09-15-2007, 09:07 AM
How can I describe mine?

Well, imagine that once I walked to the shopping mall singing and dancing the Super Mario Bros Theme, people couldn't stop looking and someone even said "what a weird child

I love to play VGM on a player or even in my mind, once we were doing the Final 3d design exam at my class, I finished 10 minutes before everyone, I was bored so I asked the teacher if I could play some music because it was so quiet, my teacher told me only if I could play a music that could go with the current situation, everyone was nervous thinking in their exams, it was then when I played "Falling Down" from THE REMASTERED TRACKS ROCKMAN ZERO PHYSIS, my classmates started to tell me desperately to change the music :-D (wow they were really nervous)

The most incredible thing we did with some friends was to make the waiter play Guilty Gear XX's "Noontide" in a pub and we turned it into vocal while we were singing the same way just like the Noontide in Guilty Gear XX Vocal NY Edition

09-15-2007, 12:53 PM
Funny situations there :)

I guess i am a more common fan.
I am a little collector in real life, i have like 40 soundtracks of Wester VGM music (and only western vgm) since it's much harder to get those japanese soundtracks..
I listen to them a lot on CD player, and even on my car ;-)

My dream would be to see the S.S.T. band (Sega Sound Team) play live (i often watch the video tape of their concert).

That's all..no crazy situations :-\

09-17-2007, 01:30 AM
Driving to work in a company van with ages ranging from 20 to 50, 2 hour ride and I have the CD player as I drive. Needless to say, I get a hell of a lot of "what the hell is this crap!" Well, it's usually "Melty Blood", but I should also note that the CD player plays MP3 CDs, and I abuse that fact.

At home, my roomates are very slowly peaking in now and again saying "that was a nice tune. what's that from and do you mind burning me a copy?" Unlike previous roomates, I'm pleased that I can finally have my music playing with my room door open instead of closed.

Yeah, everyone who knows me knows I'm nuts.

09-17-2007, 02:41 AM
i like video game music a lot, but i wouldn't really say i'm passionate about it. just a fan of it

09-17-2007, 02:49 AM
Yeah, everyone who knows me knows I'm nuts.

lol, that means we might have something in common ;-)

09-17-2007, 03:02 AM
I'm with restiform on this one.

09-17-2007, 03:04 AM
Well, I say that it really is a passion for me. I'm always looking on the web for games I can rip or record, mostly along the lines of doujin fighters. I feel like without my game music, I'd really be a sad case.

But I do have another genre outside of game music, but I rarely indulge in it. Games always come first. Personal preferences, that's all it comes down to.

09-17-2007, 10:34 PM
I'm such a game music aficionado that I start looking for songs to games before the games themselves are even out. Right now I have two tracks to Lost Odyssey, but I need more!!

Everyone at work thinks I'm nuts listening to that stuff.

09-17-2007, 11:05 PM
I'm such a game music aficionado that I start looking for songs to games before the games themselves are even out. Right now I have two tracks to Lost Odyssey, but I need more!!

Everyone at work thinks I'm nuts listening to that stuff.

lol i always list the games that havn't come out too. haha :D

09-18-2007, 02:58 AM
I listen to VG music more than any other kind of music. That's how deep my passion is.

09-26-2007, 04:12 PM
Part of my influences in music are VGMS!! I get ideas for riffs in VG Music!!

MY personal soundtrack are VG music! The kind of VG music I play depends on my mood!

09-27-2007, 06:24 PM
It's a good passion to have. Leaves you open for almost every other genre there is. If I was ever a musician, I'd only work with video games; I'd never be short of creative quality.

There are too many good songs out there. It'd probably take a brand-new forum just to list the good gaming soundtracks.

11-16-2007, 10:42 PM
I have been a fan of VMGs since I was about 5

11-17-2007, 05:43 AM
I'm a huge huge fan. Mostly Banjo-Kazooie, Super Mario, Donkey Kong, and Pokemon for me, though. I have other soundtracks, but that's usually it.

11-17-2007, 07:10 AM
VGM music is the best music available, IMO. Halo, Ace Combat, Call of Duty, Oblivion... overlooked masterpieces.

