09-29-2007, 01:44 AM
I've been catching up on some of these problems. As being pro-Sony, even I don't think this is funny. As a guy, I would never wish any guy to get kicked in the balls. As a gamer, I wouldn't want any gamer to get screwed over - end result, consumer suffers after putting in a large investment of hard earned money - NEVER funny. So on a serious note, do you think all of this poses a massive issue for Microsoft? I'm talking about all of the problems around the bad packaging for Halo 3 with disk scratches and many of the Halo 3 games causing 360s to crash by corrupting the HDDs.

First article (
- reference (
- reference (
Second article (

J. Peterman
09-29-2007, 02:09 AM
i think sony and microsoft both will be gone by next month

i am a sony fanboy too

09-29-2007, 02:28 AM
i'm pro-sony as well, microsoft is a bad idea altogether in the long run. There products are poorly made these days.

09-29-2007, 02:35 AM
I don't want this to turn into a thread about Microsoft vs. Sony. I just want to know what may come of this. Microsoft already had to extend there warranty by 2 years to avoid a recall, so how can Microsoft fix this problem?

09-29-2007, 03:05 AM
It's just a matter of rolling damage limitation. The creation and marketing of the 360 have been a fucking joke, especially considering the resources behind them. For the longest time Microsoft denied that there was any intrinsic problem behind the unacceptable hardware failure rates of the 360 - this despite the fact that many gamers had seen the 3 red lights of doom on successive units. Then there was the launch of the Elite, leading to mass wailing and gnashing of teeth amongst early-adopters. Now we have the potential minefield of the H3 release. Expect Microsoft to go into spinning overdrive.

There are many faults with Microsoft, it seems that the main one afflicting the X360 derives from catching the greedy-rush-to-market virus. I'm running on Vista Home Basic at the moment, and I've had to download 2 hotfixes. I cannot wait for SP1: 1.5meg of RAM (now) with a core duo and empires rise and fall in the time it takes to copy/delete my folders. This is barely tolerable for an OS. To assume a similarly benign attitude will be extended to shoddy hardware sets a new standard of fuckwittery.

Sony must be standing on a chair with their head in the noose at letting this opportunity slip by...

Disclaimer: I have an Xbox and I wuv it.

09-29-2007, 03:29 AM
Personally, I'm not fans of Sony because of their stupid region devision tactics. I'm not fan of Microsoft either because of their overpriced software and the fact that they like to play big brother with the consumers and be buddies with the RIAA and MPAA.

That said, I think Microsoft's upcoming problem isn't too huge as they have taken measures to fix it(i.e. a new batch of the Halo 3 discs reportedly shipped with a foam block inside that stops the disc from coming loose in the tin), plus they were quick to announce a replacement program.

Plus, DVDs are ass-cheap compared to Blu-Rays. It'll only cost M$ a few million at best (compared to the few million x 20 that'll cost Sony if something like that should happen to blu-ray discs).

Nintendo should take advantage of the situation to buy into M$'s cut tho.

Disclaimer: I have a PS2 (although a US model - Sony only sells NTSC-J units here, and they won't play the games I want it to play, which are mostly US-exclusive games).

09-29-2007, 10:02 AM
I can't imagine that this will have a significant effect on anything.

09-29-2007, 10:38 AM
The thing is, although Microsoft is 'spending' US$2 billion on this warranty thing, they're not actually losing that money. That's just the amount that they have to hold onto for the next 5 years in the event of a malfunction: they don't actually 'spend' it unless they replace/repair a console.

And at cost price, $2 billion is a LOT of X360s.

If you look at the profit/loss figures from consoles too, you'll see that this has put Microsoft on an equal footing with Sony - they're both approximately US$2 billion in the red; Microsoft because they hadn't recovered their costs and this warranty issue, Sony because they take it hard hardware wise. Blu-ray lasers are freaking expensive.

On the Halo 3 issue, my version had that foam block Joan mentioned - and I got it the day before international release. I'd say it was intended to be in there, but maybe one batch had it missing because of a manufacturing error. That sort of stuff happens all the time, and tbh, replacing a game disc is no real loss to Microsoft- it probably costs less than $1 to print and mail out a replacement disc.

