Trance Moogle
09-09-2007, 09:28 PM
I saw RPG maker 3 at a store and was wondering, is there an RPG maker game that is in 2D instead of 3D for the PS2 just like RPG maker 3?

Or are they only for the PC?

09-09-2007, 11:01 PM
RPG Maker on the PS1 was 2D, I believe.

09-10-2007, 03:35 PM
Yea it was, and it was For PS1, PS2 had RPG maker 2 and 3 which were both 3d, and there is one for the pc, my brother plays the hell out of those.

09-27-2007, 07:09 AM
RPG Maker ish for PS2 (RM-3, is what I own) also for PC, (RM-2000, RM2K3, RM-XP)

I made some games for the PC for RM2K and RM2K3, but due to security, I
deleted the demo links... sorry, I'll rehost them later.

J. Peterman
09-27-2007, 12:17 PM
etna i am just posting here to say u have good name i used you in my party but then not because i dunno oh yeah i did beat disgaea 2 man i don't like rozalin

10-10-2007, 04:01 AM
LOL! I trained with my own personal Mage in my own file (apparently because
I'm not as free as all of you are, our level is low; 1085... can't even touch my
own PS2 anytime anymore because of parents vs school. :( )

Anyway, if any of you use RPG Makers 2000/2003, give me the o-k to host my
resources in a seperate topic here! :P

11-28-2007, 09:42 PM
There's an RPG Maker XP at uhhh... let me find the link... here it is (! It's got a 30-day trial, but there's a way around that, if you wanted. It's all in 2D though, sprites and everything. (Now if only I could figure out how to use it!)

EDIT: and I totally just realized you were looking for a PS2 version, not PC. I FAIL X3;

12-02-2007, 01:20 AM
Yea it was, and it was For PS1, PS2 had RPG maker 2 and 3 which were both 3d, and there is one for the pc, my brother plays the hell out of those.

i dont know your brother, but he seems cool. anyone with the nutz to make their own game in a game rules.

and with any rpgmaker games, if you just look at the different menus and such-using the help files, too-you can figure it all out. some stuff, like flags, can be hard. a flag is...uhm......well, when your character gets hit, there's a flag activated for him to lose hit points. generating each one can be difficult, 'cause if you forget one that completes a chain, nothing will work right. if youve got the idea and the drive to make a game,though, character, item, and map creation is usually fun

02-02-2008, 04:44 AM
Here's some videos from my latest project:
D-Type: Code MB-AC!

Stage Boss 05.2 : G-Akiha (Test battle)
1-The ROFLcopter part to me is 2:25,
2-There's Nanaya Shiki in the party (Actually, Saiyajin Mui, for this case. Check the Party Status whenever it'll be ready someday), he's just hard to see

Testrun 03, Stage 0 (intro stage) Area 2; past tutorial area