11-17-2007, 08:02 AM
Hmm. . .I'd say I'm passionate about all music. But VG music interests me in particular because it's an unacknowledged art form. I feel strongly that VG music had several distinguishing characteristics that made it a new art form, before it started including imitations of every musical genre on the planet and in doing so disappeared as an entity unto itself. Now it's just music to me. But in the early days, I was seriously passionate about proving to people that all the compositional elements were there to merit an academic discussion.

11-17-2007, 09:37 PM
I think my passion for VGM is very deep - most of my music is VGM, my mp3 player is always full of VGM (used to be classical stuff, but more and more I leave that aside for VGM). I have almost 2GB of VGM. Whenever my music teacher talks about the harpsichord only being used in the Baroque period (with a few exceptions) I feel the urge to use some of Michiru Yamane's Castlevania music to prove him wrong. The only CDs I've ever bought myself are VGM (4 Castlevania OSTs, Grandia 2 OST, Jade Cocoon OST). VGM encompasses most moods and most styles of music (and therefore acts as a sort of hub to get people interested in other types of music). One of the biggest positives in VGM for me is the fact the majority of it is instrumental (and some has lyrics in a foreign language) and therefore escapes the embarrassing cliches of modern popular music. I always want to introduce VGM to other people, and prove that it is just as much music as anything else (a common opinion of it here is that "it isn't real music"). My interest is probably partially because of my tendancy to like things "normal" people my age don't (classical music, crime dramas (the best being Agatha Christie's Poirot), etc). Without VGM I probably wouldn't have any musical interest at all.

11-17-2007, 10:05 PM
Hmm. . .I'd say I'm passionate about all music. But VG music interests me in particular because it's an unacknowledged art form. I feel strongly that VG music had several distinguishing characteristics that made it a new art form, before it started including imitations of every musical genre on the planet and in doing so disappeared as an entity unto itself. Now it's just music to me. But in the early days, I was seriously passionate about proving to people that all the compositional elements were there to merit an academic discussion.

well said...I agree. Outside of classical and mathcore, I would have to say that videogame music has come be one of my fav genres of music...and it pisses me off to no end that it is not given the credit it is due...but, since I work at a cd store, I all ways make sure to play some v.g..like right now, I have in Castlevania s.o.t.n ost..B.t.w sorry for the poor grammar, english is not my language of choice.

11-24-2007, 06:10 PM
Not that long ago I forced my instructor to play some FF music for the class...

And again I forced my instructor... This time to watch FFVII:Advent Children with the whole class... So on the part where "One Winged Angel" played I was silently singing it in the middle of a class... On Aerith`s theme I cried, there were only several tears, but oh well. At last in the end of the movie I lifted my hand just as the SeeDs from FFVIII when they greet each other. Stupid, but that`s me and my love for VGM.

11-24-2007, 06:14 PM
I do not have a passion for Video Game music, for it is mostly of little value and made on purpose to fill in the backround of something equally boring . However that changes when it comes to FF1-10 music . But
we have some boring tracks there too, i mean if u listen to something for 150 times and u wanna kick the screen, it can get frustrating .

11-24-2007, 09:17 PM
Not that long ago I forced my instructor to play some FF music for the class...

And again I forced my instructor... This time to watch FFVII:Advent Children with the whole class... So on the part where "One Winged Angel" played I was silently singing it in the middle of a class... On Aerith`s theme I cried, there were only several tears, but oh well. At last in the end of the movie I lifted my hand just as the SeeDs from FFVIII when they greet each other. Stupid, but that`s me and my love for VGM.

That is such a gay thing to do.

11-24-2007, 11:44 PM
I pretty much only listen to VG, though there are a few exceptions. I have music for over 160 soundtracks thus far and I just keep getting more. Even if I never even played the game but the the music is good, then I download it.

I have a ton of CDs in my car, with music from Ragnarok Online, to Tetrisphere, to C&C. My favorite CDs to play are my Guilty Gear, Sonic Adventure 1/2, Livehouse S.S.H, and Technosoft CDs.

I don't know what I'd do without VGM, I wouldn't be too much into music if I didn't have it.

