10-09-2007, 08:35 AM
Well, one thing that's always bugged me was a significant lack of Rockman Complete Works OST's 1-3. Therefor, I've taken the liberty of making them myself! I rather like how they turned out...But then I thought 'Hm...I've downloaded a lot of OST's from FFS...I suppose I should give something back...'

So here ya go! ( Every single song from Mega Man 1-3, remastered by yours truly. Every password screen, ending theme, and ending scene, redone for your listening pleasure! Criticism would be appreciated. If you're not fond of my rendition of any of the songs, feel free to tell me, and I'll redo it. Possibly.

P.S. I will be doing Rockman 4-6 and 7-8, which should explain the Vol. 1 in the title. I just don't know when yet.

EDIT: Link is now for the fixed version of the soundtracks.

Mr Muay Thai
10-09-2007, 08:39 AM
Sounds interesting. I'll check it out and let you know what I think when it's done downloading.

10-09-2007, 12:24 PM
I'm downloading right now. I've got to agree with you, though. The lack of remixed music in the first three games was annoying. I wouldn't have minded if they did the same thing that was done with 4-6, remixing any song that was not already done in the Power Fighters or Power Battle soundtrack, but it just felt lazy to have a few songs remixed and many others not. I was almost offended that they put the intro stage music from 7 into Topman's stage in 3 in the Anniversary Collection. Anyway, thanks in advance. I'll comment in about a half hour when my download has finished.

Here are my impressions:
Stage Select: Not my favorite version. Sorry.
Stage Start: Again, not the best.
Cutman, Gutsman, Iceman: Good arrangements.
Bombman: Good arrangement, but the trumpet that plays at certain parts is distracting.
Fireman: Good arrangement, could have afforded to be sped up a bit, as it loses the frantic nature of the original.
Elecman: Good, if a bit loud.
Boss Encounter, Stage Complete: I thought you did a nice job on these songs.
Wily Stage A: Not a bad arrangement, but the tempo is too slow.
Wily Stage B: Very accurate version of the song. Impressive.
Fortress Boss: Good job.
Victory Over Wily: No complaints.
Staff Roll, Game Over: Also no complaints.

Prologue, Title: Your transition at the end of the prologue was a bit weak, but the title music is good.
Password: A little too slow.
Stage Select: Good, if a bit simplistic.
Stage Start: Still felt this was a bit weak.
Metal Man: Nailed it. Beautiful.
Air Man: Too loud, otherwise not bad.
Bubble Man: Way too slow. Not a bad arrangement, but it needs to be sped up desperately.
Quick Man, Crash Man, Flash Man: No complaints.
Heat Man: Interesting. Reminiscent of Jet Force Gemini's disco music, if you've ever heard it.
Wood Man: Very good.
Boss Encounter, Victory, New Weapon, Wily Stage Map: Not bad.
Wily Stage A: I liked your instrument choices, but the song needs to be faster.
Wily Stage B: Pretty good arrangement, though there seemed to be some notes that were off-key ever so slightly.
Triumph Over Wily - Game Over: All of the arrangements within this group are good.

Title: Piano works for this song, but the sped up part is too slow.
Password: This one is difficult to comment on. My gut reaction is to say that it is also too slow, but
your arrangement works rather well here.
Stage Select, Stage Chosen: I felt these were the best of the bunch.
Needle Man, Magnet Man, Gemini Man: Good arrangements; some of your best.
Hard Man: Very good arrangement, but too subdued.
Top Man: Excellent arrangement, but a bit loud.
Snake Man: I felt you did a good job on this track; you really nailed it.
Spark Man: Wow. Really good, in my opinion. A little too loud, but very good. It has a nice, full sound.
Shadow Man: I never really liked the original much, but I thought the arrangement was pretty good.
Boss Encounter: Perfect.
Stage Complete: Good.
Got Weapon: I really don't know about this one. I've never heard a string-esque version of it before. It's not inherently
bad, just different.
Proto Man's Whistle: Good, though it would be difficult to mess this up.
Skull Castle: True to the original.
Wily Stage A: Excellent version.
Wily Stage B: Altogether too slow. Everything else about it is right except for the tempo.
Wily Stage C: I liked this version better than the original, actually. Well done!
Fortress Boss: Not bad. It captures the original's feel quite nicely.
Victory Over Wily, Epilogue: Good, very accurate.
Staff Roll: Very good arrangement.