But even with that, I think both Microsoft and Sony are facing huge problems. Being billions of dollars in debt is not a good thing: especially considering that Nintendo has made a $2 billion PROFIT with the Wii. Nintendo is dominating the market sales wise, greater than they ever have before: Nintendo Co. is the second biggest company in Japan, second only to Toyota. Think about that: Nintendo is making a bigger profit than Sony as a whole. Kinda mind blowing when you consider that. Sony and Microsoft have a pretty big uphill battle if either want to establish dominance - but it seems like it's doomed to be a battle for a far, far, far second.

09-29-2007, 12:57 PM
I have a first batch x-box and Halo 3 disc, and have always used windows. I've never actually had any problems with them.

I think the simple solution would be for people who bitch about microsoft products to stop using them and find an alternative. That way, they get a new product that works, and the satisfied customers don't have to hear them moan.

09-29-2007, 02:07 PM
I have a first batch x-box and Halo 3 disc, and have always used windows. I've never actually had any problems with them.

I think the simple solution would be for people who bitch about microsoft products to stop using them and find an alternative. That way, they get a new product that works, and the satisfied customers don't have to hear them moan.

Fair enough, if there is an alternative. Not everybody is tech-savvy enough to switch to Linux, and gamers aren't going to choose a Mac over a ramped-up gaming PC.

What's your option if you want to play Halo 3 or FF XI? X360 or Fuck all.

My Xbox runs as well now as it did the day I bought it. I found XP a pleasure to use. You haven't had any problems? Super cool. However, other people have and when they're shelling out $400+ on a console, it's reasonable to expect that it should work. For more than a year.

09-29-2007, 02:18 PM
Ditto for Marvin's first statements and to Raidenex's last.

In any case, Microsoft's downfall is that they are trying to so hard to overtake the market. The video game market is significantly different than the computer market. They are so used to not having strong competition that they really don't know what to do with themselves. I really don't wanna repeat of the Dreamcast with any of these next-gen's but if Microsoft just is competing for cash or that be-all share of the market, they deserve all these errors. Same can be said for any company that just wants to sit there and take our money.

I love Gates when he's dealing in computers, but the big boys at Microsoft just need to realize that they are new to this market and need to chill with pumpin out products just to beat up Sony or Nintendo in sales.

Quality work=Quality product=happy customers =^^=

To answer the question directly: Microsoft is facing huge issues and the only thing keeping them alive in the console wars (it seems) is the fact that they built a loyal Halo following.

09-29-2007, 02:29 PM
To answer the question directly: Microsoft is facing huge issues and the only thing keeping them alive in the console wars (it seems) is the fact that they built a loyal Halo following.

The Xbox 360 was leading console sales up until last week (when the Wii pipped them) - before Halo 3 came out. And sure, there might have been a small percentage of owners who had one 'ready' for Halo 3, but you're ignoring the fact that there have been many, many other good releases for the system. There are more quality games on the Xbox 360 than on the Wii and PlayStation 3, and the system is getting by quite well on its own merits.

Microsoft gets a lot of flack, but the truth is, they've done a damn good job of marketing and supporting their console. They could have chosen to ignore all these problems, but they're not: they're actively fixing them, at their expense. A dead Xbox may be an inconvenience, but that's all it is. And when you think about the technology they are packing into a small space, hardware errors can and will happen. The truth is, I feel that Microsoft is supporting me as a consumer - an adult consumer at that. Although this isn't really something that can be quantified, a customer can 'feel' how the company is treating them - Microsoft treats its user base as human adults. Nintendo treats their user base as kids - and don't deny it, just look at the tone and feel of the Wii Store / Nintendo site - and Sony acts like its user base doesn't matter. Ever since i've had my PSP i've pretty much felt like Sony didn't care about me as a consumer (and the PSP as a product). It may seem like a silly thing to base an argument on, but consumer confidence is key in this battle.

09-29-2007, 04:08 PM
The Xbox 360 was leading console sales up until last week (when the Wii pipped them) - before Halo 3 came out. And sure, there might have been a small percentage of owners who had one 'ready' for Halo 3, but you're ignoring the fact that there have been many, many other good releases for the system. There are more quality games on the Xbox 360 than on the Wii and PlayStation 3, and the system is getting by quite well on its own merits.

