09-06-2007, 04:06 AM
Is it me or is it relatively hard to keep an account on gamingforce? Ive been banned three times already and the third is a perm banned.

One of the mods said that i do not contribute enough and got labled as a potential leech and a loser from FFshrine.

I tried to share as much as i can on there to keep up a good rip. But most of my gamerips are from western games thus sinks to the bottom, then nobody sees it and assumes i just leech.

Also the members are always so anal about everything, they even changed my avatar and sigged a few times automatically.

Anyway to those who are planning on joining, Be careful and contribute as much as you can or else you will get the hated to the extreme, oh yah and watch out for killy.

BTW im not tryignt o start a potential flame war or anything between the two but i just wanted to know why those forums are so hard to be in?

09-06-2007, 12:51 PM
In my point of view, Gamingforce is a more mature community.

It's always have been more "underground" than any other community..
I guess the average members age is higher there.
Less leaching, more serious subjects.. i think the members really try to search for stuff they want before posting a request (not like of GH, we got 50 easy to find requests a day..)

Like one of the post stated, there is not really a "quality control" on GH unlike GF. Not to mention GF really hates GH for leeching all their release.
Yes, cause the main teams that release all you can download here prefer and announce their upcoming stuff on GF (like #gamemp3s, #GameMusic..)

Finally the majority of "sharing" is done by FTP and not direct links like on GH, FTP is definitly more private, more secure (of course it's slower and it's harder to get an access).

I'am not saying that GH have no positive point.. and i am not an abslote fan-boy of GF, but i must admit that if i want "quality over quantity", i'll always look there before coming here.

Now i also would like to not start a flame war beetween 2 differents community.
I enjoy using both that's all :)

09-09-2007, 08:40 PM
You keep getting banned because you're constantly attempting to evade your original ban from the My Stuff forum. The fact that you're trying to share music is irrelevant.

Why do you insist on trying to get music there when you've already got pretty well everything you'd ever want right here?

09-09-2007, 09:18 PM
Dunno because the FTP's is what attracts me, but oh well if they don't want me anymore i won't try to stay in there.

09-09-2007, 09:33 PM
A colleague of mine is a member of Gamingforce, but I don't know if he still goes there, or not. He never mentioned getting banned, so I don't think their community is too selective, but he's a pretty level-headed individual too, so that's probably why he hasn't gotten banned; as far as I know, he probably just lost interest in their community.

Ahh, children can be so cruel...

09-10-2007, 04:38 AM
I remember being on the Gaming Force forums back when Gamingforce Audio was still around. It always seemed like an okay place to me.

10-17-2008, 05:45 AM
A big bump, but is gamingforce down? Everytime I get to the forums I get some Hello my friend! page and a whole bunch of popups and it lags a lot. It also starts some applet that plays some stupid song as well. Is this some prank or did the site get hacked?

jewess crabcake
10-17-2008, 05:49 AM
Why are you discussing a forum on another forum? Is this some siege or raid or something?

Mario Murderer
10-17-2008, 12:19 PM
That's strange. I haven't been online at gamingforce for like almost a year and no one's said anything to me.

10-18-2008, 12:27 AM
Well, I think I got banned, and thats what happens when you get banned.... :(

10-18-2008, 05:18 AM

10-18-2008, 05:45 PM
They think they are elitists, with topics of matters that could not possibly be of interest to anyone but themselves.

Mods are biased and highly frustrated, they want you to dance their dance, else ban.

If you don't make friends (some useful mods) then you are alien(this was advice given to me by mod).

They had got lots of spare time , majority wants to continue squabble over semantics, just to pass their boredom.

I remember you as one of the best ripper , infact helped me alot in many gamerips i wanted, rare games and you were definitley one of the well known contributer, specially i know you by your famous ID , and found it strange that you got ban.

I guess since ffshrine had stolen their share of brilliance , now they have become just troubled site acting on random grudges and banning indiscriminately.

t0m s3rvo
10-18-2008, 06:45 PM
They think they are elitists, with topics of matters that could not possibly be of interest to anyone but themselves.

Mods are biased and highly frustrated, they want you to dance their dance, else ban.

If you don't make friends (some useful mods) then you are alien(this was advice given to me by mod).

They had got lots of spare time , majority wants to continue squabble over semantics, just to pass their boredom.

I remember you as one of the best ripper , infact helped me alot in many gamerips i wanted, rare games and you were definitley one of the well known contributer, specially i know you by your famous ID , and found it strange that you got ban.

I guess since ffshrine had stolen their share of brilliance , now they have become just troubled site acting on random grudges and banning indiscriminately.

Agreed. Gamingforce just seems like an elitist community to me. Here, everyone is much more pleasant and willing to work with you on stuff. That's actually one of the things that attracted me to this forum. Well..that and a friend recommended it. Heh.

Simon B
10-19-2008, 12:46 AM
This is just stupid. I was contributing and offering soundtracks, and I got a PM that said that I shouldn't post any more of these kinds of threads. WTF? I read the rules. There was nothing in them related to not being able to post soundtracks. WHAT IS WRONG WITH GAMINGFORCE? Now I got a 50 point slap. This is not good.... I definitely like FFShrine better.

Welcome home ripper! ;)

10-19-2008, 02:28 AM
They think they are elitists, with topics of matters that could not possibly be of interest to anyone but themselves.

Mods are biased and highly frustrated, they want you to dance their dance, else ban.

If you don't make friends (some useful mods) then you are alien(this was advice given to me by mod).

They had got lots of spare time , majority wants to continue squabble over semantics, just to pass their boredom.

I remember you as one of the best ripper , infact helped me alot in many gamerips i wanted, rare games and you were definitley one of the well known contributer, specially i know you by your famous ID , and found it strange that you got ban.

I guess since ffshrine had stolen their share of brilliance , now they have become just troubled site acting on random grudges and banning indiscriminately.

Have to agree with you here on the mods, and members like killy.

Only person i like from there is kataah.

10-21-2008, 12:25 AM
ya, but also Basil has alot of great OSTs there too, don't forget that.

10-21-2008, 12:38 AM

10-21-2008, 02:12 PM
Have to agree with you here on the mods, and members like killy.

Only person i like from there is kataah.

Oh come on, i'm not bad either!

10-21-2008, 04:35 PM
LOL yes thalin your cool too.

10-21-2008, 05:15 PM
Wow, this is a pretty serious topic, but to be frank, i wouldn't know what to do about the matter, it seems that the best thing to do is put all of your energy here, GamingForce is good but, you shouldn't have to boil over what they do.

But anyone else's thoughts are just as good and this is just me giving my opinion, I'm sure someone will come up with a better answer

10-21-2008, 05:42 PM
I say we take em out

10-21-2008, 06:00 PM
I say we take em out

Hahaha, that's purrr-fectly well said