09-01-2007, 09:59 PM
I need to rip the music from all the psx and ps2 Crash Bandicoot games. I have tried PSound and PSXMulti Converter (which is said to cover most games) but none of them work.

Unfortunately I can't just download the music from gh, because it's in mp3 and I'd like to have it in wave so that I can edit and flac them and create my own high quality fan best of-compilation.

Please help!

09-01-2007, 10:11 PM
download this free audio converter:


i use that. you should be able to download them from GH and convert them from MP3 to Wave or whatever.


09-01-2007, 10:23 PM
No, sorry, I don't convert lossy to lossless, there is no point in that. I need something that can rip from the game discs. But thank you for taking the time to help :)

09-02-2007, 02:15 AM
But if you want to create waves first, then why don't you just use a converter to go from mp3 to wave? You don't need a ripping program to do that. I edit lots and lots of my music. I take the mp3, convert to wave, use a wave editor to alter the music, then convert back to mp3 (or in your case, you can then convert to flac).

Or is it more than you want to rip so that you have different quality BEFORE it becomes an mp3? When I used to use PSound and PSXMC, there really was no difference in sound. Anyways, just my opinion.

Try PSXMC (as I see you ain't got it listed. I used to use it on almost every PS game. PSound was my backup).

09-02-2007, 03:16 PM
Isn't PSXMC and PSXMulti Converter the same app (MC = Multi Converter)? And I need to rip directly to wave, because mp3 discards sound data, thus, any mp3:s are useless to me.

If you have mp3:s that you convert to wave and then back into mp3 again, remember that you are degrading the quality of the sound. If the original mp3 was 192kbps, and you resample it in 192kbps again after editing it, the new file will have less data intact than the original.

mp3 works exactly like jpg. Try this: take a small jpg picture, open it in MS Paint, choose 'save as', save as a new jpg copy. Then just click the save button 20 times or so, and you will see the image quality degrade very slowly (you may have to re-view the original file to spot this). It is just the same with mp3, it works in the same way.

09-02-2007, 03:18 PM
Does anyone know how to rip legend of dragoon?

10-13-2007, 05:45 PM
Does anyone know how to rip legend of dragoon?