Microsoft gets a lot of flack, but the truth is, they've done a damn good job of marketing and supporting their console. They could have chosen to ignore all these problems, but they're not: they're actively fixing them, at their expense. A dead Xbox may be an inconvenience, but that's all it is. And when you think about the technology they are packing into a small space, hardware errors can and will happen. The truth is, I feel that Microsoft is supporting me as a consumer - an adult consumer at that. Although this isn't really something that can be quantified, a customer can 'feel' how the company is treating them - Microsoft treats its user base as human adults. Nintendo treats their user base as kids - and don't deny it, just look at the tone and feel of the Wii Store / Nintendo site - and Sony acts like its user base doesn't matter. Ever since i've had my PSP i've pretty much felt like Sony didn't care about me as a consumer (and the PSP as a product). It may seem like a silly thing to base an argument on, but consumer confidence is key in this battle.

My problems with that post is when you talk about all the tech that are put there in such a small place... That its only normal that it happens.
When you pay that much for a game system, it's only normal that you want it to work like it should. There's nothing that should excuse the lack of care Microsoft put in the manufacturing of their system. I know many people that are now using their third, fourth, fifth XBox360 in roughly over a year. The fact that they didn't yet fix that manufacturing problem shows that they don't really care about the satisfaction of their custumers.

It may just be a video game system, but what if it was a TV, or a car?
Would you go for a Toyota if you knew you'd have to send it back to the manufacturer every 3 or so months? My guess is that you wouldn't. You'd probably take note of their problem and label their products as of poor quality. Sure, under their hoods, their Supra might have, say, 3oo HP, but if the rest of the mechanical parts aren't customized to handle its great power, than it's kinda pointless. The Xbox 360, while having a really nice game line-up, is having serious quality issues. Issues that Nintendo, and even Sony don't have. I don't think a company sacrificing quality over quantity, like Microsoft is doing in an apparent attempt to get more market share (how twisted that might sound) shouldn't get any praise when it comes to their consumer support. They have no choice to do this guaranty stunt, if they don't want to lose the face.

As far as the way things look for each company, you should know that looks are often deceiving. You stated that Nintendo treats their users like kids because of the way their online shop looks... That's a bit superficial of you. Nintendo's presentation is straight to the point and doesn't rely on flashy green and metallic gray to make you look like you're in the future or something. They made their layout so it is easy to navigate for ANYONE.

Microsoft made their system so it appeals to what they call "hardcore gamers", and Sony fits in between them both, or so that's what they are trying to achieve.

This Human adult thing you mentioned is so completely wrong. They treat their users like sheeps that will buy their crap no matter what, "so why bother".

Their guaranty, although being "nice" of them, is still not addressing the real problem. Their console is an architectural mess.

It may seem like a silly thing to base an argument on, but consumer confidence is key in this battle.

It IS silly. Microsoft cannot expect me to have confidence in a product that is bound to break after such a short period.

09-29-2007, 04:35 PM
I don't know. I guess my opinion would be different if I actually had a 360 die on me; for me, the console's unreliable reputation is nothing but text on news articles. While I know, intellectually, that it is true, because it doesn't affect me directly as an owner I don't really feel like it's 'real', if you know what I mean?

I'm not going to argue that the console doesn't have manufacturing faults: it does. And Sony and Nintendo have much higher QA apparently (god bless Nintendo - my old Game Boy still works after more than 12 years). But the fact is, and remains, that it isn't a big deal that it breaks down - as long as it's under warranty. I'm willing to put up with that - and yes, it makes me a sheep, I guess - in exchange for the benefits. With the PS3, the reason I don't own one yet (apart from the cash), is because there just doesn't seem to be a benefit to it yet. When Metal Gear Solid 4 hits next year it's going to be a different story, but at the moment, no matter how sound the console is architecturally, it's not offering me anything. Which is why Sony is in just as much trouble, because they're not really offering anyone anything particularly special.

09-29-2007, 04:48 PM
They aren't yet. And we don't know if what they're building up right now will end up being such a convivial environment in the end. But if (yeah, those annoying hypothetical "ifs") they manage to provide the consumer with everything they mentioned, and make it work as good as they claim it will be, even if it's been delayed to no end, I'm sure they'll get a good momentum by that time.

