10-09-2007, 12:16 PM
Here's The Transformers: The Score that is released in the US.
This is the OFFICIAL CD!
Srry for the big picture..

10-09-2007, 12:19 PM

You're the best we love you yay!

Though, rapidshare makes me want to die.

10-09-2007, 12:39 PM
OPPS,Bad rapidshare!Bad rapidshare!
It make me sick.
But anyway thank u Gurty:)

10-09-2007, 12:57 PM
I'll be the devil's advocate... Why posting a freshly new release, especially when this score was published mostly (if not only) because of a petition - and when there's already a couple of promos? If some people start to post hardly obtained scores, then we couldn't complain in a near future that there will be no proper release for the scores we want.

10-09-2007, 01:01 PM
It will be cool if we can get a FLAC release.

10-09-2007, 01:20 PM
Nice one! Thanks mate. :)

10-09-2007, 01:24 PM
Very nice!! Thanks for sharing!!

The Rancid Cheese
10-09-2007, 01:31 PM

Although I gotta admit I've already ordered this so I'm not sure if I will download but will extend my gratitude for you doing so should I change my mind. If anything it saves me from having to rip the disc onto my MP3 player so who knows . . .

10-09-2007, 02:55 PM
That's amazing !! Thank you Gurty !

Now I'm sure I'm gonna buy that album. Best soundtrack of the year as far as I'm concerned ! Masterpiece.

10-09-2007, 03:08 PM
Any chance we can up this to mediafire please?
Thanks a ton!

10-09-2007, 03:13 PM
Love this score and all but WMA files and its disorganised?

im gonna wait for a FLAC version or atleast a high quality MP3 version.

10-09-2007, 03:34 PM
No offense but I think this is film music at its worse. Every second of this album leaves me thinking I have all heard this, maybe like a thousand times before?! And it's all thanks to Mr Zimmer & his factory of clones!

10-09-2007, 03:56 PM
That is your opinion Onion, but the reality is that Zimmer's 'factory' has discovered an undeniable winning formula for highly emotive and uplifting pieces, which in my view is irreplaceable when measuring the success of any of their films. So what if it sounds familiar, it remains rivetting and smile-inducing.

I say the more the Zimmer, the better the chances of movie-goers wanting to see a movie more than just once.

10-09-2007, 04:55 PM
I don't get 'emotional' listening to that vomit any more. If anything, Zimmer is merely responsible for debauching the film music industry. I agree in that CRIMSON TIDE was truly original back in 1995, as it was one of a kind, but now, twelve years later, there has been water flowing under the bridge and I can no longer tell whether this latest soundtrack score you feel so much passion for was composed by Zimmer, Badelt, Djawadi or, in this case, Jablonsly. Why? Because they all sound exactly the same. Here's your why. And that's not even counting all the other ripoff guys living outside the studios at Remote Control and who we get to hear more than often on some video games.

10-09-2007, 05:31 PM
Love this score and all but WMA files and its disorganised?

im gonna wait for a FLAC version or atleast a high quality MP3 version.

Well i bought it on a Download page because there is no release date for Europe. YET....only america.. :P at least i got the DRM off so you all can enjoy it.
And yes i know WMA isn't the best quality...but i was really waiting for this soundtrack.

10-09-2007, 06:32 PM
Excellent score Gurty! Thanks for uploading friend.

10-09-2007, 06:34 PM
I personally found the score to Transformers incredible, and *very* emotionally moving... (It doesn't hurt that I'm a looongtime Transformers fan...)

I urge everyone here to go and *purchase* the CD (I've been to two stores thusfar today, and haven't been able to find it yet, but I'll continue shopping this afternoon until I do), because it supports Jablonsky, a very talented person, and also shows the recording industry that when fans sign a petition for a score like this to be made, that they *intend* to follow through on their word and purchase that score they fought for...


