04-08-2002, 10:22 PM
have you found any mess ups in the game? so far all i found was one text mess up but i havnt started looking till now... were not counting the whole aeris not finished deal or wahtever... this thread is only for FF7 mess ups

04-08-2002, 10:29 PM
In the older American releases of Games like FF2 (american that is), and Chrono Trigger there were some text mess ups. In FF7, those dog thingies that you could fight in Corel prison on the bottom of the well-looking thing in the japanese release were not there in the American release, and I've noticed a few translation errors in Xenogears. I think that it's not just Square's fault, it's the crappy translators that Square highers.

04-08-2002, 10:36 PM
please dont go off topic or this thread is gonna get moved! :notgood:

04-08-2002, 10:38 PM
Exactly. I know this is off topic, but aparently, Squall is the son of Laguna. But becuase of poor translation, we aren't given all that.


As for the Aeris thing, that's just a false rumor. Some guy from Square made it up. Personaly, I'm glad she stays dead. Her death was an excellent part of FFVII. To "counter" it by reviving her would ruin it. But this isn't a thread about that topic


I've never noticed the typo's you've mentioned.

04-08-2002, 10:41 PM
thre more like english typos like it would say i has nothing to do with me or something like that it was really dumb typo that u would never notice

04-08-2002, 11:42 PM
The most noticable text errors that I can think of:


Prod Clod - Proud Cloud
Jamar Armor - Jammer Armor
Safer Sephiroth - Savior Sephiroth


04-09-2002, 12:21 AM
Loads of the sentences and conversations in FF7 arent done very well. In fact the convo between Cloud and Aeris after the honey bee Inn doesnt make a bit of sense. They rushed the western release even more than the japanese release.

04-09-2002, 12:26 AM
has anyone played the jap version? and if so whats the diffrence besides weapons?

04-09-2002, 01:02 AM

This one?

Well, after reading Megura's FAQ on FF7 changes...

There were some added Materia in the game, the Japanese version had 6 that were disabled.

Ruby Fragment and Emerald Fragment were key items that did nothing, these items were replaced with Desert Rose and Earth Harp when they added the new Weapons.

Instead of 6 characters for your name, you had 9 in the US.

Sephiroth's Supernova attack was redone (I've seen the Japanese version of it... it was short...)

There was also a Final Fantasy International, which was Final Fantasy 7 but with added stuff (just like Final Fantasy X: International)

Also some text changes between the Japanese and the US.

- 'Gold Needle' became 'Soft'
- 'Twin Head' became 'Schizo'
- 'Gravity' became 'Demi'
- 'Heavy Shot' became 'Big Shot'
- 'Pyro Holes' became 'Pale Horse'

Square wanted to add Multi endings... but lack of money.

Extra summons... Golem from FF5 was suppose to be in it but they said the game would be too easy with it... so no.

Yuffie had the Rising Sun weapon in the US but was disabled in the Japanese version. Reason? No one really knows.

And Cloud was supposed to be able to swim underwater and you could use the sub or swim all over the world. However, in the final, you can only go around the center of tha map.

Well... that is what Kao Megura said in his FAQ =P

04-13-2002, 06:46 AM
I've noticed an FMV error.


Anyway, take a look as Sephy is falling down towards Aeris. When it shows him holding the sword up, flying down, he has his gloves on. But when he stabs Aeris, the next time you see his hands, there are no gloves! Or maybe it's vice versa...

But I just remember seeing this. Take a look some time.