09-10-2007, 03:54 AM
I downloaded the music a long time ago back when Galbadia Hotel had just started. It is probably my favorite music collection/remix ever...well, so far at least. What bothers me is that I know nothing about it.

Does anybody have any insight on where "Megman X Arranged" came from? The artists/remixers/band that did it? If they did any other music? I have often wondered if they did any of the other megaman x games, or any other games at all.

I know that there is a "Super Mario World Arranged" collection that sounds similar, but I think thats just one of those Nintendo formed band.


09-13-2007, 02:04 PM
according to my winamp which searches for all the artists and stuff ....
it looks like capcom released them :)
i love listening to them too
oh btw i found mmz's remastered soundtrack that im posting a link to later today (rather in a few minutes ^ ^) so keep an eye out for it :)