10-08-2007, 03:25 PM
My name is kiDtendo and I could use some help... no I don't want to download any rappers wack ass songs, but I could use some insight from true gamers. Respond and I'll go into detail. Uugh!

10-08-2007, 06:06 PM
I hear Hip Hop, but alike the US & Co the most is shit commercial ganster-music.

10-08-2007, 09:07 PM
You'd probably like Del tha Funkee Homosapien. He's kind of a nerd rapper...he's a member of the Gorillaz, also.

I don't know what you're looking for, but his song "Proto Culture" is about video games.

10-08-2007, 09:21 PM

I do listen to some hiphop and rap, but not entirely. I am more of a game/anime' listener and some other genres of music that us geeks are geared to like moths to flames - In my opinion.

Check this out, My fiance' and I are of two diferent worlds. She is glued to the tube when some sort of hot song is playing on BET or VH1, and the like. Me on the other hand is glued to G4 and other related channels and shows.

The moment she hears me blasting a cd mix of the music I snag from here or any other related site, she looks at me funny. But the moment I turn on the radio to listen to a song which instrumentals get to me, she starts acting ghetto as all out side. Me being a black geek is surprised she hasn't left me yet. Some strong love in that woman...

And her attitude pretty much is thick like soup of that music.

Rap and HipHop is some influential stuff, like all music in a way..or mass media period. From what I saw for myself, I noticed alot of folk pose as the singers they see on tv or listen to. Its ridiculous to me, and I am not so influenced to go by a buster sword and spike my hair thus run out and cleave someone over the head hoping to find a potion or level up or something...yet they call me weird, and they try to become the magnets..and everything else blasting in their ears.

...not to mention the promiscuous actions mainly discovered in women although men are just the same. Which is termed Hoes and whatever new slang I did not hear yet. LoL

I listen to it but I have no care for it as much as I love anime'/game music. We all have a passion in something. I guess since I was brought up based on our black culture it doesn't phase me...must been the way I was raised or somehthing, but ohwell.

10-09-2007, 08:57 AM

10-12-2007, 03:44 PM
No no no, I asked for true gamers because... well this is the deal. My name is "kiDtendo" for a reason. I personally myself rap and I'm extremly good at it, but everyone in my hood(yes,mattapan mass.,the real hood, not a rappers depiction!) calls me tendo cuz I'm a video game fanatic and my music shows it...bigtime. I produce all my own beats from VGM! I know I'm gonna get sued later down the line, but my boss/manager says the label will get my video game samples cleared for me so I don't have to worry. Plus I've chopped some of the samples so good they're unrecognizable. I need some true experienced gamers to give me the names of some really good video game soundtracks they think have some really melodic shit going on. I've sampled everything from Ristar to Sonic Adventure, so don't be afraid to suggest anything. I promise in return if you help I'll give up some of my OST's and I'll shout out all those who has helped. Ignore if you like but I swear, I am the REAL kiDtendo and I don't sleep! Too many people wanna steal my image for me to do that. But this isn't they're childhood, is it?! ---------tendo winz

Ditch rap, start playing guitar, and get away from that shit rap culture

10-12-2007, 04:06 PM
Ditch rap, start playing guitar, and get away from that shit rap culture.
I mean this in the nicest way possible; shut the fuck up. Do not turn this thread into another rap/hip hop bashing game.

I listen to Patra, Foxy Brown, Spinderella and Missy Elliot. But only when I'm in the mood.

10-12-2007, 04:41 PM
I mean this in the nicest way possible; shut the fuck up. Do not turn this thread into another rap/hip hop bashing game.

I listen to Patra, Foxy Brown, Spinderella and Missy Elliot. But only when I'm in the mood.

That's all rap is good for is bashing.

10-13-2007, 04:12 PM
That's all rap is good for is bashing.

Please don't tell me you're that ignorant. I can name hundreds of shitty "guitar songs" (as you put it) and compare them to better rap songs with plenty of intelligent things to say. Just because you hear the newest Soulja Boy on the radio and assume all rap is like him and go out and buy the newest Green Day CD instead doesn't mean you have a single clue about what's really out there. The kid asked a question, if you're gonna be close-minded I don't know why you clicked on this thread in the first place.

10-13-2007, 06:44 PM
That's all rap is good for is bashing.

please leave internets thx.

10-14-2007, 05:19 PM
Please don't tell me you're that ignorant. I can name hundreds of shitty "guitar songs" (as you put it) and compare them to better rap songs with plenty of intelligent things to say. Just because you hear the newest Soulja Boy on the radio and assume all rap is like him and go out and buy the newest Green Day CD instead doesn't mean you have a single clue about what's really out there. The kid asked a question, if you're gonna be close-minded I don't know why you clicked on this thread in the first place.

I can name a ton of shitty guitar songs too. Your gonna compare "Guitar Songs" to things that people say in rap songs? Oh yea, that's all rap has is "words", so I guess you can't compare it to a musical instrument, can you?

Mr E. Stalker
10-14-2007, 05:33 PM
I THINK that rap originated kind of from the blues because the artists talk of alot of the bad things in society. If you want a real blues player, listen to Robert Johnson, the person that Eric Clapton wrote about when he penned 'The Crossroads'. Johnson couldn't play the guitar at all, but he hung around the southern blues people, and begged a few to give him lessons. They tried. He went on one night, and was booed offstage because he didn't know how to play. Well, according to legend, he went down to the crossroads at midnight, and met Lucifer, who was a black man, dressed completely in black. He had a black hound with him as well. The devil gave Robert a gold guitar, and took his old one in the exchange, and Robert's life was in the devil's grip. He went back to his bars, and played extremely well. Until one evening when he was womanizing this bar owner's wife. Robert went up on stage to play. He took a drink of the liquor bottle and set it at his feet. About halfway through the song, he doubled over. His stomach was on fire. He died three days later, raving and foaming at the mouth. Some have said that Robert was poisoned by the bar's owner for messing with his wife. Don't believe me? Oh well. No big deal. I watched City Confidential a few nights ago, and the story was about Robert Johnson. He was only 27 when he died in 1935.

10-14-2007, 05:47 PM
That's all rap is good for is bashing.

You need to differentiate the difference between rap culture and rap music, being as it seems your opinions came from the culture, not the music. Don't be a cunt and bash something altogether without providing reasons as to why.

