09-25-2007, 06:27 AM
Whew! First time I've started a thread in this section in a long time.

Well, anyway, I actually first played Final Fantasy VII on the PC version. So while I'd heard about some of these grievous errors in the script (or "Engrish" as I recently learned it is often called), I never actually saw them until I first played the Playstation version, as they're pretty much all corrected in the PC version. In fact, I've noticed that the PC version doesn't just correct grammatical errors, it actually streamlines or changes some of the script in some instances, i.e.:

Hojo: "...Weapon. Monsters created by the Planet."
"It appears when the Planet is in danger, reducing everything to nothingness."


Hojo: "...Weapon. A monster created by the Planet."
"They appear when the Planet's in danger and destroy everything."

Yet, it's surprising how much of the dialogue is left completely unaltered. I've also noticed that generally any "......." or any instances of even more dots than that are changed to simply "..." in the PC version, or simply eliminated. Finally, the PC version generally tends to censor any profanity stronger than "damn" or "ass," (generally said by either Barret or Cid) so stuff such as "Dunno. But he's up here goin' around tearin' shit up." is changed to "Dunno. But he's up here goin' around tearin' stuff up." in the PC version.

Anyway, enough about that. What are some of your favorite examples of "Engrish" in this game? Here are a few of mine:

Aeris: "This guy are sick." (regarding the guy [Sephiroth-clone?] in the pipe)

Reno: "No one get in the way of Reno and the Turks."

Cait Sith: "I haven't done it in a while, huh? I'm so exited!"

Reno: "Elena, don't act so weak. You're a Turks."

Keep going? "Off course!!" "No way!" (Choice presented in the Battle Arena)

Cait Sith: "Tifa, I'll give you information Shinra."

09-25-2007, 12:23 PM
Hey, if they made a half-arsed effort the first time they wrote the script, they may as well be consistent and do the same thing on the re-write.

09-28-2007, 06:54 PM
Aeris: "This guy are sick." (regarding the guy [Sephiroth-clone?] in the pipe)

This was actually corrected in the PC version I had played.

Cait Sith: "I haven't done it in a while, huh? I'm so exited!"

While not in what would be considered dialectually correct sytax, the sentence is in proper grammar, so I wouldn't bitch.... what a minute it name's the wrong object. lol.

Keep going? "Off course!!" "No way!" (Choice presented in the Battle Arena)

Cait Sith: "Tifa, I'll give you information Shinra."

Yeah I found these bits of Engrish to be funny.

09-29-2007, 01:27 AM
This was actually corrected in the PC version I had played.
Yeah, that's what I said. Most, if not all of the errors I mentioned are corrected in the PC version, and other errors as well. In the PC version, Cait Sith says "I'll give you info on Shinra."

While not in what would be considered dialectually correct sytax, the sentence is in proper grammar, so I wouldn't bitch.... what a minute it name's the wrong object. lol.
It's a misspelling --- he said he's so "exited," but it should be "excited."

Gentleman Ghost
09-29-2007, 01:54 AM
The funniest thread I have read today.

10-05-2007, 09:52 AM
This was actually corrected in the PC version I had played.

While not in what would be considered dialectually correct sytax, the sentence is in proper grammar, so I wouldn't bitch.... what a minute it name's the wrong object. lol.

Yeah I found these bits of Engrish to be funny.

It would make sense if he was referring to his own state of having left (exiting), but I think it was supposed to be excited.