10-11-2007, 02:10 PM
I know there's a stickied post for these kinds of things, but I posted in there a while ago, and no one has answered, so I'm posting here in hopes that someone will see it.

I'm trying to re-upload all of the OST's that I had in my thread, but I need to find a decent site to do it. MegaUpload is out of the question. I moved to filefactory, but didn't realize that it only had a 7-day retention.

Does anyone know of a decent site? Preferably one that allows multiple uploads and a fairly long retention rate. I found, but don't know too much about it. Any information that anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated.


10-11-2007, 05:55 PM
I'd go with MediaFire...max 100MB file size, but keeps files indefinitely and lets you upload 10 files at a time. I don't like Gigasize, but that's probably because they deleted all but one of my files.

10-11-2007, 06:06 PM
if you can live with the filesize limit & download limits, rapidshare has a long retention

same with mediafire might help

really though I think sharebee / massmirror / xirror are the best bet, since downloads are mirrored in multiple places

10-11-2007, 06:09 PM
I tried going with Massmirror, but every site that it mirrors to has a different maximum file size, and when I uploaded to it, it never gave me any links, it just sat there indefinitely. But I'll try with the Massmirror again (even though splitting all my files into 100MB pieces will be a pain in the ass... :-/ )

Ah, well, thanks for the suggestions!

10-11-2007, 06:14 PM
if you want to avoid the filesize limits and want long retention try mediafire. the smaller pieces is a pain but usually worth the benefits when it comes to the massmirror esque sites

10-11-2007, 07:05 PM
My personal opinion is that the best sites are Mediafire (100 MB files), for higher files Hyperfileshare (250MB)... In Sendspace & Filesend the files expire too soon... Gigasize is too slow and Rapidshare makes you wait too much time between downloads... Mediafire & Hyperfileshare are the answer...