Megaman Zero
10-14-2007, 09:31 PM
I'm curious as to if the rap/hip hop in street fighter III Third Strike is considered part of the genre. I like it, but other songs I've heard lately on th radio and from cars simply do nothing for me.

Bah, scratch that. The songs from SFIII are the only songs that sound rap related that I have ever liked, save for some quality stuff from the late 90's.

10-15-2007, 03:23 AM
I would encourage all haters of Rap take a listen to this at least once before bashing it.

You do that and you are free to think anything you wish since you will never be able appreciate it if you hate this.

10-15-2007, 03:34 AM
No no no, I asked for true gamers because... well this is the deal. My name is "kiDtendo" for a reason. I personally myself rap and I'm extremly good at it, but everyone in my hood(yes,mattapan mass.,the real hood, not a rappers depiction!) calls me tendo cuz I'm a video game fanatic and my music shows it...bigtime. I produce all my own beats from VGM! I know I'm gonna get sued later down the line, but my boss/manager says the label will get my video game samples cleared for me so I don't have to worry. Plus I've chopped some of the samples so good they're unrecognizable. I need some true experienced gamers to give me the names of some really good video game soundtracks they think have some really melodic shit going on. I've sampled everything from Ristar to Sonic Adventure, so don't be afraid to suggest anything. I promise in return if you help I'll give up some of my OST's and I'll shout out all those who has helped. Ignore if you like but I swear, I am the REAL kiDtendo and I don't sleep! Too many people wanna steal my image for me to do that. But this isn't they're childhood, is it?! ---------tendo winz

peace tendo, thought i was the only hip hop artist in here for a good minute lol, and i wouldnt even think about tryin to get anime/vgm samples cleared, just do em on da personal nah mean, cuz i do the exact same thing

10-15-2007, 05:26 AM
Why does everyone here bash rap? I would rather listen to rap more than little white boys wearing tight girly jeans talking about why they're sad in life.

Lady Miyomi
10-19-2007, 02:41 AM
I listen to both american and japanese hip hop. As for american hip hop, it's gotta have come out between the years of 1990 and 2001. Anything after that is garage to me because now it's all about the bling and club scene. As for japanese hip hop, they have a different sound that's quite appealing to my ears.

Yeah, a lot of people hate hip hop and all that, but these same people forget that not everybody has rapped about drugs, murder, rap, disrespecting women, sex, and bling. There are some good songs out there that don't have all this garbage in it. Unfortunately, it's been swallowed up by mainstream crap.

10-21-2007, 12:05 AM

10-23-2007, 07:41 AM
That's all rap is good for is bashing.

You are utterly retarded.

I make hip hop music as well, but I'm Australian so it probably wouldn't appeal to your tastes. Plus I make much more underground music than mainstream, so yeah. I also make electronica and I'm in a rock group (music is fun).

As far as the soundtracks go, I'd say RPG's are a pretty big goldmine that haven't been too exploited. Chrono Cross soundtrack has a crapload of potential if someone good got their hands on it.

10-23-2007, 07:14 PM
Hip Hop is just too simple and has no depth. I do hate it when people say it isn't music, because it is. But there is no depth, and it is simple, its for simple minds, like monkeys or deer, or donkeys.

Lady Miyomi
10-24-2007, 01:26 AM
Hip Hop is just too simple and has no depth. I do hate it when people say it isn't music, because it is. But there is no depth, and it is simple, its for simple minds, like monkeys or deer, or donkeys.

I'd like to know what evidence you're basing this on. I'm asking simply because this comment sounds like it a bunch of smoke. Just curious.

10-24-2007, 12:07 PM
Bashers should be burned on the stake.

I'm not that fond of the rap/hip hop nowaydays but the older songs can sometimes get to me.. Like Busta Rhymes & Dragon Ash. I cant really put genres onto music mostly because all styles are getting mixed up :/

10-27-2007, 06:45 PM
Wow if anyone thinks that hip hop/rap is what's on the radio then they're sadly mistaken. There's so many artists that don't rap about the same old things. I prefer the old school stuff and there's a huge number of underground artists out there that are WAAY better than this so-called mainstream hip hop. Ex: Immortal Technique, AZ, Cormega, Jedi Mind Tricks, The U.N., The Rugged Man, Hell Razah, Brother Ali, Tonedeff, Termanology, etc.... the list goes on and on. Just do the research. You won't be disappointed after listening to just a few of these artists.

10-27-2007, 08:52 PM
I just wanna make more beats. Give me some suggestions muthafucka!


If i were u, i'd check out some old Nes and SNES titles. Those quirky short MIDI sequences are great for sampling. I know RZA used Rygar, Trojan and Friday the 13th.

10-31-2007, 05:41 PM

10-31-2007, 06:11 PM

10-31-2007, 06:24 PM

11-01-2007, 01:50 AM
I agree, but some of those artist pigeon hole themselves by not wanting to do those one or two bullshit tracks that would get them the type of shine they deserve. Don't get me wrong, I don't listen sellouts or one hit wonders, but I do think every artist has/had the potential to make themselves great to the public eye as opposed to just the underground. People like Nas, Twista, Jay-Z, kanYe, Wu-tang, Eminem, 50-Cent (as much as I hate to say it), and Biggie Smalls all were in the same boat as the artist you mentioned untill they made the decision they wanna control the mainstream and all of it's followers. Listen to they're albums. Sure, most of it may contain sing-songy hits but there are at least one or two tracks where you can here that old hunger, that same sense of wanting to be the best at what they do. And that is what Rap (no, hip-hop does not exist anymore, so lets all face it) in it's golden 2000-2003 era was all about.

p.s.- termanology is sick! Even I'll admit that. But niggas from his hood (which isn't THAT far from my city) says he was snitching, which made me lose respect for him as a man. But as an artist, he's dope!

Yea Termanology is sick. I'm sure you heard "Watch How It Go Down". Nothin' but fire in that track and also "That's Life". As for the snitching, what was he snitching about?

11-01-2007, 01:08 PM
Yes. I listen to rap and hip hop. Well, not much of either one though. I'm more of an R&B and rock person. But some rap and hip hop songs are not bad.

