09-16-2007, 10:43 PM
I posted this in Anime & Video Game Music and I know this doesn't belong here, but it's best to just repost it here and spread the word as fast as possible so we don't waste any resources.

Long story short, Megaupload is cracking down on almost all the files we've put on their site, and the uploads with game music on the site are being invalidated at an alarming rate.

We need to spread the word that using Megaupload is no longer an option and find which sites are more friendly for us and to see if we can get a prefered site to replace Megaupload.

Site name and max amount of memory you can upload for each file. (100 MB) (NO DOWNLOAD LIMITS) (100 MB) (100 MB) (300 MB) (120 MB) (70 MB) (300 MB)

Gundam Eclipse
09-16-2007, 10:45 PM
Never did like Megaupload, it was always slow . . . . .

09-16-2007, 11:21 PM
Also try for upload one file to more then one share server.

After this (Thread 36429) "hack" I haven't any problems with Megaupload - I have every full speed download and upload and files are OK.

But I agree with your post - use massmirrors and everybody will be "happy as a lark" :D

09-16-2007, 11:23 PM
I changed the preferred one to filefactory now. it has a large file size, it keeps files for a while, no super restrictive download limits, simultaneous downloads, etc.

09-16-2007, 11:39 PM
you can also use this website i think:

you have to register, and you can upload stuff and give a link.

the only thing is you have to log into your account once a month otherwise the files will be deleted. you get sent an e-mail telling you that your time to log in is near.

i don't think they remove any files because it's meant for storage not for 'sharing' (even though they give you links so you can share the files).

09-16-2007, 11:55 PM
I changed the preferred one to filefactory now. it has a large file size, it keeps files for a while, no super restrictive download limits, simultaneous downloads, etc.

Anyway you can make a sticky so people pay attention to this?

09-17-2007, 12:08 AM
people actually pay less attention to stickies. it's in the forum description, though.

09-17-2007, 12:11 AM
people actually pay less attention to stickies. it's in the forum description, though.

Counter intutative, I guess it's the lack of respect for authority? ^^"

Thank you for putting it forum description as well.

Next week I'll go through all the links and see which ones work still since I remember the Final Fantasy ones got thrashed.

09-17-2007, 12:27 AM
Why don't we just not put a descrip when we upload? Or change filename? :/

09-17-2007, 12:48 AM
Why don't we just not put a descrip when we upload? Or change filename? :/

Considering how fast they were able to figure out all of our links, the size of this site, and the amount of links they got, Megaupload has someone going through our stuff, so even if we did change descriptions, they'd find them.

09-17-2007, 12:58 AM
Why don't we just not put a descrip when we upload? Or change filename? :/

I actually tried doing both, and everything still got taken down in a snap.

09-17-2007, 12:58 AM
Odin got in a huff and told.

09-17-2007, 12:59 AM
damn :( i bought a premium account too.

09-17-2007, 05:10 AM
This should be stickied ASAP to prevent further uploads through megaupload. So what is the story behind all of this?

09-17-2007, 08:03 AM
All the others will also delete your files as soon as they got reported by someone, because they are pirate mp3 you don't own the distribution rights to ...

09-17-2007, 08:44 AM
I think the most irritating thing about MU is their avaiability for normal users - you can only use it for 12hours and then you got msg: Bandwidth for free users has been depleted (or sth like this).
I use sometimes (300MB files) but preferably Rapidshare.

09-17-2007, 12:12 PM
I hate Megaupload!!!so much limit and so slow!!!!

09-17-2007, 01:08 PM
Finally. This forum decided to not use Megaupload.
People dislike when I upload Oendan Soundtrack to rapidshare.
I reccomend mediafire and/or rapidshare. those two have amazing speed.

09-17-2007, 01:43 PM
I've had a run of good luck with

They have a 300 MB limit, and as far as i can tell, no download limit either. Sometimes you just have to hit the link a number of times before it actually works and downloads for you.

09-17-2007, 03:29 PM
Seconding (or maybe thirding) MediaFire. They're sexy!

Sound Reaper
09-17-2007, 03:46 PM
Whoa, this topic got moved to the Download links section. If the situation with Megaupload persists, even I may have to blacklist them when uploading DBZ BT3, Sonic RA, & SSBB.

(I also recomend pinning this topic if it REALLY gets out of hand.)

09-17-2007, 05:02 PM
Have not yet probs with megaupload...

