09-07-2007, 06:57 AM
How the hell can they even call that a FF game? it looked like a spinoff of a disney show. even the multiplayer sucked. I think they should leave the FF titles to Playstation and let GameCube continue to sniff its own ass. i never thought id see the day when a FF game was that soft. big downer.

J. Peterman
09-07-2007, 06:59 AM
i agree

09-07-2007, 07:00 AM
yeah, i burned it

J. Peterman
09-07-2007, 07:03 AM
wow i would've just sold it to somebody i hated

09-07-2007, 07:30 AM
lol you no i coulda used the money to, damn my stupidity...yeah but the flame was green n blue

09-08-2007, 02:15 AM
You should get Pokemon Diamond or Pearl. It will not let you down.

09-08-2007, 02:20 AM
How the hell can they even call that a FF game? it looked like a spinoff of a disney show. even the multiplayer sucked. I think they should leave the FF titles to Playstation and let GameCube continue to sniff its own ass. i never thought id see the day when a FF game was that soft. big downer.
indeed, very disappointed with square-enix
but i agree with May, pearl& diamond is not bad

09-08-2007, 03:10 AM
yeah i want pearl, i dont really fancy diamonds, but ill play the game just to beat it. but that means im gunna have to go buy a nother sp or ds

09-08-2007, 03:54 PM
this game rocked

09-09-2007, 05:59 AM
your talking about one of the poke'mons right?

09-09-2007, 10:55 AM
your talking about one of the poke'mons right?

it rocked
learn to appreciate games, and not gay games like ff7DoC

09-10-2007, 11:15 PM
Just because someone didn't like FFCC doesn't mean that they're FFVII fanboys.

(And I thought CC was pretty bad).

Wait, why is this in the Forum forum?

09-10-2007, 11:34 PM
Good question Captain, mod want to move this to General FF?

Also, played CC once, and got rid of it. Took it back to the shop, claimed the disk was scratched when I'd opened it and they gave me my money back.

And DoC wasn't an overly poor game imho. It sucked as a FPS, but wasn't too bad overall, as a Devil May Cry ripoff.

09-11-2007, 01:47 AM
hey you should look into other threads b4 you respond to mine, i was one of the few who voted that DoC sucked! you should learn to look at the screen while you play games and not fall in love with craploads like FFCC. that game hurt my feelings more then your reply...the onlything that game had to do with any FF was its title, it makers and its mogs, and just barely the magic names!

09-11-2007, 01:49 AM
thats ff on the wii for ya

09-11-2007, 01:53 AM
lol i so didnt think about that, true, so very!

09-11-2007, 01:58 AM
thats ff on the wii for ya

Uh... CC was on the Gamecube (unless the Wii sequel is out and I wasn't informed).

09-11-2007, 02:00 AM
close enuff, they both suck. wait, i lie, wii's a bit better...but still FFCC was the bad side of the FF face in the pic that they should have never exposed.

09-14-2007, 11:40 AM
hey you should look into other threads b4 you respond to mine, i was one of the few who voted that DoC sucked! you should learn to look at the screen while you play games and not fall in love with craploads like FFCC. that game hurt my feelings more then your reply...the onlything that game had to do with any FF was its title, it makers and its mogs, and just barely the magic names!

I don't get you people..
Why the FUCK does a F.F. have to have moogles and fucking crystals to be a FF!
Does that make FF12 a true ff? No it doesnt! It's just a fucking gay lame game with no connection WHATSOEVER with Final Fantasy , and guess what ! It has chocobos, moogles, and even airships! So, FF is all that isn't it ? Damn ff noobs....
I'll tell you what FF is then .
FF is escape into another world made in a genius and romantic way, it's this magical feeling you get when you enter that world, it's the music that accompanies the game, the character development that binds you with the story, your memories of the game/games when you used to play them, symbolisms that you spent hours pondering and changed your life, THAT my friend is Final Fantasy !

close enuff, they both suck. wait, i lie, wii's a bit better...but still FFCC was the bad side of the FF face in the pic that they should have never exposed.
Oh's another F.F. scholar..
Good job dude, they shouldn't expose the side of Crystal Chronicles huh ?
Then what did they NOT have to expose with FF12?Oh, here's an even better game..Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus ! That's the fucking lamest game ever existed and worse to blacken the memory of the greatest game of all time, FFVII .
Just you wait , ff noobs...In some years, when F.F. will fall, and then you will remember Sakaguchi , Uematsu, and Amano. These names will fucking haunt you, as they haunt the company .
When in some years FF will be nothing but a lame ass game , (as prophesized by the greatest gay game ever made, FF12) then you'd wish that Sakaguchi would never leave the company .

