. I'd say closet homosexuality, but he had that huge crush on Tifa and really dug Aeris.

10-29-2007, 09:45 AM
I agree that Cloud's psychological weakness is definitely not sweet, but it's still an integral part of the game. If he just swept Tifa off her feet, he wouldn't really be Cloud, eh? He's a loser. But so is Bernard of Brave New World, and Winston of 1984. It's just sort of a recurring theme in these dystopic stories. They're supposed to suck. They're mostly just about the darker side of life, usually with a bit of dark humour to mellow it out a little bit.

I'm not asking for him to sweep Tifa (or Aeris for that matter) off her feet. I'm just saying that the whole "Which one which one which one which one which one which one" thing is a colossal waste of time. I mean, the game goes out of its way to have Aeris promise a date and Tifa pulling all those childhood memories out of her ass and in the end, Cloud, like the emo cuntnut he is, ends up with none.

Oooohh what a loner. He's such a loner that he even asks the party for help in getting Sephiroth, right?

All I'm saying is that he should have at least made up his mind. The indecisive schtick didn't work for me. A good love story could've made wonders for the game. The way it was, I think it sucked.

10-29-2007, 09:52 AM
That's actually a really good point.
Just defeating Sephiroth wasn't really satisfying enough. It was still depressing that Cloud saved the entire world except for himself, in a way.
But I've learned that Tifa wasn't even in the original script. She was put into the game to sort of flesh it out (lol). The story's mainly about Cloud, Sephiroth, and Aeris. So I guess they wanted the game to be as much of a tragedy as possible (but still make it so you can beat the last boss, otherwise it wouldn't really be a game. That gives me an idea, maybe it'd be cool if there was this in-depth RPG with a good story, but was a total Shakespearean tragedy like Othello, and at the end of the game you lose no matter what, but there will be a sweet ending cinematic anyway).

Marshall Lee
10-29-2007, 10:07 AM
That's actually a really good point.
Just defeating Sephiroth wasn't really satisfying enough. It was still depressing that Cloud saved the entire world except for himself, in a way.
But I've learned that Tifa wasn't even in the original script. She was put into the game to sort of flesh it out (lol). The story's mainly about Cloud, Sephiroth, and Aeris. So I guess they wanted the game to be as much of a tragedy as possible (but still make it so you can beat the last boss, otherwise it wouldn't really be a game. That gives me an idea, maybe it'd be cool if there was this in-depth RPG with a good story, but was a total Shakespearean tragedy like Othello, and at the end of the game you lose no matter what, but there will be a sweet ending cinematic anyway).

That sounds kind of anticlimactic with a dash of contradiction. If you lose no matter what, I am assuming that you "die" esp. if it is an end boss. So therefore a "sweet" ending for the losers would have to be a funeral, but then somebody cracks a joke about Paris Hilton? Besides that idea would not go over so well with all of the FF-fancunts we have smothering our boards up with "FF7 is great!" propaganda. While I believe an rpg game with depth and tragedy in it "would" make it some what good, you can only go so far with actual Shakespeare-esque tragedies. You have to realize that in almost every major work of Shakespeare's tragedies the main characters die, so to make an RPG based off of that concept would piss off the emo fancunts who don't understand 'Olde English' or great literary/plot devices. It would be anticlimactic because there would be no closure involving the original main party members, and contradictory because it couldn't (wouldn't) be satisfying to the gamers who wasted hours a day leveling up all of the characters, finding rare/secret items, and what-not only to die at the end.

10-29-2007, 10:29 AM
True, but what I propose is a game that won't necessarily appeal to FF fans. It might be more of an adult game, like Myst or something. Only with more actual character interplay and whatnot. I realize that just having an abrupt and impossible ending would piss people off. It should probably have different outcomes based on your leveling up and skills and whatnot. Like maybe there are quite a few different end bosses to get through, rather than the usual 2 or 3. And the farther you get through them warrants a different ending. Which won't just be a funeral or something. Your whole party dies, but the thing is that the game won't be about saving the world, like it always is. If so, it'd just be dumb. It would instead have personal implications in the game...
This is all probably some bogus abstract idea but I bet with enough money and the right writers (IE not videogame writers) it could work.
I think what I'm getting at is that I'd like to see some kind of intricate literary story, but with sweet graphics (not anime or VG style though) and sweet music, and interesting gameplay. Like a movie you get to take part in somehow?
Seems far-fetched, but so have been a few games here and there throughout history. But I also suspect this imaginary game would have very few buyers, and even fewer fans, seeing as probably 99.99999% of videogames don't care for Shakespearean tragedies.

Hell, it wouldn't even need to be a Shakespearean tragedy. It could be anything, maybe more like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Don't ask me yet how that could be made into a videogame... I'd have to sleep on it, for a few years, heheh.