11-03-2007, 04:38 AM

11-03-2007, 05:31 AM
I consider myself to be someone very intertwined with Hip Hop culture as a whole, I used to b-boy, write, live it, etc. Although recently I've been listening to other genres of music more and more. I haven't stopped listening to Hip Hop, it's just a temporary phase I'll utilize to explore new genres (I have a pretty broad taste in music). But basically, I just became tired of hearing music that lacked creativity, even in the underground scene which I repped so proudly. Too many "wack emcees" lyrics, or just lyricists saying nothing in particular. My standards kept getting higher, once I heard a dope artist it was hard to listen to others that weren't as talented.

I still listen to Hip Hop (right now I'm very much into Japanese Hip Hop), and I have an ENORMOUS collection of it, but I pretty much stopped keeping up with new releases. I used to stay home all day and just listen to new music and talk about it with others, but the typical listener has no idea what they're talking about and bashes artists they never heard of...or assign stupid fucking titles like "oh they're gay they're backpack rapp". Too many retards that bashed any artist who was doing something new and creative, they're just as bad as the people who support the shit on the radio/MTV right now. How can you be a self-proclaimed Hip Hop "HEAD" when you don't support progress?

That's another thing that bothered me, the typical listeners were just idiotic. I got tired of all the scenesters that showed up to events and pretending they're down. They're so fake, they claim to hate the radio (and what real Hip Hop head doesn't) but they only listen to artists like Sage Francis, Atmosphere, Aesop Rock, Talib, Mos Def, Lupe Fiasco, Jedi Mind Tricks and Gym Class Heroes. (In case you didn't know, these are pretty popular artists, they're the names that get dropped the most because their music is readily available)

I also make music (almost a year at it now), some of it will sound Hip Hop, others won't...I'm not trying to be a "producer" and my music will reflect that. The only resemblance is the BPM, I'd say. I don't sample traditional genres like SOUL/FUNK, whatever. I don't even plan on being a sampling artist forever, since I intend to move on into other genres and I don't want to be held back.

I dislike the term "beats" because they represent looped or poorly-chopped samples with a basic drum pattern, which is pure laziness to me. I started off with that, because I didn't know anything about music, but I moved on. It bothers me that a lot of producers STILL do it, and they shit all over great music by lifting entire pieces of music and putting drums on it. Fuck them.

(I know this turned out as a rant, but yes, I listen to Hip Hop and I happen to dislike a lot of artists who attempt it. I dislike the scenesters and the idiots who never progress or lack creativity and just use Hip Hop as a crutch to make money)

11-03-2007, 06:07 AM
My name is "kiDtendo" for a reason. I personally myself rap and I'm extremly good at it

I'm going to have to disagree VERY strongly with this statement.

Plus they love the fact that I talk about shit I really do ( gun carrying, crackselling, robbing, etc. )

Way to be a statistic. This is 2007, no one except posers and teenagers are going to take you seriously with that mentality.

I need you guys to tell me what you wanna hear: (samples, song content, overall message, etc.) and I will do my best to incorporate all of your suggestions as well as my electronic-generation-vg-childhood into my music.

This is a definite lack of creativity, why do you need people to tell you what to make? Have you seriously exhausted every creative molecule in your body that you have to resort to asking people what YOU should do as an artist? That's stupid.

I'm lyrically gifted (I don't write my rhymes!)

What does that even mean? If you don't write your rhymes, that means you're coming off of the top--which you obviously aren't doing. Anyway, learn some modesty. I listened to your music and you're not anywhere near what you claim to be.

You shouldn't go around telling everyone your music is the shit because it makes you look incredibly conceited.

I have this whole vision on how I'm gonna make being a gamer the coolest shit on earth by showing the world that I'm a gamer who doesn't fuck around.

This is absurd and laughable, good luck with that. See how that worked out for Deltron, yeah, he made his point but it didn't affect anything. Lol @ gamer who doesn't "fuck around". Big shot over here.

I'm respected in my hood and a good deal of other hoods across america

Again, no one cares. What are you trying to prove?

Now with that said, I need the names of some specific songs from vg's that you guys like so I can make a song out of it. I am currently working on (one of my all-time favorites) C:SotN. I just wrapped up the sonic adventure project and the sonic the hedgehog 3 project. As far as RPG's go, thats a catagory of games I never really gotten into because I'm more of a street fighter/castlevania/super mario type gamer. So if you would like to tell me the names of some specific tracks, I'd really appreciate it.

I have no respect for people who need to go around asking for shit to sample.
SoTN is one of my favorite soundtracks of all time, glad to see you're going to butcher that game's music.

Me? I rap about my immediate surroundings. I'm from murdapan, mass. Aint shit funny round here. Of course I talk the gun talk, I'll handle that in person. I don't have a job, so you can guess what I sell to eat! I'm just grinding it out, kiD. And no I aint no crybaby either, cause I make my own choices. I just wanna rap! I guarantee you'll find no-one inside the entire ff forums database who has more talent than I. I swear it. I just wanna make more beats. Give me some suggestions muthafucka!

Oh, cool! So you single yourself out as if you're doing something new, when in fact everyone has done the "oh ya i rap about real life... life is hard here in the ghetto people don't fuck around".

You think you're being creative for THAT? Being creative (in regards to lyricism) is covering something that hasn't been done before or maybe something that has been done, but doing it in a unique way with exceptional lyricism...something you must have forgotten to do.

I've heard all of the samples in your production, Daft Punk (Sorry, shitty Kanye West already did it, as well as his large following of posers), Mario, Sonic, etc. You even said you're not a fan of looping samples, but I noticed you did anyway. Way to go, I wonder what your idea of flipping a sample is then.

See, normally I don't feel the need to comment on raw stupidity (like Locke's comments on the first page, but they're pretty common among people who are close-minded), I just can't stand conceited people like yourself who feel the need to hype themselves up.

11-03-2007, 10:41 AM

Mr E. Stalker
11-03-2007, 01:16 PM
There's a song on Soulfly's Primitive album, that's half metal, and half rap. I love it. Plus Anthrax's song with Public Enemy, "Bring The Noise" rules too.

11-03-2007, 05:16 PM
How are you not trying to follow Rap, BUT YOU SAMPLE SOUL RECORDS! If your anywhere near my age, you are straight frontin' cuz. You didn't grow up off of soul records, so stop it.

