09-03-2007, 09:21 PM
hey guys im at the point on disk 2 (Spoilers) where you defeat norg and garden floats to fh. you know how you run through balamb and have to tell everyone theres a missle comming as well as declare your alliance to cid? that got me thinking. i liked the way they did that but i felt sorta forced into fighting for the headmaster (because i was) to fit the plot. i was wondering what you guys think could have happened if the game wasnt as linear and you had a choice to side with norg at that point.

09-03-2007, 09:31 PM
The whole of causality would be put into question and the fabric in the space-time continuum would be stretched to its limits, before being completely ripped apart and the FFVIII world would be swallowed in the ensuing entropy, leading to the horrible demise of everyone and everything.

Seriously though, Norg was a pretty uninteresting guy and siding with him meant you'd be evil. You'd have to kill Cid and then Norg would backstab you and hand you to Edea, as was his plan all along.

09-03-2007, 09:48 PM
ok so maybe he hands you to edea then what you die? maybe you join her. maybe you battle her. maybe rinoa falls in love with seifer instead of squall.

maybe you kill norg and cid and take balamb as your own and when you head to fh you befriend fujin and rajin and they join the party. maybe youre an enemy of esthar and you have to face off against laguna.

im just looking for interesting discussion i know the plot of ff8 wouldnt work if you switched sides.

09-03-2007, 09:53 PM
haha I don't think it worked as it is right now. C'mon, all from the same orphanage? Now there's a point in the game I'd change. With a thousand monkeys if I had to.

09-03-2007, 11:43 PM
yea and everyone was like 'oh man thats crazy! we knew eachother all this time! we grew up together! spent years and years under the same roof with eachother! how could it be that we dont remember this amazing plot twist?!?'

'gfs make you forget'

'...oh, ok. so lets go do something else then'

and she was all 'me love you long time'