10-15-2007, 08:02 PM
Every review of a (recent) Crash Bandicoot game I read says "Crash is DEAD, period, I have no idea why the developers don't get that into their heads", or something like it.

Seriously, I grew up playing the first Crash games on the ps1, and I still enjoy the recent ones. If you're willing to look past the dreadful mistake that was Wrath of Cortex, the games are pretty good. That Twinsanity or CTTR didn't get more attention is a mystery to me.

Why does everyone hate Crash?

Trance Moogle
10-15-2007, 10:16 PM
I too grew up playing the original crash bandicoot but after a while I think it has gotten a little dull. If it didn't I might still be buying more of them but I haven't played one for years. I haven't even seen anyone play a crash bandicoot game in years.

I'm not saying the series is bad but in my mind it's also like spyro, that series too was great when you first played it and even the sequels but now I think of it as sort of lacking in it's ability to excite the player like it used to.

Marshall Lee
10-15-2007, 10:18 PM
I never had the chance to play Crash, although it seemed like a pretty fun game. I was probably more into Zelda and Mario back at that time.

10-15-2007, 10:22 PM
I grew up with the original Crash and Spyro games, back on the ps1. That games were excellent, and now that Noughty Dog does not dvelop the Crash games, you can see the difference.

Go try out the newest games from Noughty Dog if you want something original and fun

10-15-2007, 10:25 PM
''uga booga!''

Marshall Lee
10-15-2007, 10:27 PM
''uga booga!''

I just want to let you to know that I hate you

10-15-2007, 11:01 PM
I tried to play some of the crash games, but they were so boring. Sony tried to hard to make a "super-cool" mascot. he was just lame.

jewess crabcake
10-15-2007, 11:06 PM
but Italian plumbers, with hearty mustaches is gold

10-16-2007, 12:00 PM
I grew up with the original Crash and Spyro games, back on the ps1. That games were excellent, and now that Noughty Dog does not dvelop the Crash games, you can see the difference.

Go try out the newest games from Noughty Dog if you want something original and fun

I'm just curious about all the people who think that non-ND Crash is the absolutely worst crap of an excuse for a game you can find. Yeah, I know that the ps1 games were EXCELLENT, but that doesn't mean that the non-ND developed games are bad. They are good too, just maybe not revolutionary. ... Why does everyone hate Crash?

And I have all 4 Jak games, and the Ratchet&Clank series, plus Daxter and Size Matters for the psp, so I do know what high-quality platformers look like :D

10-16-2007, 01:32 PM
I never said they are bad games. Read again my post :)

10-16-2007, 01:45 PM
I have to say I thought Crash Twinsanity, the most recent Crash game I've played, was excellent, arguably the best game in the Crash series (it's between Twinsanity and Crash Team Racing for the PS1 for me).

However, there have been some very mediocre Crash games made for the PS2. Games such as the Wrath of Cortex, the first Crash game on PS2, which was basically a glorified version of Crash 3 for the PS1, and of course the abysmal Crash Nitro Kart, which was in my opinion a huge step back from the original and far superior CTR on PS1.

I haven't played a Crash game since Twinsanity. Have they brought any others out? I would probably at least rent them if there are new ones.

10-16-2007, 04:14 PM
Yes, I just bought Crash of the Titans, collector's edition. And since Twinsanity, Crash Tag Team Racing has also come out. It's far, far better than CTR or CNK in my opinion.

And I dunno if this concerns anyone here, but Titans is actually dubbed into the Nordic languages (for the first time I can enjoy a game in Swedish! Wow! :D I like Lex Lang's voice acting though so for the moment I'm sticking with the English version).

Yes, WoC WAS a big disappointment, I agree. It's the only Crash game I've never cared to pick up again after playing it the first time, partly because of the loading times and partly because the design of the characters and the worlds is so incredibly ugly :P

Tidus 66
10-16-2007, 04:33 PM
A remake of the original Crash Team Racing would be great.

That game was easily one of the best racing games for the ps1.

10-16-2007, 04:35 PM
The orginals were/are classic and i love them, its when you get into the next generation of gaming that they start to disapoint me but not adding much to the orginal level of game play in my opnion.