This collection is definitely worth a download. There is a delicate balance when arranging NES music insofar as one must stay true to the original, but be somewhat liberal in the arrangement as well. I felt that overall, you stayed true to the original, but in some cases, it actually hurt you. Capcom's arrangements tended to be just a bit more loose with the source material, and that seems to work well. Instead of going with instruments that sounded closer to the original, they selected ones that work better in the context of the stage and the song. You did the same in certain cases (Metal Man and Spark Man in particular), and it worked very well for you.

I believe you are talented when it comes to this, and I look forward to hearing more arrangements from you in the future if time permits. You definitely improved over the course of the three games you covered, and I think you will be able to provide fans with an excellent bunch of arrangements for 4-8. Best of luck, and thank you for your contribution.


10-09-2007, 05:16 PM
Awesome....always in the mood to hear MM remixes!!! Thanks!!

Mr Muay Thai
10-09-2007, 06:34 PM
Well, I downloaded it last night and listened to it.

And, unfortunately, I didn't like the remixes at all. They sounded like there was no bass at all, and too tinny like you used a tin can to make the music from.

I guess I'm just picky and choosy like that. Good effort though.

10-09-2007, 10:43 PM
Impressive; I like how you sometimes didn't just change a few things, but sometimes even the pacing and whatnot.

By the way, what program or software did you use? I'm looking for something simple to try and make some game music :)

10-10-2007, 01:05 AM
Man it was aight u could have done better

Satoshi Matrix
10-10-2007, 05:46 AM
I'm not a musician, but I am someone who absolutely adores all things Rockman classic, and I have heard probably ever remix of these songs in existance, or close to it anyway. Here's my two cents about each song

Stage Select: whats this bell you have going on in the background? Granted, the song has hardly anything to it, but it's not suppose to. I've heard lots of remixes of this song, but very few get it right - see the remixed version in Rockman Rockman for the PSP to see what I mean.
Stage Start: doesn't sound natural. Just what insterment created this sound?
Cutman: Good attempt, but not quite loud enough overall.
Gutsman: Great job, this is a good remix, but like Cutman its too soft for its own good.
Iceman: I like it, but you've got that same bell effect going as you put in the stage select theme! ugh.
Bombman: it sounds like a MIDI file! come on, the others are much better, what happened here?
Fireman: Good job, I like this.
Elecman: poorly done. please reconsider what sounds appealing to the ear and what is just a high piched squeal.
Boss Encounter: A little too soft.
Stage Complete: Piano would have worked better here, but its acceptable.
Wily Stage A: too soft to come off as going into battle the original verson left.
Wily Stage B: very similar to the original. good job.
Fortress Boss: good!
Victory Over Wily: good, but soft.
Staff Roll: sounds midish.......too bad. I like this song.
Game Over: Very nice. I can listen to this over and over.

Prologue: austic works well here, but its a bit too soft
Title: this should be a rock song! instead it sounds like country!
Password: Great job, its a bit slower than it should be, but other than that it's great.
Stage Select: good.
Stage Start: again with the unnatural sounds! Ditch whatever made these and grab a flute or something.
Metal Man: Flawless.
Air Man: Flawless.
Bubble Man: it shouldn't be as slow as it is. Its also got sections that are way too loud and sections that are way too soft. If you work on it, this would be awesome.
Quick Man: too soft.
Crash Man: good!
Flash Man: too soft. should be faster.
Heat Man: why is Heatman funky? you should've gone for a rock route instead.
Wood Man: great, now please work on volume.
Boss Encounter: I like this remix. You did a great job.
Victory: UGH. unnatural sounds......
New Weapon: ditto on the unnatural...
Wily Stage Map: too soft!
Wily Stage A: such a great song, yours isn't too bad!
Wily Stage B: too soft.
Triumph Over Wily: too soft.
Ending - soft, the way it should be. good job.
Staff Roll - should be rockish.
- Game Over: acceptable.

