09-09-2007, 07:50 AM
Man, nothing says, "YOUR HAPPINESS IS BUILT UPON THE CRUSHED HOPES AND DREAMS OF THE LIVES OF OTHERS" like a towering amusement park built upon the grounds of a ruined coal-mining town...


Other than that, I always thought Gold Saucer itself was one giant Makou Reactor; it'd require a hell of a lot of power to run that whole damn place. I thought that'd be the second great dark secret about Gold Saucer, and that you'd have to fuckign blow that place up too, but I guess they thought the first dark secret was enough.

Then again, I suppose the Gold Saucer must receive power from the Makou reactor in the nearby Corel mountains...

09-10-2007, 04:31 PM
Screw the ruins of the town, who cares? If they had an ounce of brain, they would have moved or rebuilt the town. C'mon, 4 years?

What I always found even funnier was the fact that an amusement park has a prison below, and the owner of the park has the authority to imprison people without a trial. Dio? More like warden Dio.

09-10-2007, 05:20 PM
The Gold Saucer was likely run by ShinRa behind the scenes, so it wouldn't surprise me if the entire place was run on Makou energy.

09-10-2007, 08:14 PM
The Gold Saucer was likely run by ShinRa behind the scenes
IT IS. In the round room that connects to all the different parks, there's a screen that's made to look like a wooden clubhouse billboard. Check it, and the last sentence is, "Make your memories today! - ShinRa."

09-14-2007, 07:38 AM
Screw the ruins of the town, who cares? If they had an ounce of brain, they would have moved or rebuilt the town. C'mon, 4 years?

It's not that simple. When a settlement is totally destroyed, it's inhabitants are usually spread to the wind, and absorbed into other communties throughout the region or world. That didn't happen in the case of South Corel, because South Corel was slaughtered. Berret, Dyne, and Marlene are the sole survivors of the entire town of South Corel. Dyne roams the area killing people at random. Berret would have been doing the same thing, but Marlene gave him hope, and hope gave him a cause. Barret and Dyne both had wives, children, brothers, sisters, cousins, and when Berret and Dyne were off negotiating with ShinRa, over the prospect of either keeping their village in the same place or finding favorable circumstance to egress, ShinRa troops were deployed to slaughter the village while the negotiations took place. Berret and Dyne were separated in an attempt to kill them both, and they lost their right and left arms respectively. Berret comes to the scene of the massacre, finding his wife breathing her last breaths, and Marlene the only survivor, with no one having any knowledge of Dyne still being alive. Dyne, on the other hand, with no knowledge of what exactly happened, finds Barret and Marlene to be the only corpses not accounted for, and he's not able to find comfort in not knowing where his best friend or daughter are, much less whether or not they are together, which serves only to further madden him rather than give him any comfort. With hope for the future, and a living memory of what he had lost, Berret sought revenge by seeking to disrupt and bring down the force that had destroyed his life. With no hope, only anxiety, and only jealousy, something disparaging about Portugues Collosus's mother, and madness to remind him of who he was, Dyne became as a walking dead man and sought his revenge upon all who still drew breath. In the end he begged Barret to kill him for Marlene's sake. Dyne felt that if his daugther had seen what he had become, it would destroy her, if his homocidal rampage didn't do so quite literally.

09-14-2007, 09:35 AM
Thanks for making such a huge post about it, Zachron, but it goes without saying I didn't read it.

09-14-2007, 08:15 PM
I knew you wouldn't, that's why I said disparaging things about your mother in it. lol

09-14-2007, 11:10 PM
I knew you wouldn't, that's why I said disparaging things about your mother in it. lol
And here, we see the "PWN," in its simplest, yet most potent form, full of WIN.

09-15-2007, 05:29 AM
I knew you wouldn't, that's why I said disparaging things about your mother in it. lol

I'll take your word for it, but if you did, thanks =)

And here, we see the "PWN," in its simplest, yet most potent form, full of WIN.