10-16-2007, 04:58 PM
Naughty Dog blows for selling a charakter like this
tho he wasnt a Mario, he was respectable and fluid to play with
i played the demo of the last game and it was just horrible

10-16-2007, 05:33 PM
Ok, Jameela, stop with the crap please.

also I don't hate Crash, I just hate all of his games after CTR, the rest of them are shockingly bad, Twinsainity was just above average though.
Also crash of the titans looks awfull.

Back in the day, I would have sex with him, he was better than mario IMO, though thats mainly to the fact I had no nintendo association until 2 years after playing Crash Bandicoot 2, which is the best one.

Marth of Altea
10-16-2007, 08:49 PM
I don't think anyone actually hated Crash to begin with. I think its mostly just the fact that most people played the Crash games at a younger age and just grew up then forgot about them with the bigger selection that became available after hitting certain ages. Most of the game magazines may just think that Crash is too kiddie for them.

10-16-2007, 11:09 PM
Crash was one of the best games when you were little. But after a while, it just gets old. But I still do sometimes play that game for fun. It's a great game, no matter what, though

10-16-2007, 11:10 PM
I've only played a Crash platformer once, and didn't like it for odd 2D/3D gameplay. I heard they got rid of it in Twinsanity, and was thinking of getting it, but never did.

Crash < Spyro
Jak == Ratchet
Uncharted > Resistance

10-27-2007, 08:42 AM
I just want to let you to know that I hate you

Ok, Jameela, stop with the crap please.

also I don't hate Crash, I just hate all of his games after CTR, the rest of them are shockingly bad, Twinsainity was just above average though.
Also crash of the titans looks awfull.

Back in the day, I would have sex with him, he was better than mario IMO, though thats mainly to the fact I had no nintendo association until 2 years after playing Crash Bandicoot 2, which is the best one.

it's a phrase from the game you idiots. when you get the invincibility mask it goes ''uga booga!'' and than you hear crazy bongos for about 10 seconds.

Marshall Lee
10-27-2007, 08:45 AM
I still hate you.

10-27-2007, 08:55 AM
I still hate you.


10-27-2007, 11:31 AM
I've only played Crash Bandicoot 1-3 and CTR, and I thought they were all fantastic. Also, the platformers were surprisingly challenging, if you were to have taken the route of wanting to obtain everything; this is particularly true for Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped (collecting gold/platinum Relics & Gems).

I'm surmising that the franchise's downfall lies within these subsequent development teams rehashing Naughty Dog's innovative ideas of yore, only to "update" or tweak them somehow, and have them passed off as brand new. Seasoned gamers, such as most of the reviewers who are distributing these generally meager scores for each passing game and writing up synopses which leave the reader feeling underwhelmed by the series, will take notice of these things in an instant and strongly advise that people keep caveat emptor in mind.

There's also the issue of the titular character himself, Crash. Personally, I've always viewed him as a shit excuse for a character; with his wandering mentality and random moments of spastic movements, I'd often ponder to myself if he even knew the fate of the world lied in his hands. Concerning a character like Crash, it's difficult for me to cheer them on, and that type of failure doesn't stand the test of time.


when you get the invincibility mask it goes ''uga booga!'' and than you hear crazy bongos for about 10 seconds.


10-27-2007, 01:54 PM
I still hate you, because you're a annoying twit.

Tidus 66
10-27-2007, 07:57 PM
Well, one thing's for sure. I'd much rather play Jak IV than a new Crash Bandicoot, specially after playing Crash Of The Titans. The new gameplay and character design are awful.

Marshall Lee
10-27-2007, 10:25 PM
I still hate you because you're an annoying twat

Fixed! :smrt:

10-28-2007, 02:20 AM
Fixed! :smrt:

This cannot be, the great garamond is missing, WE MUST FIND HIM, BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!!


Haha Aerith fuck off.

Hi Aerith, please fuck off.

He, here's a question for ya!


For the love of god, get that little piece of shit out of here.

I say we unban Odin, so he can answer.


(why do you always big yourself up by saying ''we''?) do you have a small penis or something?


Hi Ash.

I like you.




you are quite the annoying twat yourself master.

temarivosa, i can't hear you properly take your head out of the masters ass.