Title: Amazing. Hearing this, I would have to say this is one of the best remixes of the song I've ever heard. You did a fantasic job.
Password: Slow, but its really well done. Kudos.
Stage Select: a little annoying, but its alright.
Stage Chosen: good.
Needle Man: good
Magnet Man: good.
Gemini Man: should have been done with a piano. Sounds midish.
Hard Man: too slow...
Top Man: This is the volume all the songs should be. Why you fluxuate is beyond me. This is a really good mix I like it a lot.
Snake Man: Good stuff.
Spark Man: run! its the attack of the MIDIs!
Shadow Man: same goes here too.
Boss Encounter: good.
Stage Complete: too soft.
Got Weapon: good arragement. I like the strings idea. It works here.
Proto Man's Whistle: It would have been nice to hear a real whistle used, but ah its not too bad.
Skull Castle: interesting.
Wily Stage A: good.
Wily Stage B: should be a tad bit faster, and much louder.
Wily Stage C: make it louder and its all good.
Fortress Boss: its too soft, but its good.
Victory Over Wily: too soft. but good.
Epilogue: I think this is your best song. It easily trumphs the others and could hold its own up against other remixes such as Injury's Blue Relection.
Staff Roll: Good. I like this!

I would agree that collection is definitely worth a download. You've defenetely shown off a talent here, now all you need to do is work on distrubuting it across your works. Some seem rushed while others seem to have been carefully crafted. The biggest peice of advice I can give is to insure that all your songs are roughly the same volume in the future. Nobody likes having to readjust their volume mid song because some parts are too soft to hear while others become too loud. I look forward to your remixes of Rockman 4-6. Best of luck, and thank you for your contribution.

-Satoshi Matrix

10-10-2007, 06:35 AM
Thanks for your comments, especially Satoshi and XZero! Sorry if some of the songs sound MIDI-ish. It's hard to find good soundfonts for free. As for the volume, I couldn't agree more. It takes awhile to get a song's volume just right. I'll fix those one's that were too loud or too soft. Thanks again!

P.S. I use Garageband.

10-10-2007, 08:25 AM
Sorry for the double-post, but I've made an update to a few of the songs.

Cut Man-Raised the volume.
Guts Man-Raised the volume.
Fire Man-Sped up.
Wily Stage A (MM1)-Raised the volume and sped up.
Staff Roll (MM1)-Edited instruments. Criticism on this one would be appreciated.
Bubble Man-Sped up, lowered and raised volume in problem areas.
Wily Stage A (MM2)-Sped up.
Hard Man-Raised the volume.
Top Man-Lowered the volume.
Spark Man-Lowered the volume.
Wily Stage B (MM3)-Sped up.

The new download link is in the original post.

10-10-2007, 02:58 PM
Cut Man and Guts Man are fine.
Fire Man is *greatly* improved!
Wily Stage A (MM1) is also significantly better.
Staff Roll (MM1) - Much better. I didn't mind the first version, but this version is greatly superior.
Bubble Man sounds better as well.
Wily Stage A (MM2) is excellent. A vast improvement.
Hard Man and Top Man are also excellent. Your volume changes went far in improving these tracks.
Spark Man - ditto
Wily Stage B (MM3) is a lot better.

Excellent improvements. Thank you for taking the time to do this. I don't think there was any question of your talent, and I don't want to criticize you for the midi sound; overall, these few tracks go a great distance in improving the overall quality of the whole. I put these in a playlist before the Complete Works versions of 4-6, and it flowed rather nicely. Again, great job; thanks!

10-10-2007, 09:06 PM
Some of your remixes are good, while others I'm just not feeling. Props for your effort though. I wish I had the proper equipment to start making my own remixes.

10-11-2007, 12:34 AM
I'll be giving this a shot later, but thanks for setting us up with some more "Rockman" stuff!

10-13-2007, 04:14 AM
Zachery, you have got a lot of potential.

After you do 4-6, I have a request. Have you ever thought of making a remastered Castlevania album? Namely, 1-3.

10-13-2007, 04:24 AM
A good attempt, I'll give you that. Obviously, some things get better with time. I'm eager to hear your work on 4 and 6.

But here's the real question ... can Capcom do a better job? They've planned a CD compellation of Rockan 1-6 in a rock style. Capcom tends to hit or miss with arrangements, so it'll be interesting to see how it turns out.

I wonder if you have any plans to touch X? Searching high and low, X2 remixes are very hard to come by.

10-15-2007, 12:31 AM
I might do X or Castlevania, but I'm currently looking at Kirby games. However, I may put that aside for X, as I do rather enjoy that series.

Chronos X
01-21-2019, 03:50 AM
Reup please?