Zachron should change his name to Cinnamon-Testicled Zachron.

09-15-2007, 05:31 AM
Zachron should change his name to Cinnamon-Testicled Zachron.
So long as it's full of WIN.

09-15-2007, 05:33 AM
You'll have to let me know. You're the one doing all the licking lolol

09-15-2007, 05:47 AM
You'll have to let me know. You're the one doing all the licking lolol
HEY, I do like sucking cinnamon balls. I have a bag of them right here. Zachron gave them to me. What the fuck is it to you?!

09-15-2007, 06:38 AM
I never said anything about sucking :rolleyes:

It's ok, Schwarzer, so you're not as fun as I thought you'd be. I only have myself to blame. Keep trying with all those crazy threads you make =)

09-15-2007, 07:12 AM
I never said anything about sucking :rolleyes:
Well, shit, man. What WOULD you do with a sack of cinnamon-flavored balls?

09-15-2007, 09:46 PM
Hey! You leave my cinnamon balls out of this.

09-15-2007, 09:52 PM
With no hope, only anxiety, and only jealousy, something disparaging about Portugues Collosus's mother, and madness to remind him of who he was, Dyne became as a walking dead man and sought his revenge upon all who still drew breath.

rofl Zach! And yes, I read the whole thing, but I just liked that part. XD *slaps that in her siggy*

Anyhoo ... reading all that made me actually remember Dyne. I actually liked him as a character.

09-16-2007, 05:22 AM
Anyhoo ... reading all that made me actually remember Dyne. I actually liked him as a character.
Agreed; maybe not the first time, but on a subsequent viewing, Dyne's tragic story made me weep. I could sympathize with his character. For a bit character, he had a hell of a story, and made Barret more worthwhile a character.

I wasn't in mourning for a whole week like I was over Aeris, but it still got to me. WELL, I didn't tear up over Aeris, but I didn't feel like playing the game for a week afterward. I must've felt the same feelings as Cloud (if he was a real person), I just felt I couldn't go on after that, and when I continued, it felt like a drudgery.

rofl Zach! And yes, I read the whole thing, but I just liked that part. XD *slaps that in her siggy*
Wow, I didn't notice that the first time...

09-16-2007, 05:39 PM
That's cause I put it in later for humor purposes.

09-17-2007, 10:06 PM
It's not that simple. When a settlement is totally destroyed, it's inhabitants are usually spread to the wind, and absorbed into other communties throughout the region or world. That didn't happen in the case of South Corel, because South Corel was slaughtered. Berret, Dyne, and Marlene are the sole survivors of the entire town of South Corel. Dyne roams the area killing people at random. Berret would have been doing the same thing, but Marlene gave him hope, and hope gave him a cause. Barret and Dyne both had wives, children, brothers, sisters, cousins, and when Berret and Dyne were off negotiating with ShinRa, over the prospect of either keeping their village in the same place or finding favorable circumstance to egress, ShinRa troops were deployed to slaughter the village while the negotiations took place. Berret and Dyne were separated in an attempt to kill them both, and they lost their right and left arms respectively. Berret comes to the scene of the massacre, finding his wife breathing her last breaths, and Marlene the only survivor, with no one having any knowledge of Dyne still being alive. Dyne, on the other hand, with no knowledge of what exactly happened, finds Barret and Marlene to be the only corpses not accounted for, and he's not able to find comfort in not knowing where his best friend or daughter are, much less whether or not they are together, which serves only to further madden him rather than give him any comfort. With hope for the future, and a living memory of what he had lost, Berret sought revenge by seeking to disrupt and bring down the force that had destroyed his life. With no hope, only anxiety, and only jealousy, something disparaging about Portugues Collosus's mother, and madness to remind him of who he was, Dyne became as a walking dead man and sought his revenge upon all who still drew breath. In the end he begged Barret to kill him for Marlene's sake. Dyne felt that if his daugther had seen what he had become, it would destroy her, if his homocidal rampage didn't do so quite literally.

i thought they massacred the people of south corel because there something went wrong with the reactor and Shinra blamed the townspeople....