10-28-2007, 02:37 AM
Hug it out, bitches.

10-28-2007, 03:11 AM
It's nice how you went through all that to take the attention off yourself but whether anyone else thinks I am a annoyance doesn't steer away the fact that your one of the most annoying and useless members here, and the fact this is comming from me, a guy who is pretty annoying in his own right, it's actually worse for you, cause if you can piss me off, then you must really be annoying it takes a fair bit to annoy me in the sense of posting random shit, and it's a bit of a shame, because you've made the odd good post, but then you shit all over it with the stupid bullshit crap about Aerith and an all manor of other shit such as reviving crap for no good reason, and if you really wanna play "find the quotes that have nothing to do with the topic" then I got one for you:

Jemeela is not funny. Garamond covers your shit 10x better. Get a new personality.

Yep do this please, thanks :)

Oh and I also love the "damn I can't dig up any shit about Temarivosa I'll just say he has his head up someone's ass" you tried to pull, but it's pretty pathetic. and all the stuff you quoted is either flamming idiots like you or messing around with threads in GD, so you look like even more of idiot, how about you stop?

Lets not derail this anymore, you really want to carry this on, take it to pms.

J. Peterman
10-28-2007, 03:20 AM

i think is decents

dang it should saysssssss opponent's.......

10-28-2007, 04:26 AM
Man, Ash, I usually find your random shit annoying but this one made me laugh for reelz.

And nice going on discussing who the most annoying member is. I mean, hahaha

10-28-2007, 04:47 AM
anyway about crash i used to love the games me and my cousin played all the time i even met crash in universal studios. we have hese little inside jokes about the days of playing crash. but 6 or 7 years later im not playing it anymore i think everybody just outgrows it.

Marshall Lee
10-28-2007, 06:19 AM
(why do you always big yourself up by saying ''we''?) do you have a small penis or something?

you are quite the annoying twat yourself master.

temarivosa, i can't hear you properly take your head out of the masters ass.

Wow I thought I had my head up Candice Michelle's ass. Damn TM you have a pretty nice tanline! Oh and F.Y.I I don't believe I ever "said" anything, I have "typed" plenty, but have not "said" anything. Please get your motor skills checked.

Jemeela is not funny. Garamond covers your shit 10x better. Get a new personality.

...Yeah I think that was the majority of opinions on that one. But seriously Ash is wayyy funnier, Jemeela is just proving how much of an ignorant cunt it really is. But I guess it's wrong for me to make fun of the mentally challenged.

J. Peterman
10-28-2007, 06:32 AM
Jemeela you are awesome that I why I think you should be admin.

I think the haters are on crack cocaine.

See I made you a card and nobody else in this thread got one.

Because they are just a bunch of haters.


Marshall Lee
10-28-2007, 06:43 AM
Jemeela you are awesome that I why I think you should be admin.

I think the haters are on crack cocaine.

See I made you a card and nobody else in this thread got one.

Because they are just a bunch of haters.


I am crushed Ash, just...crushed. I know we don't know each other very well but wow, crushed.

J. Peterman
10-28-2007, 06:45 AM
Crushed by you and your CRACK COCAINE.

Marshall Lee
10-28-2007, 06:47 AM
If you don't like me using it then stop *pushing* it to me!

J. Peterman
10-28-2007, 06:50 AM
I am not a drug dealer.

Marshall Lee
10-28-2007, 06:54 AM
There you go again Ash, saying the *D* word, with little consideration at all to those of us who have been acursed with addiction. Why must you feel it necessary to resurrect my painful battle with *d's?*

J. Peterman
10-28-2007, 07:08 AM
I don't know.


Marshall Lee
10-28-2007, 08:34 AM
When you walk away, you don't hear me say
Please....Oh Baby, don't go!

10-28-2007, 12:33 PM

10-28-2007, 11:39 PM
so Why does everyone hate Crash?

10-28-2007, 11:53 PM
I don't hate Crash, I just hate all of his games after CTR, the rest of them are shockingly bad, Twinsainity was just above average though.
Also crash of the titans looks awfull.

Back in the day, I would have sex with him, he was better than mario IMO, though thats mainly to the fact I had no nintendo association until 2 years after playing Crash Bandicoot 2, which is the best one.

