04-07-2002, 07:10 PM
I was on the internet yesterday and I noticed a "trend". I saw that many people who were DBZ fanatics were considered newbs in the anime world. The way I see it, many people who got into anime was because of DBZ on Toonami. Thus, they are considered new to the world of anime. I find that this sterotype to be incorrect. Do you agree? Disagree?

04-07-2002, 07:16 PM
I used to be a dbz fanatic and i was no newb, it just introduced me to stuff like gundam wing,trigun, my answer is no....

04-07-2002, 07:54 PM
Yes, but you can't blame them. This applies to pokemon and digimon lovers too. Dragon Ball, pokemon, etc. are the only anime that north america has to offer, so either you like them or you don't. People who end up loving these anime eventually will start watching other anime, and then become "real" anime fans. Most people who watch other anime won't go back to dragon ball, and that's a fact. Dragon ball is old.

04-07-2002, 08:23 PM
correct and incorrect, Dragon Ball is old, Dragon Ball Z is old and new, Dragon Ball GT isnt in the US yet but i hope it comes,its the only one i like that much..

04-07-2002, 08:51 PM
Well, Dragon Ball GT came out around 95 or 96, so it IS pretty old. And it is old because the art hasn't changed all that much since the 80's(so we're introduced ssj4, etc... it hasn't changed all that much), and the plot line is still shallow as ever.

Like I said, I don't mind people liking db like mad because that's all they have. I'm just glad they like anime.

04-07-2002, 10:37 PM
Well, personally, no. I live in California, and I got into Ranma 1/2, Fushigi Yuugi, and all those yummy mangas around the 4th grade. And then around the 5th and 6th grade, Pokemon came out. Pokemon started to warm up on me and I began to like it. Then, I got into DBZ manga becuase somebody said that the anime on Cartoon Network was cool. Since I got into manga way before that, does that mean that I'm a newbie to anime when I started to like DBZ and Pokemon?

Tidus- Blitzball Ace
04-07-2002, 11:07 PM
I say no.Im pretty young still(14) but dbz didnt start me on anime (even tho its 1 of my favs).Robotech(rented it) did and so did Akira and Vampire Hunter D (back in Sci-Fi's anime days) and at first i didnt even like it at first and then i started to really get into it.

04-07-2002, 11:53 PM
Samuri pizza cats got me started on anime then pokemon when I was in grade 5 which has had it's time and is dead now but when I was in grade 1 I was a dragon ball fanatic not z at that age I watched the one with chibi goku then when I was in grade 4 I watched the american DBZ's now I watch the subtitled japanese DBZ's and Evangelion and Sugar love(that is sooooo funny) at a club called BAKA which stands for Banzie anime club of alberta now it isn't where stupid morons go I know thats what the word means but thats just what they just decided to call it

04-08-2002, 01:09 AM
It depends

When you say DBZ lovers, do you mean that ALL they love is DBZ? If they just happen to love DBZ, but theyre into all sorts of other anime too, then no. Not at all. I for one happen to LIKE DBZ (cant say that I love it, but its somewhat entertaining. So I wouldnt exactly call it one of my faves). And I know a bunch of totally hardcore otakus, been in the scene for a long time, and they like DBZ as well.

Here's my definition of an anime newbie:
All they love is DBZ, DB, Gundam Wing (not ACTUAL Gundam, although they think Gundam Wing is actual Gundam), Tenchi, Pokemon, and any other anime on TV, and they hail themselves as a veritable anime expert. It's even worse if theyve seen the movie Akira, cuz then theyre like "Well I've seen Akira and that isnt on TV! I'm a l33t otuko!"

04-08-2002, 03:27 AM
Your basically new to anime if all you watch is the anime on toonami, and haven't branched out to other things yet. However, past generations have started on different shows like voltron and all that.

But I'd say yes since all I see people buy at my Suncoast is DBZ tapes.

04-08-2002, 05:54 AM
can you imagine someone about 15 years of age going to suncost and seeing a dbz tape right next to an evangelion one and then buying the dbz one withough any second though.

THAT! imo, is a newbie. that and waht atom said. rofl.

