09-21-2007, 05:27 PM
Does anyone have tips on using Yojimbo, especially getting him to do the zanmato attack and his other special one (which I havent seen so far)

I really wanna beat the dark aeons with him. =/

09-21-2007, 05:40 PM
Here we go, you're learning. Soon you'll be a productive member of our happy community! :) Wait, what am I saying, happy? Yeah right! :-\

Uh, as for Yojimbo, the chance of using Zanmato is based off, among other things, the amount of Gil you pay him, the amount of Gil you have, and how much he "likes" you. Just 'train' him by using him in random battles. If he uses Kozuka (attack with throwing knives), Wazikashi (sword slash) or Zanmato (better sword slash;-) ), he will like you more, and therefore be more likely to use Zanmato. If he dies or uses Diagoro (dog attacks), he will like you less. Though, if I may ask, why bother? You don't gain any great reward from killing them, apart from access to Besaid and Macalania Temples. Just beating them with Zanmato seems kinda pointless...

09-21-2007, 05:45 PM
I need to revisit besaid temple and get the destruction sphere which I missed. Because I really want Anima. Thanks for your help I will try that. =)

09-21-2007, 05:50 PM
I need to revisit besaid temple and get the destruction sphere which I missed. Because I really want Anima. Thanks for your help I will try that. =)

I did that on my first playthrough too. And I was pissed off because I wanted Anima in order to power up Nirvana. >:O

09-21-2007, 05:52 PM
At the beginning I was blissfully unaware of the importance in making sure I collected the spheres. I actually didnt know they exsisted truthfully or else I'd have looked. Pfffft. Its alot of trouble really for an aeon, but I wanted Anima ever since Seymour first called him in Luca.

09-21-2007, 05:58 PM
just pay him 500,000 gil each time you want the Zanmato

09-21-2007, 06:01 PM
Does that always work?

09-21-2007, 06:12 PM
Though, if I may ask, why bother? You don't gain any great reward from killing them, apart from access to Besaid and Macalania Temples. Just beating them with Zanmato seems kinda pointless...

To gain the 99999 attack/life/MP etc u need to beat them.

09-21-2007, 06:19 PM
Does that always work?

Yes but save just in case.

09-21-2007, 06:21 PM
Cool awesome. Thanks a bunch for all your help guys =D

09-22-2007, 05:45 PM
Oooooo okies guys,
Ive beaten dark valefor.
Using zanmato XD
So here are my ideas for other stuck peoples.

I think that as long as you pay him over 250,000 he will do zanmato for you.
I can't say it will definitley work, but I couldnt really get him to do it for any less.

Theirs also another theory floating around the net, that if you use Yojimbo constantly in all your random fiend battles and pay him 1gil a time that he will grow to like you anyhow and start doing zanmato everytime for one gil.

Obviously thats very time consuming and I cant be arsed doing that lol.

I haven't got anything to back it up but I think perhaps the more you use him, the more he 'likes' you and then the more he does zanmato.
Because in the adivce and strategies it seems to fit.

Hope I helped a bit =)

OH also, you get a pretty cool weapon when you kill Dark Valefor.
I think its the same as Cloud's from 7 although I haven't checked it out yet.
So I could be wrong. =)

Neo Xzhan
09-23-2007, 12:47 AM
Yojimbo has a hidden compatability meter, ranging from 0 to 255. 255 being the highest. It increases when Yojimbo wins a battle/kills fiends. It drops drastically (about 5 times faster then going up) when he dies or is dismissed without giving him any money.

The easiest way to go about this is: Go to the Calm Lands and get into random battles. Pay him 1200 gil every single time. Eventually his Wakisashi will hit everyone (break damage limit with Auron's Masamune) for 99.999. At a certain point, he'll start doing attacks for free, including Zanmato! (though this will never happen on Dark Aeons). This wil guarantee when fighting Dark Aoens, he'll pull off Zanmato. It takes alot of money to do it though.

There's a small draw back. Yojimbo may decide to auto attack the Dark Aeon, meaning he might die.

09-23-2007, 12:01 PM
I agree with that one, one of the times I used Yojimbo he automatically attacked dark valefor with wakisashi.

I was gutted.

09-24-2007, 12:44 AM
Zanmato = 500,000+ gil

09-24-2007, 12:52 AM
Wow I love your sig its awesome. <3

09-25-2007, 03:29 AM
But hey, until you customize Gillionare, your hopes of 500,000+ gil are slim.

Zanmato is considered Yojimbo's Overdrive. If you get it filled (which is likely cause he has high Evasion), then the chances will increase.

Don't pay him only 0 gil or dismiss him right away. He will dislike you more.