09-17-2007, 06:56 AM
Every once in a while, I might see a popular soundtrack or two at a music store, but it's pretty rare. Aside from online stores (and of course, FF Shrine), are there any places that sell video game soundtracks? Just curious, as I very rarely see them sold anywhere except online.

Mr Muay Thai
09-17-2007, 05:24 PM
At my local mall, there's this place called "Too Cool", and it sells a bunch of Japanese toys and soundtracks. Check your mall if they have a Too Cool there, or at least some place that sells Hello Kitty dolls. There might be an off-chance that the store sells video game cds or not. It's 50/50.

You can also check any Japanese markets in your area.
Where I live, there's a place called Mitsuwa Marketplace in Schaumburg, and it's like a Japanese mall where they sell foodstuffs, videos, books and cds. They used to have a small section of video game cds but since they remodeled the bookstore, they don't sell them anymore. :(

I think comic book stores might carry them too, but you might have to check with them.

And don't check your mainstream music stores like Best Buy. They WILL NEVER carry what you're looking for, except for soundtracks that feature names and bands only the casual gamer will recognize, like Halo or those lame sports game soundtracks with bands everyone knows about.

I guess you gotta poke around where you live to find the good deals and such. so good luck!

09-17-2007, 05:54 PM
also be careful that when you do find lots of them at a specialty shop that they're not bootlegs D:

09-18-2007, 05:57 AM
Thanks for the info. Yeah, the only OSTs I've ever seen were FF7 and Halo. I'll have to check out a few nearby malls.

09-18-2007, 07:24 PM
try ur local area, such as Chinatown or Flushing if ur living in new york, or any place that has a huge asian popularity