Pimp Daddy McSnake
10-03-2007, 08:23 AM

GameCube outsells PS3 (http://www.gamepro.com/news.cfm?article_id=137448)

Well, we already knew the PS3 is being outsold by the Wii, 360, PS2, and DS, but now it seems even Nintendo's prevgen console is taking a go at it.

Good job, Sony. Soon you'll be outsold by the Atari :grin:

10-03-2007, 09:03 AM
Okay! :rolleyes:
There's no point in that analogy!
That's like saying that the PS2 is out selling the Xbox.
What do you expect, it's a whole lot cheaper than when it debuted, and you can get the entire library for cheap now.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
10-03-2007, 09:17 AM
I think you should seriously consider buying a sombrero!

10-03-2007, 12:24 PM
lol.. that was pretty hilarious!

J. Peterman
10-03-2007, 12:29 PM

(I am big Sony fanboy)

10-03-2007, 01:02 PM
Thats hillarious!!! Game Cube is dead!

10-03-2007, 03:32 PM
I bought a GC a few months after the PS3 came out

10-03-2007, 03:43 PM
i'm agreeing with the second post but only because you can't really compare something that's had YEARS out on the market with something that barely came out. O_o

does that mean i can compare the snes with the ps3? imo the snes should have already beaten the ps3 like 100x over the day the ps3 was released. see? makes no sense.

besides. whoever mad that graph is an idiot. whose ever seen a graph go from right to left? doens't that mean its going DOWN. wtf

10-03-2007, 03:46 PM
Tact, that's a graph of the two consoles in the first ten months of their life. It is not a current picture of GC sales.

10-03-2007, 03:57 PM
oh ok. wow. in that case that's pretty cool then. i'm glad they compared them properly. :D

still though. who reads graphs right to left? this isn't japan! lol

10-03-2007, 04:22 PM
Um, so what? I don't think it matters at all.

10-03-2007, 05:07 PM
Tact, you're confusing people. I know you're joking, but make it a little more obvious before people make obnoxious assumptions.

It is, in fact, read from left to right. It is a graph of monthly sales, and this is a period in every year when sales are down sharply across the board. It'll pick back up as Christmas approaches.

10-03-2007, 06:31 PM
It's a good thing the GameCube doesn't have any additional advantages like being a few hundered dollars cheaper, having a few hundered thousand more units available at launch or the fact that these are sales figures from 5 years ago.

I do remember at launch Sony only shipped around 60K units and expected to have 100K by end of year. So this explanes why the Game cube has a better launch sale at only $199. Then when you take into account that the Gamecube has a much steaper drop in sales vs. a $500/$600 machine, that kinda tells me the PS3 isn't doing that bad at its price point.

I'm at work now, but as soon as I go home for lunch, I'll be showing you an actual chart that shows actual sales of PS3 vs. X-Box 360. What's amazing is Microsoft reports "shipped", Sony reports "sales" and yet the sales are almost exactly the same. in the 11 month period.

This thread and gamepro.com fails.

10-03-2007, 08:36 PM
Tact, you're confusing people. I know you're joking, but make it a little more obvious before people make obnoxious assumptions.

It is, in fact, read from left to right. It is a graph of monthly sales, and this is a period in every year when sales are down sharply across the board. It'll pick back up as Christmas approaches.

lmao. in that case i need to go back to school to retake algebra/geometry or that graph needs to be more descriptive. so your saying the timelining is correct and it IS going down. >.< lol

i officially remove myself from this thread as i have fumbled twice just now in graph reading.

ps. /me opologizes to all the japanese too :D

edit: ok since i take my mistakes very seriously. i decided to rexamine the graph to see whre i went wrong so i can learn from this. i think they should have either marked the months specifically or just made it a bar graph, ditch the time, and give a total FOR the 10 months. otherwise. i take no responsibility for the misreading. and i should shut up now too cause i'm talking to myself. dammit!

10-03-2007, 11:51 PM
It's a good thing the GameCube doesn't have any additional advantages like being a few hundered dollars cheaper, having a few hundered thousand more units available at launch or the fact that these are sales figures from 5 years ago.

I do remember at launch Sony only shipped around 60K units and expected to have 100K by end of year. So this explanes why the Game cube has a better launch sale at only $199. Then when you take into account that the Gamecube has a much steaper drop in sales vs. a $500/$600 machine, that kinda tells me the PS3 isn't doing that bad at its price point.