If you actually read my post without skimming through it, you would see that I said I DON'T sample those genres. For the record, soul was one of the commonly sampled genres in earlier Hip Hop (along with jazz and funk), how do you not know this? Maybe you're unfamiliar with crate digging, if so, maybe the name "Billie Holiday" will ring a bell.

Also, just so you know, I did grow up hearing that music all the time...I don't sample it, but thanks for assuming that it's completely out of the question for someone to have parents/grandparents that actually listen to that kind of music.

You say you have a high tolerance from listening to some dope rapper!? Who!? GOD!? Cause that's who you make it sound like. My shit is really, REALLY good.q

Again, read what I said. I have a LOW tolerance for wackness from listening to very talented artists, why would you assume that they're God? Is it so hard to believe that there are actual emcees out there that blow you out of the water?

I'll be honest with you, I tried to listen to your music objectively--but with the high standards that you set for YOURSELF and the quality I'm familiar with, there's no comparison. I've asked a few others for their opinions and they agreed, so I'm not just saying this as a direct attack. You should really stop hyping yourself up, though.

Your hate is only gonna keep me on your to-talk-about list. Keep it up, I love it! I don't hate you or your goofy little frog, the way I see it you have no choice but to support me! What other 20 yr old form mattapan is going to rap about playing mario and other childish shit like that?

Maybe not from Mattapan, but I can guarantee that these "mario raps" you speak of have been done a LOT. And why wouldn't they be? Almost EVERY kid who grew up in the late 80s or early 90s has played Super Mario Bros at one point in time and what do you know, arguably Hip Hop's greatest years were also during this time period. Shit man, even my MOM knows the theme song to Mario. This isn't some fresh innovative idea that you just discovered.

Anyway, so maybe the artists that HAVE done it aren't enjoying mainstream success, that says something, though. The chances of you becoming popular with that type of material are slim to nothing. Let's disregard that you can't just talk about video games for an entire album and make it work, but instead take into consideration the fact that a lot of mainstream rap music right now revolves around what was mentioned before..."soljah boy" club music or your misogynistic, violence-oriented material. How are Mario raps going to fit into that spectrum? Are you planning on changing how the industry works? Because I can guarantee you that video game obsession will always be associated with nerdy kids, that's why it'll never make the impact you want it to.

Let's say you try to switch it up to all that gun-talk you mentioned earlier, how is that going to affect the fans you've gained vs. the fans that previously recognized your "hood" appeal. They're two conflicting ideas, and people are just going to say shit like 'WOW HE CLAIMS HE PUSHES BRICKS BUT HE'S A VIDEO GAME NERD... LOLZ'. I mean c'mon, you even described it as being "childish shit".

Rap is a JOB

And Hip Hop is a lifestyle/culture, rap is just an element of it. I can understand that some people stay true, and others (like yourself) sacrifice content for the sake of getting signed.

My shit is really, REALLY good.

This only works against you.

Hip-Hop is the spirit that continues to die out because of dumbfucks like you hating on certain styles of the form from the other side of the fence

What are you smoking? My entire post was stressing originality and uniqueness, where do you get this idea that I'm discriminating against people?

First of all, I'm not on the other side of the fence because I'm very much immersed in the culture as you claim to be a part of. Just because I don't happen to like what you're doing and how you hype yourself up on forums doesn't mean I dislike people who sample video games and the like.

Get out of here if you have to resort to bringing up irrelevant points or putting words in my mouth.

but I can guarantee it does not back up the shit your talking.

Don't make assumptions now.

Your hate is only gonna keep me on your to-talk-about list. Keep it up, I love it! I don't hate you or your goofy little frog, the way I see it you have no choice but to support me!

No, see, I encounter people like you all the time. Unless they're exceptionally wack (and no, you're not nearly as bad as some of the people I've seen) you won't ever be mentioned again. The only problem here is that you shamelessly advertise and hype yourself up when you lack the credentials to even do so. I don't care how good you claim to be, I'm pretty damn good at judging music objectively without bias.

Here's someone who I consider worse than you. Enjoy!

I love confrontations! You're so cool! You called me a statistic! Wow! That is such an honor to have what I said quoted 8 times in one post! I feel special!

Running out of material to comment on? Yeah, let's beat around the bush a little more and talk about my avatar, that should provide you with enough heat to keep this going...not like it matters, I've already said my piece. The only thing you can really do is disagree with me.

and No, I've never heard of no fucking "Deltron" in the hood. Got nothing against him, but you seem like you think I'm trying to bite someone's style! Fucka I grew up on this shit! I'm gonna use it, regardless of who hates me for it! I am tendo. You are nowhere. I'm not mad or offended. I would like some more criticism, but be realistic, not closed-minded. Questions or comments!? e-mail me: [email protected]. Don't rant & rave on my forum. I asked for suggestions, you wanna shit talk, do it on my myspace page. Its what it's there for. Till I see you in person, may you always keep me in your conversation.

1. Deltron is Ice Cube's cousin. Delton was mentioned on the first page because he did a whole song about video games, he even sampled Dark Stalkers for the beat. Didn't even say you were biting his style, but good job assuming that once again.

2. Who is close-minded? The guy who is open to many different genres of music, encourages originality and respects talent... or on the other hand, we have kidtendo who refuses to accept that he isn't "EXTREMELY GOOD".

Trust me, I'm the farthest thing from close-minded. The only line I draw is separating quality music from everything else. (As opposed to REAL close-minded people who refuse to listen to music outside of their comfortable boundaries they have made for themselves)

3. I'm being very realistic, I've asked a few fellow artists (whose opinions I respect) about your page and they agree. Honestly, I don't care what your rebuttal to this is going to be...even though it'll probably be something like "I'M KNOWN IN HOODS ACROSS THE GLOBE, MY MYSPACE FRIENDS SAY I'M HOT" which you SHOULD know doesn't mean shit, because a LOT of shitty artists have thousands if not millions of MySpace friends.

Anyway, that's all I'm going to say on the matter. You can type up your response to get in the last word or whatever, but I won't bother responding to it.

11-03-2007, 07:47 PM
Damn kiD, u just got schooled. and u got zero points for not knowing deltron, hes one funky homosapien and i think he's attending a handsome boy modeling school learning hieroglyphics.