10-09-2007, 06:55 PM
That is your opinion Onion, but the reality is that Zimmer's 'factory' has discovered an undeniable winning formula for highly emotive and uplifting pieces, which in my view is irreplaceable when measuring the success of any of their films. So what if it sounds familiar, it remains rivetting and smile-inducing.

I say the more the Zimmer, the better the chances of movie-goers wanting to see a movie more than just once.

Dude, it's not Zimmer. Steve Jablonsky is the composer. His other works such as Steamboy or The Island are heavenly incredible.

10-09-2007, 07:30 PM
Banoime, I was making reference to Zimmer because Jablonsky is a Zimmerite (i.e. he assisted with scores like Tears Of The Sun, The Contender, POTC, Spirit, Pearl Harbor).

10-09-2007, 08:02 PM
Zimmerite as in he comes from a "school of Zimmer?" I wonder if Hans Zimmer really trained him. His stuff on The Contender smells really like Zimmer's. When the album arrive, I'll check out to see who produced this score.

10-09-2007, 08:35 PM
cant help but agree with Chertomlik here, there was a promise of a complete release if the first cd release went well, cant see that happening somehow

10-09-2007, 08:55 PM
Beautiful man, thank you so much this score RULES!!

10-09-2007, 10:34 PM
Can someone please get this thing up anywhere that isn't RapidShare, please? :P

10-09-2007, 11:57 PM
Very Nice!

10-10-2007, 12:39 AM
Woot! Thank you!

10-10-2007, 01:08 AM
Thank you very much! :D

10-10-2007, 07:55 AM
I have a feeling this will be the most downloaded soundtrack ever!

10-10-2007, 08:14 AM
Got only one advice: buy it (it's about $14.99 at! For a time we, the soundtracks lovers, are listened and got an official score release, why ruin evreything by download it? There will be no more official scores release if it's ruined by the free downloads... :( Is that what you want?

10-10-2007, 08:28 AM
Can someone please get this thing up anywhere that isn't RapidShare, please? :P

There you go : (Transformers on Mediafire)

10-10-2007, 08:59 AM
Got only one advice: buy it (it's about $14.99 at! For a time we, the soundtracks lovers, are listened and got an official score release, why ruin evreything by download it? There will be no more official scores release if it's ruined by the free downloads... :( Is that what you want?

I have looked for this cd at every local store here...
If its released iam going to buy it again..just like these WMAs..

10-10-2007, 09:14 AM
Yes, Gurty, you bought the WMAs and it's great. But how many people will not buy this score (in legal download and/or on cd) because it's available for free?...

And just one question. If you had bought the WMAs, why not buying the cd at amazon?

10-10-2007, 09:49 AM
thank you dude....

10-10-2007, 11:22 AM
i bought it off itunes and amazon...cmon guys...

10-10-2007, 12:43 PM
Yes, Gurty, you bought the WMAs and it's great. But how many people will not buy this score (in legal download and/or on cd) because it's available for free?...

And just one question. If you had bought the WMAs, why not buying the cd at amazon?

I dont like Amazon so iam still waiting for the release here in europe..
But iam gonna buy it again, because the music of TF is so awesome!

10-10-2007, 02:25 PM
I live in europe as well. The CD is available from today in France and I should have the album before tomorrow. Any person who love that score must buy it to support it. The WMA download should be considered as a poor promotional product (low audio quality compared to the real album) and nothing more!!

10-10-2007, 03:12 PM
Guys please, choose your side: are you a hypocrite or not? All you do is take other people's works, 24/7, but then all of a sudden it's so bad to steal someone's property because by doing so you might ruin them?! My advice to you would be to make up your mind.

So tell me why o why I should give a fuck about this score in particular? Yet again, I don't think I need to remind you that TRANSFORMERS is the last score on Earth I would download, let alone buy it!

Unless something's really out of print or somehow very rare there's practically no reason you would expose it publicly.

10-10-2007, 03:55 PM
@ dudeofthedead

I could speak only for myself, and i will not call me hypocrite. Yes i download online - i even could say i download a lot. BUT nothing in print. My downloads are OOP and bootlegs (unreleased, expanded or complete score) ONLY. When it's new, if i want it i bought it! The only in print itself was the last Harry potter soundtrack, 2 days before it was out - and my cd was pre-ordered.

