09-05-2007, 02:37 AM
did you use the magical lamp right away or did you wait a while?

how come

09-05-2007, 03:02 AM
waited while... didnt know what it was for

09-05-2007, 04:02 AM
I used it right away as advised by Agent. A colleague advised that I wait tho, which according to Agent is a bad idea.

09-05-2007, 04:15 AM
well i can see both ways- hp 20 and 40 are really usefull early in the game, and it lets you get enc none, hp 80 and mug a lot earlier.

however if you wait untill everyone is around level 30 its a much easier beat and you have pretty easy access to 300 flares demis and holys much earlier in the game than what is allowed with random encounters.

when i challenged him when i first got the lamp i would draw fail or get 1 demi every time, when i waited i would get up to 6, 7 or so.

09-05-2007, 04:17 AM
As RAMChYLD indicated, I usually like to go for Diablos right away because I love those abilities that he offers. (And I wanted his card.) As long as you can get a decent magic junction so that Draw doesn't fail, you're generally good to go.

09-05-2007, 04:20 AM
if you battle him earlier you cant draw flare or holy tho

09-05-2007, 04:29 AM
Doesn't factor for me --- I'm fine getting Flare and Holy from elsewhere.

09-05-2007, 04:53 AM
I get Diablo as soon as possible because the junction benefits outweigh waiting in the long run and you can start getting AP for Diablo from battles as soon as you have him.

09-05-2007, 09:47 PM
I recruited Diablos as soon as I could (making sure to save first); his Enc-None ability makes the game a breeze; random battles in FFVIII are pretty pointless if you aren't AP-farming, anyway. Diablos is also one of the first GFs you can get that offers Ability x 3 and Hit-J.

Diablos can be difficult to defeat, but you're supposed to Draw -> Cast his own Demi spells against him; don't even bother trying to Stock them, you'll get killed off too soon if you do. Once you're no longer able to lower his HP using Demi, go in with normal attacks or GFs, which will be whatever few GFs you actually have at that point in the game (Quezactol, Shiva, Ifrit, and Siren, by my count). Squall's Renzokuken and Zell's Duel Limit Breaks are also good choices, as your HP is bound to get low from Diablos's Demi spells, anyway.

As a side note, Demi is a great spell to junction to certain stats, but you can get it later from using the Time Mag RF ability.

09-05-2007, 09:58 PM
my point wasnt to try to find a strategy, beating him was never a problem for me whether i waited or faught him right away.

and no matter if you draw to stock demis or draw to cast, the amount of times you would get draw fail is the same, so its actually better to draw and stock on the slim chance youll get 2 or 3.

you get demis from lots of places, but not till much later can you get flare. all you have to do is bring your average party level above 30 (which can be done easily while still on disk one) and you can draw flare, holy and curaga from him. that was what i was more focusing on. besides how much does it take to learn enc half? 30 ap? thats 2 boss battles.

09-05-2007, 10:19 PM
GREAT, so my post is irrelevant. You need to make your point clear if you want people to respond with what you want them to tell you. You probably should've worded it like:

"When should I recruit Diablos?"

You only asked us when WE recruited Diablos, it didn't sound like you were asking for advice of any sort.

09-07-2007, 01:04 AM
i wanted to know when you recruited diablos, so i asked when you recruited diablos and you told me how i should beat him.

all that stuff about demis after was adding to the conversation anyways, i wasnt contradicting you or scolding you or anything like that..

and i can choose my words fine enough to convey my thoughts, i dont need help in that department either thank you.

J. Peterman
09-07-2007, 01:43 AM
man right away man no point to dance without the car when you have the keys

Trance Moogle
09-07-2007, 01:58 AM
I am playing through the game still because I got it a little while ago and I just happened to get diablos I think two days ago. I wanted another GF and I read somewhere Diablos was inside the magical lamp so I gave it a try in the Balamb Garden when you return to it after the missiles are shot.

So to answer your question I waited a while until the second disc, but if I did do it earlier I could have got to start using some of the great things he has to learn sooner.

09-07-2007, 07:33 AM
right away easy

09-08-2007, 02:11 PM
i usually fight him as soon as i walk out of garden... I save then go fight... It really isn't that hard... Just use selphies full cure and your good..

GunBlade Master
09-08-2007, 04:22 PM
After Cid gives me the lamp, I go out to the field, save, use and then beat him. Rather easy fight, also having him early on just helps.

Either way fighting him as soon as possible, becomes very easy when you do draw > Demi > Stock. Then next turn cast on him. (I think you stock first can't exactly remember) I've been lucky with drawing not failing tho. ^^;

09-09-2007, 03:09 PM
With diablos, my general rule with gaining him is using the lamp as soon as im laguna and co, never before as i sometimes fail due to being level 30+ by that time - though ofc each game varies.

edit: Defeating diablos or rather how difficult to beat diablos all depends on your level.

09-13-2007, 09:38 PM
GREAT, so my post is irrelevant. You need to make your point clear if you want people to respond with what you want them to tell you. You probably should've worded it like:

"When should I recruit Diablos?"

You only asked us when WE recruited Diablos, it didn't sound like you were asking for advice of any sort.

wow talk about "cry me a river" :'( :'( :'(

09-13-2007, 11:03 PM
If your like me and usually hve a high level b4 u go anywhere ( in ff8, purly to make the game tougher) get to level 30 , diablos will be tough , but you'll be able to draw holy, if your prepared, u should be able to get 150 b4 things start getting a tad serious - such as all dead sept squall in the yellow, and if your like me who will have the lion heart by this time anyways, simplely just hack and slash.

just a little guide to those who find this battle beyond them:

Trusting you have Siren, al you need to do is junction Blind to status-attack and hit diablos with it, there is no way you will die, as each of his physical attacks miss and his Demi-like spells only cause damage based of the % of your current heath, so you cant die.

Good luck

09-14-2007, 01:58 AM
Battle him right away just draw-cast demi on him a few times then use squalls limit break

09-15-2007, 12:43 AM
just drawing and casting demi on him, with a the yield of being cured, i find is extreamly boring, what s the point of playing a game when your not... well... going to PLAY it.

09-15-2007, 01:04 AM
well the point is to figure out for yourself the strategy to defeat the boss. thats where the playing comes in.

when i first played the game i lost 3 times in a row, each time trying new gfs and junctioning new status effects and such before i got him.

09-15-2007, 03:04 AM
I found the easiest way to defeat this guy:

The trick is that you need to learn Card. Then everytime you encounter enemies, weaken and Card them. You'll get NO EXP, but you'll get the AP. Now do this to get Str+20% and 40%. (I recommend the Fastitocalon-Fs in Balamb, they always come in pairs so that gives you 6 AP each.)

Now you'll be able to fight Diablos with more abilities but low levels. During the fight, make sure someone has the Item command junctioned, because you'll never know when someone gets KO'ed. When Diablos casts Gravija, get Squall and Zell to execute their Limit Breaks, and Selphie get Full-Cure. Everyone gets healed, but the guys will still do their Limits. ^.^