09-12-2007, 06:00 PM
Akira, third ever anime film/series I'd ever seen, preceded only by Lily C.A.T., and Iria/Zeiram - the Animation (remember anime Saturdays on the Sci-Fi Channel? Those were PRIME).

So, what point or message is there to it, other than as a warning against the possibilities of doomsday, and as one helluva analogy for the second advent of The Lord? I mean, post-apocalyptic world, killing itself and on the verge of dying off, urban overpopulation, civil and political unrest, and then finally a God-like figure emerges to blow it all up and put it out of its misery.

I tell ya, those Japanese! Always so concerned about the apocalypse!

Is there anything I'm missing?

09-12-2007, 06:03 PM
There's plenty you're missing, but nothing represented in the movie. It's a pale and nonsensical shadow of the original manga.

09-12-2007, 08:31 PM
yah. i once stumbled upon this massive and huge mang book at like borders or something and it was akira! and i was like "oh crap, it's true, all anime do have manga origins!" and all i gotta say is, there's a lot more diolouge there. and i think that huge book was just 1 volume of the whole thing. lol

i wonder how much i'm missing out.

Silver Butterfly
09-12-2007, 09:25 PM
Tetsuo becomes the leader of the Clown gang. Akira is a major character. The destruction of the city at the end of the movie takes place halfway through the manga series.

Think of the movie as an extended trailer.

09-12-2007, 09:53 PM
Maybe I just ought to buy the anime movie, and see if the commentaries tell me anything. -_-;

Silver Butterfly
09-12-2007, 10:23 PM
You're really missing most of the plot. If you want to know what it's all about, it's about the people caught up in the plot you describe. The manga is filled with small character moments.

I know it sounds like I'm trying to impress you, or whatever, but the only way to get the full story, the way the author intended is to read the manga. Otherwise, you're left with the TV guide description.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
09-15-2007, 09:13 AM
Despite the manga having the more complete story, the anime is always worth watching for the animation and directing alone, mondo eye candy, but that's just me.

I like the music a lot too