11-26-2007, 06:36 AM
All I listen to are soundtracks from (mostly) video games and the occasional movie or tv series sountrack. Alot of people I know don't really "get" my taste in videogame music and it still makes me alittle nervous when I pop in an ost while working on art homework in a class room. :3

Best moment ever is when a fellow class mate recognizes the music and gives a thumbs up. <3

11-26-2007, 10:19 PM
Yeah, I get cracked on by my coworkers when I pop in my iPod with my stuff on it, and asked "are you listening to mario music again?"

11-26-2007, 11:10 PM
I'm so passionate about it I made a career out of it :)

I was a paying member of AudioGANG.org for several years.

I wrote the score for Empires, Dawn of the Modern World.

I made a program that game composers could and actually did use to demo interactive music with.

I've been to GDC like 5 different years and E3 once. Almost 100% of my time was spent at the audio sessions.

I work at MS on game audio products now.

I have a pet game project thats main goal is to have something to put to music.

11-27-2007, 01:31 AM
Only on very rare occasions do I listen to something that is not game music. I think that's enough to describe my passion for it.

11-27-2007, 03:35 PM
I listen to it ALL the time. That's 90% of my music on my Nano...

11-28-2007, 07:21 AM
First time posting soo...
i love game music so much that if the game im playing dosnt have good music i find a way to be rid of it

12-19-2007, 09:04 PM
I'm so passionate for VGM that I hav 200+ on my iPod. That's the only I listen to on my Pod, besides 10+ Anime tracks, the 2 pop tracks, the 2 rap tracks and the 2 R&B tracks. Most of the time, I skip the songs and play the S--- out of VGMs. To name a few, I have Megaman, sonic, castlevania, TMNT, FF, SSBM, Kirby, and some tracks that I ripped (Kickmaster, NES Battletoads, Darkwing Duck, Dracula X USA SNES, Ninja Gaiden 1 and 3 NES, Ranma 1/2 H.B., Bucky O' Hare, MK3, Super Castlevania IV, Separation Anxiety, and Samurai Showdown). VGM RULES!!!!

12-19-2007, 11:29 PM
I want to say im passionate about it.. and i will.
I like Video Game Music as much as the next guy. I enjoy listening to cool compositions (which are so much harder to make since thiers no words to go to it)

VGM is very overlooked and i like the fact all all of the people on this forum like VGM too. Only if we were all in one place..

Best VGM to listen to

Guilty Gear
Devil May Cry
Silent Hill
Gitaroo Man
God Hand
and many more..

12-22-2007, 12:10 AM
That is such a gay thing to do.
Well said.

12-26-2007, 06:29 AM
I don't know if it's really deep, but I can say that more than half of the music I have on my ipod is VGM.

I always wanted to play just ONE piece in orchestra because I always thought it would be awesome. We never did. I could've suggested it but I was always reluctant to speak up. I guess my taste of music is different from most of my peers which kind of struck fear that they may laugh or something. It was a pretty stupid insecurity.

Anyway I love VGM. It inspires me to clean, doodle (I can't draw haha), and even practice piano more. It's something you don't hear everywhere which is probably what attracts me towards it.

12-26-2007, 07:55 AM
Passionate vgm freak since I grabbed my first nes game.

12-26-2007, 09:50 AM
I like it better than mainstream music. That's for sure. How deep is my obsession? About the same as the anime OSTs I've listened too. They're pretty much 95%+ of my entire collection of what I listen to nowadays.

12-26-2007, 11:10 AM
My whole Music Library is nothing but VG Music and Anime Music here and there. My MP3 Player is more of the same. And I don't really like to listen to anything else. So what does that say?

12-30-2007, 03:51 PM
Yea about the same for me, I have like 30GB of music and half of that is at least VG and I'm always looking for more. One day I hope to actually get into composing it, that would be amazing.

01-13-2008, 10:22 PM
That's all I have on my 30 GB Zune.

02-20-2008, 09:12 AM
Sorry for bumping an old topic but I really want to lend out my thoughts on my passion for Video game music. My passion started at about age 5 when I was greeting to games such as "Zelda II: The adventure of Link" and "Blaster Master"
These games here are the foundation of the VGM fanatic I am today.

Most people enjoy the Classical and Metal parts of Video game music. Games like Tg-16/PC engine game "Lords Of Thunder" and "Final Fantasy" on all platforms are proof that VGM does have the strength to be part of the western world.

