09-07-2007, 10:17 AM
Many people wonder why Sephiroth goes on his crusade to the Northern Crater to become a god.


Sephiroth first loses it when he discovers that he was created from a mixture of Jenova cells bathed in Mako energy.

His search for truth leads him to the laboratory under the Shinra mansion, upon where he discovers the history of The Ancients.

The Ancients were sacrificed to preserve the Planet and humanity during its previous cataclysmic brush with destruction. Sephiroth is pissed about this, how The Ancients were sacrificed for, if not by, humanity, and how humanity does not pay memorium to them for this. What he's also pissed about, is how humanity quit its pilgrimage for the Promised Land, and eventually developed settlements.

That much is true, indisputable fact.


These are my theories.

Sephiroth desires to punish humanity for forgetting God, and the means of worshipping Him, known as religion.

THEE Promised Land, in reality, is Heaven. Indeed, the Promised Land alluded to in FFVII is some form of blissful afterlife, and thus we can conclude, analogous to Heaven.

And in order to find Heaven, you must find God. But humanity quit its pilgrimage for The Promised Land, and set up civilization, much like how we have in our own world, and because we are all warm, comfortable, and safe (or so we think) in civilization, we think we don't need God.

And that is why Sephiroth desires to become a god, to punish them for forgetting God. Sephiroth's mentality is kind of like this: [If they forget God, I shall become God for them!]



SIDENOTE: Another interesting instance of this is the church in the Sector 5 slums of Midgar. As you can clearly see in the game, it's buried under a mound of trash, representative of how we've forgotten religion and spirituality, and chosen our material lives over it, even when we still discard those material things that we choose over religion, as well.

SIDENOTE 2: While Sephiroth is representative of condemnation, Aeris is representative of redemption, another key theme of the game. All of the characters in the game had something they needed to redeem about themselves, or at least thought they did, and all of them got a second chance to do so, and Aeris sacrificed herself to make sure this was so. You could argue that Aeris was supposed to be a Christ-like figure, seeing as how she was pure and innocent (analogous to how Christ was without sin), and how she sacrificed herself for the good of others, much like Christ did on the cross.


I wouldn't say the game is religious, let alone Christian propaganda, but I believe it begs the point that humanity as a whole has become spiritually bankrupt, and thus now lead wasteful, material, unsatisfying lives, as represented by Midgar. You could say the game denounces modern lifestyle and civilization.

09-07-2007, 10:24 AM
Too bad for him he was the product of a Frankenspacealien and a stupid fucking woman without any morals or regards for the human life she was bringing into the world.

What a bitch!

09-07-2007, 10:58 AM
Too bad for him he was the product of a Frankenspacealien and a stupid fucking woman without any morals or regards for the human life she was bringing into the world. What a bitch!
WELL, let's keep in mind: Lucretia didn't know that Hojo was going to do genetic engineering with her child, and not even Hojo knew that Sephiroth would go on his own tirade, e.g., typical case of a science experiment run amok, then again, he was hardly sane as it was, let alone able to see that anything he could possibly engineer would be Frankensteinian in nature.

Lucretia may or may not have been married to Hojo; we don't know. Oh well, I will say it serves her right from defecting away from Vincent!

Yet another lesson to be learned: Ladies, if you ever meet a decent man, stay with him, else you may end up being picked up by another man who will fill you with the seeds of a DEMON CHILD!

09-07-2007, 11:01 AM
She didn't know? What? Didn't she tell Vincent (to the tune of a Mexican soap opera, no less) that she wanted to go ahead with the experiments?

What does marriage have to do with it?

09-07-2007, 11:04 AM
She didn't know? What? Didn't she tell Vincent (to the tune of a Mexican soap opera, no less) that she wanted to go ahead with the experiments? What does marriage have to do with it?
I'm going to have to take a look at that. I don't think that scene even had any accompanying dialogue. All I know is that she left Vincent for Hojo, though, I only assume there was some romantic connection, because Hojo was asking Lucretia to bare his child. I doubt she'd do it simply "for the sake of science," after all, she's supposed to have brains.

I'm not really caring for the turn this thread is taking, but, I'll take a look at that scene again. At least, it's making me look closer into the game.

09-07-2007, 11:31 AM
I'm not sure anymore. I think I played the dialogue in my head as I watched the scene. I do that sometimes.

Lucrecia was pretty damn blind if she couldn't see Hojo for what he was, though.

09-07-2007, 12:20 PM
Injecting a fetus with Jenova cells while it's still in it's mother's womb seems like one of those things that would have been hard to do unnoticed. Surely Lucrecia must have realized what was going on.