Last but not least... if you know a little bit the community of soundtracks lovers, you'll see that almost everyone got the same thoughts than me. When it's avaiable, we ENCOURAGE people to buy it.
And for the Transformers score, i already saw a couple of places (a blog and a forum) who made clear that this score will not be posted, not only because is new, but because this release is the one who will tell everything for the future of the scores. If it's a success, there will be more release. If it's downloaded for free, there will be no more. All we have will be the $h1t like the "soundtrack" with songs (non) inspired by... :(

10-10-2007, 04:17 PM
@ dudeofthedead

Have you listened to yourself and by any chance picked up how negative you sound about something which is intrinsically positive. Why? Are you so antagonistic about something which appears to have the pulse of most music lovers out there (be it MV or Tranformers itself) ? I mean do you really sit and watch a movie wondering who wrote the score, coz you carry this deep biterness for something which has clearly won rave reviews of critics the world over?

A score is exactly that my friend: a complimentary element of what you see and interpret. What makes this score stand apart (and in fact like most MV scores), is that you can extract it from the purpose for which it was intended, and it can still stand with authority and influence.

"TF the last score on Earth you'll buy"? You mean outside of Poltergeist III? I mean really, if you cant be constructive about your criticism, then rather save your comments for forums which are aimed at converting people to believe in a envy-therefore-resent-type outlook on life.

10-10-2007, 04:37 PM
@ All......

Yes, we are all condemned for life for downloading material, therefore breaking the law as it is Illegal. However, we can safely justify that we buy scores too (if you dont, shame on you.)
There are rare occassions though that i cannot condone certain free downloads as there were petitions designed for the releae of Transformers where all that signed promised they would buy a copy should Warner Bros (or whoever released it) and Jablonsky agree for it to be released. The same thing happened with David Arnolds 'Godzilla 2cd' release by LaLaLand.
The reason these were released at all were because peoples inane pestering towards the composer and company (i know the original guy who started the petition or Godzilla) and after many months of painful waiting, they finally get their act together to release a score 'By Customer Demand' only to be rleeased on a website 2 days before its original release....

These kind of download for these scores i cannot condone for the main reason of the company spending money, in the case of Transformers, the company promised if the sales go well they would release the rest of the score before christmas therefre we would be treated to the complete score as heard on the movie and if that sold well, the promise of other scores like Spiderman 3 complete...It seems however now though that because of our (yes, i use OUR as a community of score collectors, not just members here) greed and lack of respect for those companies who try to release the scores we want...only for that company to be fucked up the arse moments before its release doesnt really good the score collecting world a great stand in the genre...Thus we cannot complain in the future if we do see less and less releases from scores..OR alternatively we se a limited edition release of the score that will cost around $50 to get.....Who can we blame?

10-10-2007, 06:24 PM
I'm glad to see many of you understood the challenge here.

Dudeofthedead, it looks like you don't understand that if nobody supports this kind of soundtracks, tomorrow you'll come here and their won't be any scores to share (or to download). You can download scores thanks to some guys that DID buy the albums; if you were not so selfish you would have understood that.

Moreover, we have to encourage that kind of release. First, because this album came to birth thanks to the petition many fans signed on the web and then because if a lot of fans buy that score, then, a second and more complete release will be available for sale.

If nobody buy this kind of OST, their won't be any albums to share soon. When you like something, you buy it. That's how it works. It shows your interest for it and it may encourage the official editions of more unreleased scores in the future.

10-10-2007, 06:44 PM
At least, there's some people who didn't think this kind of upload is great, but could do some damages for the future of film scores.

