09-19-2007, 07:44 AM
Here's mine:

And here's a Balrog I bought on Ebay.

My IGN collection list

09-19-2007, 08:22 AM
Here we go...

I'm getting a new TV stand. The stand I'm using now will house my NES, SNES, N64 and Gamecube.

Mario alarm clock

09-19-2007, 09:40 AM
Cool setup! What is that Green Dragon thing next to your TV?

09-19-2007, 11:02 AM
incense holder. You place the thing at the base, light it up and the smoke comes out of the dragon's mouth and nose. Came from Thailand.

09-19-2007, 12:42 PM
I wish I had a gaming room. Maybe in the long future when I get my own home :(

09-19-2007, 12:43 PM
i dont play games anymore

09-19-2007, 05:16 PM
Megaman 3 and XI on the PS2. We are so l33t, Marvin.

09-19-2007, 05:43 PM
By the way you have a magnificent collection! Im jelous of you ;)

09-19-2007, 07:27 PM
I have 220+ games and like... 10 different platforms to play them on, so this is only a small portion. Most of my stuff in under my bed.

Hehe, my SNES is very discolored. This one wasn't originally mine. Mine still looks fine... it just doesn't work anymore. :P

Trance Moogle
09-20-2007, 12:10 AM
The first picture you have MrCasual looks very impressive, all in one big setup for the most part, and I also like the action figure collection you have MarvinStraight, all the final fantasies characters from what I can tell.

J. Peterman
09-20-2007, 07:05 PM

09-20-2007, 07:15 PM

09-21-2007, 06:57 AM
lol. i can't top ash. he's just too good. even for comic relief i can't top him. unless i can find a picture of heaven. that would own for a laugh as well. :D

otherwise. fuck you all and your awesome setups.

ALSO, i could have sworn i posted in a similar thread already and i cna't be arsed to do it again right now. maybe tomorrow. either way, very very nice setups. gonna be hard to top. i should prolly take a pic of all 5 of my pc's, as they are on, change the walls to random deviant art walls to pretend that i'm leet, and only show you the one wall that is littered with gaming posters? lol

other than that. how'd you get your giant display thingy of that game? i want those!

09-21-2007, 09:15 AM
I'm holding off until i can get pictures of my bedroom tonight (yes, I sleep with plushies while metal boxes of various colors and blank screens that are filled with desktops when powered up when I'm awake sit on the other side of the room). I like to think of my room as a studio tho.

09-21-2007, 01:04 PM
Why is it that every thread I see like this or on other forums, the people with the most ridiculously stocked gaming rooms have the same color wall? Its always a mix between dark teal and/or blue. srsly

09-23-2007, 03:41 AM
ok. i found the other thread i posted these in. i guess it wasn't ff shrine at all. :p

i'm missing my awesome wall with tones of awesome posters. but since it's not directly related to me and gaming... no pic for you! :p

dang. that's a lot of white spines on the games. out of all my games i only have 2 with white spines. i wonder what that means. hmm

well anyway. here's mine. it's messy right now because...well idk. i'm running out of space. i got 4 pc's and 1 tv and i can't even buy those dvd racks cause there's no space for anything. i'll prolly fix it up one day. but i do know that i can never plug in the gc and pstwo at the same time so they'll always be like that.

here's my good ol regular tv. and a table i stole off my mom's living room cause i needed a place to put me junks. :p only 3 core consoles. pstwo, gc, and n64. i plan to buy an xbox/360 one day. hopefully. :p

the top half of my tv along with my dresser which is currently holding all half of all the strat guides i own. O_o

most of my console games. (cept n64). i need another one of these "holders" but i can only get the kind you put on walls cause i'm out of floor space. ;_;

the bottom row has a few extra games. like 4 or 5. everything else is anime. so you can ignore those. :p

my pc and my pc games. not a lot. the rest are in cd holders or just d/led online.

remmeber the image with the dresser? yah. it ain't for clothes. hehe

where i keep my n64 and psx games.

closeup of the strats. :p

09-23-2007, 04:33 AM
Typical gaming setups: :p

1. "Organized" cluter of stuff
2. Exposed cords all around
3. Stacks of gaming mags all around
4. TV looks smaller with everything around it
5. Anime/Fantasy/Sci-Fi collectibles, posters.
6. Stacks of various game/movie/music cases
7. Umpteen controllers for various systems