I'm at work now, but as soon as I go home for lunch, I'll be showing you an actual chart that shows actual sales of PS3 vs. X-Box 360. What's amazing is Microsoft reports "shipped", Sony reports "sales" and yet the sales are almost exactly the same. in the 11 month period.

This thread and gamepro.com fails.

And here we go. Link. (http://vgchartz.com/hwcomps.php?cons1=Wii&reg1=All&cons2=PS3&reg2=All&cons3=X360&reg3=All&align=1)

If you align the graph by launch, you'll see the PS3 sales are almost exactly the same as the 360. I still need to find the link that shows it's PS3 "sales" vs. 360 "shipped", but even if they're both shipped or sales, PS3 is actually doing very good at its $500/$600 price point.

10-04-2007, 12:06 AM
gamecube is going to win this gen. talk about a dark horse!

Marth of Altea
10-04-2007, 12:54 AM
Everyone can pretty much guess why the 360 sells even slightly more units than the PS3. Its just the price range. I mean if you were to just go door to door and asked people why they didn't have a PS3 or a 360 they would all say "it costs too much", "PS3 is gay", or "360 is gay". If all the systems cost the same amount then most likely the wii would be knocked out by the 360 and PS3. The only reason people really go out and buy wiis in the first place is because they can't afford one of the other next gen systems or they think its fun to play since you actually have to get up and move around to play it. Even with the fun factor put in though the wii wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight with the PS3 and 360 were they all the same price.

10-04-2007, 12:56 AM
Everyone can pretty much guess why the 360 sells even slightly more units than the PS3. Its just the price range. I mean if you were to just go door to door and asked people why they didn't have a PS3 or a 360 they would all say "it costs too much", "PS3 is gay", or "360 is gay". If all the systems cost the same amount then most likely the wii would be knocked out by the 360 and PS3. The only reason people really go out and buy wiis in the first place is because they can't afford one of the other next gen systems or they think its fun to play since you actually have to get up and move around to play it. Even with the fun factor put in though the wii wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight with the PS3 and 360 were they all the same price.

I bought a Wii because it doesn't suck and has/will have games on it that I want to play.

Marth of Altea
10-04-2007, 01:04 AM
Thats the same reason I bought one.
What I was saying though is that if all the next gen systems were the same price which ones do you think people would buy first, the wii, 360, or ps3?

10-04-2007, 01:21 AM
Thats the same reason I bought one.
What I was saying though is that if all the next gen systems were the same price which ones do you think people would buy first, the wii, 360, or ps3?

How would I know that?

Marth of Altea
10-04-2007, 01:22 AM
It was a hypothetical question........ 0.0

10-04-2007, 01:24 AM
It was a hypothetical question........ 0.0

I don't know what games people prefer or what they want from their consoles.

I wouldn't buy an Xbox 360 or a PS3 if they were the price of a Wii since they both have no games that interest me.

Marth of Altea
10-04-2007, 01:42 AM
That makes you unique in my eyes since I actually took a poll at my school and 85% said that they would rather have a PS3 or 360 rather than a wii.

10-04-2007, 03:49 AM
That makes you unique in my eyes since I actually took a poll at my school and 85% said that they would rather have a PS3 or 360 rather than a wii.

This post made me laugh and squirt coke out my nose.


Seriously, does anyone have an image of a kid running around the school yard with a survey sheet? Comic genius.

Marth of Altea
10-04-2007, 04:05 AM
Yeah, I got all kinds of responses when I came up to people I didn't know asking them for there opinion and then to sign there name by it.
I even got thrown in a dumpster lol.

10-04-2007, 04:08 PM
PS3 is the one for me :) don't care for these charts,They don't mean much to me.

10-04-2007, 04:18 PM
honestly i'd get a 360 AND a wii if you asked me that question and they were both around 200 like the wii. shit. fuck that, i'd get all 3.

10-04-2007, 09:10 PM
PS3 is the one for me :) don't care for these charts,They don't mean much to me.


10-04-2007, 09:51 PM
I gotta ask all of the PS3 fanboys: Do any of you, (besides me and I'm not claiming myself as a fanboy, I just like video games), actually own a PS3? Because right now I feel like the only person in the shrine who even has PS3, hence my signature below depicting my PSN ID name and 5 out of several PS3 games I own.

10-05-2007, 02:41 AM
No, but I am a GT fanboy.
As soon as GT5 comes out, I'll get one.

