10-13-2007, 10:25 AM
I was just wondering, what exactly is the collectors box when they say something like "Volume 1 + Collectors Box"? Is it a collectors version of the first volume or like the box to put all the other DVDs in the series in? Because I have seen the first episode of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya & would like to get more, but I like to have the full collections of stuff, & if I buy the first one, i'll buy the second, third & so on. So I like to have the convenience of buying the Full Collection. Tho seeing it is pretty recent, it will be a while for the thing to come out. Normally, i'd wait for the full thing to come out, but ive looked at some others & chobits (for example) had a full year between the last DVD release & the full collection release. I can't wait that long. But I'd still want a box thingy to put the DVDs in.

Hope this makes sence lol


10-13-2007, 11:18 AM
anyway collectors edition is often the same thingg with some extra stuff like 'making of' and crap

10-13-2007, 08:32 PM
Ignore the guy above me. He's an idiot.

As a general rule, a new anime series is released with more than one version of the first DVD. One is just the DVD itself. The other is the collector's box you mentioned. The artbox is generally made to hold every DVD in the series, and often contains something extra, usually something like a t-shirt, cd, or some other form of semi-collectible goodie. The Haruhi Suzumiya box you mentioned is one of the best I've ever seen, and is well worth buying if you have any interest in the box itself or any of the extra stuff in it.

10-19-2007, 12:33 PM
Hey Thanks Awesome

Yeah I just ordered in the Haruhi Suzumiya box a few days ago, so hopefully it'll be here quicker than the last one I ordered (RahXephon, took like 3 months to got in, hows that for a wait lol)