Heres some required reading...
Aesops rock
Murs n 9th wonder
Jurrassic 5
MF Doom
The Coup

11-03-2007, 10:16 PM

11-04-2007, 04:05 AM
i like japanese rap lately while some other kids i know are listening to soulja boy or even greenday (I go to a school where peoples music tastes seem to vary a lot) i would rather listen to orange range or uverworld or home made kazoku. Thats not to say I dont listen to whats on the radio but as far as buying music I spend more time expanding my j pop/rock/rap collection then buying what I hear all the time on the radio and can watch on mtv

11-07-2007, 03:41 AM
Even though you say I'm okay or whatever, you and you're fellow artist should give me a chance to REALLY show you what I've got. Till then, I can't fully intake you're opinion on my skills. And I'm going to put up a track in which I flipped just for YOU to hear. It's not one of my best, but it is an example of how good I can cut a sample. You don't have to respond, but you didn't give me a fair chance, so whatever. And thank you to disco dan for the idea, cause I just sampled some double dragon shit that came out fantastic. Anything else?

let's see the link, kid.

oh yeah, anybody ever heard of andre nickatina? one of the best bay area artists out there, and he doesn't fall into that hyphy bullshit. his new album isn't up to par with his old shit though.

11-07-2007, 07:06 PM
oh yeah, anybody ever heard of andre nickatina? one of the best bay area artists out there, and he doesn't fall into that hyphy bullshit. his new album isn't up to par with his old shit though.

Ha!! That cats from Mountain View, that chuck taylor song is fresh. Speakin of hyphy, they just took that way too far. It was fresh in the beginning, bay area rap is always been a bit different and has a sound that differs from the rest of hiphop.

11-08-2007, 01:08 AM
jeah, The Last Rap I'll Ever Write is one of the cleanest raps I've ever heard.

11-08-2007, 11:10 AM
I'll admit, the majority of hip hop does have a negative image. However, you do have a handful of artists like Kanye West, Talib Kweli, The Roots, Mos Def, Run DMC, Nas, Jurassic Five, Common, etc, that are not all about spinning rims, chains, and rump shaking skoochies.

Anyone who is half way educated would know this, instead of lumping all hip hop or rap artists together.

11-08-2007, 07:10 PM
Anyone who is half way educated would know this, instead of lumping all hip hop or rap artists together.


11-21-2007, 06:35 PM
I listen to hip-hop, and it's called alternative hip-hop which doesn't follow the dumb and wack club songs like souljah boy and all that. Some good rappers are: Common(previously known as Common Sense), Talib Kwali, Lupe Fiasco, Mos Def, a Japanese rapper named Shing02 look for his song called lift the fog up on youtube or his myspace it's real good. Those are good rappers who don't constantly curse on their songs and speak positive messages in their raps. Also check the Nujabes their not rappers, but make good beats, check their songs on youtube. Shing02 and the Nujabes did some songs in the anime Samurai Champloo which was a really good show. I really don't like watching anime, but that one was worth watching.

11-22-2007, 05:43 PM
I Listen to a bunch of hip-hop and I like to believe that I have a varied taste in the genre. As a matter of fact, I usually recommend artists to people and they seem to love the artists afterwards. Many people might recommend some j-hiphop (which is good), or some of the Native Tongue influenced (Talib, Mos Def, etc.), or some of the underground famous (IT, JMT), but I'm suprised that anyone hasn't recommended anyone like Madlib. If you're looking for more of a retro sound, then listen to Cadence Weapon (he uses 8-bit samples in his beats, and he rhymes).

11-23-2007, 01:35 AM

gironimo appleton
11-23-2007, 02:45 AM
You're on a VGM forum. Go download random OSTs and sample something.

11-23-2007, 11:06 AM

Mr E. Stalker
11-26-2007, 04:00 AM
I like that one Jadakis video with the naked chicks in it.

gironimo appleton
11-26-2007, 04:11 AM
Shut the fuck up. That's not a personal suggestion, don't be a dickhead. Go get some pussy or something. Any fucking ways, new 411! Another one of my favorite artist is finally going to get the mainstream success he deserves. Yes, Jadakiss has signed with Rocafella, and he sounds better than ever. Now only if Nas and The Game were to do the same...

You fail as a role model.

Edit: Stop wasting time on this thread and download some soundtracks.

fastidious percolator
11-26-2007, 01:54 PM
Heres some required reading...
Aesops rock
Murs n 9th wonder
Jurrassic 5
MF Doom
The Coup


11-26-2007, 02:46 PM
no i hate rap/hip hop

11-30-2007, 01:37 PM
just listen to some J. Dilla or Madlib cd's andyou will hear REAL hiphop

gironimo appleton
12-02-2007, 10:32 PM
just listen to some J. Dilla or Madlib cd's andyou will hear REAL hiphop

Also, Nujabes. You can find his stuff in the Samurai Champloo soundtrack and its in the downloads section.. Seriously though, you're not going to become really original until you own your own style and sample what you like. I like some of your beats, I will be honest with you but you're portraying this gangster "hardcore" role and its really stereotypical and superficial.

12-03-2007, 08:01 PM

12-03-2007, 08:50 PM
I really don't listen to it. It's a industry of 'music' that has been raped to death with pop culture and drugs, and has very very very little variety in style. I'll be honest with you, they all sound the same. And not only that, they don't sound that good. It's like every angry minority and his shrunken dog try to make a rap song, and they easily obtain the same quality of the professionals. It an easy to produce, overbloated, common genre that attracts far more praise than it really deserves. These musicians could try to be unique, but they're too busy making millions on crap.
So I don't listen to it. I have respect for their 'talent', but the music just isn't interesting in the least.

you gotta take the good with the excessive amounts of bad.
This made me laugh. Life for everyone is hard, but life is only as it is in the eye of the beholder. Most people perpetuate their own misery from what they do, think, and say. I believe that people have control over their lives, and being influenced by things around them negatively makes a person nothing more than a reactionist.
And to add. I have never heard any good message come from mainstream hardcore rap. I have never heard any good come from death metal. The music you listen to effects you more than you will ever know; more than your family, and more than your friends. It becomes a part of you. And if you listen to music that consists of all that is bad in this world, it will be your reality.