My room would look the same except I haven't gotten around to cleaning and organizing it. When I do, I'll post up the pics. I'll even do a before and after shot. Who knows!? I'll probably find a few games I've that I cant seem to find! :shock: :laugh:

09-24-2007, 08:50 PM
lol - the entire world outside scandinavia has such cool-looking game collections. I mean the spine of a PAL game box has black text, on a white background. ALWAYS. and with the exact same type font too. :rolleyes:

09-25-2007, 07:54 PM
i think it's cause we have an overflow of graphic designers and they're all trying to one-up eachother for the job to get to design the box art for products and labels. :p

perhaps i should move over there where there seem to be a lack of us. i have no degree but if you give me really good sources i can do almost anything. :D

09-25-2007, 09:27 PM
nice collections, i am so jealous

09-28-2007, 04:52 AM
I was gonna put pix up...but scrollin through ya'lls makes me feel not as geeky as I should be...::laughs::

all I got in my room is comp. parts, monitors, drawings, random DVD's, CD's, gameboy cartridges, and some cool gamer shirts lyin around my bed...
OH! and my Principality of Zeon flag! YAY! =^^=

but nothing like you room is ground zero

09-28-2007, 01:57 PM
The geek hole: East corner (DavidDOS RD-1, a.k.a the game/computing area)

Media Center PC Helen, Linux box Clementine and Laptop Dongwa, Macintosh Cleo with Harriet - my PS2; and Nadine - my VCR/DVD unit, Proxy box Maxwell (resides under Cleo - and if this box goes down, I lose Internet connection in the entire room), an unfinished P166 box named Kiki (actually, a rebuild of another laptop of mine which broke), the network switch where all the computers are interconnected to.

My handheld toys, My Sega Megadrive/Genesis clone with a bunch of games for it, yes I know it's bootlegged, my dead PSOne that's decorated with Spot stickers.

09-29-2007, 03:13 AM
Man, I was so going to buy the pink DS, but then I found a black one for less :(

09-29-2007, 03:36 AM
Well, for what it's worth, I was overcharged for my DS (US$210 when I bought it in October 2006 and it didn't even come with any games, plus it has a dead pixel on the touchscreen, but that doesn't bother me much). But it was pretty much worth it.

09-29-2007, 03:41 AM
I overpaid myself. Of course I just had to have it last Christmas when they were sold out. When all I had for it was FF III, I was quite disappointed. However, that game definitely picked up and turned out quite satisfying. Pokemon Diamond has turned it into my precious, and with Phantom Hourglass coming out, I have to say it is currently my favorite system :)

09-29-2007, 04:10 AM
Here's my FF collection. I feel like I'm having a FF action figure yard sale.

09-29-2007, 04:34 AM
You people are all so fucking organised.

My games, systems and action figures are all around the house - and usually in no kind of order :P

09-29-2007, 07:24 AM
Some would call that an organized mess. lol.

09-29-2007, 07:52 AM
How the hell do you do to have so much cash to spend on such useless junk?

I like these things as much as you do, but damn, I spend my money elsewhere lol!

09-29-2007, 07:57 AM
Yes, but it also took over 10 years just to get all of those FF figures.

09-29-2007, 07:59 AM
fair enough ^^

09-29-2007, 08:07 AM
The FF7 figures of Cloud, Seph, Aerith, Tifa, etc. I got those back in '97 imported from Japan before the game came out here in the states.

09-29-2007, 08:10 AM
One of my friend is sick like you guys. He buys a game, play through it all, then sell it and re-buy it to keep it "factory sealed".

He's got a first gen PS FFVII that is worth nearly 400$.

When he knows he'll play for a long time with a game, he buys the game twice.

What helps him is that he owns an independant video game store.

09-29-2007, 08:23 AM
My first gen PS1 FFVII is opened and I've enjoyed many hours playing it.

09-29-2007, 08:25 AM
oh, I have most of the games that you have to own (release date versions in most cases), but I use them and don't buy them for collecting purposes... In the sense that I dont buy them to make cash with them in 30 years. lol.

09-29-2007, 10:31 AM
If I could afford to buy two copies of games which had 'limited editions' I would - one normal, one limited. Mainly because most limited edition boxes are the biggest pain in the arse to get into.

And in the case of the 360 Oblivion Collectors Edition, making the box out of cardboard was a stupid idea. Given the amount of use Oblivion has gotten (over 270 hours between my two friends and I), the box is really, really worn :(

Normal plastic DVD cases > special edition packaging.

