Mario Murderer
09-08-2007, 01:17 AM

If you manage to go to the site, go on to NOISE (on the hotlinks at the left hand side of the home page) and click it. You get taken to a MP3 Page, where some (but not all) of the songs are in .mp3. These guys have done an awesome arranged version of the theme from SMW and SMB2 (See: Athletic1 (Super Mario World) and Athletic 2 (Super Mario Bros 2) under ARRANGE. I can't download them because they are not in .mp3 but they play only on direct link instead of saving it to a .mp3 format with right click save as! Can someone please get a rip or something to help me download it? I WANT THIS BADLY! =D

12-09-2007, 07:40 PM
Hi SuperMarioMurderer, my name is Jack Fitzsimmons I've uploaded those two Super Mario mp3s you wanted to wanted to megaupload below are the links to the two mp3s :)

Hope you enjoy them

12-10-2007, 12:49 AM
How that is nice find. Athletic Heavy Metal rocks. Thanks for the songs.