10-16-2007, 03:40 PM
Seeing as how wrestling games always are packed full with wrestlers themes, I figured it was time to start a thread dedicated to the themes the wrestlers use, not only from games, but in their show matches as well. But this does not mean we need to limit ourselves to just the WWE (WWF), right? I encourage themes from WCW, ECW, TNA, or even ROH and japanese promotions. We can also post wrestling game soundtracks, from Raw VS Smackdown, or even more obscure (for westerners) games such as Fire Pro.

I know that I would prefer a thread which contains only near-cd or studio quality themes, but for some themes, we just don't have that luxury. However, I would ask that we avoid using themes recorded from a broadcast in which the announcers are still present, but obviously I can't enforce this.

So the thread has begun. Shortly I'll post my lists or archives from WWE (WWF) & WCW. Feel free to request what you want ... but let's be reasonable. Try to keep posts to under 5 requests at a time, or so. And no, posting 5 requests 5 times in a row would still be considered 25 requests. Let's be fair.

Or just upload for fun. That's why we're here ... for the most part.

10-16-2007, 04:00 PM
Here's a big one to get the ball rolling. It's my mega WCW upload. I've uploaded a batch (in three parts) which contains 69 themes, mostly near cd or studio quality. If you want to know what is in here, go to post #35 of Thread 45555

I don't mind individual uploads if it's for one here and there.


10-16-2007, 04:05 PM
That's an original thread :)

And i got an original request too!

I'd love to have a Game Rip from the game "Cutie Suzuki no Ringside Angel", it is a Genesis/MD Game, and i remember having lot of fun with this game a decade ago.

10-16-2007, 05:13 PM
It took a bit, and due to upload restrictions, I had to post my WWE (WWF) list on Mediafire. I realize there may be discrepencies here and there as to the numbering of certain themes (Undertaker has over 20, but given the similarities, I only list about 7), but this is my list, so I can number it as I like, right?

10-16-2007, 05:15 PM
That's an original thread :)

And i got an original request too!

I'd love to have a Game Rip from the game "Cutie Suzuki no Ringside Angel", it is a Genesis/MD Game, and i remember having lot of fun with this game a decade ago.

:confused: WOW! That's really an obscure title for me, but it's the way I want to go. I'll search some GYM archives to see what I can find. Have you played this game? Does it have a sound test feature? I can't promise anything, but you never know.

EDIT: You're in luck. I found a .vgm version which I'll easily be able to convert for you.

10-16-2007, 05:32 PM
lol, I'm surprised that it ended up being easier than expected.
Cutey Suzuki no Ringside Angel:
Hope it's right. I've never played the game. I can only assume the source was correct.

10-16-2007, 05:42 PM
Hey thanks i'll check this out.

Actually i played a lot to this game but that was long time ago.
In fact i don't remember anything from the music, but i wanted to give it another try.

Of course it's an obscure title, it was released only in Japan.
The game had only female wrestlers, featuring Yumi "Cutie" Suzuki, she was a real pro-wrestler, but i don't know much about her.

Edit: Yay that's the good music! :)
Nothing memorable in fact.. it just bring me some good memories.
Thanks for this one!

10-16-2007, 06:32 PM
I've been away from theme collecting for a while now , but I do have a question.

Did anybody ever find a C&C version of Vader's last WCW theme. I believe it to be his 3rd WCW theme. I know I have an mp3 somewhere on my pc that was recorded from BATB.

10-16-2007, 06:46 PM
I'm looking, but all I've found is a clear version of what is supposed to be his first, called "Heavenly Thunder". Starts with thunder, then goes into a very slow electric guitar riff.

10-17-2007, 12:15 AM
This post is about seven flavors of awesomeness. Thanks VERY much for the music, and I'm looking forward to more!

10-17-2007, 02:49 AM
I'm looking, but all I've found is a clear version of what is supposed to be his first, called "Heavenly Thunder". Starts with thunder, then goes into a very slow electric guitar riff.

Ahhh yes , Heavenly Thunder! Actually , that's one of his best entrances , IMO. I dig the slow riff! :-D You can YouTube some of his older matches , and I think you'll find one with that intro being played. Really suits him too!

I have a few WCW's I can add to the list when I'm finished reinstalling Windows.

This is a good thread! Thanks for coming up with idea.

10-17-2007, 03:31 AM
I've recently come across more WCW goodies. I'll need to sit through them before I post 'em, but they're coming soon.

Vader's best days was in early WCW when he feuded with Sting. He was scary then. He scared no one in WWF, that's for sure.

And here's a head's up: November 20th, the next TNA CD, and finally it will have all the major current themes that are missing like Kurt Angle, Jay Lethal, and many, many more. I'm keeping an eye out for that one!

10-18-2007, 04:21 AM
I thought that it might be a good idea if I see other people posting wrestling music seperatly, I'd add the post here to direct to the music, so here goes.
Toasty07 has added Smackdown: Just Bring It & Shut Your Mouth.
Thread 46176