10-01-2007, 12:24 PM
Okay, it looks like we're not going to be fooled again. It is coming out this time. Really. But is it going to be any good? Turning a tried'n'true turned base into a real time? I had my doubts.
After reading this interview, I think they might have found a -dare I say- perfect balance. VATS. Combined with Resy Evil 4.
I have to tell you, I'm excited. I'm skeptical about their ability to truly recreate the zany characters, desolation, and comical dialog in the previous fallouts. But all we really want to do is play survivorman in an apocalypse world right?

10-01-2007, 02:51 PM
I have faith in the Oblivion crew. And the trailer they've released captures the Fallout 'feel' perfectly - and Liam fucking Neeson is the voice actor for the character's father.

You don't get any better than that.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
10-01-2007, 03:36 PM
I've played Oblivion a few times now, and though it is a really good game I thought there were some things that felt a bit clumsy. But from the looks of it they've ironed out a lot of these problems from Fallout 3. Though I was initially sceptical of the change from the isometric angle and the turn-based battle system, I've come round a lot recently. I find the more and more I see new screens for it the more I think this'll be just as good as the original Fallout games, if not, better.

I didn't know that they got Liam Neeson on-board, that's bloody excellent, though they've always had famous voice actors, even since the first one. Just think, by the time this comes out it'll have been 11 years since the original.

10-01-2007, 08:08 PM
Fallout 3 is gonna be huge next fall, and I think it's gonna battle with Final Fantasy XIII for the most popular rpg of the year. There are other great games coming out though. Watch out for White Knight Story, Fable 2, Disgaea 3, and Cry On also.

10-02-2007, 12:38 PM
I think what really got me onboard the fallout 3 train was the reference to Resy Evil 4. I still think that is one of the best shooters out there -thats not multiplayer- Still, I wonder whether they'll have the same great dialog/choices in this one. Also curious how they're going to set it up, Oblivion's choice interface was annoying at best.
And speaking of Disgaea 3, I hope they axe their previous sound guy. Disgaea's tunes drove me absolutely crazy.

10-05-2007, 02:06 PM
I'm not sure I will enjoy Fallout 3 as much as the previous game.

While I have zero problems with taking the series into the 3rd dimension, Bethsoft's recent games have been somewhat disappointing for me. From my perspective, as someone who played Arena, Daggerfall, and a few of their other pre-Morrowind games, they are making far to many concessions for consoles. I'm sure this makes them more money, but I'm even more sure it results in an inferior game.

I fear that Fallout 3 will feel overly simplified and dumbed down, with regards to the game play, just as Morrowind and Oblivion were.

Bethsofts refusal to implioment any form of usable mult-player in it's RPGs has been a major let down of the Elder Scrolls series for more than a decade. Knowing they won't be rectifying this for Fallout 3 is a disapointment.

I do think they will capture the Fallout flavor rather well, but if it is a purely single player experience, and feels like it was made for a console, I won't be buying it untill it hits the bargan bins.