09-28-2007, 04:48 PM
Everything of him please, Im talking to you, Axersia !! PLEASE

Baron Sengir
09-29-2007, 09:26 PM
Everything, huh? You know, GoronMoron has a ton of his stuff in his thread.
I'll second this request though, for all the stuff Goron didn't have.

[EDIT] Oops, I posted here before I saw your thread in the download links section. Anyways, since we're on the topic of SSH, I would like to request some other Lost Child CD's, specifically the ones titled "Laox", "Messe Sanoh", and "Sofmap," and also something called "DJ Hero's tama-soft clubsound remix selection 2007"

These aren't by SSH (so far as I know) but they are remixes of his work, so that still counts, right?

09-29-2007, 09:49 PM
lol, why me? Why would I have stuff of him? As far as I know, I haven't uploaded anything of him

@Baron Sengir
I have Lost Child Arrange Album ~Lost Childlen~ by Lost Childlen. Not sure if you're interested in that? I don't feel like checking all the Lost Child related threads, but figured this has most chance of not being posted yet since it's a doujin arrange album.

Baron Sengir
09-30-2007, 12:06 AM
That's actually the only one I was able to find on my own, but thanks anyways. Very good cd, btw. I wonder if anyone else would want it.