Anyway, wasn't Lucrecia's guilt over letting Hojo fuck with Sephiroth one of the reasons her spirit or whatever was still hanging around in that cave? Can't remember myself and I don't think optional dialog like that is in the game script I downloaded off gamefaq. They probably explain it all more in depth in Dirge of Cerberus but...I don't really have much incentive to play that game.

J. Peterman
09-07-2007, 06:06 PM
sephiroth is mad he never got a choo choo train imo

09-07-2007, 06:10 PM
Oh geez. More of this bullshit theorizing? Schwarzer, you were racking up some cool points, but now they're starting to disappear.

jewess crabcake
09-07-2007, 07:25 PM
Though this theorizing, is a bit... mysterious to be polite, you can't lie this is actually one of the better ones, the other ones are like, "I think Sephiroth was crazy and obsessive compulsive, and he was a momma's boy, :B <- lol he has 2 tongues,!111"

09-07-2007, 07:43 PM
Why didn't Sephiroth just demand reparations from the Shinra government?

09-07-2007, 10:04 PM
Wow, you clearly didn't understand much of the story there Schwarzer.

The Ancients were sacrificed to preserve the Planet and humanity during its previous cataclysmic brush with destruction. Sephiroth is pissed about this, how The Ancients were sacrificed for, if not by, humanity, and how humanity does not pay memorium to them for this. What he's also pissed about, is how humanity quit its pilgrimage for the Promised Land, and eventually developed settlements.

I think it would be good for you to revise your definition of "fact".
Because at least half of what is written there has nothing to do with facts.

09-07-2007, 10:07 PM
Injecting a fetus with Jenova cells while it's still in it's mother's womb seems like one of those things that would have been hard to do unnoticed. Surely Lucrecia must have realized what was going on.
Of course Lucretia would notice that Jenova DNA is being injected into her unborn child. But, how was she to know that her child would become a monster? Something tells me that injecting people with Jenova's DNA was a new practice/experiment at the time, so of course they wouldn't quite know about the effects yet. Well, at least Hojo may have probably theorized of what would happen, but we don't know that for sure, whether Hojo actually knew what was going to happen, whether Sephiroth was created intentionally, or was simply a "success" beget by chance.

Anyway, wasn't Lucrecia's guilt over letting Hojo fuck with Sephiroth one of the reasons her spirit or whatever was still hanging around in that cave? Can't remember myself and I don't think optional dialog like that is in the game script I downloaded off gamefaq. They probably explain it all more in depth in Dirge of Cerberus but...I don't really have much incentive to play that game.
Lucretia felt guilty, after Sephiroth was created and he turned out to be a monster, yes, and Jenova's DNA made Lucretia immortal: "But I knew that the Jenova cells in my body wouldn't let me die."

09-07-2007, 10:12 PM
Maybe you should browse the older threads. You could find some insightful informations about the story.

Every once in a while, a guy like you come in here and start posting his ideas about some comspiration theories about what the story truly means, what it truly is, or other theories.

It has gotten quite old already. And you are not coming up with stuff that hasn't already been dealt with.

09-07-2007, 11:42 PM
he's like prince and madonna

09-07-2007, 11:43 PM
he's insane Period..

09-08-2007, 02:47 AM
Oh geez. More of this bullshit theorizing? Schwarzer, you were racking up some cool points, but now they're starting to disappear.

Well, maybe just one...or not...[/honesty]

I am so enjoying myself right now...[/at this point, I'm not entirely sure]

09-08-2007, 03:57 AM
oh come on, I thought my "reparations" comment was funny as shit. Doesn't anybody know what "reparations" is? Jesus.

09-08-2007, 04:23 AM
oh come on, I thought my "reparations" comment was funny as shit. Doesn't anybody know what "reparations" is? Jesus.

09-08-2007, 07:11 AM
oh come on, I thought my "reparations" comment was funny as shit. Doesn't anybody know what "reparations" is? Jesus.

rofl nice going there, Ms. I-Cry-for-Attention.

Everyone ready to laugh at the reparations comment? And a-one, and a-two and... sorry, no one cares.

09-08-2007, 07:17 AM
rofl nice going there, Ms. I-Cry-for-Attention.

Everyone ready to laugh at the reparations comment? And a-one, and a-two and... sorry, no one cares.
That card probably would've been best played if I hadn't already played mine.

09-08-2007, 07:21 AM
Probably, who can say or cares? Not me. What I can say is, I was funnier than you! Laugh at it, damn it!

09-08-2007, 07:32 AM
Probably, who can say or cares? Not me. What I can say is, I was funnier than you! Laugh at it, damn it!
Okay, now THAT is a laugh-worthy line!

The Anti-Existence
09-12-2007, 03:22 PM
Motives- The key to any true good villain is their motivation. Why are they evil? Sephiroth was a noble soldier and war hero, admired by young men. One day, he goes on a mission and reads some books in a secret government laboratory.

