09-27-2007, 08:31 PM

I got my rental of Eternal Sonata last night. I had interest in the game but I wasn't sure if I would like it. I put it on and was awestruck! This is an amazing game!! I ended up playing for two and a half hours last night and I'm pretty sure that I'm going to buy the game and strategy guide and beat this game. It helps that this game is not too long, which means I have time for it. Here's a short review...

Eternal Sonata quick review
Graphics - 10/10[PERFECT!!!] - Movies, backgrounds, characters, monsters, special effects, menus, everything
Sound - 10/10[PERFECT!!!] - The music is great, it is remixes of Chopins music plus some new stuff right?
Controls - 9.5/10 - Great although I would prefer to manually rotate the camera to see locations/items better on the field screen.
Story - 9/10 - Great although I'm not sure yet if it has the extra spark to make it a legendary.
Characters - 9/10 - Great although I'm not sure yet if they have the extra sparks to make them legendary.
Battle System - 7/10 - This section needs some improvements. The battles are easy except for the bosses. Also you can guard attacks too easily by repeatedly pressing the guard button. Sometimes also the enemies walk around in their turn instead of attacking you. In general this innovative battle system is great but needs some more refinements.
Overall - 9/10
*Also, I read on the Rpgamer review that the game is too short, 25-35 hours. Also, the game has a music player in the menu that lets you listen to any song from the game as soon as you've heard it! There are extra bonus features in the menu also.

The game is great! I like it more than all the other rpg's I've played since I bought a Playstation 2 in November last year, except for Final Fantasy XII. Let's see Eternal Sonata fares against Final Fantasy XII! I'm going to play it more! :)

09-27-2007, 08:34 PM
You lose enormous credibility points for listing KOTOR below Dirge of Cerberus.

Valerie Valens
09-27-2007, 08:39 PM
That and Bioshock below DoC

09-27-2007, 08:45 PM
Shit, anything below DoC is pretty much superior to it.

09-27-2007, 08:54 PM
...No one else recognized that he just rated the game in every aspect after playing it for only two hours? -_-

09-27-2007, 08:55 PM
No, we just prefer to focus on one instance of idiocy per post. That way, other people can get a piece of the action without repeating what's already been said.

J. Peterman
09-27-2007, 08:57 PM

09-27-2007, 09:17 PM
I like FF VII: DoG for some reasons anyways. This review is based on two hours of the game, as I play more I can get a better review for it. I'm not too interested in Bioshock that much. Let's talk about Eternal Sonata.

I found a great clip that I think people will like. Here's the official website...
Click on Gallery, then click on TV Spot and watch that commercial, what do you think? :)

09-27-2007, 09:32 PM
...No one else recognized that he just rated the game in every aspect after playing it for only two hours? -_-

No critic here can say he has played a game until the end before writing a review. I'm talking about professionals so I didn't think much of the fact.

09-27-2007, 09:37 PM
I deleted my ranking of the recent rpg's I've played. I signed up for Endless Nocturne, the official community for Eternal Sonata. It has 30,000 members! The official website and the official community website are great. Here's the url for Endless Nocturne


09-27-2007, 09:39 PM

He edited the original post.

09-27-2007, 11:18 PM
What do you think shit pickle?


09-28-2007, 01:15 AM
Great post! I really want the soundtrack to this game. I get paid tomorrow and I want to buy the Game, Strategy Guide, and the Soundtrack. I won't have enough money to buy the game yet but I have a rental I can use to beat the game. So tomorrow I'll get the strategy guide at Best Buy or Borders. I'll also buy the Soundtrack from an internet website. Later I may buy an Eternal Sonata Xbox 360 faceplate or the artbook. I may also try to get the demo of this game also. I like this game a lot!

If you go to the main site at the top of the page there is a music player with 32 tracks of music! I was able to rip the music so I have all 32 mp3 tracks in a folder on this computer. I'll be buying the soundtrack within 24 hours though.

So far in the game I've only heard less than a dozen tracks. My favorite tracks so far that I've heard so far in the game and also from the website are...
Underground For The Underhanded(Ritardando Sewers)
Make The Leap(Regular Battle)
Conduct The Breeze(Hanon Hills)

Go to Gallery then go to Tv Spot. If there is anybody here who can somebody browse the source for the website and give me a link so I can download that Tv commercial, I'll be really happy. I may find a way to download this tomorrow.


J. Peterman
09-28-2007, 02:51 AM
Few Can Fathom Rockies' Ride

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• Mets drop fourth in row | Phils pull into tie for first
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• Stark: Get an abacus | Neyer conversation Live

09-28-2007, 02:53 AM
the music is great. and the artwork/graphics are nice.

09-28-2007, 03:58 AM
This is one of those games where it's (arguably) worth beating once, and then return it for store credit or something.

09-28-2007, 09:57 PM
Some of the graphics are pretty amazing, like Ritardando's town. Currently I'm heading torward Forte castle, I've played over 3 hours. I just recently heard a song by Chopin being played.

I'll buy the soundtrack and strategy guide today or tomorrow.

I just bought the soundtrack! Gamemusic.com and Animenation.com didn't have it but Amazon.com and Play-Asia.com did. I ordered it from Play Asia because it was cheaper. I paid $40.00 including shipping and I'll get it within 5-10 Business days, this is great! :)

Who here has played Eternal Sonata and Blue Dragon? What do you think of Blue Dragon?