It's kinda obvious that the lack of any good exclusives is what affect them the most. The price-point is also a big factor, but anyone can see that it came out way before it was ready. They lowered some parts of the specs, mainly to lower the system's cost to the consumer. While what they should have done is take a year longer to make things right tech-wise (lets mention that GPU here) and to let the developers get some more games ready for launch or soon after it.

What more, the cost of the actual system's components could have lowered during that year and people wouldn't complain that such a pile of hi-end tech is that expensive.

09-29-2007, 05:26 PM
Fair enough, if there is an alternative. Not everybody is tech-savvy enough to switch to Linux, and gamers aren't going to choose a Mac over a ramped-up gaming PC.

What's your option if you want to play Halo 3 or FF XI? X360 or Fuck all.

My Xbox runs as well now as it did the day I bought it. I found XP a pleasure to use. You haven't had any problems? Super cool. However, other people have and when they're shelling out $400+ on a console, it's reasonable to expect that it should work. For more than a year.

If someone won't switch to something else that works because it's a bit more complex, or whatever, then they don't really have the right to moan.

I don't know exact figures, but i'm going to bet that a LOT more 360's work than have failed. Faults are to be expected with technology. If you don't like that, then maybe you should opt for something that won't break?

If i opt for the 360 for the sole reason of playing Halo 3 or FF XI, then maybe i shouldn't complain as this platform is bringing me the game i want to play, whereas the competitor is not.

It's not like people are forced to buy a 360. The faults are well publicised, and there are other options. Maybe people should stop moaning when they buy one or their own choosing.

09-29-2007, 09:07 PM
I don't know. I guess my opinion would be different if I actually had a 360 die on me; for me, the console's unreliable reputation is nothing but text on news articles. While I know, intellectually, that it is true, because it doesn't affect me directly as an owner I don't really feel like it's 'real', if you know what I mean?

The manager at my local GameStop is kind of the exact same way. She's had both X-Box', first gen, and neither have crapped out on her. But until her 360 falls apart, she's still going to feel that the 360 is the most reliable machine out there and she will never buy PS3 because her PS2 fell apart. Her thoughts on overall company reliability: X-box > PS3.

10-01-2007, 02:39 AM
Well, it is at least good that they admit their problems with their machines. I had to search around to find info on the PS3 blue diode problems. It's good publicity and a good company policy to be aware of system malfunctions and do their best to get them to the consumer, so they are aware of the next step they should take in order to get their product in working order.

Plus, Microsoft is one of the largest companies in the world with Gates and partners some of the richest people in the world. They gotta be doin somethin right....

Also, Nintendo is expected to defeat the big boys. They have been a company since they got a few tricks up their sleeve.

But, I am still not gonna buy a 360. ::laughs::

hb smokey
10-01-2007, 04:10 AM
I don't know. I guess my opinion would be different if I actually had a 360 die on me; for me, the console's unreliable reputation is nothing but text on news articles. While I know, intellectually, that it is true, because it doesn't affect me directly as an owner I don't really feel like it's 'real', if you know what I mean?

I'm not going to argue that the console doesn't have manufacturing faults: it does. And Sony and Nintendo have much higher QA apparently (god bless Nintendo - my old Game Boy still works after more than 12 years). But the fact is, and remains, that it isn't a big deal that it breaks down - as long as it's under warranty. I'm willing to put up with that - and yes, it makes me a sheep, I guess - in exchange for the benefits. With the PS3, the reason I don't own one yet (apart from the cash), is because there just doesn't seem to be a benefit to it yet. When Metal Gear Solid 4 hits next year it's going to be a different story, but at the moment, no matter how sound the console is architecturally, it's not offering me anything. Which is why Sony is in just as much trouble, because they're not really offering anyone anything particularly special.
Not much to add here other than the fact that I picked up an Elite a few weeks ago. Two or three hours after gameplay, I took a break. Went back to play some more, and the Elite was completely shot; the infamous red ring of death had struck already. But the second one I have now has worked fine so far, except the fact that Halo 3 froze two or three times while I was sending messages and searching for matches. I've never had a Nintendo console/handheld break down on me, and I can't remember the last time a software product of theirs messed up, so I'll always say they have the most reliable products.