Dudeofthedead, it looks like you don't understand that if nobody supports this kind of soundtracks, tomorrow you'll come here and their won't be any scores to share (or to download). You can download scores thanks to some guys that DID buy the albums; if you were not so selfish you would have understood that.
I have to agree with levraibond. Sadly, therestill some people who think we could download everything, no matter if the release is pretty fresh. I already said under my other screen name (Breton Girl) that we need to be careful about the in print stuff, and i still say the same. But this time is not to be only to be careful, it's the future of the soundtracks we are playing with. We finally got a score release by demand, and it's online as soon as it's officialy avaiable. And some people seems to be unable to understand that it's not only a legal problem, it will concern every scores in the future. We will have a few releases like Harry Potter and a handful of other big blockbusters (and it's not even sure, look about Spiderman 3!), and a lot of crappy songs "inspired" by.... And what will you say when you will be wishing a score for a certain movie and see it's unavaiable because no one would release it?

10-10-2007, 10:26 PM
Levraibond, Thanks very much - I appreciate it :)

10-11-2007, 02:57 AM
You guys really need to do something about the eyes because you can't see straight.

'TRANSFORMERS is the last score on Earth I would download, let alone buy it!'
... because it's so unbelievably mediocre!!! I thought you had that part figured out by now. Download or retail purchase, no way I'm buying this poo served on a platter as I've already suffered enough watching the movie in theatres as well as its mentally handicapped music.

Really wanna read about some artists whose work I find interesting? Besides re-releases, and as far as film music is concerned, Jerry Goldsmith, Maurice Jarre, John Williams, Henri Mancini, Armand Amar, John Scott, Lee Holdridge, Alan Silvestri, John Barry, Trevor Jones, George Fenton, Carlo Siliotto, Graeme Revell, Christopher Young, Elliot Goldenthal... Those I think are some composers with real talent and whose albums I would most definitely buy, not that RC cheap crap.

10-11-2007, 05:13 AM
You guys really need to do something about the eyes because you can't see straight.

'TRANSFORMERS is the last score on Earth I would download, let alone buy it!'
... because it's so unbelievably mediocre!!! I thought you had that part figured out by now. Download or retail purchase, no way I'm buying this poo served on a platter as I've already suffered enough watching the movie in theatres as well as its mentally handicapped music.

Really wanna read about some artists whose work I find interesting? Besides re-releases, and as far as film music is concerned, Jerry Goldsmith, Maurice Jarre, John Williams, Henri Mancini, Armand Amar, John Scott, Lee Holdridge, Alan Silvestri, John Barry, Trevor Jones, George Fenton, Carlo Siliotto, Graeme Revell, Christopher Young, Elliot Goldenthal... Those I think are some composers with real talent and whose albums I would most definitely buy, not that RC cheap crap.

Who gives a fuck about opinion such as yours! It's really irritating that there are some people who like to show off their tastes and trample others down. Saying things like "You guys really need to do something about the eyes because you can't see straight" just lower your class as an adult, which I doubt you are, and as a music listener. Going to a music forum saying things like that is no different than going to a book club and yell "This book is crap, I hate it." Here we gather to celebrate and share our common understandings and interests. If you're not the one to agree, save your interpretation about the score to yourself, go get some class and be quiet. I can't stand people like you who always think of yourself as a "high level listener" and look at everything elses with your eyes wide shut. You're in fact a hypocrite for being here in the first place. From downloading, we buy stuff that we like and delete stuff that we don't, period. The industry still exists, that's the proof. And no "Unless something's really out of print..." chicken shit. So you never use cheat code unless you're about to lose the game? That's retarded. Save us some brain cell and get the hell out of here man.

10-11-2007, 05:30 AM
Damn how this thread turn into a flamefest, settle down people, especially you dudeofthedead, Your opinion is not gonna change others from buying/downloading this score. So just stfu and eat some hot cheetos.

