09-21-2007, 04:27 AM
Thought I'd try to request before I try to do this myself: I'm looking for a soundtrack or gamerip to a doujin shmup called Witch In Wonderland. Or at least, if anyone has the CD for the game itself, apparently if inserted into a CD player, there are 2 vocal tracks (tracks 8 & 10) which can be played. Can anyone help me out with anything? I'll even take the vocals if that's all I can get. Thanks.

Or at least does anyone know how to extract files from a sound.noa file?

09-21-2007, 08:20 PM
Well, it seems I was able to get the entire soundtrack recorded, but I'd still prefer the 2 vocal tracks. In the recording, the first vocal didn't finish and the second one got a hiccup in between music (because I died and the music stops, lol). So I'm going to do a bit of work on this and maybe post what I have, but I'm still hoping out someone can help me with the vocals. And to help a bit more, I believe the track titles are:
track 8 - 「Shooting star☆bullet curtain ~翔神の舞」
track 10 - 「Happy♪ in the blue sky」

09-23-2007, 12:37 AM
looked but couldn't find them

09-23-2007, 03:36 AM
That's cool, Sarah. Actually, the recording proved easier than expected and can be upped very soon.

The only downside is that I'm still unable to complete the first vocal track due to gameplay time restraints, but I think I was able to get almost everything. After 4 minutes, I got the impression there really wasn't much left anyways so I did a simple fade. I figure it's good enough for now.