10-01-2007, 04:22 AM
I've never had a Nintendo console/handheld break down on me, and I can't remember the last time a software product of theirs messed up, so I'll always say they have the most reliable products.

I can't remember the last time anyone has ever had a problem with a Nintendo product. I'm on my 2nd NES, 3rd SNES & 3rd N64, not because the prior ones broke down, but because either one got stolen or I had to sell it.

10-01-2007, 01:20 PM
As I heard Microsoft had three years of trouble, because three years in a row they were loosing a lot of money... I hope that Microsoft is going down... I`m a Sony fan-boy!!!!

10-01-2007, 02:46 PM
You're proud of being a corporate whore?

Good job.

10-01-2007, 03:19 PM
when people wish for MS to "go down". do they mean only in consoles or everything else? cause if you mean everything else i think your a fucking idiot. -_- *glares at the people dissing MS on their windows machines*

10-01-2007, 03:27 PM
I think anyone wishing for anyone elses company to fail is pretty mean.

I mean, the whole idea of a capitalist society is choice and variety - just because you don't like a particular choice doesn't mean that other people don't have the right to differ in opinion.

Another company doesn't need to fail in order for your company to be successful.

10-01-2007, 06:04 PM
I want it to go down in consoles, and create better software.. Cuz Playstation will always be better than XboX

10-01-2007, 06:20 PM
Stupid fankid.

10-01-2007, 06:45 PM
I want it to go down in consoles, and create better software.. Cuz Playstation will always be better than XboX

So your dead certain PS4 will be better than Xbox3 (or w/e they might call it?) years before they even exist?

J. Peterman
10-01-2007, 08:07 PM

10-01-2007, 11:30 PM
As I heard Microsoft had three years of trouble, because three years in a row they were loosing a lot of money... I hope that Microsoft is going down... I`m a Sony fan-boy!!!!

That's a pretty messed up thing to say. Hoping a large business, especially someone like Microsoft or even a devision of Microsoft, would go down means people loosing jobs. you could have at least came and suggested that maybe due to (insert credible supporting evidence), Microsoft's gaming devision should such-n-such (like restructure or focus more on this or that going forward). Also spouting your fan-boyism is also pretty ignorant and means you loose any and all credibility around here.
I started this thread not to preach for the Sony fan-boys, or for any fan-boy because they're all retarded. I just want to discuss what Microsoft may be facing and what a company can do to to save it's self if needed.

10-02-2007, 03:27 PM

no no. your slightly mistaken. that's what happens when your NES becomes self aware. just stare into the flashing lights. in a few seconds your mind will become one with the NES and you should be IN the game shortly.

have fun. :D

10-02-2007, 07:58 PM
I just said what I think... I really LIKE WINDOWS OS, Microsoft mouses are one of the best that I`ve ever used, and they do loads of other good stuff, but Sony will always be above Microsoft when talking about consoles... I think that Microsoft will be facing a huge trouble if they won`t change Windows Vista for good, I tried it, but got back to my old good XP, many people have done the same, and I guess I know why... Now XboX360 is popular, for stuff like Halo 3, and it`s cheapness, but soon PS will get more popular, because there are many better games going to be released and the price is going to get lower sooner or later..

10-02-2007, 08:02 PM
So guys, the new series of 360s with the Falcon motherboard and 65nm chips are out now, which should solve the "red ring of death" problem on all the new consoles being made.

Any thoughts on how this will affect the market?

10-02-2007, 11:37 PM
The manager at my local GameStop is kind of the exact same way. She's had both X-Box', first gen, and neither have crapped out on her. But until her 360 falls apart, she's still going to feel that the 360 is the most reliable machine out there and she will never buy PS3 because her PS2 fell apart. Her thoughts on overall company reliability: X-box > PS3.

I'm exactly the same way. Although, instead of just one breaking down, I have been through three ps2's in 2 years. It wasn't too bad at the start, but after a while of intensely desiring pro evolution soccer, it got quite annoying that every ps2 we touched turned to crap. I don't even think they were that poorly treated, I know mine wasn't. We have a pile of ps2's in a corner in the house.