10-11-2007, 06:07 AM
@ dudeofthedead: I don't know who need to see straight here. It's not a question of i like or i not like this score. I personally not signed the petition, not downloaded the promo/bootleg who was online before, and will not buy the cd because i didn't like the music. Yes you've named some good composers, i agree... BUT - and this is the part you didn't understand - if a lot of people start to downlad this score for free intsead of buying it, it's the future of every score composers who will be played. Talk about Christopher Young, especially. His Spiderman 3 release will probably be a promotional release or a limited one because it's the only way for him to have the score published. He himself says that now only the big names (like John Williams) got not big troubles about a release. According to Young, he's NOT a big name and the phublisher wouldn't take any risk about releasing the score on the traditional market (cd support). It will be our future if the Transformers score is a flop. Very limited score (3000 cds), promos made by the composers, or $50 cd. Do you like and want this future? Not me....... :(

10-11-2007, 07:46 AM
To everyone on the forum;

No-one is forced to download this SCORE.
If you wish to show your support to the writers of the soundtrack, then buy the cd!
No-one is forcing you to download this, you are the one clicking the link if you feel you should do so, but don't complain afterwards if your moment of anticipation of the release is spoiled due to the digital version you downloaded.
Again, if you want to support the writers of the score, buy the cd!
I know for a FACT that Gurty has!
He just wanted to give you the option to be able to listen to it before you do.

I feel you will all buy the album and that this is more of a head's up than an illegal offer, seeing that if you all truely are the soundtrack fans you profess to be *rolls eyes*.

There's my 2 cents.

10-11-2007, 08:33 AM
If it's for purpose only, why no upload only a track or two, instead of a whole album? That's my two cents...

10-11-2007, 09:25 AM
You guys really need to do something about the eyes because you can't see straight.

'TRANSFORMERS is the last score on Earth I would download, let alone buy it!'
... because it's so unbelievably mediocre!!! I thought you had that part figured out by now. Download or retail purchase, no way I'm buying this poo served on a platter as I've already suffered enough watching the movie in theatres as well as its mentally handicapped music.

And you hate it so badly that you've decided to keep on thinking about it by sharing your interest for an "handicapped music" with us ? Wow, that's some kind of courage but don't you feel like you're wasting your time doing so ? You should if you don't. I don't understand why you are taking so much trouble for something you hate that much.

10-11-2007, 11:48 AM
Hey...I bought 2 copies - Itunes AND Amazon. It's not just a question of taste - it's also a question of support. Have you done the same with the list of composers you mentioned, or do you just download it and screw buying it? I can understand not buying a promo - because it's not for sale. But if the composer is going to release it, I'm buying it. End of story.

10-13-2007, 06:23 PM
I DL and buy. If I DL a CD and turns out I love it, I will actually go out an buy it on hard copy (unlike some people) because I like to have a real version of it, unless it's just not readily available or too much for me to afford right now (like game and anime music.) I mostly download to hear a whole soundtrack/album before I buy, and to get music that isn't readily available.

This was 12.99 on Amazon when I preordered it, that was just too cheap NOT to buy. If it was $15 I would have STILL bought it! I love this soundtrack and I want to support Steve, so I bought it even though technically I don't really have the money to be buying stuff willy-nilly right now. Steve and Chris worked too hard for me not to pay money for the fruits of their labor.

And thanks Gurty for being kind enough to give people a chance to hear this beautiful album, so hopefully *narrows eyes* they will purchase a hard copy when they can.

10-13-2007, 06:24 PM
This really deserves a Lossless rip.

Mario Murderer
10-14-2007, 02:13 AM
No offense but I think this is film music at its worse. Every second of this album leaves me thinking I have all heard this, maybe like a thousand times before?! And it's all thanks to Mr Zimmer & his factory of clones!

Are you kidding!? This is an amazing score! Thanks for the upload, threadstarter!

10-14-2007, 04:24 AM
yay!!! been looking for this! you rock!