J. Peterman
10-05-2007, 03:00 AM
marvin i am the biggest sony fanboy here at ffs and i don't have ps3

10-05-2007, 03:15 AM
No, but I am a GT fanboy.
As soon as GT5 comes out, I'll get one.

Well, you could still play GTHD Concept now like I am. It's pretty damn ok and its free. Here's a taste...

Gran Turismo HD Concept PS3 Gameplay, Menus and more (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9rEtRX5PNk)

10-05-2007, 03:38 AM
Well, you could still play GTHD Concept now like I am. It's pretty damn ok and its free. Here's a taste...

Gran Turismo HD Concept PS3 Gameplay, Menus and more (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9rEtRX5PNk)

The new upgrade is coming soon which will finally add damage!!!
Once I heard that, Forza and PGR have nothing on GT except for the racing body, decal, and color customizing.
I wished they had never taken away the racing upgrade on GT3. :notgood:

10-05-2007, 08:45 PM
I am hoping to get a PS3 for my birthday, which is like in a month and a bit.

10-05-2007, 09:07 PM
honestly i'd get a 360 AND a wii if you asked me that question and they were both around 200 like the wii. shit. fuck that, i'd get all 3.


Im sure price does have something to do with sales doe. I had to make the tough choice this year between 42'' LCD and gettting a smaller one with PS3, i think i made the right choice in hopes of the price dropping.

Signed, Iphone

10-06-2007, 02:37 AM
The new upgrade is coming soon which will finally add damage!!!
Once I heard that, Forza and PGR have nothing on GT except for the racing body, decal, and color customizing.
I wished they had never taken away the racing upgrade on GT3. :notgood:

Forza has GT beat when it comes to realism and the depth of engine customization you can do.

Which is really boring, and doesn't matter because GT is more fun and looks WAY better.

10-06-2007, 08:20 AM
I`m going to get it when I need it... For example, when FFXIII comes out. In fact I have only two reasons to buy it: Tekken 6 and FFXIII...

10-06-2007, 08:41 AM
Forza has GT beat when it comes to realism
How? If it's because of engine customizing, it still fails since it feels like arcade racing.

and the depth of engine customization you can do.

Which is really boring, and doesn't matter because GT is more fun and looks WAY better.Tuning is the best part of GT. I spend hours perfecting my cars.
I actually love that part of the game.

10-07-2007, 03:32 AM
Tuning is fantastic in GT, but it doesn't reach the same depth as Forza tuning. And I really disagree about the arcade racing thing, because I find arcade racing fun, while Forza is a pain in the ass to play.

So is GT occasionally, but at least it's pretty looking. Unlike Forza, which apparently never heard of the term 'anti-aliasing'.

10-07-2007, 05:17 AM
What's more realistic in Forza? I play GT4 with the force feedback Steering wheel from logitech (the one with the GT logo on it that can turn 900% like a real one) and I assure you it feels like driving a real car. The cars react like real cars, each of them have their own unique "personalities", etc... Really, if anything, driving in Forza feels a lot more sluggish.

10-07-2007, 10:33 AM

10-07-2007, 11:39 AM
I`m going to get it when I need it... For example, when FFXIII comes out. In fact I have only two reasons to buy it: Tekken 6 and FFXIII...

We have so much in common..

10-08-2007, 05:52 PM

lol fucking awesome! why can't i see great ads like that on tv? >.<

10-08-2007, 09:16 PM
We have so much in common..

Oh, it`s so nice to hear that :)

10-09-2007, 04:58 AM
I still remember the good ol' days, kinda reminds me of what's going on now...

Don't buy that PlayStation (http://archive.salon.com/tech/log/2000/10/27/playstation_rant/index.php)

It's overpriced and has no online access, and hardly any good games are available to play on it.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Jim Lynch

Oct. 27, 2000 | Whether or not Sony was sincere in its claim that a supply crisis led it to cut its initial shipments of the PlayStation2 to just 500,000 units, there's little question that the corporation was successful in the arena of hype marketing. Lines of obsessed PlayStation fans were a news staple Wednesday. But is the so-called superconsole really worth staying up all night for?

No. The PS2 is not the revolutionary device that Sony's marketing department would have you believe. Don't get me wrong; it's definitely the most powerful video-game machine on the planet right now. But that's not enough.

The PS2's stats are certainly impressive; it's got hardware power to burn. But so what? There's just not much software available that can take advantage of it. The games that are being released at the same time as the system don't rise much, if at all, above games available for Sega's rival (and cheaper) Dreamcast video-game system.

