09-05-2007, 06:12 AM
quick question

im thinking of buying the robotech protoculture collection so ill have the complete saga (macross, southern cross, and mosepeda)

for anyone that has this collection, is this the uncut version or is it still edited?

09-05-2007, 01:40 PM
It's still Robotech, so of course it's still edited. If you want it unedited, assuming I understand you correctly, you'll have to track down the original shows individually.

09-05-2007, 02:39 PM
i mean i kno that but im talkin about in terms of content such as violence or brief nudity or things like that. i heard that the remastered version which is in this collection contains this uncut footage, (like minmei's shower scene or when they show roy fokker shooting a zentradi soldier)

i just wanna kno if content wise, if its uncut. story wise, i already kno since its robotech that its gonna be changed

09-05-2007, 02:49 PM
The stuff you've heard is supposedly true according to things I've heard, although you're not likely to find a first-hand account here.

09-05-2007, 08:45 PM
minmey shower scene? O_o which episode? lol

i am the proud owner of volume 1 of the robotech series Remastered collection. (volume 1 was all i could afford at the moment).

if those particular episodes are within the two dvd's that come with it, i'll look it up for you and let you know.

just so were clear. this is what i own.


11-08-2013, 02:44 AM
I understand I'm necroing an old thread here, but I can give a definitive answer as I own the disc sets. The Robotech remastered collection contains all 85 episodes of the series on 14 DVDs, cleaned up with new titling on the opening and closing credits. Excised scenes containing brief nudity or more overt violence were restored (so you get MinMay's shower scene, and Dana's too!) there were no extras included in this set.

The Protoculture edition includes these same versions of the episodes and also includes the 7 bonus features discs from the original Robotech DVD release.

I know A&E in the US have re-released the series again, and if am unsure of the content of these new sets.