04-09-2002, 03:13 PM
Just to clarify I would like to say that FFVIII is the best of them all. Anyone who doesn't like it is either a mental case or just really stupid. I mean think about it. It's got the usual colorful characters and all, but this time we have the Draw Points. The Draw Points and the magic stock I believe are way better than MP and treasure chest. I mean, what do you usually find in a treasure chest anyway? Nothing, that's what! You usually get a Pheonix Down or Hi-Potion--which you have like six million of anyway. I'm telling you, FFVII is good but it doesn't measure up in my eyes. Neither does FFIX. FFX is okay. Great storyline, characters and battle scenes, but the music sucks frankly and well the game is good because it's FF but other than that...

The only thing that really chafes (SP?) my behind about this game is the fact that the battles are randomized. I mean it's really annoying when you're trying to find something and all of a sudden up pops a Galbadian Soldier, or a T-Rex thingie. It's very monotomous and extremely annoying. Now I'm going to take up a whole paragraph rambling on and on about why Seifer is my favorite character of the game so skip ahead if you feel its necessary.

Seifer is definitely the best character of the entire game. Some may not agree with me, but only my opinion counts in this post so there!The reason Seifer is the best is because well for one he's kinda evil. Evil is good. Me like evil. He's also quite strong when you get to use him in battle and he gets that tyte Hyperion gunblade. Also I like his nifty battle scar. I want a scar like that. I don't want to get into a battle with Squall and his gunblade to get that scar, but I want one just the same. Some of you may say "Well Squall has that same scar," but so what. Squall doesn't have Seifer's pimp-tyte trench coat. I also want a trench coat like that. That is the coolest frickin' trench coat I've ever seen.

Well, I should probably stop talking about FFVIII now seeing as I'm doing this in Comp. Class at school. It's just so hard to stop talking about the best damn game on the planet. Anyway, if you disagree with anything I've posted here then just reply or e-mail me at [email protected]. I'm open to crticizen and friendly death threats, so feel free to give them. THANK YOU! COME AGAIN!

04-09-2002, 03:29 PM
Hmmnope, there already are some 'best character' threads out there..
This is the most recent --
Please use that one ^^