10-29-2007, 01:02 AM
It's nice how you went through all that to take the attention off yourself but whether anyone else thinks I am a annoyance doesn't steer away the fact that your one of the most annoying and useless members here, and the fact this is comming from me, a guy who is pretty annoying in his own right, it's actually worse for you, cause if you can piss me off, then you must really be annoying it takes a fair bit to annoy me in the sense of posting random shit, and it's a bit of a shame, because you've made the odd good post

thank you.

Wow I thought I had my head up Candice Michelle's ass. Damn TM you have a pretty nice tanline! Oh and F.Y.I I don't believe I ever "said" anything, I have "typed" plenty, but have not "said" anything. Please get your motor skills checked.

said, typed? good lord i'm out of control here.

Jemeela is not funny. Garamond covers your shit 10x better. Get a new personality.

i don't try to be funny. I don't actually know what a Garamond is but i am not trying to impersonate anyone else.

...Yeah I think that was the majority of opinions on that one. But seriously Ash is wayyy funnier, Jemeela is just proving how much of an ignorant cunt it really is. But I guess it's wrong for me to make fun of the mentally challenged.

i could gladly act like Ash if you would prefer. SHALL WE HAVE A VOTE ON THAT??? get those multiple accounts at the ready and let the ass lickers unite!

Oh and I also love the "damn I can't dig up any shit about Temarivosa I'll just say he has his head up someone's ass" you tried to pull, but it's pretty pathetic. and all the stuff you quoted is either flamming idiots like you or messing around with threads in GD, so you look like even more of idiot, how about you stop?

it's not my fault he's a noob. And i saw him kissing your ass in the ''Jameela has been banned'' thread too. (nice moderating on that one).

actually i don't even know if you are a moderator.... which speaks for itself.

Lets not derail this anymore, you really want to carry this on, take it to pms.

NEWS FLASH: A thread has been derailed at ffshrine!!!

Thats a pussy trick, trying to play the good guy. you were desperate for my attention in the other slag fest thread about me. now you finally have an argument and you want to walk away from it?

10-29-2007, 01:21 AM
It seems you are unable to read:

take it to pms.

I dunno what this means to you, but I'm saying if you want to argue, then we can argue over PMs, but since your soo insisting to carry it on here, I was never desperate for your attention, I was happy you got banned because you were really asking for it so I made a thread, I admit it was stupid so you can rant on it all you want, I don't care, and Garamond is Ash Ketchum ftr.

i don't try to be funny. I don't actually know what a Garamond is but i am not trying to impersonate anyone else.

Yeah right, so your constant randomness and bullshit was for your own amusement?

NEWS FLASH: A thread has been derailed at ffshrine!!!

Oh ok then, so it's perfectly ok for every single thread to get derailed, because it's FFshrine? shut the fuck up.

it's not my fault he's a noob. And i saw him kissing your ass in the ''Jameela has been banned'' thread too

I guess he was kissing my ass because he thought it was great you were banned too, :rolleyes:

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
10-29-2007, 05:41 AM
I like Crash, but I've only played the first 3 and the Mario Party type game

J. Peterman
10-29-2007, 05:46 AM
Jemeela, just so you know if you need an alternate account try to go the cereal route, but stray from Captain Crunch, as I've covered that already. Something like Cookie Crisp of Honey Nut Cheerois may be better.

Marshall Lee
10-29-2007, 06:05 AM
thank you.

said, typed? good lord i'm out of control here.

i don't try to be funny. I don't actually know what a Garamond is but i am not trying to impersonate anyone else.

i could gladly act like Ash if you would prefer. SHALL WE HAVE A VOTE ON THAT??? get those multiple accounts at the ready and let the ass lickers unite!

it's not my fault he's a noob. And i saw him kissing your ass in the ''Jameela has been banned'' thread too. (nice moderating on that one).

actually i don't even know if you are a moderator.... which speaks for itself.

NEWS FLASH: A thread has been derailed at ffshrine!!!

Thats a pussy trick, trying to play the good guy. you were desperate for my attention in the other slag fest thread about me. now you finally have an argument and you want to walk away from it?

