Trance Moogle
09-15-2007, 07:34 PM
I can't seem to defeat cerberus, I think it's his strong magic that he casts 3 times in a row that takes my party out.

I try to use GF's to do some stong damage but I can only use each GF once, and then the second time I try to use it he kills the GF before it's ready.

Healing can also seem pointless at times when he casts two powerful spells like thundara to the same person wiping them out even when at full HP.

What can be done?

jewess crabcake
09-15-2007, 07:44 PM
You can use Ele-DE x3 junction 3 on each character, using Firaga, thandaga, and blizzaga, in each slot, so all elemental magic is absorbed. If you can't do it, then try ele- d and make each one have their own special element, and then pound on them with limit breaks, I suggest AP ammo and, Fast ammo, by this time you should have blasting zone use that too. it's just a test of persistence.

Trance Moogle
09-15-2007, 08:02 PM
That sounds like a good idea, I guess I didn't think of it because I'm not too certain about how the junction system works yet. But, I shall try as hard as I can to learn how to do what you said. I find those tutorials just too confusing sometimes.

jewess crabcake
09-15-2007, 08:21 PM
Also status attack-> drain is a godsend, your granted almost never to die.

09-15-2007, 09:57 PM
try draw casting triple on everyone then hit him with fire magic and ifrit and blizzard magic and shiva. dont use lightning and have someone as your healer he should go down soon enough.

dont forget to draw alexander from edea.

09-15-2007, 10:18 PM
I think it's his strong magic that he casts 3 times in a row that takes my party out.

Cerberus is the first enemy you can draw TRIPLE from, and he loves to cast it on himself and deliver 3 x Spankings.

When you see him change stance it means that he's cast the spell on himself so cast DISPEL to clip his claws while you smack him and draw his good stuff. He likes to triple QUAKE which makes me cry so - if you can - junction EARTH to your elemental_def slots.

This battle is a great chance to stock up on TRIPLE and give your characters stats well beyond the level of enemies you'll be meeting for a while.

09-15-2007, 11:29 PM
Cerberus is the first enemy you can draw TRIPLE from, and he loves to cast it on himself and deliver 3 x Spankings.

you can draw triple from odin as soon as you get balamb garden floating.

and death from the tonberries, also handy.

09-16-2007, 12:32 AM
you can draw triple from odin as soon as you get balamb garden floating.

and death from the tonberries, also handy.

Aiya! U IS RITE.

But if Cerberus is dealing tough love to your party you don't want to be taking the Centra ruins tourist-trail beforehand.

I should have said that following the plot - as it steers you - Cerberus is a premium draw point.

Was I right about the stance change though? Posts are written from memories. Planning on playing VIII again in 2 weeks when I get my shit out of storage.

09-16-2007, 12:44 AM
But if Cerberus is dealing tough love to your party you don't want to be taking the Centra ruins tourist-trail beforehand.

thats not necessarily true. when you go to cetra ruins the only thing you have to deal with is the time limit. odin doesnt attack you at all, so if you can figure out how much hp he has you can figure out how long it will take you to kill him and draw untill that point.

i was able to get 100 trips for each person easily with odin, then again with cerberus.

and the tonberries dont attack you until they get close to you, so just draw a few deaths then run before he attacks.

09-16-2007, 02:11 AM
thats not necessarily true. when you go to cetra ruins the only thing you have to deal with is the time limit. odin doesnt attack you at all, so if you can figure out how much hp he has you can figure out how long it will take you to kill him and draw untill that point.

i was able to get 100 trips for each person easily with odin, then again with cerberus.

and the tonberries dont attack you until they get close to you, so just draw a few deaths then run before he attacks.

It's true that with foreknowledge of the Centra Ruins puzzle sequence you can get to ODIN. In time to beat him and draw a full complement of big-gun spells before you're timed out is a different matter. In order to get to ODIN without dealing with Tonberries and using ESCAPE (which has a negative influence), you have to hustle.

Let Squall get weakened down to bitch-slap mode and then unleash renzokuken: armies of Tons B4 ODIN and TONBERRY KING just become an excuse to suck XP and draw mad magic.


You can't pillage the ruins efficiently unless you have the Enc-None-J ability which you gain by beating DIABLOS, and if you can't show that classic eidy the tough love, what hope can you have for a three-headed dog?

I play my RPGs to unlock all secrets and max all stats, so my approach and tactics may be a little linear?