12-05-2007, 06:20 PM
Rap - always have, always will. I'm an advocate of the 4 elements, so I grew up listening to a lot of golden age artists (Eric B. Rakim, De La Soul, Gang Starr, KRS-One, Wu Tang, etc.) and transitioned to today's maestros (Black Star, MF Doom, etc.) That being said, the rap of the past is nothing like the rap of the present, and that fact gets lost on a bunch of people.

Keepin' it short, it's hard to defend hip-hop on the internet because ignorance is so widespread, but the mainstream 'artists' of today aren't making it any easier. I'd be much happier if they just fall back and quit making all the good MCs of the world look bad.


Bastard Steel
12-05-2007, 11:00 PM
Wu-tang Clan and its members' solo projects are gr8taztik. Also Tech N9ne is pretty good. And Public Enemy. NWA is alright.

12-09-2007, 08:45 PM
As far as I'm concerned the best rap out there is:
Jurassic 5
Sage Francis
and occasionally some Jedi Mind Tricks or MC Frontalot

12-10-2007, 03:11 AM
You wouldn't happen to be from the Minneapolis/St. Paul area would you?

12-10-2007, 03:41 AM
kid-tendo, part of producing is finding/digging your own samples. not necessarily asking people what you should sample. not gonna develop your sound that way. i don't think ngWho was trying to be a dick head (ha, or maybe he was. never know), but bringing up a good point. go "dig" for that shit. btw decent beats. not feeling the lyrics too much.

Lodestar, you gotta place to listen to your stuff? interested in hearing it.

good to cee so many cats into hip hop. if anyone's interested, i have a myspace with some of my group's music (in the sig) and also my own music myspace ( (shameless self promotion)


12-10-2007, 05:29 PM

12-12-2007, 08:31 AM
No no no, I asked for true gamers because... well this is the deal. My name is "kiDtendo" for a reason. I personally myself rap and I'm extremly good at it, but everyone in my hood(yes,mattapan mass.,the real hood, not a rappers depiction!) calls me tendo cuz I'm a video game fanatic and my music shows it...bigtime. I produce all my own beats from VGM! I know I'm gonna get sued later down the line, but my boss/manager says the label will get my video game samples cleared for me so I don't have to worry. Plus I've chopped some of the samples so good they're unrecognizable. I need some true experienced gamers to give me the names of some really good video game soundtracks they think have some really melodic shit going on. I've sampled everything from Ristar to Sonic Adventure, so don't be afraid to suggest anything. I promise in return if you help I'll give up some of my OST's and I'll shout out all those who has helped. Ignore if you like but I swear, I am the REAL kiDtendo and I don't sleep! Too many people wanna steal my image for me to do that. But this isn't they're childhood, is it?! ---------tendo winz

you sound like a piece of trash whack rapper
you will remain a piece of trash whack rapper until proven otherwise, go fuck yourself with a cattle prod

this thread is filled with stupidity

gironimo appleton
12-12-2007, 08:39 AM
Okay everyone, hold up. I'm not here to swagger jack, nor gangster dupe. I have my own sound. The shit on my page is all old shit from a mixtape that never got released, so really none of the music is kiDtendo related except for a few of the beats. I mean, of course I dig my own shit to sample, as I have acquired almost 3 gigs of music from this site alone. But I wanna try something new to me, that's all. I figure the music I make is gonna be for gamers mainly so I asked gamers to tell me what personal favorites they have so I can put my twist on it. I know it's hardcore shameless self-promo but I would really like for gamers to buy my shit, period. And I would rather sell something they helped create rather than forcing the issue by selling something pre-made to other people's likings, like myself and the hood. I mean, I am kiDtendo and you know, I know what I like, but this is about what gamers like, that's all.

You ARE a gamer.

12-12-2007, 10:01 PM
glad you edited your post to make it sound super bad ass, NoCalmMeant.

12-14-2007, 05:24 AM

12-14-2007, 05:27 AM

12-14-2007, 05:30 AM
Okay I'm Back. I had to leave the hood and get some fresh air for a sec. My brother from another Soul Exl just got killed and that's my 5th loss of the year. I need a break from this shit.

You're so full of shit, your music sucks and you need to join your brother in death.
Your flow sucks, your lyrics are lame, not even a single quotable, and best of all you wanna try to sell this moronic thug-life persona of yours? You're funny.
I stand by my original statement, you're a whack rapper.

12-16-2007, 06:33 AM

Mr E. Stalker
12-16-2007, 09:13 PM
You're so full of shit, your music sucks and you need to join your brother in death.
Your flow sucks, your lyrics are lame, not even a single quotable, and best of all you wanna try to sell this moronic thug-life persona of yours? You're funny.
I stand by my original statement, you're a whack rapper.


12-18-2007, 02:28 PM
i listen to hip hop... fuck wat everyone else in here has been calling hip hop though... Rugged Man, Kool G, Pun, IT, Necro, La Coka Nostra, Doom, Vakill, Ras Kass, Celph Titled, Diabolic, Thesauras, illmac, Math, Nems, SandPeople, TAME ONE, JMT, Helta Skelta, Sean price, Boot camp Clik, WU TANG CLAN... Warcloud.

and aussie hip hop. adroit efusive, funkoars, damo, vents, certified wise, clandestein, lyrical commisiion, pagan elipsis, pegz


Mr E. Stalker
12-18-2007, 08:03 PM

12-24-2007, 11:50 PM
.....damn.... that was sum hateful shit man. i have to say the rap thats out right now is wack. u need to travel back to tha 90's and get ur proper dose of lyrical word play that makes u think and leave u in aww. kidtendo, i recomend catslevania. some osts would be symphony of the night and tha new dracula x chronicles. hope that helps.

12-26-2007, 03:37 PM
Sage Francis,Buck 65,Aesop Rock,Atmosphere,Grayskul,Smoke,Sleep,Jedi Mind Tricks,Q-Unique,Mac Lethal,Wu-Tang,Zion-ı,Mr.Lif...

12-27-2007, 06:13 AM
My name is kiDtendo and I could use some help... no I don't want to download any rappers wack ass
songs, but I could use some insight from true gamers. Respond and I'll go into detail. Uugh!

Yeah I listen to Rap, but not the commercial bs you hear today where Rap is just not the same. I listen to Rap/Hip Hop of the
early-mid-late 1990's & the early 2000's. Rap then started to get dry & dull during the late 2000's after most of the South started
to emerge with their bending the bodies & clicking of their fingers. I now just listen to Music from before, which is timeless.

