Sound Reaper
10-03-2007, 06:29 AM
The time has finally come to release this gamerip. I put a lot of skill and effort into this one (let alone having to learn new recording and editing methods along the way). Just so you know, this gamerip goes by the order of the SOUND TEST. I was tempted many times to use a custom order, but that would have taken much longer.

In any case, here it goes.

I hope you enjoy!

EDIT: Original Soundtrack available.

10-03-2007, 08:04 AM
Hey, thank you so very much for this! You don't know how much you've made my day. I'll say this OST isn't as superior to that of Sonic Rush, but it's still very good indeed. I especially enjoy the boss theme of this game over the original boss theme in Sonic Rush. Both are really great games, but in my opinion, Rush still has the better soundtrack. :D Thanks~

~Halcyon Days.

10-03-2007, 09:44 AM

10-03-2007, 03:59 PM
Yay! I've been waiting for someone to do this since I first heard this game's music. Thanks, man! ^__^

10-03-2007, 06:57 PM
Lots of thanks! ^^

Just one thing: the composer is Teruhiko Nakagawa, so it would be worth changing the id3 from Sonic Team to...well, Teruhiko >_>

(Or at least thats what wikipedia says: "Sega composer Teruhiko Nakagawa is the sound director and composer of Sonic Rush adventure", I thought the composer was Hideki Naganuma, like in Sonic Rush...)

Oh, and -->

10-03-2007, 09:56 PM

Sound Reaper
10-03-2007, 09:59 PM
Lots of thanks! ^^

Just one thing: the composer is Teruhiko Nakagawa, so it would be worth changing the id3 from Sonic Team to...well, Teruhiko >_>

(Or at least thats what wikipedia says: "Sega composer Teruhiko Nakagawa is the sound director and composer of Sonic Rush adventure", I thought the composer was Hideki Naganuma, like in Sonic Rush...)

Oh, and -->

I may consider changing the ID3 tags soon, but I won't have the time to upload a TRUE finalized version till the morning. I am also aware of the release of an official soundtrack later on THIS MONTH. If at all possible, I will upload that as well.

Phil S
10-04-2007, 02:16 AM
I can wait for the official one.
Thanks for uploading.

10-04-2007, 02:29 PM
Thanks a lot Sound Reaper! The music in Sonic Rush Adventure is really good!

10-04-2007, 02:31 PM
Thanks for taking the time to record this... I can't say I like it though... but you did save me $40 b/c I would have ordered this from VGM World had I liked it more. I don't have the game or a DS so perhaps if I did I would be a bit more attached (though I LOVE Zero Advent and do not own that game!) but the music to me doesn't sound at all like a Sonic game. It's competent but not nearly Sonic-eee enough for me.

Sound Reaper
10-04-2007, 04:23 PM
Thanks for taking the time to record this... I can't say I like it though... but you did save me $40 b/c I would have ordered this from VGM World had I liked it more. I don't have the game or a DS so perhaps if I did I would be a bit more attached (though I LOVE Zero Advent and do not own that game!) but the music to me doesn't sound at all like a Sonic game. It's competent but not nearly Sonic-eee enough for me.

Being able to play the Sonic Rush games might changed your mind about that. Of course, not knowing how the levels and gameplay is like can easily offset outside opinions regarding the soundtrack. Don't worry, it's happened before, trust me.

(Good example: I didn't like the Final Fantasy XII soundtrack as much as I should have, but after seeing how the game was TRULY like, I understood how the music fit well with the game.)

10-28-2007, 02:19 PM
Thanks, just got this game and the music blew me away!

Sound Reaper
10-29-2007, 03:51 PM
I am glad that so many people liked this gamerip.

Just a small announcement: Exactly one week from today, I will be making my OWN Act 1 & 2 mixes of each track (Allegros will be included as well) if the OST isn't uploaded by then. Besides, I may do for fun anyways just to see if I can out-do the OST quality.

(You would be quite surprised what you can learn dealing with a game like DK: Jungle Climber.)

10-31-2007, 01:29 AM

Sound Reaper
10-31-2007, 03:20 PM

I will be re-uploading that with adjusted ID3 Tags shortly.

EDIT: Original Soundtrack Available

10-07-2009, 07:00 AM
Link doesn't work :(

Sound Reaper
10-13-2009, 06:35 PM
Link doesn't work :(

Of corse the link doesn't work! It was posted in 2007. Are you interested in getting this gamerip still? I would be glad to upload it.

10-15-2009, 08:36 AM
yes please

11-01-2011, 03:53 AM
Damn. The Gamerip link expired. I have the original soundtrack but I want the gamerip as well.

Sound Reaper
11-02-2011, 03:23 AM
Hmm, I can't make any promises. If I can get a new internet connection for my home computer, I will see what I can do.

11-03-2011, 10:47 AM
i remember burning the gamerip to a CD years ago...

Sonic Rush Adventure.part1.rar (
Sonic Rush Adventure.part2.rar (
Sonic Rush Adventure.part3.rar (

11-29-2011, 12:41 AM
shadow01 those links are dead now too, if you could kindly reupload it'd be appreciated.