09-17-2007, 10:10 PM
i thought they massacred the people of south corel because there something went wrong with the reactor and Shinra blamed the townspeople....


When a settlement is totally destroyed, it's inhabitants are usually spread to the wind, and absorbed into other communties throughout the region or world. That didn't happen in the case of South Corel, because South Corel was slaughtered. Barret, Dyne, and Marlene are the sole survivors of the entire town of South Corel.
Yes, South Corel was in fact slaughtered as you said, and Zach didn't forget.


Are reading comprehension and ADHD really all that much of a problem amongst this board's members?!

Zach, no offense, but unless the "Enter/Return" key on your keyboard is broken, you may want to try using paragraph breaks from now on.

09-17-2007, 10:19 PM
that didnt answer my question/reply

09-17-2007, 10:20 PM
Reading comprehension and ADHD ARE, in fact, a great problem amongst this board's members...

Let's try this again:

i thought they massacred the people of south corel because there something went wrong with the reactor and Shinra blamed the townspeople....
YES. You know what "Yes" means, don't you? Or are you just messing around with me?

09-17-2007, 10:24 PM
you're answer is confusing me in all seriousness.... is it yes, there was something wrong with the reactor and Shinra blamed the townspeople

or was it yes to something else

09-18-2007, 12:49 PM
Man, 1338, you are failing another one of Schwarzer's tests, don't you see?

09-18-2007, 01:02 PM
you lose, good day sir

09-18-2007, 07:42 PM
i thought they massacred the people of south corel because there something went wrong with the reactor and Shinra blamed the townspeople....

Oh yeah... I remember. Barret, Dyne, and a few others went to the negotiate with the Shinra officials about something or other. During the Meeting something went wrong with the reactor and the shinra troops who just happened to be positioned around the town, just happened to blame the townspeople. The reactor was either sabotaged internally, a human error or gremlin malfunction occured, or no malfunction occured at all, but the reactor acting up was a pretense for the slaughter of the villiage, which the troops were planning to do anyway. And they weren't planning on the villiage sending negotiators, and when they did, it just gave Shinra someone who could be blamed.

09-18-2007, 08:14 PM

When ShinRa officials met with the South Corel town counsel, they were negotiating building a Makou Reactor in the North Corel mountains, (where all the coal deposits were). Dyne was the ONLY ONE who opposed it, while Barret agreed that it would make all their lives easier (that's why Dyne blames Barret for what happened). Since Makou Reactors take up The Planet's life force, they use up natural resources like coal; this, of course, is even unknown to most of the common folk even in the present-day of the game, and only one NPC has anything to say about, "Coal deposits have been drying up since the Makou Reactor was built."

Awhile after the Reactor was built, Barret and Dyne go on an out-of-town trip. When they return, they see South Corel, in all of its then forested majesty, burning to the ground, and they find out it was on a pretense that someone had been messing with the North Corel Reactor.

Such pretense was probably false, seeing as how Barret and Dyne must've passed the Reactor on their way back home (you see it on the way to North Corel, and it's the same path Barret and Dyne take back home), and said nothing about anything being wrong with it.

My point is that, the town counsel meeting and the burning of South Corel to the ground, there was some distancing of time between these two events; they're not even building the Reactor at the time of the town counsel meeting, for that matter.

Though, if ShinRa was smart, and more backstabbedy, they ought to have hired criminals to destroy South Corel for them, rather than having their own soldiers do it, and then built the Reactor some time later, to alay any suspicion that they were ever responsible for the destruction of South Corel. ShinRa was pretty sloppy with their conspiracies.

09-18-2007, 11:21 PM
that last part is kinda accurate/true, but i doubt squaresoft/square/square-enix were going to put in the effort to put in that much detail about the incident....

09-21-2007, 06:26 AM
Well, if there is distance between the events then it's understandable if they all kinda stacked on top of each other in my head.