Here's my definition of an anime newbie:
All they love is DBZ, DB, Gundam Wing (not ACTUAL Gundam, although they think Gundam Wing is actual Gundam), Tenchi, Pokemon, and any other anime on TV, and they hail themselves as a veritable anime expert. It's even worse if theyve seen the movie Akira, cuz then theyre like "Well I've seen Akira and that isnt on TV! I'm a l33t otuko!"

i swear. they are all like that.

anybody remember my "UNWORTHY THREAD"???

yeah. they are UNWORTHY!!! :p

04-08-2002, 09:24 AM
They're not all NOOBs cause i like DBZ and have watched the entire Samurai Pizza Cats, Tekno Man, Neon Genesis and even *shudders* Sailor Moon, before i even knew what the hell it is. Since the qu was "are all DBZ fans NOOBs, then it's case closed cause I like it:D.

04-08-2002, 11:14 AM
Well with all honesty its yes and no.I know a good amount of people who watch toonami then when i mention such classics like Eva, Iria or even sometimes my Beloved Tenchi Muyo they reply like Jed Clampett to the question.It really depends on what animes and mangas, etc they've been exposed to. If they're a little rusty on it, Teach em for gods sake.

04-08-2002, 12:59 PM
Yes, I think so... They are far more better things than Dbz out there in the anime world and we have all watched it in our begin periode. It introduced it to other and better animes around o_o

04-08-2002, 04:16 PM
I dont think liking DBZ makes you a newb. Someone whos liked anime for 20 years and has watched thousands of different animes could like DBZ. You wouldnt call them a newb. It all depends on your taste. DBZ is immature compared to most animes, but if someone likes it, then thats just that.

04-08-2002, 05:17 PM
What if a person had seen tons of magna and anime before watching DBZ and then watched DBZ and really liked it. That would NOT make him/her a newbie. Just because thousands and thousands of little kids watch the show doesn't mean that the show makes someone a newb.

04-08-2002, 05:31 PM
What kind of anime and manga did that person watch?:D Anime from the 70's? j/k

Yeah, maybe it's over-generalizing, but for the most case it's true.

04-08-2002, 05:55 PM
I know people whose first manga was Dragonball and even now that they know beter stuff they have not abandoned their old favourite but stayed DB-fans.
However, I know there are tons of kids who stay DB-fans without showing interest in other stuff... oh, they always rush into the comic store and completely crowd it, they buy all kinds of merchandise and DB manga.
Somehow they are very necessary, you know, they keep the market alive and give the publishing companies the money they need to release really good manga.
I love them little idiots. ;)

04-08-2002, 10:38 PM
TRUE.. but the thing that introduced me was Robotech back in the home country of Jugoslavia..So yeah, that and Pokemon are for the kiddies.

04-08-2002, 10:57 PM
Watching bits and peices of ninja scroll really got me into anime but before that i watched the first Dragonball and that was much better than dbz. But people whining about power levels every show kinda becomes repetitive and boring. All in all i belive that it is a newbie introduction show but that doesen't mean that anime vetrans can't watch it. Watching a show is all up to personal preference.

04-09-2002, 01:32 AM
can you imagine someone about 15 years of age going to suncost and seeing a dbz tape right next to an evangelion one and then buying the dbz one withough any second though.

Anyone who ever picks DBZ over Eva should be dragged out into the street and SHOT!!!

Believe it or not, I love DBZ, but I hate the fact that Cartoon Network is just repeating the same storyline again and again, and not cycling throught the whole series. I'm not even sure why I like it. Perhaps it's the same thread of insanity that occasionally compells me to demean my intelligence by watching an episode of South Park ever so often.

DBZ wasn't my first anime. Before DBZ I had seen Ranma 1/2, Tenchi, Eva, and a few more of the classics. I frankly don't care if I'm considered to be a newb. I've been at it for at least 6 years, and I'll probably be at it my whole life. No matter who you are, a bit of you will always be a newb.

*Insane psycho persona jumps out.

N00BZ!!! DBZ OWNZ J00 @11 @ND J0 M@M@$!!!

*Shoves leet talking psycho persona into a cardboard box and smashes it with a hammer.

Sorry people. That won't ever happen again.

*Shuts up.

04-09-2002, 01:58 AM
i dont think it is but i like other anime better

04-09-2002, 05:04 AM
It's true that alot of people that start to like anime begin watching DBZ only because it's the most popular anime in the world. Sure there are better ones (Trigun for example) but DBZ is really good. I still watch it when I can (I don't have cartoon network where I live now:notgood: ) among the other anime they have on there. And I think that the people that dislike DBZ is only b/c so mnay other people like it. Like when Limp Bizkit went commercial alot of people began to hate them only because everybody liked them (that and the fact that they scuk now) The only difference is that DBZ has stuck to the same formula that has made it the success that it is today.

