09-05-2007, 03:00 AM
I haven't seen the soundtrack for Nano Breaker available anywhere, the game had a good soundtrack, especially the main theme. Does anyone know if an album exists, or have a gamerip available? Thanks for reading this.

06-16-2009, 04:59 AM
Well its two years later, and its time I bring this thread back up with some great news. I just hope you still look at this thread or even still log on this site.

Anyways, I've finally found a copy of Nanobreaker to play (Been dying to play this game). So soon enough I'll have its soundtrack ready to upload. I've done some of the track listing already, and it's gonna take a little bit since:
1. I'm working on other game rips.
2. The files aren't ADX so there are no loop points to extend the track length, and that means I'll have to loop them manually (Ugh I hate it).

Well, Hope to update this thread sooner than I think. Later.

09-07-2009, 10:29 PM
lol I forgot. Here you go: Thread 69093