Sakoya Inzuka
10-08-2007, 11:47 PM
I have both, which one should I stick with? Or is a better MMO out there that cost as much as WoW but is better? Help me out here, I can't decide! I want something good, something fun if there is something else ^_^

10-09-2007, 11:03 PM
Well, Guild Wars has no monthly fee, so couldn't you stick with both, and just play whichever one you feel like?

Personally, if you must choose one, i'd stick with WoW because the new Arena combat incorporates elements of Guild Wars anyway.

As for alternatives if you're bored of WoW, Lord of the Rings Online is very similar in play and is also very entertaining.

10-09-2007, 11:35 PM
Agree that I had a lot of fun with Lotro, and if I had the time to dedicate to an MMO (at least the time I need to get enjoyment out of it), I'd probably still be playing LOTRO.

WoW is alright. Reaches a broad spectrum of fans, but I don't think it really satisfies particular fans. I always find that after I've played most of the classes to a certain level, the game slowly loses its fun.

10-10-2007, 08:40 AM
my girlfriend has guild wars and id say that the game is nothing on wow, so stick with wow which is always adding new stuff

10-11-2007, 12:33 AM
guild wars because i dont have time to play it enough so I wont pay the monthly fee for wow.

10-11-2007, 03:14 AM
Choose WoW if u have time for it, if no stick with guild war

10-11-2007, 04:12 PM
i had both. traded guild wars for a broken xbox. (i dind't think it was broken, just very old :( ) but i let my friend keep guild wars anyway cause he liked it and i never really did.

gorgeous graphics but i felt lonely outside since everything except towns was instance.

if i understand the point of guild wars right, if your a hardcore pvp fan and that's all you want/need, then GW is for you. i mean, it's in the title. "GUILD, WARS". and that's why theres a short lvl cap of 20. and so much freedom and customizability for skills and stuff. well made game. just definately not for those who like to just quest/adventure.

WoW i'm still very very much addicted to. i think i have 4 months now? i started off with a free 14 day trial cause my friends kept URGING me to get on. and back then i was like "nah man, i don't feel like it, looks dumb". hahaha. how stupid i was. now i'm MORE obsessed than my friends and play like 12 hours a day. :D

i got my bro hooked too, AND i tried getting my sisters as well but they werne't interested. one of them was but she works. :(

i got future plans though to enjoy some ff11 with them. i enjoy playing with my siblings questing together. good fun. so whenever my sis is ready for questing, were gonna use up our 30day free trials. ;p

other mmo's i've never tried that interest me are the oldies that prolly started it all like everquest. they got shitton of races i think. looks hard though. lol and i prolly gotta make up a backstory to my char maybe? i imagine it's full of hardcore RP peeps and i woudln't wanna be unprepared. and lineage II just cause it looks nice but i really don't know. i honestly cannot see myself leaving WoW yet so all these are just so i can see their general playstyle/gfx/mechanics/story just curious about it. but definately have no need to be looking at all whatsoever.

WoW has me very busy and very content. :)

10-11-2007, 06:05 PM
Depends on what you look for in an MMO.

If you like long drawn out grinding and taking 20 min to get anywhere, then WoW is the one for you

If you like a low lvl cap and only being able to use 6 abilities at once even though you have like 40 in your arsenal, but you don't have to pay and don't have to be on so long to get something accomplished then Guild Wars is the way to go.

If you like a combination of both, play City of Heroes/Villains

10-12-2007, 09:40 PM
6 abilities at once? lol i don't remember that. (then again i never got past lvl 6) rofl. i wonder if they have ui mods in GW like they do in WoW cause if they did then you could prolly have all 40 up on your screen with key settings. :p

as for wow. if your smart. NEVER grind. quest. that's why theres a bajillion quests. fun and interesting if you bother to read them. if you want boring monotonous grind, play maplestory. it makes WoW look like you can get to 60 in a day. O_o