LOL. omg that's classic, classic shit right there. Keep them coming so I can continue to mock you and further point out your idiocy. It's really funny how *IT* is so focused on TM and myself, when *IT* does not even realize that a majority regardless of size, of shriners have referred to Jemeela as "Stupid" or "Annoying." I will post some quotes as a reference.

Originally posted by Lukey

thank god, she freaked me out

I picture someone like her just walking around saying random shit to people in the street then going on FFS and seeing she's been banned and having a fucking fit


edit: when the master is banned I'll have the same reaction he is having now

Here's another:

Originally posted by -Tantarian-
More like banned for stupidity.

If anyone is an asslicker it's yourself. You are proving me right with every pathetic post. It is really funny how you cry that you are a "noob" and don't know any better, the term for you is "retard". Please don't label yourself a "noob" as you make the actual noobs that are worth something sound bad. You post random-ass not even funny shit and when people react like they do, you fly into a frenzy and get all bitchy about it! If you don't want us mocking you or throwing your stupid shit back in your face then stop being so retarded. Get some balls and start using your own material. If you want me to quit mocking you then stop being such a fucking rabid "Garamond/Ash" fancunt.

10-29-2007, 11:53 PM
man... you guys should make a thread and fight there

10-30-2007, 02:02 AM
LOL. omg that's classic, classic shit right there. Keep them coming so I can continue to mock you and further point out your idiocy. It's really funny how *IT* is so focused on TM and myself, when *IT* does not even realize that a majority regardless of size, of shriners have referred to Jemeela as "Stupid" or "Annoying." I will post some quotes as a reference.

i could find you close to 100 quotes that praise me. but i can't be bothered. it would take a while to locate them, most of them are when i have helped someone find some music, shared links or uploaded music myself.

If anyone is an asslicker it's yourself.

nice statement but how am i an asslicker exactly? i have never needed anyone elses help with this.

It is really funny how you cry that you are a "noob" and don't know any better, the term for you is "retard". Please don't label yourself a "noob" as you make the actual noobs that are worth something sound bad.

it's not my fault he's a noob.

person 1 (me) referring to person 2 (the master) about person 3 (you, temarivosa)

You post random-ass not even funny shit and when people react like they do, you fly into a frenzy and get all bitchy about it!

i was actually talking about crash bandicoot in this thread before you went careering off topic and said that you hate me, clearly wanting me to go off topic. same goes for you master.

and i think you would find in most cases my ''random-ass not even funny shit'' is ironically on topic.

10-30-2007, 02:31 AM
If anyone is an asslicker it's yourself.
If I'm being honest, I don't think Jemeela is relly an asslicker, nor is anyone else for that matter. (unless you can back it up)

Jemmela even if your shitty 3-5 word posts are on topic they still get annoying after a while, at least cut back on them abit.

Marshall Lee
10-30-2007, 05:35 AM
My how stupid you are. You're an asslicker because one you're not even an OG shriner and you appear acting like a total Ash ketcham/Garamond rip-off. If anyone has their head up their ass it's yours up Garamond's. Every time you sneeze he gets an enema. You are proving me right with your continued retardation of the threads. I could have phrased it "I hate (still hate) your posts" but the answers would all be the same regardless of your pitiful pleas of being "on-topic". You are not funny. You a raging Garamond fancunt, my eyes burn having to scroll through all of the diarrhea you call a post. It's obvious you are not going to listen to the words of those around you, so go ahead and continue your own cuntish derailment.

10-30-2007, 07:38 AM
My how stupid you are. You're an asslicker because one you're not even an OG shriner and you appear acting like a total Ash ketcham/Garamond rip-off. If anyone has their head up their ass it's yours up Garamond's. Every time you sneeze he gets an enema.

if someone else sticks up for me that doesn't make me the asslicker.

You are proving me right with your continued retardation of the threads.

you started the retardation of this thread.

I could have phrased it "I hate (still hate) your posts" but the answers would all be the same regardless of your pitiful pleas of being "on-topic".

phrase it however you want it's still retardation of a thread.

It's obvious you are not going to listen to the words of those around you, so go ahead and continue your own cuntish derailment.

you ignored both my posts and just waffled. please listen (i thought we were ''typing'') to my words next time... and your own.