Mine turned out okay in the end, was able to open it up and fix it with a bit of a cigarette box. But I don't think this is the sort of thing a console owner should have to do, really. =/ So, having had no problems with the 360 (yet), I'm willing to wait it out. Really don't want to have to buy sony again, after that, just out of spite.

J. Peterman
10-03-2007, 12:02 AM
no no. your slightly mistaken. that's what happens when your NES becomes self aware. just stare into the flashing lights. in a few seconds your mind will become one with the NES and you should be IN the game shortly.

have fun. :D


Marth of Altea
10-03-2007, 12:49 AM

Thats really disappointing.
I was hoping to go stomping on goombas with mario.:sad:

10-03-2007, 01:56 AM
I have to ask something after letting the following snipped resonated through my head for a few days.

I want it to go down in consoles, and create better software.. Cuz Playstation will always be better than XboX
When was the last time something original was released on PS3 Platform? So far, Vib Ribbon for the PSOne, Fantavision for the PS2, and Lumines for the PSP comes to mind. Is there anything original for the PS3 yet?

Not grabbing one until I can find one that's NTSC/UC and reasonably priced, maybe over eBay. And a good, original PS3 game comes out.

10-03-2007, 02:20 AM
and Lumines for the PSP comes to mind.

Even I gotta say Lumines is hardly original. lol. But I still love the game.

10-03-2007, 03:12 AM
Here's my 2 cents:
I don't think this "Red Ring of Death" is a problem for them, also I doubt that new upgrade has really solved the problem as they claim it has.

I haven't bought any of the next gen systems.
I'm most likely going to buy a Wii, and another system. As to which, I don't know. There's games on both sides that I want to play, however, most of the Xbox games will eventually land on PC, which makes me question why I should shell out for an Xbox.
Right now I am leaning a bit towards PS3, for a few games that have already or will soon come out (Warhawk, Killzone 2, Heavenly Sword, MGS4:GOP, and especially GT5 which will finally have car damage: suck on that Forza & PGR).

But who knows. I just might go and buy all 3 just to be a "True Gamer"! :p

As far as the BluRay/HD-DVD wars are concerned, BluRay will inevitably win the war. It's not about price this time, it's about technological advancement. If it was about price, why the hell would the porn industry decided on BluRay than the cheaper HD-DVD.

10-03-2007, 01:35 PM
Vastalis, if you did any checking up whatsoever on the source of the RROD problem with the 360 and familiarized yourself a bit with the new design, you'd easily see that it is a greatly superior design that really does address the problem. I'm still going to watch and see what happens, but anyone who thinks the red rings will continue to be just as prolific is downright idiotic.

Also, you're wrong about the porn industry. They've been firmly behind HD DVD from pretty much the beginning.

10-03-2007, 01:43 PM
BluRay should win, but probably will not. It's too bad because it is a better format from what I understand.

10-03-2007, 01:52 PM
If you have to say "from what I understand," you don't understand enough to comment on it without looking like an idiot. I suggest you don't try.

And besides, the one that should win is the one chosen by consumers, assuming one ever is.

10-03-2007, 03:18 PM
from my understanding i am led to believe that maybe possibly with the slight chance of probably, it's gonna be [insert new disc format here] because that's what i heard. :p

i go with whichever format is less anal about letting me burn and copy.

10-03-2007, 03:26 PM
No, I understand enough to comment. I always understand enough to comment. I do not own either system. I also do not own a BluRay or HD DVD player. It was explained by a friend who knows quite a bit about this and owns both systems. Although he is most definately on the X-box side of things, he feels BluRay is a better format. And after he explained to me why, I think it's probably a better format as well. I understand he could be wrong after all, hence the "from what I understand."

I just will not go on record with some crap like saying either format is for sure is superior, for I just don't know for sure—moreover, I don't care enough to know for sure. Before you ask: Do I care enough to comment on here? Obviously, I do. Boredom at the workplace does a lot, I suppose.

That was me trying I guess.

10-04-2007, 03:53 AM
Blu-ray and HD are practically identical - the only difference until this point has been capacity, but HD50 has just been released which ups the space on a HD disc from 25 GB to 50GB, solving the capacity issue.

Apart from that, they are both high-capacity, blue laser based formats.