And don't expect a huge number of quality games anytime soon. Sony has reversed positions with Sega and stupidly released a system that is in many ways a game developer's nightmare. Sega, learning from its Saturn debacle, went out of its way to make the Dreamcast easy to develop games for. But Sony, intoxicated with success from the first PlayStation, forgot the first rule of the video-game industry: Software sells systems. If you make it hard for developers to produce good games then there's no reason for people to buy the system. This oversight has already cost Sony some goodwill -- developers are howling about how hard it is to create games for the system. In an interview with Time magazine, John Carmack, one of the developers behind such massively popular games as Doom and Quake, said that the "PS2 is definitely more powerful than Dreamcast. But it's less convenient to extract performance from it."

Sony is also under the mistaken impression that including the ability to play DVD movies is a huge selling point. But true technophiles and hardcore gamers probably already have DVD drives. I'm a good case in point. I already own a Sony DVD player, so I could not care less if the $299 PS2 can play movies. I'd rather pay less and get a machine that just plays games instead.

In comparison, the Sega Dreamcast sells for $149 and has a giant library of games already available. Sega also has an online game network, Seganet. The Dreamcast comes with a built-in 56K modem and Sega will soon release a broadband (cable/DSL) adapter for it. (The PS2 does not ship with a modem.) Sega is banking on the appeal of multiplayer online gaming, even going so far as to rebate the entire cost of a Dreamcast to players who sign up for Seganet. And for the first time ever we actually have cross-platform online gaming -- Seganet lets Dreamcast players compete against PC players in games like Quake 3. Sony, on the other hand, is promising online gaming later on but currently has nothing to offer purchasers of the PS2.

In addition to Sega, Sony also has two 800-pound gaming gorillas breathing down its neck: Nintendo and Microsoft. Nintendo plans to release its powerful GameCube system next year. Don't downplay Nintendo's chances either. Despite having a rocky time with the N64, Nintendo has some of the most lucrative franchises in video-game history on its side (Zelda, Super Mario Brothers, Metroid, etc.) and a superb marketing machine.

The real wild card here, though, is Microsoft, which plans to release its X-Box game system next year. The X-Box will have even more powerful hardware than the PS2, and Microsoft has the marketing muscle and rapport with developers to do the PS2 real damage. Unlike Sony, Microsoft is taking great pains to make sure the X-Box is easy to make games for -- developers will also be able to easily port games from the PC to the X-Box, thus insuring a huge supply of games.

So should you feel bad if you can't get a PS2 right away? No way. If you wait a while you'll avoid all the lines and scuffling in stores and you'll end up with a much better selection of games. And if you wait long enough for the upcoming systems from Microsoft and Nintendo, you'll probably see a cut in the price of the PS2 as Sony tries to ward off both threats.

Hardcore gamers aren't known for their patience, but this is one occasion when playing it smart may mean not playing at all. For now.

10-09-2007, 05:15 AM
These were the good old days. I love how everything this guy said came the other way around. (well almost evrything)

J. Peterman
10-09-2007, 05:38 AM



10-09-2007, 02:05 PM
Haha, wow, marvin.

good article. its hilarious given what goes on in this forum regarding the "console war"

10-09-2007, 03:33 PM
is there gonna be a new dead or alive game?

i hope they make if for the ps3 too.

10-09-2007, 11:00 PM
is there gonna be a new dead or alive game?

i hope they make if for the ps3 too.

Yes there is.

And it's been confirmed for the Xbox 360.

Team Ninja didn't like working with the PS3 on Ninja Gaiden Sigma.

J. Peterman
10-10-2007, 03:40 AM
is there gonna be a new dead or alive game?

i hope they make if for the ps3 too.

me too

10-10-2007, 07:05 AM
L7 :rolleyes:

I still remember the good ol' days, kinda reminds me of what's going on now...

Don't buy that PlayStation (http://archive.salon.com/tech/log/2000/10/27/playstation_rant/index.php)

It's overpriced and has no online access, and hardly any good games are available to play on it.
That's exactly what I'm saying. Yet people are already dismissing it.
We'll see what happens this Winter and the start of the 1st Qtr.

10-10-2007, 04:19 PM
me too

I hope it will be released on the PS3.. Anyway FUCK THAT ITAGAKI, he said that Tekken sucks...

