04-10-2002, 01:00 PM
:confused: Is It a good Anime??? i don't know should i buy it....... Damn

04-10-2002, 01:33 PM
Ghost in the shell was cool, but was kinda weird, some robotic girl who did something or another. I couldnt follow along(it was Japanese). If you think it kinda sounds or looks cool, get it, its pretty cool

04-10-2002, 04:31 PM
One word. Overrated. A lot of people are always saying Ghost in the Shell has a deep plot line, great animation, and everything, which is only half true. For some reason they like to compare Ghost in the Shell to Eva. In my opinion, the art in GITS is fantastic, and the animation is top notch, but the story is... boring. I kept falling asleep while watching it, which I don't normally do when I watch anime. I had to watch it 3 times to finally watch the whole thing.

04-10-2002, 08:17 PM
It will take a few times of watching it to actually get what they are doing, cause they don't come right up and say what the plot is. It is pretty good but it has really boring moments in various parts.

04-10-2002, 09:00 PM
I agree with megalomania. Some parts of it seem to drag on for ages...

But the art and animation are excellent. My DVD of it is quite annoying, cause all the sound is out of sync...

04-10-2002, 09:08 PM
I have the DVD too. Shame about the sync, it does effect the quality of the film.
It's a good film, but some call it the best anime to date, which I'd have to disagree on.

04-21-2002, 05:50 AM
I give Ghost in the Shell a thumbs down. The DVD I rented wasn't very good in sound quality. I thought it was just the rental place, but it seems like it's like that to everybody. Pretty pictures, but not really worth it. Kinda like Britney Spears...LOL j/k

04-21-2002, 05:59 AM
Well I got the plot on the first try, but realy, what anime has a deep plot, certanly not eva (damn good) The art was superb, the sound was great, and the overall feel of the movie left me brethless. If you want to compair it to somthing, do it with lain. Thats as close an anime as youll get.

Green Arrow
04-21-2002, 02:46 PM
Quite frankly I like this Anime. First time I watched it, I was like "what the hell just happened?"

It is one of those animes you gotta watch more than once to get the total feel for. The animation is crisp, the story is pretty confusing but solid, some of the music in it I didn't like but the sounds are pretty sweet. All in all I liked it like I said...but obviously people beg to differ.

04-24-2002, 01:54 PM
Ya, it a good anime but too confusing

04-24-2002, 08:04 PM
I really like it, but it's not for everybody. It's kind of demanding compared to many other animes. I actually think the story is it's greatest aspect. Unlike Megalomania and a few others I found it fascinating and beautiful. Bah! Maybe it's just me.

Whatever people say, it's still considered a classic that no anime fan should be without.

04-29-2002, 10:13 PM
It has some good, SOME, really quite some, good action in it.
besides that it's really.....boring! that's all I can say about it.

04-30-2002, 03:35 AM
boring? what are you gusy talking about!!?? dude! the best part is when the trash guys were taking out the trash..action packed! :rolleyes:

(i'm just making fun of peeps) but i loved the movie. i hear you have to like read the manga to get the movie or something like to understand it. i understoo everything except that last line way at the end when the woman had a girl body. that's where i got lost. everything else made sence.

05-01-2002, 02:11 AM
I recently got it but haven't gotten the chance to see it so I've only seen the first 2 minutes.....It looks like it's going to be a good anime. I'll have to wait till the weekend to find out.

Lady Fett
05-09-2002, 04:23 PM
Why does everyone think it's so boring and hard to follow? I enjoyed the twists and the plot didn't confuse me any. OH Well. Maybe I'm one of those special people. Heck, I do write novels in my spare time. Making twisty and even confusing plots is required for some plot lines. See, I figured you shouldn't get bored if it's confusing. You should try and ponder and figure it out before the show reveals it. That's the whole point of twists. I've gotten too good at guessing the stuff and then I get bored because there wasn't enough twist. LOL!


05-19-2002, 12:57 AM
I finally saw the movie yesterday....It got boring at times and I understood all of it 10 minutes before it ended. I somewhat get the ending.
The action scenes were good, but I still enjoy other animes much more than this one.
The music gets to you BTW*

05-27-2002, 09:10 AM
Yeah thanks guys for opinions i saw the anime i like it but took about 3 to 4 times to watch i haven't quite figured the plot so damn confusing but thanks anyway!!!! LIVE FAST DIE YOUNG!!!:p

Roneo Strife
06-22-2002, 04:38 PM
it kinda sucked.
but it was better than some animes ive seen

06-24-2002, 04:15 PM
i realy liked it. the first time i saw it i was kinda confused but when i watched it again i found out what was happening.

06-25-2002, 08:04 AM
I found it to be very enjoyable. The environment with the music.. just totally amazed me. The story really made me think at times.

07-02-2002, 04:52 PM
Yeah its a well made anime. The only reason some people can't watch it/find it boring is because nobody gives a shit about serious animes anymore.. now its all just "GENKI DAMA AND KAOHKEN TIMES 100!! AAAAAAAAAAAAH" AND MASSIVE ENERGYBALL ENSUES..

Its a nice, serious anime for someone who can sit down and actually listen to actual dialogue, instead of bullets or "KAMEHAMEHA!" all the time.

07-03-2002, 08:57 AM
yeah, Ghost In The Shell was one of the forst anime's i ever saw i liked it but it was hard to follow i really diddnt understand it, it had somthing about a puppeter and and giant robot guy and i get confuzzeled easlyly

07-04-2002, 02:55 AM
Originally posted by Dante DMC
yeah, Ghost In The Shell was one of the forst anime's i ever saw i liked it but it was hard to follow i really diddnt understand it, it had somthing about a puppeter and and giant robot guy and i get confuzzeled easlyly

Jesus man... *points to his previous post*

David F
07-04-2002, 05:13 AM
This isn�t the type of anime that you just sit down and eat popcorn with, you really have to sit on the edge of your seat and pay attention to the damn story. Yes this anime is nothing compared to its manga counterpart but it�s a good enough as a stand alone and worthy of a view. Just remember this anime requires the viewer to think about what�s going one not just be a thoughtless observer.

Alice Wonderbra
07-05-2002, 09:48 PM
2 me, it was VERY overrated. i didnt care for it @ all. i thought that the ending might make it didn't seem 2 affect me like i hoped it would. if u want 2 buy it, eBay always has it VERY cheap. it would b cheaper 2 buy it off eBay than 2 rent it first too. u may like it, so i would check it out.

07-19-2002, 05:39 AM
i figure nobody will really read a post this far into this thread but owell
it is a great anime its not over rated( at least for me) its plot is deep it talks about the whole "do only us humans have a soul?" with a bunch of stuff it was well done i would say its a great no matter if you not into anime( honestly it was one of the very first anime's ive ever seen and ive always been hooked to it) or even a big anime fan its just overall one of the best around

p.s. damn Zemlock i thought i was the only one left that cared about plot more then just people flying around detroying shit for no good reason it is very refreshing to see another person like myself out there

Death Knight
07-20-2002, 12:03 AM
Excellent anime