I don't really care which one wins, but i'm rooting for HD at the moment because the red cases look better than the blue ones, imo.

10-04-2007, 04:31 AM
If it was about price, why the hell would the porn industry decided on BluRay than the cheaper HD-DVD.

Also, you're wrong about the porn industry. They've been firmly behind HD DVD from pretty much the beginning.

It could go either way I guess.


Debbie Loves Dallas Released for Blu-ray (

Vivid Entertainment has announced that the alt-adult feature 'Debbie Loves Dallas' (not to be confused with 'Debbie Does Dallas') is in stores today. More significant to the story is the fact that Vivid is releasing this title on Blu-ray and DVD with no release planned for HD DVD. This is a change in Vivid's policy which was originally format neutral.

LFP Brings Porn to Blu-ray (

LFP Video Group has partnered with New Media Adult Entertainment to bring, what they hope will be, the first American porn title to Blu-ray. The undisclosed Jenna Haze title is expected to be released this summer, though no specs or date have been released at this time. This begins the race against Vivid Entertainment, who earlier in the year promised the title 'Debbie Does Dallas... Again' for March but failed to deliver, to see who can deliver the first American Blu-ray porn title.

Japan's Adult Industry Given Access to Blu-ray (

While the effect of adult films on the format war may be a heavily contested, the fact remains that there is a huge demand for this type of material. In Japan, the ability to release adult material on Blu-ray just got a whole lot easier. Assist Corp, who has handled most of the early adult Blu-ray content in Japan, has partnered with a company based in Taiwan to begin replication of adult titles. They are expected to begin production next month. Sony has long mandated that, while they will not allow their own production facilities to replicate adult material, they will assist any company which wants to do so. With the addition of this new production facility (which purchased the manufacturing equipment directly from Sony), adult content producers now have an additional outlet to manufacturer their features in high definition.

J. Peterman
10-04-2007, 04:31 AM

but really i think like both like will not win until a couple of years since they both have like marketshare and no like super dooper awesome magical car yet once one gets it they will win

10-04-2007, 05:09 AM
BluRay should win, but probably will not. It's too bad because it is a better format from what I understand.
Imo, any next-gen media with region locking and no way around it is an inferior format. Period. Guess which of the next-gen format has region-locking and allows the creator of the disc to revoke the ablities of the player with the license.

10-04-2007, 05:14 AM
The problem is, the region locking and drm is possible on HD as well. It just hasn't been implemented yet.

You can bet your ass that whatever format ends up winning, it will have all of the negative aspects of both :(

10-04-2007, 05:31 AM
Hmm... Odd, Wikipedia seems to imply that they have no intentions to implement region locking on HD-DVD.

That's the only reason I defected from the Blu-Ray camp. As soon as I heard that the PS3-is-region-free stuff is bullshit and that the HD-DVD format is supposedly region free, I defected. Most of the stuff they release here in Malaysia just doesn't interest me, and most of the stuff that I am interested in aren't released here at all :(

Sure, The Blu-Ray specification says that Malaysia will use the same Region as the US, but then, what if I want to buy a British or French movie or TV series on Blu-Ray?

10-04-2007, 12:35 PM
It must be true if it's on Wikipedia.

10-05-2007, 02:47 AM
I just read that the war might not even matter when HVD comes out. The prototype for mass production is finished, and set to debut. When it does, it can hold much more memory than both HD-DVD and BluRay combined. So who knows.

HVD is sort both technologies combined (

10-05-2007, 04:08 AM
It must be true if it's on Wikipedia.
Good point on the sarcasm. *sigh*. Guess I have to own some 3-6 Next-gen players , and keep buying new players from other regions when they revoke my players' key because I'm watching a movie in a country that the studios don't like.

I just read that the war might not even matter when HVD comes out. The prototype for mass production is finished, and set to debut. When it does, it can hold much more memory than both HD-DVD and BluRay combined. So who knows.

HVD is sort both technologies combined (
Well, I took a look at the pricing. Wow, that's ungodly expensive, the HVD burner costs about as much as my gaming PC (which ate up the entire of my college graduation present money). And the cost of the media. For some reason that got me thinking about Neo-Geo cartridges.

Of course, it'll be entirely moot if HVD also has region locking and DRM.