Mainstream music today is dance,hip-hop and rap garbage that my ears can't take no more. Granted,I listen to metal if I am not jamming VGM which is rare. With all the soundtracks I made using winamp and finding a new tune nearly everyday that gets stuck in my head,Main stream music isn't really needed to me.

I dreamed of being a vgm writer but I don't have the talent. IF I ever do make a VGM tune, I would love to remake the "Seven Force" theme from gunstar heroes. I love that theme! In closing the passion for VGM is immortal. I'll jam the stuff until I no longer breathe, Long Live VGM!

02-21-2008, 04:18 AM
VGM... is the best music than any other music!!!

But... My friends said that VGMs are freak.... I'm terribly hurt... They just don't understand the true art of music...

02-21-2008, 08:40 PM
I am a huge VGM Fan! Like some other people said on this thread, i get the music before the game ever comes out. Funny thing is that i have the Windows Media Player Plugin onto MSN so people can read what songs that i listen too. I had first like 2Pac and then it changes to something like HELLGATE LONDON THEME.mp3 and they are like: What are you listening to, satanic rock band?'

And another thing that freaked me out was when it was totally quiet in the classroom, everybody was working my cellphone starts ringing and the ringtone was Metroid Prime 3 Theme and a classmate asked me what was that song, it was cool! :D

02-21-2008, 08:43 PM
I got so many of em'....not including guitar hero songs....and I go crazy over VGM...right now I got

Red alert 2/Yuri's Revenge, Gran Turismo 4/3/1 western edition, Crysis, Supreme Commander, Universe at war, Need for speed most wanted/carbon original score, SSBB, and waiting for more

Edit: forgot bout Halo

02-21-2008, 09:22 PM
video game music is everything to me
you know your hooked when VGM is 80 percent of what you listen to

Chaos Raiden
02-22-2008, 03:01 PM
I play video games with passion...even so far collecting any merchandises of any games...like FF series and DMC series...

02-22-2008, 07:16 PM
VGM takes up about half of my MP3 player (iPod 80GB).

02-22-2008, 11:52 PM
People just can't understand the concept and feeling behind video game music. It's not just bleeps and bloops...that was the atari age,even though they had some games with music Namely "Mountain King".

I have more game music CD's then anything else. VGM gives me an adrenaline rush that vocal music can't give me. My favorite ost right now is "Iridion II" Such great music that soundtrack has. Amazing use of instruments that have you humming when blowing enemy fighters up. Just that feeling alone is what makes me happy to be a VGM lover.

We aren't freaks. People will always have their view on things. People who are racist and make fun of obese people that just don't understand that people are people (Totally offtopic I know, just using it as an example so don't get a swelled head),just like we like what we like.They'll never understand.

VGM has ALWAYS been a part of me and always will but the passion for it burns brightly and I don't see it ever fading away.

02-23-2008, 08:46 PM
I love VGM so much that I've bought Unlimited SaGa for its (perfect) soundtrack.

Yes, Unlimited SaGa.

02-24-2008, 12:42 AM
People just can't understand the concept and feeling behind video game music. It's not just bleeps and bloops...that was the atari age,even though they had some games with music Namely "Mountain King".

I have more game music CD's then anything else. VGM gives me an adrenaline rush that vocal music can't give me. My favorite ost right now is "Iridion II" Such great music that soundtrack has. Amazing use of instruments that have you humming when blowing enemy fighters up. Just that feeling alone is what makes me happy to be a VGM lover.

We aren't freaks. People will always have their view on things. People who are racist and make fun of obese people that just don't understand that people are people (Totally offtopic I know, just using it as an example so don't get a swelled head),just like we like what we like.They'll never understand.

VGM has ALWAYS been a part of me and always will but the passion for it burns brightly and I don't see it ever fading away.

Your words astound me. I 100% agree with you and can relate with that.

02-24-2008, 12:55 AM
I love VGM so much that I used to record them directly from the TV with a stupid microphone when I was 7 and had no computer. Splatterhouse 2 (Megadrive), then Medievil (PS1), and many others.

02-24-2008, 02:36 AM
I take my GF from behind while browsing through my files for a soundtrack that fits the mood.