09-16-2007, 03:24 AM
Centra ruins is best done after you have Ragnarok. Let Squall get weakened down to bitch-slap mode and then unleash renzokuken: armies of Tons B4 ODIN and TONBERRY KING just become an excuse to suck XP and draw mad magic.

having ragnarok doesnt have much of anything to do with it, even tho i agree that having squall weak for limit breaks is a good idea if you can kill them with one to avoid the counter. however spending time defeating the tonberries is useless before beating odin because they only give you 1 ap and no xp and are very time consuming.

You can't pillage the ruins efficiently unless you have the Enc-None-J ability which you gain by beating DIABLOS, and if you can't show that classic eidy the tough love, what hope can you have for a three-headed dog?

you can easily gain the 130 ap required for enc half and none well before you get balamb floating. and even if you dont (i started a thread about doing that actually, everyone made fun of me) you can still go to the ruins, do all the stone eye stuff and get the code to unlock the door, then you can leave and return again and have 25 min back on the clock with everything still unlocked.

09-16-2007, 03:44 AM
having ragnarok doesnt have much of anything to do with it, even tho i agree that having squall weak for limit breaks is a good idea if you can kill them with one to avoid the counter.

Yes I'm probably thinking of the oil rig. Eh, you may be right... I may well be getting my gameplans confused due to an excess of gin. Still think that that my strategy will put a collar on the doggy though.


09-16-2007, 05:31 AM
I may well be getting my gameplans confused due to an excess of gin.

excess? or not enough...?

09-16-2007, 06:38 AM
excess? or not enough...?

I am dRiNKinG tHR ginz NOW ant it tastlez gnt telludz

PSSSzzz: doant telz purple thatz ginz iz drunk

WHAT THE FUCK? they need to ban PISSHEADS like ME....

09-16-2007, 06:42 AM
Son_of_a_bitch - it's 6.40 GMT. Pulled the curtains back and it's beautiful outside my window,

09-16-2007, 04:48 PM
Okay, we've got major spammers here...

I think the most basic strategy is just this:

~When Cerberus casts Triple, counter with Dispel
~Before battle, junction Thunder magic to your Elem-Def
~Stock up on Triple

And then just pound him with physical attacks/GFs/whatever. Simple, no?

Trance Moogle
09-16-2007, 06:39 PM
Okay, I finally beat him, but the funny thing was that the battle that I beat him, he didn't do thudaga at all. Unfortunately he didn't have triple either to draw so I didn't get any of those. I'll get some other time. What worked was just keeping your party at full HP at all times and use dispel to get rid of triple and esuna to get rid of berserk.

09-16-2007, 06:45 PM
wow you must be on really low levels if he didnt have triple. what like 15-18?

you missed out there, 100 triples raise your strength 70 points. (which is insane because when i got them, rinoas strength went from 58 to 128)

and it can raise hp by 2400, hit by 150, luck 30, etc.

go get it with odin theyre almost the only 2 enemies that carry it in the entire game

Trance Moogle
09-16-2007, 10:37 PM
wow you must be on really low levels if he didnt have triple. what like 15-18?

you missed out there, 100 triples raise your strength 70 points. (which is insane because when i got them, rinoas strength went from 58 to 128)

and it can raise hp by 2400, hit by 150, luck 30, etc.

go get it with odin theyre almost the only 2 enemies that carry it in the entire game

Yes, I had Zell and Rinoa who were both about level 19 and Squall who I think was level 22. But on some of the previous battles I fought against him and lost he did have triple then. I'll try to keep in mind the Odin battle and try to draw all the triples I can.

09-16-2007, 11:47 PM
They're not the only sources of Triple. When you get the Ragnarok, head for the Island Closest to Heaven or Hell, equip Diablos' Enc-None, and keep mashing X everywhere you run. There's lots of hidden Draw Points with lots of rare spells and Triple is one of them. ^_^

09-17-2007, 03:31 AM
Wow. Don't know what to say; for me, Cerberus was a pushover, and all he did was cast Double and Triple on himself; he never used any other spells. He might've attacked once or twice, but no other attacks or magic... probably levelled up too much; as you may know, enemies in FFVIII level up along with you, and when they level up, they get other abilities that they otherwise didn't originally have.

09-17-2007, 03:40 AM
oh yea i forgot about the draw points. still its easier to draw from them.

09-17-2007, 12:52 PM
Good magic junctioned to Squall's HP and Str stats and then Renzokuken. Taking a piss without missing the bowl is harder than Cerberus.

09-18-2007, 11:20 PM
yea the only thing that sucked about him was when he cast triple (which was inevitable) and then i had to sit there and watch the aero animation three times every freakin turn.

although it did piss me off that when the only person i couldnt junction thundaga to was rinoa, he would cast it 3x on rinoa.

that game is rigged.