10-30-2007, 07:40 AM
If I'm being honest, I don't think Jemeela is relly an asslicker, nor is anyone else for that matter. (unless you can back it up)

Jemmela even if your shitty 3-5 word posts are on topic they still get annoying after a while, at least cut back on them abit.

sure no problem.

J. Peterman
10-30-2007, 07:47 AM
I don't think she posts anything like me at all. My posts are usually completely off-topic and completely against standard grammar rules. I think the only real off-topic posts I've seen of Jemeela's were some of the racist ones that she probably posted because she saw other members got away with it. The only thing that may have been annoying was the thread necromancy. I personally just didn't care about that, though.

I really don't see the need to berate her for spamming, especially in a thread where all she did was say "uga-booga".

I spam all the time. I'm sure I annoy some people who just don't speak up because they're afraid some of THE ADMINISTRATION will get mad at them for something.

Marshall Lee
10-30-2007, 08:06 AM
Stating a direct in-game reference is one thing, but when shriners responded with the idea that it was once again more assonance (which is understandable due from some of your prior posts) and did not understand. When you are called on it you reply like "omfg why doesn't everyone know where this is from!?" And also calling me an idiot, the idiot is the one assuming everyone already understands your bullshit. Stating it followed by a quick sentence saying how it is connected to the game makes sense (not really hard to do) and thus less people are likley to think you are being retarded. So I would have to say that the "retardation" started when you posted your infamous "uga-booga" post, with no explanation. Not everyone is a hard-up Crash Bandicoot fancunt, and may not remember. However the "degeneration" of this thread began a long time ago with continued pointlessness. Post random non-sense all you like, just don't act like a fucking cunt when you're called on it. Explain a little, and people that are easily annoyed like me will more than likely say nothing and move on. If you want to continue acting like a true cunt go ahead, I'm sure someone else is more than willing to cunt it out with you.

J. Peterman
10-30-2007, 08:13 AM
You called her on it by saying you hated her, and then Master comes along saying basically the same thing.


Hi Jemeela.

Marshall Lee
10-30-2007, 08:13 AM
So then "He's" the asslicker =-O

10-30-2007, 10:11 AM
crash bandicoot games are awesome. i played the first one and 2nd and 3rd and crash team racing and a demo of crash bash thingy.

i havn't kept up with them after the ps1 games. but i don't see why the series couldn't continue and be strong.

for some reason some game designers don't think ahead and their product wears thin. i like the way you could play as his friends in crash team racing. and drop bombs on the other players.

10-30-2007, 07:56 PM
That's because the series completely died after ND stoped making them, Crash Bash was really bad with its lack of mini games, horrid storyline and no unlockables, but it wasn't the usual Crash game so I shruged it off, then I got Wrath of Cortex, and what a shameless rip off of crash bandicoot 3, I can't be bothred to play any Crash game after CTR, because they all suck, and for the record, the exact same thing happened to Spyro, the games were even better than the crash games, then after spyro 3, spyro 4 came out and it's such a disappointment, it's way too short.

i like the way you could play as his friends in crash team racing. and drop bombs on the other players.

I used to drop nitros near jumps, so opponents would fall off the level, always great for a laugh, though I never unlocked fake crash :(

10-30-2007, 11:12 PM
http://www.palgn.com.au/article.php?id=9332&title=%26quot%3BIt%27s+a+little+bit+like+watching+ your+daughter+do+porn%26quot%3B

We asked Evan whether it was disappointing to see other developers work on Crash Bandicoot? and he responded "It's a little bit like watching your daughter do porn".