12-27-2007, 10:06 PM

12-27-2007, 10:19 PM

12-27-2007, 10:27 PM

12-27-2007, 10:35 PM

fastidious percolator
12-27-2007, 10:44 PM
Heres some required reading...
Aesops rock
Murs n 9th wonder
Jurrassic 5
MF Doom
The Coup


and also: Manau, Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, MC Hawking (:D), The Roots, Notorious B.I.G., Ol' Dirty Bastard, Cage, Sage Francis, Cannibal Ox, Thavius Beck, Clipse, Combat Wombat, De La Soul, Free The Robots, Mars Black, NTM, The Pharcyde, Quasimoto, and RJD2.

Oh yeah, to answer the original question: Yes, yes I do listen to rap/hip hop. :D

12-28-2007, 12:47 AM
Y ( ( (! (

12-29-2007, 09:02 AM
Lol!!! Not the australian rapper trying to diss!!! ha ha ha!!! C'mon dog, wheres your swagger!? You make your country seem like ho island. Honestly, I wasn't even gonna respond but I went to your myspace page and WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW, you suck! But thanks for the laughs!!! You don't want it. I'm American. My president is Bush. 'Nuff said.


Lil' Sain
12-29-2007, 09:26 AM
Rap and hip hop (more so hip hop) are my facs. fuck rock it's only good for party's

12-29-2007, 01:36 PM
May the internet continue to protect you, for I wish you great distance from Us. May your mother live long and dwell peacefully.

I like how you're so obsessed with riding your own dick to self-proclaimed stardom and greatness.

I don't need the internet to protect me. Battle me face to face at the next Scribble Jam you self-obsessed faggot.


01-04-2008, 04:12 AM
i hate hip hop ad rap, but there are a few ganster raps i really like :)

01-04-2008, 05:03 AM
I sure don't but good luck for getting something you like.

01-04-2008, 09:10 PM
Y ( ( (! (

that was a dope wu performance.

01-08-2008, 10:26 PM
Hip Hop/Rap are some great stuff! As for me, i am a person that adores music, that means i like everything. Jazz, Rap, Techno rock, (VGM ofc), country and the list just keep filling. To me, rap plays an important role in the music industry, cause raps are poems but with rhythm. Interesting stuff i tell ya, Eminem is probarly the best rapper nowadays but 2Pac is a legend. 2pac and eminem sings with emotional, that's what make them great=)

01-10-2008, 02:04 AM
ya, but i could care less of what plays importance in the music industry. Eminem has some decent albums. Slim Shady LP, Marshall Mathers LP, and Eminem Show were decent. Eminem is mainly a joker though. for me, it kind of gets old. although songs like "Rock Bottom," "Stan," "Cleanin out my Closet," and "Til I Collapse" are good serious songs. i like his early underground battle shit too. Fun stuff. but he is a pretty wack producer. 2Pac had some good shit, but he also has some pretty bad songs. I don't think i like too much of his albums. whatever. there's much more emotional MC's too. Slug (Atmosphere), Sage Francis, Swamburger (Sol.ILLaquists of Sound), Sole, Adeem (Glue), Saul Williams (although he's much more than that), Talib Kweli, El-P, pretty much anyone who has something to say? if you don't speak with emotion or have no certainty in your voice, stay off the microphone. unless your content outweighs that. but ramble ramble. check those artists out. i could always upload them, if you are interested.

01-10-2008, 02:05 AM
I sure don't but good luck for getting something you like.


01-31-2008, 06:21 PM

02-01-2008, 05:42 AM
I love alternative rap as much as the next person, but one thing that always bothered me is how so many people use their being fans of underground rap as some sort of defense against "wack" rap.

In fact, Wackness/wack rappers is such an overused term that it is beginning to lose its relevance. Now I'm not trying to defend the over-produced, trendy, club songs that are being pumped out, but dissing wack MCs or bragging about your lyrical skills have become just as much of a gimmick in underground tracks.

Instead of hating eachother, with this commercial vs. underground, or east vs. west vs. south coast bullshit, we should look to unite and promote positivity. It hurts me to see cool-headed rap fans get all defensive and hateful over some ignorant posters on discussion forums.

If you don't like what's on the radio, go buy your favourite artist's album. In fact, buy two and give one to your friend as a gift.

There's only one coast mothafucka and that's Earth. Everyone needs to chill out:
Blu & Exile - Soul Amazing (
Eric B. and Rakim - Don't Sweat the Technique ( (on a lighter note, the colorful clothes of Rakim, and Eric B.'s awkward stares are classic)

02-02-2008, 03:19 AM
See!? Now I can't chat anymore. Got in trouble with my boss over this stupid shit. Stupid shit! Mmmmaaaaannnn, this sucks. "I (kiDtendo) issue an apology to each and every person here who feels I have disrepected them in any way and my previous opinions and statements in no way represent BEI-LYNX Records or any of it's affiliates. Any complaints, comments, or questions just send an e-mail to [email protected] and someone will respond to your message immediately. Thank You." Well, sayonara! You'll see me again in time, I guarantee it. Till then, game on! Yurp!


02-05-2008, 05:12 AM
See!? Now I can't chat anymore. Got in trouble with my boss over this stupid shit. Stupid shit! Mmmmaaaaannnn, this sucks. "I (kiDtendo) issue an apology to each and every person here who feels I have disrepected them in any way and my previous opinions and statements in no way represent BEI-LYNX Records or any of it's affiliates. Any complaints, comments, or questions just send an e-mail to [email protected] and someone will respond to your message immediately. Thank You." Well, sayonara! You'll see me again in time, I guarantee it. Till then, game on! Yurp!

Yea, we'll see you again in time
hopefully next time it's on the 6 o'clock news in a bodybag with several bullet holes in you.

02-09-2008, 01:54 PM

I'll second that.

For the fun of it, i'll throw my opinion into the ring. As previously said, I think rap music has become synonomous with the 'gansta' culture (which I personally think is stupid, but that's just me). If you want to hear good rap, I think you should stay away from most of the mainstream stuff as it tends to be about very similar stuff, that is, if you actually care about the lyrics. I think indie rap's better, because it covers topics other than 'hoes, killing people, hoes, drugs and hoes'. Go to a local music festival or whatever, find out what's good.