09-17-2007, 05:15 PM
Yeah, it's a really good thing to inform people because Megaupload was one of the bests during all that time !! Viva Rapidshare !! LOL

09-17-2007, 06:03 PM
A Simple solution to make everyone happy: If you like megaupload then use it, but for the millions of us that hate it... just upload a mirror in anything different

09-17-2007, 07:39 PM
FREEDOM OF CHOICE...To upload where we want...
Everyone must think about that...
It takes some time to convert, to tag, to compress and to upload. So do not ask uploading to a web hosting provider or to another one.

Everyone here is already happy to have FREE stuff...

09-17-2007, 11:17 PM
i think maybe they have a keyword searcher. because when ever you upload an mp3 it automatically has the genre/artist/album title and other details attached to it.

so really all they have to do is scan all their files with a search thing and it will pick up on the file data.

09-18-2007, 05:25 AM
i just found this site. 100 MB limit and unlimited DL's

09-18-2007, 07:23 AM
i think maybe they have a keyword searcher. because when ever you upload an mp3 it automatically has the genre/artist/album title and other details attached to it.

so really all they have to do is scan all their files with a search thing and it will pick up on the file data.

I thought about that, but they've probably been alerted and are monitoring certain accounts (like mine).

09-18-2007, 07:44 AM
How come megaupload takes down game rips, i don't get it, they are not official soundtrack CD's?

09-18-2007, 11:02 AM
I thought about that, but they've probably been alerted and are monitoring certain accounts (like mine).

Hmmm... you'd think so, but I still have a bunch of stuff left in my accounts. So far, they haven't deleted any of my anime stuff from Nipponsei.

How come megaupload takes down game rips, i don't get it, they are not official soundtrack CD's?

It's still copyrighted material that you have to pay for to listen to.

09-18-2007, 11:41 AM
It's still copyrighted material that you have to pay for to listen to.

How come megaupload takes down game rips, i don't get it, they are not official soundtrack CD's?

There's no other way to listen to certain soundtracks on their own if the publishers don't make them available. And it they're not available, it's not exactly money lost.

09-18-2007, 03:13 PM
Thank never had any problem with Megaupload

09-18-2007, 06:01 PM
They know about this site because you keep uploading the same files, so they'll see what site everyone is coming from to get those files. When you link, it is important to use an anonymous redirect such as

09-19-2007, 11:23 AM
sendspace seems good

09-22-2007, 07:18 PM
I know bumping is frowned, but I don't want this thread falling to far back were people won't notice it.

09-25-2007, 03:17 PM
but i'm agree ... megaupload is the most troublesome download service for me :D ... i'm always recomended to many of my friends not to use this :D ...

if I may, I suggest to use zshare, its easy and you can use acceleration software without registering or installin or anything else ...

09-25-2007, 05:53 PM
AMEN! I have no idea why people still use MU. Everytime I see this I think, "Bet the link is down", and most of the time it is. FileFactory is the way to go.

09-25-2007, 07:48 PM
AMEN! I have no idea why people still use MU. Everytime I see this I think, "Bet the link is down", and most of the time it is. FileFactory is the way to go.

Up to 500 mo...per files

I LOVE MU !!!!

MUHAHAHAHA :naughty: :love: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

09-25-2007, 09:12 PM
I'd recommend

09-26-2007, 12:04 AM
Sigged and this thread really needs to be a sticky! Rapidshare is no good either since it's too public, so they tend to delete lots of stuff.

09-26-2007, 12:06 AM

09-26-2007, 12:43 AM
Seriously, someone Sticky this thread damnit.

09-27-2007, 03:26 AM
This needs to stay on top.

09-28-2007, 06:16 AM
When is a smart mod gona stop over -.- We still get MU uploads here...

09-28-2007, 06:57 AM
stickies get read less often, not more.

09-29-2007, 03:14 AM
Thanks 4 the post ;)

10-15-2007, 10:17 AM
bumping as a reminder not to use Megaupload since I see a few people still do.

Paranoia Dragon
10-15-2007, 10:41 AM
What's wierd, is, I have many files that have existed for months. And some files I've uploaded, after uploading them a couple times, they stick around for awhile. But, either way, I'm done with Mega Upload.

10-20-2007, 08:02 PM
I will bump this thread every several days just because people use Megaupload

10-22-2007, 06:35 PM

Still people using it.


10-22-2007, 06:50 PM
damn :( i bought a premium account too.