02-24-2008, 03:07 AM
The shorter, the best ?

02-24-2008, 11:56 AM
Low Blow :D

02-24-2008, 12:29 PM
*plays the nes mario "death" jingle*

I often find myself usually turning SFX and other 'disturbances' down to about halfway and crank the music to 100% in any options menu I am given in video games, I just love the music more then anything else.

If you want to hear somethin maybe sad..I'm not sure really. I used to go to sleep when I was young wearing headphones connected to a cassette player or CD player with video game music on it. I slept to Ace Combat 5 music quite a lot and play about 30+ tracks each day for most of the day. I can only think about maybe 1 or a max of 2 hours where I am NOT listening to video game music. It's like sex for my ears.

02-24-2008, 10:15 PM
From a scale 1 - 10, i would say 8

02-29-2008, 04:06 AM
My passion for VGM is so great that I listen to it on my headphones while I walk, and not just for nostalgic value. I actually listen to it as if it was any group or band. I even listen to it at college.

03-01-2008, 07:46 AM
VGM is my preferred flavor of music. Makes me feel relaxed. I concentrate better and that feeling you get when you listen to good music is at a constant.

03-01-2008, 10:14 PM
Sometimes I listen while I poop.

06-23-2011, 11:42 PM
I'm so passionate for VGM that I hav 200+ on my iPod. That's the only I listen to on my Pod, besides 10+ Anime tracks, the 2 pop tracks, the 2 rap tracks and the 2 R&B tracks. Most of the time, I skip the songs and play the S--- out of VGMs. To name a few, I have Megaman, sonic, castlevania, TMNT, FF, SSBM, Kirby, and some tracks that I ripped (Kickmaster, NES Battletoads, Darkwing Duck, Dracula X USA SNES, Ninja Gaiden 1 and 3 NES, Ranma 1/2 H.B., Bucky O' Hare, MK3, Super Castlevania IV, Separation Anxiety, and Samurai Showdown). VGM RULES!!!!


It's been a long time since I was on here. Now, I got 2 8G iPod Touch's. What's on one you ask??? Videogame music, lol!!! One iTouch has 500+ Videogame music and the other iTouch has 655 songs. My Videogame music has it's own iPod for a reason - because they are special to me. Plus, my girlfriend does not think I'm not crazy, lol.

---------- Post added at 04:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:36 PM ----------

My passion for VGM is so great that I listen to it on my headphones while I walk, and not just for nostalgic value. I actually listen to it as if it was any group or band. I even listen to it at college.

I don't go to college but I do listen to them while I walk. Sometimes, depending on the song and instrument, I act like I'm playing it and people look at me like I'm crazy, lol.

---------- Post added at 04:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:39 PM ----------

Sometimes I listen while I poop.


---------- Post added at 04:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:39 PM ----------

Your words astound me. I 100% agree with you and can relate with that.

I agree, too.

Mercenary Raven
06-24-2011, 12:28 AM
i've been listening to a lot of vgm lately, it matters to me as much as band music because there's always a context that's apart of it and stuff like that...... gives it more emotion and makes it more listenable.

06-24-2011, 03:35 PM
I have listened, downloaded, bought, whatever, at least 200+ albuns of VGM in 8 years of serious collector + 20 years of admiration

Jodo Kast
06-24-2011, 04:16 PM
I have read that the entire DNA code necessary to make a human takes up about 800 megabytes (so-called "junk" DNA included). If my game music data were converted into DNA, I would have the instructions to make about 1300 humans.

I have slightly more than a terabyte of vgm. If I were to decompress the apes and flacs, it would come close to 2 terabytes.

I suppose my passion is more of an obsession, since it accounts for 99.99999% of what I listen to. There are very few days that pass where I do not spend some time listening to vgm.

07-18-2011, 05:32 PM
As deep as i go inside a...wait, I cant say that, hahaha Ever since i was a kid, I would record music from the tv onto a casette player, haha. Then I would Just plug the audio jacks into my stereo and record. Nowadays, I have you guys to thank. I grab music off of here for the past few years and also ocremix as well. I listen to more vgm than any other type. I still like other music, but game music is just too good. I currently have about 40 gig of vgm.

07-19-2011, 05:12 PM
More than enough to follow it as a life career.