(I'd just like to note that the Australian special edition of BioShock got it right - normal sized DVD case, just made out of metal. Kinda like the Halo 2 limited edition, just less liable to go rusty).

09-29-2007, 10:38 AM
(I'd just like to note that the Australian special edition of BioShock got it right - normal sized DVD case, just made out of metal. Kinda like the Halo 2 limited edition, just less liable to go rusty).

Square-Enix did the same with FFXII Collector's Edition and the packaging is pretty neat like this. My best "collector's Edition" games are the 2 Lunar, published on the PSone by the now dead (how sad it is) "Working Designs".

09-29-2007, 10:45 AM

My disorganised mess of a loungeroom wall.

09-29-2007, 10:57 AM
I like your TV. ^^ That's about the size of the TV I will be getting soon. (that's 30 something, right)

And what is the number of that XBox 360? Third? Fourth?

09-29-2007, 11:15 AM
32" Samsung 1080i. I would have liked a 1080p, but money didn't permit :(

And i'm proud to say that's a first generation Xbox 360 - got it the day before release, and have never had a problem with it.

EDIT: That's a first generation PlayStation 2, as well. It doesn't read CDs any more - which means I can't play PlayStation 1 games or some PS2 games :(

09-29-2007, 11:20 AM
Never got a fat PS2. I bought mine after they released the thin version (I don't know what version of that model I got), and never had any problems with it (but that's been only 3 years).

As for the TV, 1080p is getting more and more affordable. Until I get mine, it will be even cheaper (nearly a year).

09-29-2007, 04:15 PM
I think I'll be getting a 24"1920x1200 Dell monitor for the MCPC soon (soon meaning when I have enough dough saved up). Don't have space for anyhing bigger, plus, since the MCPC already has a tuner, it's just moot to get something with yet another tuner.

I never owned a fat PS2 too. Got my PS2 only after the PS3 came out.

09-29-2007, 04:37 PM
You're better off getting a TV. It might be more expensive, but trust me, you notice the difference in quality between a good Samsung or Sony LCD TV and a Dell monitor. Viewing angle for one, and contrast for another. VERY big difference.

09-30-2007, 05:42 AM
Nah, I think not. I've had enough bad experiences with Samsung stuff to deter me from getting another (CD/DVD drives that get stuck, Monitors that suddenly goes haywire and even one blew up after only 5 years), and Sony stuff are grossly overpriced here, plus they don't sell any LCD monitors below 32" (I only have room for a 24). And of course, I don't mind the viewing angle much (the MCPC is positioned facing my bed), and I've heard good thing about the ultrasharp's contrast. Plus, I don't watch terrestrial since they cancelled all the good stuff.

09-30-2007, 05:45 AM
Samsung and Sony aren't the only copmpany making LCD TVs, you know.

10-01-2007, 05:16 AM
Samsung and Sony aren't the only copmpany making LCD TVs, you know.

Yeah, I know. However, I can't find any LCD TVs in the local market that's 24" in size and does 1920x1080 or 1920x1200 and has HDCP. In fact, it seems that only monitors come in that specification over here. Importing is out of the question, big stuff like these large LCD TVs usually gets taxed at insanely high rate by the customs.

10-01-2007, 05:38 AM
Samsung and Sony aren't the only copmpany making LCD TVs, you know.

I think that was pointed at me.

The reason I mentioned those two companies is because my friend Jeff and I were buying LCD TVs at the same time, and we did a LOT of research into the way the TVs work, so we could buy quality. When it comes to the quality of picture, refresh rate, and contrast, Samsung and Sony are clear market leaders.

Also, they are the best choice for gamers: Samsung for Microsoft, Sony for well, Sony. Their LCD range has been designed to integrate with the X360 and PS3 respectively - just little things like correct animation and contrast.

10-01-2007, 07:02 AM
^ Quick question for you: have you ever had any trouble with your consoles being stand-up like that? I used to put my 360 like that but it happily destroyed one of my game discs so its been horizontal since (and no problems since then). I've never put my PS2 vertically either, but three of my friends who did all had their PS2's scratch their discs. ^^

(And that's a nice set-up by the way. ;) )

10-01-2007, 09:04 AM
I've never had any trouble - the only discs i've heard of getting scratched with the 360 in that position is when it's moved (ie, bumped, or pulled with the controller or something). As for my PS2, it actually only works vertically now for some reason :B