I dont know whether I'm allowed to post this or not, so tell me if i have to delete this ...
if you bought a half year premium so try or ...
they are trying to use megaupload for uploading as much as they can and as far as I
know every anime on is uploaded with megaupload
so just give it a try

by the way : i hate megaupload ,too -.-
every time this shit :download limit exceeded -.-
yeah MU is good for the 500 mb uploads but
a member(without premium)can only download files
up to 250 mb -__-

im sorry as i can see da-anime is down for a while -.-
so you have to wait^^
it should be up in while

yeah its up again so you can use da-anime again for your
premium-MU again (^_^)y ,because I hope that no one here
gonna go further with MU ...

Paranoia Dragon
10-23-2007, 01:44 AM
I'm gradually updating all my stuff to File Factory, it's taking awhile, but, so far, I think I'm liking File Factory ALOT more then I ever liked Megaupload.

10-23-2007, 03:05 AM DIED!!

10-30-2007, 02:31 PM
awesome. hump it coz da links r goin!

10-31-2007, 02:22 PM
I would advise against RapidShare only because of the huge wait times between downloads. If you download a typical size score, they make you wait up to 2 to 3 hours before you can download again. To make matters worse, most scores are broken up into two downloads each!

11-01-2007, 12:02 PM
I agree its like megaupload so I think we should ignore rapidshare as we do to MU

Death Wish
11-01-2007, 12:16 PM
I erringly uploaded my very first file to megaupload, and it was thus deleted but a day later xD Mediafire is IT.

11-01-2007, 12:41 PM
Be very careful with Mediafire though - they pulled a Megaupload two weeks ago and deleted over half of what I uploaded there. I recommend renaming your compressed files to something less conspicuous.

11-03-2007, 09:35 AM
I found this one site:
It uploads your file to five different servers at once:

Megaupload [we could ignore this one...]

''Fileberry will no longer continue as a service due to the sheer amount of users not following the Terms of Service. Thank you and sorry for the inconvinience.''


11-03-2007, 06:02 PM 8- )... Trust me, it's the best one out there. It uploads to 4 at once. Go check it out yourselves.

11-03-2007, 06:34 PM
I think most people ignore an important factor, ie the amount of time a file remains valid without anyone downloading it. For instance, Sendspace is UTTERLY useless because it deletes files after a week.

11-03-2007, 06:35 PM
I like because it uploads to rapidshare, zshare, and 2 other upload sites all at once. So for one link it goes to all 4 and you can pick and choose. It's awesome!

11-04-2007, 09:20 AM
''Fileberry will no longer continue as a service due to the sheer amount of users not following the Terms of Service. Thank you and sorry for the inconvinience.''


I was gonna upload something there too!

11-04-2007, 09:24 AM
I like because it uploads to rapidshare, zshare, and 2 other upload sites all at once. So for one link it goes to all 4 and you can pick and choose. It's awesome!

I just uploaded something there, the upload speed's great!

12-05-2007, 11:44 PM
Here is another service similar to fileberry -- almost direct replacement. (They have No Ads which is great!)

Vincent Ulfhednar
12-06-2007, 02:15 AM
Well all of my stuff still seems to be on Megaupload, but thanks to mediafire deleting everything but my Dark Cloud OST and Gundam vs Zeta Gundam rip I plan on uploading everything to a new host during my winter break. Some good alternatives showed up here I'll have to read more into.

12-06-2007, 02:32 AM
And this is the exact sole reason why i moved on to FTP, it seems much easier for me to manage my files, but at times when i feel nice i will upload soemthing for the community in download links.

02-02-2008, 12:33 PM
Bump for awareness

Roronoa Zoro
02-02-2008, 08:57 PM
What Black Knight said... Bumped.

Any chance one of the mods could sticky this?

03-16-2008, 08:43 PM
I also agree, I too bump for the awareness

03-16-2008, 09:27 PM
Sir, I will continue to use MU. I use it for soundtracks and ISOs, and I've NEVER had any trouble. Just name them something irrelevant, like fruit or vegetable names or something. But I say, DON'T use Rapidshare, just because well, they charge you. Remember, Megaupload gives you like five hours every night of PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP FOR FREE, PLUS, they GIVE away premium memberships everyday too to ANYONE.

Simon B
06-24-2008, 01:15 PM
MU SUCKS? talk for you, some of my uploaded files have more 1 year old.
the links don't break (due to the "1 month without download will deleted", 1 month is large enough)

i knew some problems with greatest uploader of the forum. like paranoia dragon (ok MU delete all his files) & goron moron (because he didn't re-new his account)
so, if it works for me that could work for others.

otherwise the multi-upload link ROCKS dude^^!