Marshall Lee
10-29-2007, 10:40 AM
There have already been a wide variety of RPG's with a similar "different" ending spiel. Breath of Fire III is an example, when you get to the end you have the option of either fighting or giving up all of your powers.
The idea you are trying to propose however sounds more like a "Zork," type of game idkw. And sadly I think you are correct about the buyers. Zork ( and lot of Myst, Half-life etc.) Fandom died out years ago, but the text-adventures are still an ineresting play to gamers. I'm not quite certain I follow your idea 100%, you said that you wanted nice graphics but not anime or VG, if you mean realistic like actual actors and what-not like in the first Resident Evil I don't think that will happen. Gaming companies actually *would* rather pump millions of dollars out to create newer solid looking graphics to compete with rival companies, that and in the end it would be more beneficial than putting up with shit from the likes of a bunch of D-List wannabe actors. I can understand an ending where the main character maybe has to sacrifice himself in order to save someone he loves (since you frown upon the whole saving the world cliche`) that could possibly work. However if it's just an ending where the main hero disappears like they died, but actually it was someone else's dream all along then no, which is why FFX-2 is always in the bargain aisle.

10-29-2007, 10:52 AM
I know what you mean, nowadays people aren't into videogames like that at all. It's all World of Warcraft and God of War and Tom Clancey games... I don't really know the state of RPGs nowadays though.
By sweet graphics I meant something that hasn't really been done before, to suit the type of story accordingly. Maybe something of a Van Gogh art style? That's a bit too extreme of an example, but somewhat in the direction I'm thinking. Impressionistic, you know?
Thinking back to my last post, it might be kinda cool to have a One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest type of ending, which is similar to the BOF3 ending (which I've played, only not to the very end). Maybe you get to the end of some kind of psychological game, and you can choose to face your demons, or throw a water fountain through the window and run away, ha ha ha. Then maybe there'd be a little "post-game" game play. That's one thing I've sort of wanted from games like FF7 and 8 and stuff. Where you finish the game, beat the boss, and then you can check out how the world has changed for a little bit, and there'll be nice little diversions to waste time with as the game's already been finished. You could sort of do that in Jade Cocoon, except it was just a neverending corridor of enemy battles.

Marshall Lee
10-29-2007, 11:05 AM
Van Gogh? Monet? Picasso? No, the concept artists would fuck up the reputation of the late artists to the point where people would consider SW Clone Wars/Samurai Jack style to be "art". If you want something "different", I'd go with the cel-shading style that has recently been implemented in the new FFT remake. If this fake game of yours did utilize that style it wouldn't be new, but it also wouldn't be overplayed. As for music I always thought of an RPG or Adventure game would be unique if it featured music from the 20's or 30's such as the big band era. I wouldn't mind walking into a Victorian styled home in a 3D-Town and hearing "Light Lunch" by Carter Burwell playing, or "Theme from Lovestory" by Henry Mancini. Whiel I'd love to see these elements in play in a videogame, sadly I doubt today's age is ready for "enlightened" gaming. In fact the term itself is an oxymoron, and I don't think many directors, producers, artists would be up for the challenge. You really can't compare true literature to a game script, or true art to game graphics, they are worlds apart.

10-29-2007, 11:28 AM
Yeah, I think the crazy game idea I have is more for me than anyone else.
I just want to play a game with really unique story, graphics, music, and gameplay. You know, something to really blow my mind out of my skull.
Here's a basic rundown of my ideal RPG:

Story: Some kind of new take on a classic literature type story. It would have to have potential for maximum interaction, as opposed to linear games like the FFs. It would have a whole world that's not just big empty grass fields with like 10 towns in the whole planet. It would be massive and intricate, and you can't just walk into people's houses! Unless you become really good friends with them, and it's a weekend.

Graphics: Probably cel-shaded, but with many many cels, blending together and whatnot to create a psychedelic, impressionistic, yet recognizable visual aspect. Kinda like you're on LSD or mushrooms, only not overdone that you get tired of the visuals. The closest idea I have is the movie A Scanner Darkly, which is cel-shaded. Only I'd like it to be more intricate with like, brushstrokes and stuff.

Music: Also impressionistic. It would take the form of many genres heard and unheard. 30's big band jazz ballads? Yup. Minimal lo-fi ambient IDM? Yeah. Led Zeppelin-esque rock & roll battle theme (like Achilles Last Stand maybe)? Sure why the hell not. Of course it would all have to have a similar feel or instrument set, so it's not just all over the place.

