10-12-2007, 02:24 AM
Hey, everyone. I have here some edited battle songs from the Pokemon Diamond & Pearl OST. I edited them myself so that they loop for three cycles each instead of the single "loop" on the official OST. Here's all I have so far. The rest are to come tommorow. The songs included are:
- Wild Pokemon Battle
- Trainer Battle
- Rival Battle
- Gym Leader Battle
- Galactic Admin Battle
- Galactic Leader Battle
- Dialga/Palkia Battle
- Uxie/Mesprit/Azelf Battle

So, here's the link:

Note: The Galactic Grunt Battle does not play fully in the OST and is, therefore, unable to be extended. Sorry.

10-12-2007, 11:51 PM
Well, like I said, here are the rest of the battle songs. The only one I didn't extend (besides the Grunt Battle) was the Arceus Battle. The song is way too difficult to tell when and where it repeats! I did, however, include it with the others, just if you still need it.
There are two links. The top one is for the rest of the songs if you've already downloaded the previous ones. The second is a link to download every song. And with that said, here they are:

Next Batch O' Songs:

All Songs:

Also, if anyone wants a specific song from the OST extended, I'll take requests (I have too much free time). So, if anyone even cares to download these, please, give me some feedback. I wanna know what you think. Thanks and bye for now (or forever, if no one cares to post here).

10-13-2007, 12:51 AM
Wow... This is like awsome e6life, thanks

Hey if you don't mind, do you think can create "Mt. Coronet" 3 cycle version? Thanks in advance.

10-13-2007, 04:08 PM
Wow! Thanks for the great feedback, TLS (I hope you don't mind if I call you that, The_Lost_Sabre)! I really appreciate the fact that someone not only downloaded these but, gave me such a compliment, too. So, for that, I will gladly work on the Mt. Coronet theme. It'll be up soon.

10-13-2007, 04:52 PM
Well, here you go, TLS. I've finished Mt. Coronet. At least, I'm pretty sure this was the Mt. Coronet theme. If not, either I didn't do the right song or you were thinking of the Spear Pillar theme. Anyway, here's the link:

Mt. Coronet:

I also hope I repeated it at the right points! Well, if not, lemme know and I'll try again. Thanks and enjoy!

10-13-2007, 05:26 PM
Yup! That's the music I was looking for. Thanks e6life!

And I don't mind if you call me TLS if you want.

10-15-2007, 04:40 AM
I love this music from the PKMN Diamond and Pearl, please e6life, could you extend them for me? (and others who like them as well)
-Jubilife City
-Game Corner
I think I love this music because of being too much on that areas ^_^
Thanks for your time.

10-15-2007, 06:41 AM
Could you please extend the Canalave City track to 3 loops? It is very atmospheric, seeing as I live near an area just like it, and I need a longer copy.

Thank you in advance!

10-15-2007, 05:31 PM
Wow, Sushi and 30treei8! You posted something just in time! After a few days of no posts, I figured no body cared to request anything so, I actually came to say I wouldn't take anymore requests! However, now that I have you two newcomers, I'll go on accepting. Gimme some time and I'll see what I can do, alright?

10-15-2007, 05:46 PM
Actually, the Game Corner was requested by another member in another thread and is already done! However, since the link is now dead, I had to upload it again. Here's the Game Corner:

Game Corner:

10-15-2007, 07:46 PM
Hi, no problem if you take some time, the songs are good enough for waiting ^_^
by the way, Game Corner:
doesn't work, megaupload tells me the file was deleted (I have a premium account if that's necessary for you to know)

10-15-2007, 08:34 PM
Hi, no problem if you take some time, the songs are good enough for waiting ^_^
by the way, Game Corner:
doesn't work, megaupload tells me the file was deleted (I have a premium account if that's necessary for you to know)

Hmm... That's very strange, Sushi. I don't know much about the difference between premium vs. no account but, when I clicked the link, everything seemed fine. I don't know why it says it was deleted. Try the link again and let me know if it still doesn't work. I'm so sorry for such errors, whether they be mine or Megaupload's.

10-16-2007, 02:14 AM
Hey e6life! It's me, TLS. Currently now, I'm trying to listen to musics from the OST to see which music I would like you to edit (minus the Galatic Grunt of course). Soon, I should know which one I want so please hang in there k? ;)

10-16-2007, 04:05 AM
Ok, I finally found the musics I hope you may extend for me. Just so you know, I'm going to also list the Japanese name for the tracklist. When I list D/N, it means I want both version of the song (Both day and night version). If it's not too much trouble, I hope you can extend these tracks by three cycle like last time. Anyway here's the list:

- Route 201 D/N
- Lake
- Sandgem Town (j.p. Masago Town) D/N
- Route 203 D/N
- Floaroma Town (j.p. Sonoo Town) D/N
- Hearthome City (j.p. Yosuga City) D/N
- Route 209 D/N
- Veilstone City (j.p. Tobari City) D/N
- Pokemon League D/N
- Route 225 D/N
- Route 228 D/N
- Canalave City (j.p. Mio City) D/N

Long I know. Hope this isn't asking too much of you. Well if you do it, you have my heartfelt gratitude.