10-14-2007, 08:58 PM
well to join this discussion. I've bought a lot if scores. And I'm not happy with all of them. This downloading is a great way to see if you like any of the releases or to get bootleg versions. So everyone if you don't wan't to be dissapointed download it but if you like it, please buy it so we get all those releases. The soundtrack business is realy suffering under illegal downloading

10-15-2007, 12:33 AM
thanks so much for this score! btw, I love big pictures

10-15-2007, 06:31 AM
So everyone if you don't wan't to be dissapointed download it but if you like it, please buy it so we get all those releases.
I didn't agree, at least not totally. Listen to some samples (short extract or a track or two) and buy it if you like! A lot of people who will download the score WILL NOT buy the cd, especially if the bitrate/sound is good... :(

10-15-2007, 04:32 PM
There you go : (Transformers on Mediafire)

ur link is a bit messed up, i clicked it and it said the page wasn't avaiable or somthing... i had to copy and paste the url

10-19-2007, 09:31 AM
Some of you may already have seen this, but check it out:

Something fun to do: dump all those pics onto your puter. Add some movie stills if you like. Create a little slide show with them using your fave picture viewer/editor. For those who dont know how, there's an auto option available for this within your Windows Explorer task column on the left, under "Picture Tasks".

Now run the slideshow to the TF score. Goosebump stuff.

Dead Saint
10-20-2007, 11:27 AM
Best soundtrack in years!

10-21-2007, 07:57 PM
ahhh, the most enjoyable score i've heard all year... EASILY the best thing about the movie.

... but seriously, why is it that so much of this release sounds so reminiscent of the Batman Begins score?

(not that it's necessarily a bad thing)... actually overall i prefer this over BB's score, which was cool but just didn't hold a candle to Elfman's work.

so far, i've enjoyed Mr. Jablonsky's work (this and The Island)... definitely a composer i'll be keeping more of an eye on.

10-26-2007, 09:02 PM
I never saw a petition urging this release. Even if there was a petition, that's not the reason the score for Transformers was released. It takes more than a few months to put together a CD. I fail to believe that after the initial disppointment of the various artist compilation in July that people started petitions and spurred the composer and the company to put out a score by the time the DVD was released. But in the cases of both the Underworld and the Tomb Raider film franchises (as well as many others as of late), they have released a various artist compilation soundtrack around the theatrical release and then put out a score album near the DVD release. That's what happened here as well.

And this is a crappy download. I only downloaded here until I can get my hands on it WITHOUT paying full price plus shipping charges (which rules out buying online lest I can get it cheaper on eBay).

However reminiscent of Batman Begins it is, this is a great score. Begins, however, remains as one of my all-time favorite film scores and I'm psyched for The Dark Knight score (and film, obviously) next summer.

10-26-2007, 11:25 PM
Yes! At last! I love this score so much, Thank you for uploading it ^^

10-27-2007, 06:51 AM
There was a petition:
And it was mostly because of the petition that there's a score release. A score release without it? The composer himself was not sure.... But even if it was planned the petition gave us not only a score release, but 2 - if the first one will be a good sell. A 2cd release is planed with the COMPLETE score... Plus the composer know that some people will BUY the cd. You think composers are all rich people? There's only 10 or so who are rich (John Williams is one), all the others (and it includes Jablonsky) got little money, and the loss of all the downloaded scores means that the composer may be unable to work anymore because he couldn't afford his/her job (yes, it coast money to have the material) as a composer. And for a big franchise it's the same: the big money will not go to the composer but to the producers and the franchise owners.

And not paying the full price? I more than agree if the original one is expensive. But this score could be obtained for $12!!!!! Not that i call expensive, especially for a new release.

People like Mertz 523 are the one who make the score business worst. I'm the first to be happy to download something rare, OOP or unreleased (the last one got often the sfx with the music) - but unless the composer himsel put the music on his site (and there's some to do this) i will not download something new and released. If i want it, i'll try to listen some samples and if i like it i'll buy it!
Is it so hard to understand this? Is it so hard to buy a cd sometimes?
If you wouldn't recognise that, then you will not complain that there's no more scores released? Because it will happen, sooner or later, if some people downlad for free one of the rare score relased because of thousands of people asks for it........