10-01-2007, 06:35 PM
I really like blue dragon. I think a lot of people are being too over critical. I'm really enjoying it.

10-01-2007, 08:10 PM
Have you played Eternal Sonata? I rented Blue Dragon, how far are you into the game? What are the top aspects of the game in your preference?

10-01-2007, 11:41 PM
Have you played Eternal Sonata? I rented Blue Dragon, how far are you into the game? What are the top aspects of the game in your preference?

Ive only played the demo of eternal sonata. From what Ive played, i really like it. Im about 12 hours into blue dragon. I really like the music and the battle system. The characters I cant really comment on as of yet but so far they seem to be decent. I just like the game alot.

10-01-2007, 11:47 PM
What other games recently are similar to Blue Dragon? Are you looking forward to Mistwalker's next games? ...

Blue Dragon(released)
Lost Odyssey
ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat
Cry On
Blue Dragon 2
Untitled Mmorpg
Blue Dragon DS

A DS game in the Blue Dragon series was announced recently, but we are not sure if they mean Blue Dragon 2 is going to be for Nintendo DS or if the DS game is some other Blue Dragon game.

10-08-2007, 05:18 PM
stop talking no one cares, if you read everyone elses posts you can see your getting bashed. No one wants to kno your life and how much you love a game

10-08-2007, 11:53 PM
Don't mind this thread if you are not interested in it please. This thread is about asking for people's opinions of Eternal Sonata. I think there were positive responses. Some of the negative responses were of my opinion of FF VII: DoG though. Anyways, I'm still playing this game and it's going great. I'm 13 hours into the game right now and in the Lento Cemetary. My soundtrack of the game should arrive in the mail today or tomorrow. :D

10-09-2007, 03:11 AM
ive never played the game the picture pretty though, end.

10-17-2007, 11:53 PM
I'm 31 hours into the game and almost at the end. All I have left is to start the bonus dungeon "Mysterious Unison" and beat the final boss.

I got all but 1 or 2 score pieces in the first playthrough, which I'm on. I didn't do the trading sidequest because I forgot about it when I should have started it and it turns out that it's not too necessary or important.

I can do a second playthrough "Encore" of this game and do a little bit more stuff, but that would take another 35 hours but I want to beat some other rpg's instead. I'm almost done with this game. I say 9/10 stars for me right now.

Somehow the final level of Eternal Sonata reminds me of the final(the final big one) level for Final Fantasy XII.

Now I have these Eternal Sonata products:
Strategy Guide
Bonus Dvd
Official Xbox Magazine demo disc

I may buy these final Eternal Sonata products:
Xbox Live demo
Art book
Xbox 360 Face Plate

10-18-2007, 08:10 PM
I like FF VII: DoG for some reasons anyways. This review is based on two hours of the game, as I play more I can get a better review for it. I'm not too interested in Bioshock that much. Let's talk about Eternal Sonata.

I found a great clip that I think people will like. Here's the official website...
Click on Gallery, then click on TV Spot and watch that commercial, what do you think? :)

Just full of joy no matter what arent we?
You paid 40.00$$ for a CD????!
how can you post a review with only playing it 2 1/2 hours?>

10-18-2007, 10:00 PM
Yea, what cd are you talking about?

Why is it so difficult for people to understand my quick tentative review after playing the game for 2.5 hours? The review is based ON THE FIRST 2.5 HOURS I PLAYED!! After finishing up the game I'll post the final review!! Grrr!

Anyways, currently I'm in the bonus dungeon "Mysterious Unison" and I like the special suprise(s) that are in this dungeon. This level takes hours to complete and I get a lot of great items and equipment and some score pieces, plus the special suprise that I shouldn't mention yet. I'm excited, I'll be done with the game in only a few hours. :)

05-19-2008, 09:55 AM
Keep your cool Dragonsoul, I'm with you in with Eternal Sonata being a great game. It's just some guys are somewhat dated with famous V.G. series like Zelda and Final Fantasy as well as hook on eye candy from previews from other new games that they should learn to look around and find some small treasures among the big ones in the chest. The game look good, the gameplay's on the mark for it's type, the music is great(a little too classical for my taste but it all good), and the storyline is very interesting to me. Plus you get a little music history on the side as you play. I give credit to the people who made this. Only a genus can make a game with a classical pianist and composer in it seem fun. If education were like this we be seeing alot of A+ people I'll tell you that. It's a good game and I hope many others will give it a try. As for rating and criticizing games, I think two hours (OR LESS) max is enough to rate a game in order for you keep it or take it back for a refund or store credit. It shouldn't take to a point where you almost beat the game where you think "This game stinks". It's a triple threat, you wasted time, thinking power and money and that's not cool. Later=) !

execrable gumwrapper
05-20-2008, 01:57 AM
Unnecessary bumping of an unnecessary thread.

You lose.

J. Peterman
05-20-2008, 02:03 AM
But I win, like always.

execrable gumwrapper
05-20-2008, 02:08 AM
I've beat you in Brawl before.

J. Peterman
05-20-2008, 02:22 AM
Man you didn't I was just losing on purpose to prove a point!

That goes to anybody who has beaten me at anything before.