10-16-2007, 05:29 PM
Okay. I've got your requests, you three. However, I'll need quite some time to get them all done so, no more untill I finish, alright? Thanks.

10-16-2007, 08:04 PM
As far as I can tell, however much I try, I don't think Route 203 is gonna work. Tell me if I'm wrong but, like the Galactic Grunt Battle, I don't think it fully plays. I'm so sorry about that.

10-16-2007, 08:37 PM
Okay, sushi, here are your requests. Well, most of them, at least. I wasn't quite clear on what you meant by TV. Do you mean the music from that red Gyarados show at the beginning of the game? Please let me know. As for the rest of 30treei8 and TLS, your songs should be comming soon.

Sushi's Songs:
(I hope this link works for you, now)

Also, I included the Game Corner, too.

10-16-2007, 10:08 PM
Edit: ACK!!! I'm very sorry for the big misunderstanding!! I didn't check the track again before posting this message! Don't pay attention to this message!

Hmm... I encounter that problem too when I tried to download "Route 203" track from *********.com. Perhaps you should download the Pokemon OST tracks from here:

Thread 39734
(You'll need WinRAR to extract the D/P OST in this thread)

The D/P OST in this thread should let you play through the whole tracks (Galatic Grunts may not however). I downloaded the OST here and it played until it's given end time. Btw, when you tried playing "Route 203", did it only played for only about 5 second?

10-16-2007, 10:18 PM
Well, if there's any other that can't cycle properly, please do tell me e6life. That will help me to make sure to checked tracks in the future more carefully. Thanks a bunch for reporting to me! :)

10-17-2007, 07:03 PM
Okay. 30treei8, TLS, here are your requested songs. I've labled both of your links personally so, select the one that belongs to you (unless you want the other's request(s). Anyway, if ANY songs I ever edit for you don't sound quite right, let me know (that goes for you, too, sushi)! Also, TLS, I only did the 'Day' versions of the songs (except Canalave City) as I wasn't quite sure if you wanted both or not. If you wanted both, let me know that, too and I'll work on those as well as sushi's "TV" song, once he/she explains what they meant by that. Well, anyway, here are your links:

30treei8's Request:

TLS's Requests:

10-17-2007, 09:04 PM
Awsome once again e6life! You never fail to amaze me with the cycling of the music. And yes, please do the night version of the music I asked and also the day vers. for Canaclave City. Once again, thanks for your hard work!

10-18-2007, 12:10 AM
Awsome once again e6life! You never fail to amaze me with the cycling of the music. And yes, please do the night version of the music I asked and also the day vers. for Canaclave City. Once again, thanks for your hard work!

Okay, TLS! I understand, now! I'll get working on those soon! They'll probably be done tomorrow.

10-18-2007, 12:32 AM
Awesome, I love this song so much and it is a real treat hearing it loop a few times outside the actual game.

10-18-2007, 03:07 AM
Yeah, listening musics by playing the game doesn't seem natural to me. I rather listen by tracks. It's a shame that the D/P OST didn't cycle more than once. Some of the tracks doesn't even play the whole thing properly. It's because of e6life that we can listen to these music cycle more than once! :)

10-18-2007, 05:32 PM
Boy, am I dense!!! Why didn't I see it before?! You wanted the Jubilife TV Station music, didn't you, sushi? I'll work on that along with TLS's last bit of requests. Sorry for the hassle!

10-18-2007, 10:14 PM
Alright, everyone. I've finished all your songs. However, TLS, unless you can find it for me, I don't think there ever was a Day version of Canalave City put into the OST! I even did a full search of my PC but, all I found was the Night version. Sorry about that. Anyway, here are your links, sushi and TLS:

Sushi's final request (Jubilife TV, I hope):

The rest of TLS's requests:

As always, if any songs sound funny, let me know and I'll try to fix them. Well, enjoy!

10-18-2007, 10:16 PM
I'm up for new requests, now. Just letting you all know.

10-19-2007, 01:01 AM
Hi!!, sorry for not thanking you earlier, I coudn't.
I have recently downloaded the musics, and the links worked and yes, that's the "TV" music I wanted, sorry, I didn't know how to call it because that's the name given in the original soundtrack.
I will hear them now and tell you for any possible problems but I don't think they got any problems. ^_^ THANKS AGAIN!!

10-19-2007, 01:59 AM
Thank you so much for your hard work e6life! The music you edited were superb. Like I said before, awsome work! Thank you very much! :D

10-21-2007, 06:06 PM
Okay, everyone. If anybody's reading this, it means your too late to request a song on this thread. However, all is not lost. If you PM me with a list of songs you want me to extend (from Pokemon Diamond & Pearl OST only), I will gladly extend them for you.
Anyway, my point in typing this last post in this thread is merely to put it to an end. So, do not post ANY requests on this thread because, I won't be coming to this thread of mine any more.
Also, as for TLS, sushi, and 30treei8, thank you all. Thank you for actually caring enough to participate in this tiny thread and, most of all, thank you for your support and compliments. You can't imagine how much they all mean to me, being the low self-esteem person I am. Really. They mean a lot.
So, with this said, I look on to the day that maybe, just maybe, another request will be asked of me. My given name is Alex, and I am a Buttorian Scotch of the Buttorian Scotch Empire. All hail Butterscotch!!!:-(