04-09-2002, 05:19 AM
What if a person had seen tons of magna and anime before watching DBZ and then watched DBZ and really liked it. That would NOT make him/her a newbie. Just because thousands and thousands of little kids watch the show doesn't mean that the show makes someone a newb

see. the thing is, people like that are almost non existent if at all. i've never seen anyone like that. it does prove that all BECAUSE they watch dbz, it doesnt make them a newb. but it does prove that..most likely..with the example atom gave, it's very true.

And I think that the people that dislike DBZ is only b/c so mnay other people like it. Like when Limp Bizkit went commercial alot of people began to hate them only because everybody liked them (that and the fact that they scuk now) The only difference is that DBZ has stuck to the same formula that has made it the success that it is today.

yet another wonderful example. i love this one. i believe the same happend to pokemon. i loved the damnt show. then i saw tons of kids getting into it. i thought *in big godly voice*


lol. i think like that. it's funny. but yeah. i question their worthyness. cause i imagine it's just "fun and games" for them. which it is. it's just me who takes things too seriously i think. like i dont play pokemon cause it's fun, i played it cause it was a way of life!:eye: lol. yes. i'm crazy.

and i get into things very much the same way. i love dbz. i still do. bulma is hot, and master roshi, master of perverts, is my idol. this show is in my top 5 (or top 6) most fav anime i love to watch. and i've seen "better" stuff as some of you may say. but is it really better? or do you just like something else a lot more?

I've been at it for at least 6 years, and I'll probably be at it my whole life. No matter who you are, a bit of you will always be a newb.

amazing. an ingenious quote. i like it. and i think your right. just like me and pokemon. :p

04-09-2002, 05:51 AM
Yes its true that there will always be a little n00b in all of us.Like when i watch Tenchi Muyo i always find something new after i go back and watch it after a few months and say "Whoa i didnt know about that!" or "Man Ryoko has a soft side too."It just goes to show that when it comes to anime, no one is a true einstein.

04-09-2002, 06:47 AM
I said no, because you said all. I would just replace it with a good old "moast"

04-10-2002, 04:25 AM
*Does a dance.

I'm a n00b. I'm a n00b. I'm a smelly n00b.

*Smashes psyco persona with a hammer, yet again.

I guess he'll always keep coming back. I wish Cartoon Network would hurry up and get new episodes already.

amazing. an ingenious quote. i like it. and i think your right. just like me and pokemon.

Oh yeah! I'll always be a little bit of a pokemon fan too. I know that's unforgivable, but hey, no one's perfect.

04-10-2002, 01:35 PM
No not everybody, but i was, that was the first anime series i liked, then i saw others, but dbz rocked

04-11-2002, 02:54 AM
i think pokemon will go down in "otaku history" known as the anime NOONE wants to admit they absolutely love. :D ;)

must be all that peer pressure kids get into and all. :p

04-11-2002, 03:47 AM
Here is my opinion!

You've gotta start somewhere. Some people only have access to what they can get on tv. And seeing different anime on Cartoon Network is a good way to see a glimpse of what is out there and see what types of anime you like. Just because someone likes/loves DBZ or any anime that is PoPular doesn't make them a newb. I liked Pokemon! I admit it! Then I hated it when 3 year olds and everyone else on earth turned it into this big Money Making Scam! Must everything be so commercial??

BTW: The first anime I really got into was Sailor Moon because I was like 10 or something and saw it on tv(Upn not Cartoon Network). I started watching and although it was repetative sometimes, I got hooked. Eventually I got bored with the same eps over and over and when it moved to CN I followed and watched religiously. Then I realized that the dubs were pretty stupid and turned the dialogue into valley girl garbage. So I turned to the manga and the japanese eps with subtitles. I still love Sailor Moon and I hate when people are like "yadda yadda that's not real anime that's girly crap yadda yadda"...They are just ignorant........or stupid!

I get introduced to new anime through tapes that I borrow from a friend but otherwise I like checking out The CN stuff. How else would I have found Tenchi?? I am branching out more everyday. I'm finding new anime on my own and figuring out what I like. I see it all as a process and it takes time. AS I break away from Sm and Tenchi and CN stuff I learn more........but as I said before......I had to start somewhere...

I apologize for my wordiness!!!I talk too much!!


04-11-2002, 05:14 PM
"yadda yadda that's not real anime that's girly crap yadda yadda"...They are just ignorant........or stupid!

heh. i use much stronger words to insulte THOSE type of people.:mad:

good post.