Sephiroth: (reading a book) …an organism that was apparently dead, was found in 2000 year old geological stratum. Professor Gast named that organism, Jenova… Year, X Month, X Day. Jenova confirmed to be an Ancient …X Year, X Month, X
Day. Jenova Project approved. The use of Mako Reactor I approved for use… My other's name is Jenova… Jenova Project… Is this just a coincidence? Professor Ga st… Why didn't you tell me anything? …Why did you die?

Short time later...

Sephiroth: Don't you get it? An Ancient named Jenova was found in the geological stratum of 2000 years ago. The Jenova Project. The Jenova Project
wanted to produce people with the powers of the Ancients……no, the Cetra! …I am the one that was produced.

From the lies told him and his own bizarre logic, Sephiroth deduced he was “created” and a test-tube baby. This conveniently severed any ties he had with humanity which he seems to have also fabricated a story for.

Sephiroth: Long ago, disaster struck this planet. Your ancestors escaped… They survived because they hid. The Planet was saved by sacrificing the Cetra. After that, your ancestors continued to increase. Now all that's left of the Cetra is in these reports.

So, Sephiroth’s motives are a righteous hate for humanity. To avenge his “ancestors” and mother, he must kill and “take back” the Planet from humans. He then proceeds to perform his infamous rampage in Nibelheim.

But, isn’t this knowledge invalid? He wasn’t created. He wasn’t a Cetra. The “mother” of his was the real thing that wiped out the Cetra. This is fact. Yet, Sephiroth...

Sephiroth: ...Ah, but I have. I'm far superior to the Ancients. I became a traveler of the Lifestream and gained the knowledge and wisdom of the Ancients.

That is Sephiroth at the Temple of the Ancients. Examine these quotes well. He has gained the knowledge of the Ancients which would include his righteous hate for humanity being non-existent. Thus, his motivation and reasons for going evil are moot.

Also taking into account Advent Children, he even wants to replicate what Jenova did.

His "motives" are a trainwreck and one reason why he's one of the lamest villains ever.

09-12-2007, 06:09 PM
In other words, Sephiroth's suffering from serious misconceptions, counter-intuitiveness, if not complete and utter LOGIC ERROR.

And all that time, I thought he had a legitimate complaint...what a let-down.

09-15-2007, 07:01 PM
I think he's insane. Either he was raised poorly or had too much contact with radiation.

09-16-2007, 06:07 AM
I think he's insane. Either he was raised poorly or had too much contact with radiation.
He wasn't raised AT ALL; well, by Hojo maybe, but that doesn't count.

I don't think Sephiroth was even ever a child in the normal sense of the word; either his body matured quickly, or he was brought into this world a full-blown adult from the get-go. When the body matures too quickly, the mind is usually still left behind, or the maturation of the mind is just as accelerated as it is for the body, still leaving some parts incomplete.

That, and Sephiroth's exposure to Makou couldn't have been a good thing, either.

In that sense, he's similar to Kefka from FFVI, who was the first human being ever to be exposed to Magitek, and his mind snapped from it.

In that sense, both are sympathizable villains.

09-19-2007, 03:55 PM
I don't think Sephiroth was even ever a child in the normal sense of the word; either his body matured quickly, or he was brought into this world a full-blown adult from the get-go.

I agree with what you said except this bit. During Cloud's flashback sequence in Kalm, when it shows Sephiroth discovering his origins he says something like, "I've always felt since I was small that I was different from the
others. But not like this" suggesting that he did have a childhood.

Anyway its not that essential to the plot line.

09-29-2007, 03:54 AM
I agree with what you said except this bit. During Cloud's flashback sequence in Kalm, when it shows Sephiroth discovering his origins he says something like, "I've always felt since I was small that I was different from the others. But not like this," suggesting that he did have a childhood.

Anyway its not that essential to the plot line.
Still clears that up, though. Thanks!

09-29-2007, 08:30 PM
Sephiroth was just... Just... At first his mother made a mistake for letting her child to be injected with Jenova cells, at second it was a mistake for Lucrecia to kill herself* and leave everything in Hojo`s hands... There were too much mistakes, and most of them were made by Lucrecia.

[By "kill" I mean to shut herself in ice, or what was that thing]

09-30-2007, 11:16 PM
Sephiroth was just... Just... At first his mother made a mistake for letting her child to be injected with Jenova cells, at second it was a mistake for Lucrecia to kill herself* and leave everything in Hojo`s hands... There were too much mistakes, and most of them were made by Lucrecia.

[By "kill" I mean to shut herself in ice, or what was that thing]

This entire post made me chuckle, for some reason.