10-31-2007, 12:31 AM
I kinda feel bad for him, he must hate seeing the video game charecter he created to go up in flames :(

10-31-2007, 12:49 AM
I grew up with the original Crash games from Naughty Dog as well as Crash Bash (which wasn't my favorite, but I still hunted down the music from it, which is surprisingly good and sadly too quiet to really hear in the game) and forgot about them for a while until I started replaying them a few months ago and then over time caught up with all the PS2 titles. Wrath of Cortex was underwhelming (its biggest fault IMO was that you could take a bathroom break, eat dinner, fetch some groceries, and watch a couple B-movies before it would load the menu ... the FIRST LOADING SCREEN even has its OWN loading screen while IT loads.) and Nitro Kart was a lackluster attempt to create a sequel to CTR, but starting with Twinsanity things started to pick up again. Although a little too short for my liking (only 4 different real "worlds" ...) and rather over-difficult at some points, I had a lot of fun with it. Tag Team Racing was also very enjoyable, but alas also too short.
I've never given a rat's aft end about consistency in games in a series - as long as it's fun, I like it for what's there. Recently picked up Titans, and although it is rather a large step away from the previous titles, I still leeched any enjoyment I could find from it, and beating the living daylights out of monsters has proven to be a surprisingly good stress reliever (and causer, when some of the fights are built to be too intense ...).

I've always liked Crash and will never understand the people who constantly call him crap for "not being as 'cool' as Mario" ... even if the newer games aren't in the same tier as the older ones, there's still something to be enjoyed in each one; sometimes one just has to find it, and that might be hard in some cases, but still ...

10-31-2007, 01:21 AM
To be honest, Crash is gay

Marshall Lee
10-31-2007, 03:14 AM
They screwed the original creator just like how VG games screwed Al Lowe and totaly ruined Leisure Suit Larry.

10-31-2007, 12:25 PM
I grew up with the original Crash games from Naughty Dog as well as Crash Bash (which wasn't my favorite, but I still hunted down the music from it, which is surprisingly good and sadly too quiet to really hear in the game) and forgot about them for a while until I started replaying them a few months ago and then over time caught up with all the PS2 titles. Wrath of Cortex was underwhelming (its biggest fault IMO was that you could take a bathroom break, eat dinner, fetch some groceries, and watch a couple B-movies before it would load the menu ... the FIRST LOADING SCREEN even has its OWN loading screen while IT loads.) and Nitro Kart was a lackluster attempt to create a sequel to CTR, but starting with Twinsanity things started to pick up again. Although a little too short for my liking (only 4 different real "worlds" ...) and rather over-difficult at some points, I had a lot of fun with it. Tag Team Racing was also very enjoyable, but alas also too short.
I've never given a rat's aft end about consistency in games in a series - as long as it's fun, I like it for what's there. Recently picked up Titans, and although it is rather a large step away from the previous titles, I still leeched any enjoyment I could find from it, and beating the living daylights out of monsters has proven to be a surprisingly good stress reliever (and causer, when some of the fights are built to be too intense ...).

I've always liked Crash and will never understand the people who constantly call him crap for "not being as 'cool' as Mario" ... even if the newer games aren't in the same tier as the older ones, there's still something to be enjoyed in each one; sometimes one just has to find it, and that might be hard in some cases, but still ...

In my opinion the only really bad Crash game for ps1 or ps2 so far is woc. Haven't even cared to collect all gems and relics for the 100% score. I gave it a second try a few months ago, but the loading times killed everything :( Also woc has the absolutely worst design (not graphics) of all the games. Everything is plain ugly to look at, including all the characters. I get it if the game world don't really trust Crash after that mistake, but as of now I think the games are getting better and better. I foresee a Crash Bandicoot Renaissance :D

11-01-2007, 01:48 AM
Crash and Spyro were both awesome on the PS1. Now they both kind of suck, with their new releases ranging from "meh, OK" to "why the hell am I playing this?"

11-01-2007, 02:54 AM
I actually smashed my copy of crash bash, I hated it that bad, because it marked th end of Crash Bandicoot.

Also remember how each Crash and Spyro game had a cheat were you could play a demo of the other game?

11-01-2007, 08:20 PM
I recently bought the COTT's monster edition. Goodies and the game are so awesome !
As for the series, I always loved Crash, and like Teblad, I still love playing recent ones and old ones.
I hope the next game will be released on PS2 or PC and not only on PS3.

