10-11-2007, 10:21 PM
This is a question more so than it is a request, but I thought I'd ask through here rather than through PM: Which exact game was the Street Fighter 2Capcom Generations Remix (On you download section) ripped from? I want to buy the game and rip it for myself. Thanks.

10-12-2007, 12:07 AM
We had this conversation already, didn't we? lol

Anyways, the games you can buy are Street Fighter Collection 2 for PSOne, Street Fighter Anniversary for PS2 & XBox, and also Capcom Classics Collection for PS2 & XBox. I might be forgetting a title, but SF Anniversary is pretty easy to find. It also contains SF3 Third Strike, along with SF2 to SSF2T.

10-12-2007, 03:35 AM
We did, but you didn't have an exact answer and I was looking for the exact game. I think you said you believed it came from the Playstation version. As you can tell, there are a lot of Street Fighter games out there and for all I know this could have been ripped off the 3DO version, though that's unlikely. Anyway, there's a Saturn and Playstation version of the Street Fighter Collections you're talking about. There's also a Dreamcast version, I think.

10-12-2007, 04:00 AM
Only Street Fighters I remember on DC were all 3 Alphas and all 3 IIIs. SF Collection may have been on Saturn, but I don't remember. Anyways, like we've discussed before, those remixes from Generations are indeed used in the titles I've mentioned. I've ripped them from Anniversary before.

10-15-2007, 10:26 PM
There was at least one Super Street Fighter II game for the Dreamcast, though that might have been a Japan only game. Anyway, I'll give your remarks a try and purchase the Playstation version of the correct Street Fighter Collection -- Hopefully it won't be that hard to rip. Thanks.

10-15-2007, 10:45 PM
I see. The game in question is Super Street Fighter II X For Matching Service. No, it was never released over here to my knowledge, so I can't be sure what music was used for that game.

Yeah, go with Street Fighter Anniversary. It's your best bet. I was able to do some ripping with PSound, but it was a very rough try. Still, at least it points you in some kind of direction.