06-24-2008, 05:56 PM
Obviously you're an idiot Simon, because people who work at MU literally sweep through here looking for MU links and delete anything they find. They probably didn't pay attention to yours since they were so old.

Naming them irrelevant things doesn't help either because as I said, they have someone go through all the links and report any that are from MU. Fastest record for deletion after upload was 5 minutes (And the upload wasn't tagged with a game name either) You want to use it? Fine, but expect to have people request re-uploads often.

06-24-2008, 06:04 PM
Heres a hint


Ever since i did that my links never got deleted.

Simon B
06-24-2008, 07:40 PM
Obviously you're an idiot Simon i don't insult nobody. +.+

06-25-2008, 04:44 PM
i feel RapidShare starts to become a little like Megauplaod, more and more downloads limitations

08-22-2008, 09:55 PM
so it seems

10-06-2008, 12:22 AM

10-06-2008, 01:37 PM
i feel RapidShare starts to become a little like Megauplaod, more and more downloads limitations

Up to 200 mo, unlimited download, very slow download/upload speed @ some time...

10-06-2008, 05:54 PM
Megaupload is not really slow, I can get 1mb/s on my home connection (max) and when I used without a premium account before it was still okay.
Rapidshare sucks for downloading and imposes far more limits, even if you buy premium you get like 25gb download limit a week or something whereas I have done 100gb a day on megaupload before and never hit a limit. Which is why you see rapidshare used for alot of warez sites who do quick releases on stuff (people say can upload faster) and megauplaod for anime etc sites because files are easier to download.

I have literally thousands of files on megaupload, as I recall two things have been deleted for violating terms before, one an ADV anime; bubblegum crisis but I believe it was reported by somebody and the second FF7 Crisis Core for PSP.
Just scramble a file name or just use the intials of whatever you want to upload. Somebody I know said some files of his got deleted when not premium but none were touched when he was, maybe coincedence.
It is possible FFshrine has people going around reporting file links for violating coryright too.

10-06-2008, 06:05 PM
I know of a really good site to upload files on:
Once you've registered, you can upload as much as you want (so long as you don't upload more than 1 GB in a go). They will only remove the files if someone reports the file, which probably won't happen. I've had the Oblivion soundtrack illegally on there for a while now, and they haven't taken it down.

10-08-2008, 11:14 AM
RapidShit spoils us again with limited download...

11-22-2008, 04:10 AM
some idiots never learn...

11-23-2008, 12:23 AM
i rather use Rapidshare or Mediafire than Megaupload...

11-23-2008, 12:40 AM
'Nuff said.

If that ain't: it costs too much, free downloads are only 30KbS (so a moderately large song pack takes 45 minutes) and you gotta wait 80 seconds before you can even start the download.


11-23-2008, 05:49 AM
Well i've never had any of my files deleted from MU, of course i'm also a member(not premium).
Is MU really deleting files?
I've had soul hackers soundtrack on MU since i joined ffshrine and nothing's been deleted yet.

P.S. Rapidshare DOES suck.

11-23-2008, 01:24 PM
So everyone ignores me. That's nice to know. >_>

Leon Scott Kennedy
11-23-2008, 01:35 PM
FileFront is good for the filesize... but you must login into your account once in a while: they have a deletionqueue system, and your files gonna end there (even the ones that were just downloaded). You notice the warning if you login to your account at, fail to login in the next 4 days since the warning showed up, in order to remove all the files from the list, and they're gone.

11-23-2008, 02:03 PM
I use
I dunno why, though, because you have to go through a Sponsored Survey to get to your account each time you log in (It's possible to say "No" and "Pass" to the four-or-so questions). I use it to host the SWF games on my website. The download bandwidth limitations aren't bad, and you get 30GB (or something). Let's see:...there's also a Forbidden File list ("do not submit the following: html, php, js, etc....").
You also have to login once a month to stop your files getting deleted. But a simple pop-in/pop-out is enough.

I might try FileFront.

11-24-2008, 07:46 PM
I get an email every time my files get put on the deletion queue. o.o

11-24-2008, 09:07 PM
I just started using Gigasize. They keep your stuff for 90 days.

Mediafire is my fav but since I'm not prem, I'm limited to 100 mb uploads.

08-09-2010, 06:00 PM
is this forum just for the music for the ace fighter games it is not for the games

08-09-2010, 10:53 PM
megaupload has been a great file host site, i've found many files there. too bad they are changing policies... ahh... yet again, our freedom is squished in corporate hands.