02-13-2008, 12:03 AM
I'll second that.

For the fun of it, i'll throw my opinion into the ring. As previously said, I think rap music has become synonomous with the 'gansta' culture (which I personally think is stupid, but that's just me). If you want to hear good rap, I think you should stay away from most of the mainstream stuff as it tends to be about very similar stuff, that is, if you actually care about the lyrics. I think indie rap's better, because it covers topics other than 'hoes, killing people, hoes, drugs and hoes'. Go to a local music festival or whatever, find out what's good.

very true

Yeah I listen to Rap, but not the commercial bs you hear today where Rap is just not the same. I listen to Rap/Hip Hop of the
early-mid-late 1990's & the early 2000's. Rap then started to get dry & dull during the late 2000's after most of the South started
to emerge with their bending the bodies & clicking of their fingers. I now just listen to Music from before, which is timeless.

very true aswell.

ermm rap is just poetry to a beat basically, it seems allot of you guys are social retards or just ignorant or illiterate. rap is a combination of the blues+rock. Not many people naming decent artist so i think ill kick start the thread properly wid a few names off the top of my head.

Good hiphop to look at id say old skool rappers

Big daddy Kane
Kool G Rap

These guys are prob 3 of the greatest rap GOATS "greatest of all time".

Canibus, lyrically is one of the best also his subject matter is scientific, and his rap style complex.

Jedi Mind tricks are with vinnie paz are also very good, allot of there beats are a combination of rock, samples and other randoms. the rap style is aggressive and something to get you hyped.

WARCLOUD, this guy is scary the first guy on this track.

02-13-2008, 12:24 AM
All the mainstream raps are all about sex,drugs and violence. The only cool about mainstream rap is the beat in the background, the instrumental beats. otherwise, it is boring to listen to what the rappers sings about.. Really.. :(
I love 50 Cent's instrumentals version. They are awesome, but his songs really suckass!

02-13-2008, 12:33 AM
All the mainstream raps are all about sex,drugs and violence. The only cool about mainstream rap is the beat in the background, the instrumental beats. otherwise, it is boring to listen to what the rappers sings about.. Really.. :(
I love 50 Cent's instrumentals version. They are awesome, but his songs really suckass!

There was little to do with violence, sex n drugs on the album that just won Rap Album of the year..... Hows that for mainstream

Get a clue homes,

Its like saying country music is all about being drunk, beating your wife and driving a Semi....

02-13-2008, 01:06 AM
There was little to do with violence, sex n drugs on the album that just won Rap Album of the year..... Hows that for mainstream

Get a clue homes,

Its like saying country music is all about being drunk, beating your wife and driving a Semi....

Thanks for owning me... Well i forgot to say not all ''Rappers'' are talking about violence and shit like that. If you are referring to Akon f.example his music are in the category of rap and R&B, mostly R&B me think. Well, we got rapper such as Kanye West, Jay-Z and so on... But i guess not all about sex and violence, we have some idiotic lyrics such as Crank Dat by Soulja Boy.. Now that's disgrace to hip-hop.

02-13-2008, 01:19 AM

Well said!


08-07-2009, 03:29 AM
I'm back on my bullshit! Been listening to alot of old underrated artist like Def Jef, Grand Puba, and even Canibus. Anybody like canibus? I think the kid can was ill as fuck. His vocab was beyond any other artist who came close to being mainstream. Too bad he had to diss a legend and get booted because of it. And those wack ass beats wyclef was feeding him didn't help either. I think he could eat Eminem when he was in his prime easily! I don't know about his new shit though (1000 bars!?). That shit was wack. I heard he came back from iraq or something? Guess he aint built for war like they thought he was cause his current material has lost 80% of the visciousness that made him so dope. Also, has anybody heard the new Jadakiss? That is the hottest rap album out right now. It brings me back to that early 2000 era. "one more step" is impeccable. That album is bumping on every block in boston still. And oh yeah, D.O.A. Need I say more!? Hov always has to be the one to address shit. That auto-tune shit has gotten way out of hand. I mean, really, does p.diddy have to have an a.t. driven album too!? Cmmooooonnnn! I like kanye's stuff alot, but that 808 crap was just that. Crap. Praise for trying to venture off the norm, but terrible execution. Please tell me someone feels me on that one.

08-17-2009, 12:10 PM
a friend of mine like it. when he introduced one to me, i just couldn't catch up the words and became just listening to a piece of ancient African tribe song.

08-17-2009, 12:26 PM
Run DMC, 2Pac, Nate Dogg, Snoop, Big Syke, Dre, Nas, Daz Dillinger, Early Ice Cube. I could list a few more if I really thought about it (went to my cd rack downstairs), I don't like any of this new game shit... I stick with the old tunes and sometimes buy the new stuff from people I know will drop a hot record.

06-22-2011, 09:57 PM
This is what I've been told, for those who hate today's "rap" music.

To me and RapSince99Sucx on YouTube, as of 1999-present day or so, RAP sucks, but HIP HOP (1978-present day) is in the underground industry.
But there was a time in 1997 where there was a "Shiny Suit" era, with P. Diddy, Mase, Ja Rule, Lil Jon, but that time didn't last
long. Hip hop still lives with some underground artists. Hip hop isn't dead, because Soulja Boy, Lil Wayne, Gucci, Lil Flip, Lil Boosie,
Ludacris (days with "Grew Up a Screw Up" and singing with Justin Bieber), Lil Jon, are NOT hip hop.


06-23-2011, 04:08 AM

06-23-2011, 05:29 AM
This is what I've been told, for those who hate today's "rap" music.

To me and RapSince99Sucx on YouTube, as of 1999-present day or so, RAP sucks, but HIP HOP (1978-present day) is in the underground industry.
But there was a time in 1997 where there was a "Shiny Suit" era, with P. Diddy, Mase, Ja Rule, Lil Jon, but that time didn't last
long. Hip hop still lives with some underground artists. Hip hop isn't dead, because Soulja Boy, Lil Wayne, Gucci, Lil Flip, Lil Boosie,
Ludacris (days with "Grew Up a Screw Up" and singing with Justin Bieber), Lil Jon, are NOT hip hop.


interesting infos there...i do listen to rap every once in awhile but i'd prefer the era in which the likes of P.Diddy, JaRule, Nelly, ODB etc where at the heights of the airwaves..