11-01-2007, 11:22 PM
crash was cool until the ps2

11-02-2007, 04:12 AM
http://www.palgn.com.au/article.php?id=9332&title=%26quot%3BIt%27s+a+little+bit+like+watching+ your+daughter+do+porn%26quot%3B

haha thats so fuckin sad and true
they had a classic on their hand and they sold it like a whore, naughty dog blows dogfood

12-30-2007, 05:28 AM
I loved the all of the ps1 crash games and i even enjoyed WoC even though I also didn't like the character design. After CNK though I just though I got out of the series because the recent ones just weren't the games i grew up with. The most recent Crash game i've tried is CoTT and I was disapointed miserably they changed Crash's game play style and that pissed me off badly. I love Crash games but I really want to see ND drop Jak and bring back Crash because the ps1 games were legendary and ND knows how to make a REAL Crash game I think that would be every Crash fans dream it's certainly mine.

12-30-2007, 07:37 PM
KenBowling, i kinda agree with you on that it would be a dream come true if ND made another Crash game. unfortunately they don't own the rights anymore so all we can do is dream on :rolleyes:

BUT have you played twinsanity? seriously, woc was extremely bad and cnk was so-so, but twinsanity kicks ass - really. you should give it a try.

cott was kind of a disappointment but the characters designs are awesome and the few cutscenes that were there did i enjoy; if they would just work on the concept and take it a little farther / make the storylines a tad bit more complex :p, the next game could be called Crash Bandicoot Renaissance :D

12-30-2007, 10:49 PM
Twinsainity is ok. It's still crap compared to the classics, Twinsainity is the funniest though.

01-01-2008, 02:02 PM
but Italian plumbers, with hearty mustaches is gold

Really, Really true...

01-11-2008, 04:05 AM
teblad: no I haven't tried Twinsanity. I have given it thought though but then my dad introduced me to the dynamic duo Ratchet and Clank so I never got to try it. I might try it if I have the time and money but how good is it?
ps sorry if i haven't posted in awhile to your question. (work/school)

01-11-2008, 08:58 AM
no worries, Ken. Well IMO, twinsanity is great. but some hate it, and some love it. i think the animations and the humour is the best ever. the downside is that the game is pretty buggy, and very short (about 10 hours). it can also be very frustrating to play at times, thanks to the bugginess and badly planned levels.

but to me, the good sides are more than the bad sides. twinsanity is the best of all the post-ND games, imo.

01-11-2008, 09:38 PM
I personally think the only frustrating parts in Crash Twinsanity were the ice lab climb section and N Gin's battleship.

01-12-2008, 07:05 AM
okay then teblad i'll give it try and see how it is. it actually does look fun and i could use a break from Call of Duty 4 it's pissing me off. the game is fun but it's hard on veteran.

01-12-2008, 03:37 PM
okay. I hope you will like twinsanity then! happy playing :D

01-20-2009, 12:44 AM
I blame game Magazines (Game Informer, Electroinc Gaming Monthly, Console Specifics Nintendo Power, PSM, XBox, etc.) that are obsessed with all these over-rated FPSs, Graphics, and all that other bull**** that reveals what biased, uncoordinated frauds they truly are!!!

I'm not a fan of these games, but despite their mistakes and somewhat underrated simple difficulty, that does not stop these games from being fun- now if a poor job is done on them on the other hand...

01-20-2009, 12:57 AM
now if a poor job is done on them on the other hand...

Which it has for years, the only people who still like Crash Bandicoot are stupid people who like the series so much you could write Crash Bandicoot on a bag of shit and they would probably play with it.

It has nothing to do with the magazines, it's because people hate how the series went to shit after Naughty Dog moved on.

Also try not to revive old threads too much, atleast you wern't like the other moron who got like 6 threads closed but still try not to revive too many.

01-20-2009, 01:00 AM
Yeah and Jak and Daxter is much much better.

Ratchet and Clank comes close....but....

01-20-2009, 01:04 AM
Yeah Jak And Daxter was one of my first games on PS2 it blew me away at the time.

I think I still have it, might dig it out again some time.

01-20-2009, 01:54 AM
Like I said, I was never a fan- I was too busy catching up with Sonic and Mega man- only the good games. Well put.

Agreed on Jak and Daxter though... I could say the same about Ratchet and Clank on how blown away I was when I played them.

Otherwise, I'll take my leave now... As it is- I didn't know this thread was dead- so sue me.

01-20-2009, 02:01 AM
They're called fanboys, TM :smrt: