04-07-2002, 04:32 PM
does anyone know how many kills u need to get on to the next limit for any character and for all there would be sorta helpful

04-07-2002, 05:20 PM
i'm not sure the number, but i know that u have to use 8 limit breaks to go up one lub level and something like 40 enimies to go up a whole level. but i'm not sure.

04-07-2002, 06:19 PM
<font color="4422BB">

Lvl 1 - First Limit - Automatically acquired.
Lvl 1 - Second Limit - Use Lvl 1 First Limit 8 Times.

Lvl 2 - First Limit - Kill enemies 80 since Lvl 1 First Limit was acquired.
Lvl 2 - Second Limit - Use Lvl 2 First Limit 6 Times.

Lvl 3 - First Limit - Kill 60 enemies since Lvl 2 First Limit was acquired.
Lvl 3 - Second Limit - Use Lvl 3 - First Limit 4 Times.

Lvl 4 - first Limit - Use Extreme Limit item on character.

when i say use the limit it must be fully executed. when i say kill a number of enemies that certain character must FINISH the enemies. this is all tried and tested by me. it does work. </font>

04-08-2002, 04:34 PM
but you can get the next level limit without geting both the limits on the level yoiu are on it has happend to me

ps I thouht the # of enemies you have to kill is all ways 80

04-08-2002, 04:40 PM
Ummm....yes. You can get the next limit level without gettin both. Like i said "Kill enemies 80 since Lvl 1 First Limit was acquired." Not the second one, but the first. As for the number of enemies, those are the amounts that I've counted.

04-08-2002, 10:29 PM
I remember reading somewhere that you had to kill something liek 100 odd monsters to reach a new limit level, but I always personaly believed it was something like 80.

Always make sure you learn each limit in the level. You need all the limits in Limit Level 1-3 before you can use the Level 4 Limit Manual.