04-12-2002, 12:28 AM
I would say no to most. I am kind of a big fan of DB and DBZ and I consider myself a newbie because I didn't realize it was "Anime" until a year ago or so. I watched DBZ when it was on UPN on Sat. days and Sun. days at 10:00 about 4 years ago. I loved the show immediately. Then there was the Pokemon craze, for some reason I didn't like that show or game and still don't. I consider myself a newbie because I haven't seen that much anime other than the stuff on tv, I also watch the stuff on Adult Swin on Saturday which is much better than Toonami. But other than that, I have only seen a few movies I bought. People that are stuck on the Anime on tv and don't know about the other, much better stuff out there are definately newbies....what a mouth full.

Death Knight
04-13-2002, 03:35 PM
I like DBZ for one reason. To watch the story unfold (as dumb as some of you know it is) But it still is fun to watch.

04-14-2002, 02:42 AM
I must say, DBZ is probably the first anime I saw. But, I know only think of it as 'alright', 'pretty cool'. I'm not obsessive over it. I mean, look at how many repeat scenes they have in episode..for instance, when people are punching in the air, and they do it all fast. It's only about 3 seconds of animation repeated very fast.

....C'mon people, there ARE better animes.

But DBZ is pretty cool...


....In the DBZ world anyway.

04-14-2002, 02:15 PM
Im a newbie to the world of anime I mean judging by the name you all probably guessed that i luv dragonballz but i mean i dont know where to start to branch out i mean the only shows i know that show anime is toonami so could anyone give me a little help please on where or how to watch more anime!? :eye:

04-17-2002, 02:29 AM
nah. toonamis is the best FREE anime there is. (technically you pay for cable but you knwo what i mean)

so your doing fine. just dont go about calling yourself "1337 dbz masta who knows everything about dbz and anime". that's where you'd get under my skin and ask for a good ass kickin.

be humble and become a TRUE anime obssesor like myself. mwa ha ha ha h ahahhaha. (that wasn't very humble was it..:p)

however if you can afford it, go out and buy what YOU think is worth your money in anime. i wont tell you what i think you shoudl buy. tis not my right. but you can ask whenever you feel like it i guess. just have fun. anime is to be enjoyed.

04-18-2002, 05:02 PM
pokemon was the first anime i liked

04-20-2002, 08:54 PM
Then I hated it when 3 year olds and everyone else on earth turned it into this big Money Making Scam! Must everything be so commercial??

Cammercials have existed since the days of radio. Just face it. T.V. was invented to upgrade the effect of the commercial. T.V. shows were used to get people to watch more commercials. Anime has always made people money, by getting it's fans to buy the stuff.

It's stupid to say that DBZ has become a commercial ploy because it never became one. DBZ, all anime, and all television period, has always been a commercial ploy. BIG DEAL! So it get's annoying. So what. It you can come up with a less annoying way to effectively pull off commerce, you can make your own t.v. network.

04-20-2002, 09:46 PM
I don't see the reasoning behind the whole question.

I mean, it's kind of a silly thing to ask when you think about it. to make an analogy, when ff7 came out, it was the first ff game to be really mainstream, outselling like all the other games in the series combined, but nobody said "if you love ff7, that makes you a ff newbie"

I'm not sure what it is about anime, but it seems like any anime that gets translated into english and aired on tv is somehow demoted to "newbie" anime by the people who are "hardcore" fans. I have to wonder....if DBZ had never been translated, would people still shit on it and call it childish, or would they reference it as a "good" anime.

and as for my opinion on dbz, i'll sum it up like this: wait, wait, wait, wait, really cool part, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, really cool part......

04-21-2002, 01:38 AM
NoOne considered people who's first FF game was FF7 a newbie because FF7 was many people's first Final Fantasy game. They wouldn't want to call themselves newbies even though that is what they were at the time.

