09-14-2007, 12:09 AM
Hi, i just got my hands on a copy of FF VIII for the PC, and i discovered a bug that i havent seen anyone talk. the bug is: the first time i enter the communications tower in Dollet during the Seed exam, the game crashes. you know, the dark room with the elevator, the draw point, and the save point? the game just freezes, cuts to black, and freezes before the elevator even gets down.

yes, i have already installed the FF8 patch. i googled possible bugs for ff8 and have not heard of any other patches or this particular bug. is there any way to fix this thing?

09-14-2007, 01:49 AM
can you copy the savestate up, then try moving the copy of FF8 to a different PC, or try using a CD player cleaner disc on the drive? The problem sounds like it's caused by a CD-ROM drive that is ready to go (i.e. drive with a dying laser diode) or soiled up (do you usually leave the tray open for long periods of time? i.e opening the tray then leaving it open while you go hunting for the disc?). Either that, or the disc is faulty.

09-14-2007, 02:33 AM
Could be, could be. Tell you what, though, if you're willing to post a copy of your savefile, I'd be happy to play through that part and then you can continue from there. If you're not sure how to post a savefile, let me know and I'll take you through the process.

If you still get errors after that, it's very likely there's either something wrong with the disc or drive, in which case, there's not much else I can do to help.

09-14-2007, 04:43 AM
thanks Agent, but I was really looking forward to fighting that big ass flying monster. plus, i really wanted to try and beat that machine spider thing without running.

i'll probably try RAMChYLD's suggestion first. if that doesnt work i'll probably just give you my savestate.

09-14-2007, 04:48 AM
All right, well, good luck. Hope, you're able to get that worked out. If not, I'll see if I can help you out.

P.S.: You have to run from the machine spider in the first battle -- you can defeat it in any battle after that.

09-16-2007, 05:52 PM
so, i ripped the CD rom to a DVD and it works fine.

09-16-2007, 11:28 PM
Glad you were able to get it all worked out then. Enjoy the game!

09-17-2007, 01:46 AM
Definitely sounds like a drive issue then. If it can read certain media correctly but not others, it certainly sounds like the drive is failing due to age. Guess you should put aside US$25 for the day you'd need to replace it.

09-18-2007, 08:10 PM
ugh. now it's doing the same thing at the Timber TV station. my burned DVD would cut out right in the middle of Deling's speech. i tried my original CD-ROM and it did the same thing. then i burned ANOTHER DVD and it cut out before Deling's speech, around the time the TV turned on. this is so lame...

i guess i'll install it onto my other computer. I use my other computer strictly for video editing, as i'm interning to be a film editor, and i've been really phobic about putting anything on there that's not editing related. but whatever. FF8 is only like 600 megs.

i sure hope this isnt a drive problem. this laptop is brand new!

if it still doesn't work out, i might just give you my save point. how would i do that?

09-18-2007, 08:41 PM
yeah... that's a no on the other computer. its doing the same thing. anyone want my save file?

09-19-2007, 10:44 AM
Well, go ahead and upload it.

As for the drive being new and the problem happening on more than one computer, I'm afraid things point to a bad FFVIII CD. See if you can do a one-to-one exchange at the store you bought the game from. If exchanging the game is not possible, well, try torrenting the game. You have an excuse to.