10-01-2007, 09:27 PM
DUDE ARE YOU FUCKING 4REAL!?! you must not be a real fan if you didnt see the meaning behind FF12, your truly an fool, 12 was the better remake of FFtactics, if you hadnt realized, its one of the best FF out there! and you are seriosly defending FFcc!? man you need to find a new Shrine to lower your foolish head at because with thoughts like that, this shrines more likely to cut yours off. and about that romantic crap, man your a silly emo, get over your self. DOES ANYONE ELSE SEE THIS FUCKING LAME ASS PIG-HEADED FAKE BESIDES ME! READ HIS SHIT1 HE ISNT EVEN A FAN OF THE FF GAMES, WHAT RIGHT DOES HE HAVE TO BE HERE!?!?.... it like letting seph join a cloud-based fan club! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH OUR WORLD!

Mr E. Stalker
10-25-2007, 07:40 AM
YOU'RE the lame-ass, Roxis. FFXII SUCKED. I loved CC's graphics, but I never got to play it, even though I still want to.

Marshall Lee
10-25-2007, 08:29 AM
Okay here's my rant: While I never played FFCC, it seemed worth trying. FFXII was pretty good, however I don't ever recall it being a sequel to FFT. If it were a sequel to tactics then I would assume that turn-based tactics would be employed rather than the kingdom hearts-esque style that we have been presented with since well, KH-I.

Shriners need to stop acting so goddamn high & mighty like *their* opinion is the only one that counts. People told me that Final Fantasy VII sucks and the classics are the best, my *opinion (keyword)* is that 7 was pretty good (mainly because of mass advertising and merchandising Square invested a lot and made damn sure we were going to know about this game.)

Maybe you and others don't like Crystal Chronicles, but what the hell is so great about any other FF Title? I'll give you a few examples. FFIV a "classic," I played to the point where you fight the Assault Doors and never fucking touched the thing. I got so tired of random battles every 5 seconds, and the boss fights were insanely difficult even if the PS1 ver. is the *hard* version. FFX, everyone was worshipping that game worse than Clay Aiken worships Paris Hilton's clit. To me that game was not exactly a career hike in the FF franchise. Why, well to me the story was a bit loopy and didn't seem to go anywhere. 2), they reused way too many enemy characters, 3) they should have had a more *solid* ending rather than an opening for a crap sequel. As for FFXI, never touched it, and probably never will, as far as I'm concerned its another WOW game. FFXII was a pretty good FF, the best? To some yes, to others no. In my opinion XII was a relief from shitty-plotholes, retarded characters, and ancient battle systems. But argue all you want, the ones who liked FFCC will still like it regardless of how much you bellyache that it was a piece of shit game.

10-25-2007, 01:11 PM
I don't get you people..
Why the FUCK does a F.F. have to have moogles and fucking crystals to be a FF!
Does that make FF12 a true ff? No it doesnt! It's just a fucking gay lame game with no connection WHATSOEVER with Final Fantasy , and guess what ! It has chocobos, moogles, and even airships! So, FF is all that isn't it ? Damn ff noobs....
I'll tell you what FF is then .
FF is escape into another world made in a genius and romantic way, it's this magical feeling you get when you enter that world, it's the music that accompanies the game, the character development that binds you with the story, your memories of the game/games when you used to play them, symbolisms that you spent hours pondering and changed your life, THAT my friend is Final Fantasy !

Oh's another F.F. scholar..
Good job dude, they shouldn't expose the side of Crystal Chronicles huh ?
Then what did they NOT have to expose with FF12?Oh, here's an even better game..Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus ! That's the fucking lamest game ever existed and worse to blacken the memory of the greatest game of all time, FFVII .
Just you wait , ff noobs...In some years, when F.F. will fall, and then you will remember Sakaguchi , Uematsu, and Amano. These names will fucking haunt you, as they haunt the company .
When in some years FF will be nothing but a lame ass game , (as prophesized by the greatest gay game ever made, FF12) then you'd wish that Sakaguchi would never leave the company .

oh how beautiful. and here i am being a fucked ass whore to think that you're such a big video game know-it-all. just since when did you come up with all that bullshit uh? aw let me guess your fucked up English teacher. when are you gonna get outta your frickin chest that not all video games can be perfect? sure Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles isn't the best out there neither is Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII, but what right do you have to go fucking off about it? can you even show any proof whatsoever that both of those games are so over-rated? i mean can you really? you're not some kinda fucked up video game designer or some canny crap-filled CG Animator or what not you know. you're not really Square-Enix's next president or whatever if you keep making bullshit comments like that. and besides if i have to repeat it just to put it in your bullshit-filled mind, not all games can be perfect. absorb that already.

and just to touch up on this topic being in a Frequently Asked Questions forum? can one of the Moderator's at least do something about this i mean it's already gone too far in terms of bad use of information. i mean is it bad enough already just as it is?

10-25-2007, 06:12 PM
absorb that already.

Absorb! Absorb! Absorb!

Seriously though, I doubt Ermis will ever have anything to do with SE because:

A - She's a chick from Greece and

B - She has absolutely no idea about anything she says.

10-25-2007, 06:29 PM
Seriously though, I doubt Ermis will ever have anything to do with SE because:

If you are talking about the Greek god, he is a guy.

If not, I guess im overtired O:]

Edit: Im reaaally overtired :(