09-23-2007, 08:18 PM

I was wondering if anyone has the Astro Boy 1980s soundtrack available for download. Until I can afford it from Amazon, I thought I'd try here to request it. If anyone has it, I'd appreciate the link for the download! :)

02-03-2008, 11:32 AM
Last year (2007) I bought a CD from the Japanese version of Amazon. I needed the help of a Japanese friend of mine to translate the page and arrange payment etc. The CD I bought is the only soundtrack I've been able to find of the 1980 version of Astro Boy.
The CD itself is a real oddity and not what I expected. The entire cover is written in Japanese and my computer can not recognise track titles etc. Most of the tracks contain Japanese singing. This is unfortunate as the singing ruins recognisable tunes such as 'Uran's Theme' etc. There are only four track that contain actual music with no singing and which can be considered true incidental music fron the series. Unfortunately three of these tracks, although recognisable, are not the really familiar themes that I would have liked. The one redeeming feature of the disk is track number 11, the final track on the disk. It runs for 5mins30secs and this one track alone makes the album worthwhile. It is a proper suite of incidental music from the 1980 series and it is FANTASTIC. It is just a shame that it's the ONLY track on the entire album that truly satisfies.
I wish the full soundtrack would be released as I love the music from this series. It is some of the best television scoring ever. I hope this has helped you in your search...and please let me know if you come across any more music from this sadly under-represented and virtually forgotten series.

11-24-2008, 08:14 AM
Wow, thank you for all the information. I might just end up buying the CD from Amazon after considering all the details you mentioned. Thanks much anyways and sorry for such a late, late, and I mean late response. :)