J. Peterman
10-11-2007, 03:14 AM
The PS2 had like a year head-start over the Gamecube and the X-Box to help it. The 360 had it this time around, and it help cement a growing library that is definitely better than what the PS3 has to offer. By the time the Gamecube and X-Box already came out, I'm sure the PS2 already had a nice portion of games already ready for it. And when it came out, it didn't have to compete with two consoles that were selling much better than it.

The PS3 is definitely going to get some good games, there's little doubt about that. But the 360 and the Wii will get good games too. The Wii was basically selling off of nothing except maybe their Wii Sports game and Zelda for a good while. It just got Metroid, will get a flagship Mario platformer and will also get a Brawl game soon, which I'm guessing should help sales. Some of the exclusives that made the PS2 a "must have" aren't exclusive anymore. While I'm sure you could name a few "exclusive" games that make the PS3 very appealing, you can probably name just as many games for the 360 and the Wii.

And the price difference this time around is much bigger factor. The PS2, Gamecube and the X-Box were probably never more than $100-200 apart in terms of price, which is definitely less than the $350 price difference between the Wii/PS3 and the $250 between the PS3/360 Premium (ELITE IS JUNK DON'T BUY IT I AM SMART). I'm pretty sure there was never a point where you could buy both the X-Box and the GCN at a price that equaled the PS2 - though I could be mistaken BECAUSE I AM SMART. At $600, the price-point is just too high that it really makes it really unappealing, and people who are looking for the high-end graphics may just get a 360, while people like me get a Wii because Sony is stupid in the head and doesn't know how to price stuff appropriately. I MEAN IT WAS LIKE $500 FOR A MONTH AND THEN BACK UP MAN THAT REALLY GETS ME MAD THAT I WON'T BUY THAT JUNK SONY CONSOLE I AM NOT KIDDING SERIOUSLY F U SONY.

And I don't really think the PS3 is going to completely flop - though I'm sure some are. It's just that it's clear that it doesn't have a real shot at winning the console war. If the 360 could do better in Japan I could see it with some potential to actually pull ahead of the Wii, but my guesses are Nintendo will have both the hand-held and console markets dominated for this generation.



10-11-2007, 09:29 PM
FUCK THAT HALO! I always wandered should I get the Wii or the PS3.. I ended up with PS3, only because of FF... Nice opinion, Ketchum, but I still think that PS3 has a chance to win the console war.. Of course Sony has made a very STUPID move with the PS3 selling in Europe... 40GB, with no card reader, no backward-compatibillity and only two USB slots! CURSE THAT SONY!

Anyway, the DOA boobies are still provoking me!

10-11-2007, 10:46 PM
The 60GB version of the PS3 is still around.

10-12-2007, 03:22 AM
I was going to buy a PS3 this Christmas - but there is no way in hell i'm buying the 'new' 40 GB version with no backwards compatibility. There are way too many PS1/PS2 games I want to play, and my first generation PS2 probably won't last much longer.

I think i'll just buy a new PS2 instead =/

10-12-2007, 08:32 AM
I was going to buy a PS3 this Christmas - but there is no way in hell i'm buying the 'new' 40 GB version with no backwards compatibility. There are way too many PS1/PS2 games I want to play, and my first generation PS2 probably won't last much longer.

I think i'll just buy a new PS2 instead =/

Well that sucks! I wanted to add you to my PSN while you add me to your Nintendo Wii list, or whatever it's called. You let me down! :sad:

J. Peterman
10-12-2007, 09:21 AM
marvin u can always add me to you pokemon diamond PAL PAD


u traitor!!!!

10-12-2007, 09:08 PM
Soon it will be out... Now the 60GB PS3 is sold on a lower price, but there is very limited number of those, as of what I heard... I`m probably going with the Wii then... Or maybe, FF will win against all...

Anyway Raidenex, in some way, your opinion is really admirable!

10-12-2007, 09:31 PM
marvin u can always add me to you pokemon diamond PAL PAD


u traitor!!!!

I promise as soon as I get a DS (very soon), you let me know what Pokemon game to get so we can play.

12-25-2007, 04:30 PM
Speaking of 60gb ps3 pricepoints & the rebellion against 40gb when gamers found out what they'd be losing, what do you all think of the pricepoint of the new hddvd xbox 360?

kinda wish i'd gone for the ps3 when there were tons available. :(

12-25-2007, 05:53 PM
The 60GB version of the PS3 is still around.
Not any more. You can still find it in places like Ebay, but retail stores pretty much stopped stocking them.