10-27-2007, 09:46 AM
People like Mertz 523 are the one who make the score business worst. I'm the first to be happy to download something rare, OOP or unreleased (the last one got often the sfx with the music) - but unless the composer himsel put the music on his site (and there's some to do this) i will not download something new and released. If i want it, i'll try to listen some samples and if i like it i'll buy it!
Is it so hard to understand this? Is it so hard to buy a cd sometimes?
If you wouldn't recognise that, then you will not complain that there's no more scores released? Because it will happen, sooner or later, if some people downlad for free one of the rare score relased because of thousands of people asks for it........

Why so ignorant? You don't even know me. How can you be so quick to judge me?

Film scores and soundtracks make up 90% of my CD collection, which is sizeable, but not too large. I'm a college student and money is EXTREMELY tight for me right now, but I still manage to get something here and there. I always support film and film music when I can.

And cripes, that link confirms what I said above:

"A score release was always in the works, it just took a while to pull together."

They were going to release it. They were just playing to the fact that people signed a petition for a product that was ALREADY in the works. The studio knew it was coming out, they just wanted to generate more publicity over it. That's what the media does to generate more $$$$$$$$. Don't be so naive in thinking they don't. It's not hard to figure that out...

I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but that petition did NOTHING to get that score album released.

And just to clarify, when I said I wasn't going to pay full price PLUS shipping, I'm saying I am either going to try to hunt for it myself in a RETAIL STORE near me or resort to buying it on eBay like I sometimes do because I'm an eBay-monger. I don't want to pay the full album price plus pay more for shipping to the darn internet site.

10-27-2007, 10:33 AM
Read me a little bit more, i didn't say the medias dosen't make big money, i was talking about the composer.

And what about little money? I'm really not rich myself (got french social help), but i still managed to save little money every month, and not only for music. And yes, everytime i could i bought the cheapest. But $12 (on for a new cd is really not expensive. Here you will pay €18 (without postage) or more for the same cd, and it's the normal price!

And despite what you could think, the petition DID something. Even if a release was planned, it showed that the score lovers are still buying cds, not only donwloaded it illegally. And actually it also make that there will be a 2cd set in a near future, not only this single release. BUT it will not be published if it's downloaded more than bought - and the future of every film score will be pretty hard....... Go hunt a little bit on forums and blogs who post films scores, you will see there's a lot of people who says the same that i said before.

11-09-2007, 12:46 AM
You guys really need to do something about the eyes because you can't see straight.

'TRANSFORMERS is the last score on Earth I would download, let alone buy it!'
... because it's so unbelievably mediocre!!! I thought you had that part figured out by now. Download or retail purchase, no way I'm buying this poo served on a platter as I've already suffered enough watching the movie in theatres as well as its mentally handicapped music.

Really wanna read about some artists whose work I find interesting? Besides re-releases, and as far as film music is concerned, Jerry Goldsmith, Maurice Jarre, John Williams, Henri Mancini, Armand Amar, John Scott, Lee Holdridge, Alan Silvestri, John Barry, Trevor Jones, George Fenton, Carlo Siliotto, Graeme Revell, Christopher Young, Elliot Goldenthal... Those I think are some composers with real talent and whose albums I would most definitely buy, not that RC cheap crap.

No offense but most of the composers you listed aren't too great. And most them recycle their own themes and ripp off other peoples themes. its just the way its done now. Most Scores these days come from someone else.

Oh does this OST include that heavy guitar riff theme when barricade is chasing bumblebee?

11-11-2007, 03:17 AM
COOL, APPRECIATE YOU! *:.= clap =.:*

11-16-2007, 07:01 PM
yall must be crazy, def. one of the best sopundtracks this year... that decepticons song is to nice...

03-16-2008, 04:42 AM
Thank you very much!!!

02-04-2015, 11:03 PM
For those who may have missed out I found the 52 track version (MP3) -

02-04-2015, 11:10 PM
For those who may have missed out I found the 52 track version (MP3) -

And for you who missed out on the Recording Sessions

Thread 183574