I got into anime by first seeing commercials for DBZ on TV in 1996 on a local network. I saw glimses of the show and changed the channel after watching 5 seconds of the show here and there.
THEN- I was in a comic book store once and they had ani-mayhem card game cards with dragonball Z characters so I got a starter deck and thought that the characters on the cards were interesting so I began to watch the show...The sci-Fi network showed anime on saturday mornings and I caught glimpses of Akira...and said WOAH THESES ARE PRETTY COOL CARTOONS COMPARED TO THOSE KIDDIE CARTOONS , so I rented an anime movie from my loacal video place this was NINJA SCROLL I was like-COOL , BLOOD,VIOLENCE,AND SEX...MORTAL KOMBAT FUSED WITH CARTOONS. I then fell in love with anime and I loved the DBZ series the most....

to get to the point...I've seen 40 or more anime tapes 15 to 20 were probably movies....I still haven't seen many of the anime that people talk about that are series like
COWBOY BEBOP....and others
I prefer Anime movies I don't enjoy series anime's as much

04-21-2002, 04:56 PM
You've never watched Eva. You don't know what you're missing. Oh well. Techi comes on Cartoon Network, but like Grand Leathal said, a lot of "hardcore" fans demoted it to "newbie" after it was brought to t.v. I think those people are HYPOCRITES because A) they liked it before it came out on Cartoon Network and B) their efforts got it put on Cartoon Network. As for me, I don't condemn Tenchi or DBZ. I'm just against how Cartoon Network did its editing. I think it was kinda cheesy at times, and the blood wasn't that necessary in DBZ. On the other hand, when they editied it out of Tenchi, which had always reserved dripping blood for important plot devises, it made it hard to undertand a few of the episodes. While Cartoon Network may have done a bad thing or two the the animes so many used to love, I'm not going to use that as an excuse to stop watching those animes period. I doubt Eva will ever be put on Cartoon Network. If they did, I'd have a real reason to stay up and watch Adult Swim. (You know, other than Yu Yu Hakusho, Pilot Candidate, Gundam 0083, Cowboy Beebop, and insomnia.)

04-21-2002, 09:06 PM
I think they are really cos dbz is supposed to be a childrens anime and the children that watch it are mostly new to animes cos they havent seen the violent anime movies.. cos there not allowed to i spose. So yeah thats what i think.

04-22-2002, 06:32 AM
I mean, it's kind of a silly thing to ask when you think about it. to make an analogy, when ff7 came out, it was the first ff game to be really mainstream, outselling like all the other games in the series combined, but nobody said "if you love ff7, that makes you a ff newbie"

no i guess not but when some friends of mine came up to me saying "ff7 owns! it's awesome. i am BIG rpg fan!!!" i said

"where the fuck were you when ff4 was out?" :rolleyes:

Techi comes on Cartoon Network, but like Grand Leathal said, a lot of "hardcore" fans demoted it to "newbie" after it was brought to t.v. I think those people are HYPOCRITES because A) they liked it before it came out on Cartoon Network

this is implying those who critisize dbz "newbs" no longer watch dbz itself....i do!

I am one of those who call people who say: "i love dbz, dbz pwns! i know everything about dbz," then they infer: "dbz is anime, and i know dbz thus, i know everything about anime and everything other thand dbz is gh3y!". but i still watch dbz. i love dbz. i think akira toriyama is a master! his animations is amazing! what always blows my minds is how he can do any point of view and he uses HATCHING!!! you never seen hatching in animation now a days. i mean. its sounds basic but i've studied art and still due and i learned such pen techniques liek hatching and cross hatchina and actually seeing it in action like that amazes me. so i love dbz AND chrono trigger as well.

but as i was saying THOSE are the people who... PEOPLE call newbies. and who i call UNWORHTYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: *razza fraza*:notgood:

they say they know...but they dont.

04-24-2002, 12:11 AM
Well, I've never noticed...but you've got a point. I got into anime because of Final Fantasy...although I liked DBZ before.

04-24-2002, 01:52 PM
Pokemon is an anime right?

04-24-2002, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by Rez
I think they are really cos dbz is supposed to be a childrens anime and the children that watch it are mostly new to animes cos they havent seen the violent anime movies.. cos there not allowed to i spose. So yeah thats what i think.

Dude the whole series really started out as a humorous magna for adults. It eventually evolved into an anime.

On Cartoon Network, they have to edit out material that may be inappropriate for younger viewers. And they did do alot of editing on DBZ. There are alot of gore pictures and even some other pictures that are aimed at adult audiences. DBZ is an adult/teen cartoon, but Cartoon Network did alot of editing so that it now seems like a kiddie cartoon.

Also Pokemon is an anime.

04-26-2002, 02:27 AM
Joeshie is absolutely correct. now EVERYONE shut up! :p

(just kidding lol) i shoudl shut up. anyway um..*tries to continue thread*

yes. pokemon is anime. which brings me to a question i like to ask even though i kinda know the answer. this will help extend the life of this very intresting thread as well as make you think.

how DO you define an anime? what makes an anime an..anime?

go ahead. think amongst yourselves.:)

04-26-2002, 03:10 AM
I think we've said everything that needs to be said. I think we've said everything there is to be said without changing the subject. We've talked this topic to death, and we had fun doing it. Hey I like this topic. We should open it up later in 2 years after this one is long forgotten.