Gameplay: I guess it would be similar to FF in that you just walk around the world, maybe with teammates sometimes. The menu would be realistic in that you can only carry what you can fit in your pockets or backpacks or whatever. Magic, if at all, wouldn't be materia or any crazy shit. It would be like, you receive esoteric transmission from sages and learn subtle incantations. No 'Firaga' or stuff like that. It would probably be more like the spells modern Wicca think they can actually do, only more fun for the sake of the game. And probably without demon invocation, lol. The battle mode would probably be very realistic in that if you get punched in the face, you'll bleed, and will be in pain for a while, and afterwards you'll have to disinfect it, stitch it up and put ice on it. This is why there won't really be many battles. I think it'll be mostly dialogue/situational. I've never played the game Persona, but I imagine it'd be somewhat like that. Plus you'll be able to go to the movies, and there'll be several feature films designed just for you to watch in-game. This is just an example of how elaborate and complete this game's universe will be. Of course it won't be totally packed with diversions, but just enough to make it different. There'll probably also be other minigames and whatnot, perhaps some will incidentally contribute to the story in some way, while not being crucial. Yeah, there should be like a ton of different customizable paths to take that you just decide as you go along in the game. You could play the game over 20 times and it could be different each time. And the game should be really long, but not way too long. If it's really long it should change it up a lot, because like around the 3rd disc of FF8 you just get bored. Maybe there'd be little things like shopping for clothes and getting haircuts. Oh and you'd probably have to eat, sleep, and drink at regular intervals, unless you're fasting or going on sleep deprivation.

Of course this game would take years of intense back-breaking labour to create, and would not be available until there is a game medium that can hold like... terabytes of information, ha ha.

And I'll call this game...
Fantastic Finality. jk

But so far all these ideas are very empty, there is no core plot, which is the hardest part of all to design, especially with these ideas in mind. So I know this'll never get made, unless I do it myself, and somehow put a gloss over the whole thing to appeal to the general public.

10-29-2007, 06:01 PM
Lugia, shut up.

10-29-2007, 06:13 PM
ahhh to much to read my eyes hurt, can anyone give me the short hand?

10-29-2007, 06:16 PM
ahhh to much to read my eyes hurt, can anyone give me the short hand?

No, stop being a lazy cunt.

10-29-2007, 06:28 PM

10-29-2007, 06:35 PM
fine ill turn my eyes on

10-29-2007, 08:05 PM
Yeah I'm sure I'm the only one who would play a game like that.
But then, maybe they could take my idea and make a 'light' version for people who are casual RPG players.

10-30-2007, 08:13 AM
Words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words.
Words, words, words words words, words words words words, words words words words. Words, words, words, words words words words words.
Words words words words words words words:

Words: Words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words wors words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words, words words words words.

Words: Words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words, words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words, words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words words words words.

Words: Words words words. Words words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words? Words. Words words words wors? Words. Words words-words words words words words(words words wors words words)? Words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words.

Words: Words words words words words words words words words words words words words,words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words words words words words words, words words word, words words words words words, words words words words words words words, words words words words. Words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words/words. Words words words words words words words words, words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words, words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words, words words words words. Words, words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words. Wordsw wordss words words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words, words words words words. Words words words words words words words words, words words words words words words words words word wordw. Words words words words words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words words words words words words words words, words words words words words words words words.

Words words words words words words words words words words words words words, words words words words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words, words...

Words words words words...
Words words words. words

Words words words words words words words words words words words, words words words words words words words words words words words words words. Words words words words words, words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words.

WOW! If I didn't know better I'd think I have an alternate personality with an account here. lol. IN actuality most of the ideas in this guys post are good ideas, but implementation always seems to be a tad difficult. Most of them are things I've thought of before. Although, while the whole esoteric magic thing, may be a welcome departure from the normal RPG hedge-magic, but more vulgar effects are more practical and more immediately useful. A hard to use esoteric magic system would likely not be put to as effective of use by most gamers. Take the Wizardry games where most of the spells had indirect benefits, and the names were encoded(Spell names in Wizardry were in some hacked up combination of Hebrew and Welsh with some Latin thrown in for good mesure.), which made people who didn't have the manual, or who made it far enough to find spells that weren't in the manual to have to figure the spells out through trial and error. (I figured out which spell does the rez effect, which spells blew shit up, and which spells had protect effects, entirely through trial and error. Although a small amount of linguistics can help identifying chain spells. I defy you to figure out what the spells in a Wizardry game do without consulting a manual or strategy guide.)

Marshall Lee
10-30-2007, 08:20 AM
Sorry to say but most RPGs we will be seeing from mainstream developers such as "Square-Enix" will be centralized around the idea that good graphics make up for shit stories. It was stated earlier but most modern RPGs won't infuse actual literary devices and what-not, it wouldn't make a crap game any better if it already made a good book great. There may be hope for a change in the magic system if Obsidian decides to make a "decent" RPG for a change with a new battle and magic system to counter Final Fantasy, however that could be said for any smaller developer. I still have faith in Fable-2 though (keeps fingers crossed).