04-26-2002, 05:37 PM
It's a good feeling when I know one of my topics has become soo popular. :D

Zachrons right. This topic has been disscussed to death. So I don't really care what happens to this thread. It's been fun viewing everyones answers to this question.

04-26-2002, 08:36 PM
I think not i'm a newbie
But i've saw enough guys that have saw the hole series and they still love it
and some of they collect everything of DbZ

04-27-2002, 01:06 AM
I think we've said everything that needs to be said. I think we've said everything there is to be said without changing the subject

yeah. i know that. but i like to "extend" the life of a topic with a similar argument. but we dont have to. just an idea. i dont like seeing threads die when i konw that more COULD have been said. however niether i, nor anyone else, may have anything more to say at all so yeah. makes sence.

i hope we have another nice discussion in the future. perhaps we can introduce such topics as the economy and politics and how anime affects them. oh joy. i cannot wait for someone to create that.

(why dont i create it you say? i dont think others would be intrested. :p)

05-04-2002, 03:52 AM
I define an anime as a cartoon that is inspired by the Japanese way and is drawn in the Japanese style of cartoons. These cartoons include shadows (as compared to many American cartoons),fantasy,camera style animations,and they are not just for kids.

Lady Fett
05-09-2002, 05:26 PM
I love, Dragonball Z, Pokemon, and Sailor Moon. I am not anywhere near being a Newbie. If someone says I am becuase I still like Those Anime's ... Then Well. All I can say is they're full of it. LOL! I'll watch any and every Anime if I haven't seen it. If I see and don't like it, I won't watch it again. But, for the most part I find ones I like and I'll watch them. If I really really like them... I'll watch them over and over and over and over... You get the picture. If someone chooses to like only Dragonball Z however... and doesn't give any other stuff a try... then they're not a Newbie. JUST A CLOSE MINDED FOOL! LOL.


P.S. Yeah I know this part of the discussion kinda died but I wanted to say my Peace!

05-12-2002, 12:01 AM
I was watchin anime way before DBZ things like akira and Kamura

05-12-2002, 02:04 AM
All newbs are DBZ, Digimon, or Pokemon fans, while not all DBZ, Digimon, or Pokemon fans are newbs.

-Thank you

Lady Fett
05-13-2002, 11:46 PM
Originally posted by YourBestFriend
All newbs are DBZ, Digimon, or Pokemon fans, while not all DBZ, Digimon, or Pokemon fans are newbs.

-Thank you

Well Said. I'll have to remember this next time my friends bash me for liking Pokemon, Dragonball Z, and Sailor Moon.


05-15-2002, 07:25 PM
ok, havent read the whole thread sorry, but i like DBZ...doesnt exactly mean im a newb anime in general....i see animes..mostly what you have all seen..EVA, cowboy bebop...kenshin [i hate the series. OVA is better] i saw one anime which i liked alot....Angel Sanctuary, very koo anime..but its mainly manga so..

but all in all...its not relly a newb anime....ive seen men who are 26 yrs. and they watch the anime like its serious.

05-15-2002, 07:45 PM
I like the heavy fighting destructive batlles,such as in DBZ and Devilman...also Kenshin(I love it)

i'm a big RPG and Anime fan.

Evad D'Aragon
05-25-2002, 10:46 PM
Not necessarily...A newbie is someone who only has a limited knowledge of something...It DOES so happen that DBZ is one of the world's most popular anime in the world, so that explains why it would appear so.

As for me, I just love DBZ, but before I realized what anime truly was, I've seen things like Goldorak and Albator ( NOW THAT'S OLD !!! lol ), without even knowing those cartoons originated from Japan, so...

12-23-2009, 06:06 AM
Nowadays it's naruto that takes the trophy

Argus Zephyrus
12-23-2009, 11:22 AM
What's with bumping these ancient threads?

Necromancy FTL.

12-23-2009, 11:28 AM
I'll try to save Prak at least a little trouble here by saying that you really should not be reviving a thread that hasn't been in use since '02 simply to say something that no one who posted in that thread will likely even see, and reviving it is extremely annoying to begin with.

12-23-2009, 03:15 PM
I still have to come in here and close it, so I'm not really saved any trouble. This guy should really grow a brain.