04-07-2002, 02:02 PM
After just 6 years, FF6 is released in Europe, but the Pal version is no good. The game is presented in an ultra letterbox mode, topped with looooong loading times, even on ps2. The game is great though, but I think I'll stick to my US Anthology package.... Why can't square give us poor people a decent pal version? I tried the FFX demo, and it was also in this letterbox mode. I think that I will rather buy the US version of FFX than the PAL version in Crap-O-Vision :(

Rabid Monkey
04-07-2002, 05:06 PM
Man...I feel sorry for you Europeans...it seems every time Square does something you get screwed over worse than the Aussies...

Personally I think it�s a plot by Square to get all of you to buy the insanely high priced imports from either the US, or Japan (along with a translator). THEY'RE ALL OUT TO GET YA I TELLS YE!!!! RUN TO DA HILLS!!! DARRR!!!!!!!!!

Ok, silly pirate impressions aside, I would like write to square and complain or something...

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
04-07-2002, 07:13 PM
I got a copy of FF6 and mine's not in letter-box mode, but FFX is but that might be because it's a demo. Rock on the Summer.

04-07-2002, 10:25 PM
Okay...I think I said something wrong there, What I really ment was that it's not fullscreen, it's two large black lines in the top and the bottom of the screen, and those are not there in the NTSC version. Remember Final Fantasy 7,8,9 Pal versions? All of those were the same way. So It'll be all import then :(

04-08-2002, 03:42 PM
It's really a shame that, not only squaregames but, more or less all PAL games are in this damn fake widescreen mode with the stupid black bars. And why they don't add a 50/60 hz switch, like the dreamcast games have, on atleast PS2 games is beyond me! The only two games i've played that has it are Jak & Daxter and Rez. That just makes people mad and makes them not buy PAL games.

04-09-2002, 12:14 AM
Are you sure you set your PS2 to regular screen size on the PS2's menu screen?

04-09-2002, 01:55 AM
maybe you sould mail squaresoft about it because they will have an answer

04-09-2002, 02:23 PM
hehe, the settings in the ps2 menu for 4:3 and 16:9 screens have absolutely nothing to do with games....only dvd movies....

04-14-2002, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by Vir
Man...I feel sorry for you Europeans...it seems every time Square does something you get screwed over worse than the Aussies...

Personally I think it�s a plot by Square to get all of you to buy the insanely high priced imports from either the US, or Japan (along with a translator). THEY'RE ALL OUT TO GET YA I TELLS YE!!!! RUN TO DA HILLS!!! DARRR!!!!!!!!!

Ok, silly pirate impressions aside, I would like write to square and complain or something...

Rabid-Monkey-Vir's got the idea. I'm glad I'm in the U.S. I do pitty those of you who get these weird crappy things called "Games"....maybe we should all move to Japan. :D

04-14-2002, 02:49 AM
It's just as bad here. The games take ages to come out (FFX just came out) and they're in poorer quality it appears. I get my games imported.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
04-14-2002, 02:17 PM
Can I just say that, can the Americans stop saying how sorry they feel for use Europeans, because it make us (me) feel like .... SHIT! And it's just so fucking annoying, at least we've got the fucking game and it's all basically the same.

04-14-2002, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by Vir Man...I feel sorry for you Europeans...it seems every time Square does something you get screwed over worse than the Aussies...

Heh, aussies get screwed MORE than the europeans, since we have the PAL format and live on the other side of the world. Plus useless Region 4 DVDs, too many old right-wing idiots, conservative bourgois politicians, left wing loonies, ethnic gangs, mass ignorance WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! I wanna move.

Just kidding. :) Its not that bad.......i think:confused:

04-15-2002, 07:31 PM
Exactly SeraphMog. They call Australia the 'lucky country', but as far as Square's release schedule is concerned we're about as lucky as having getting coal for Christmas. After all, before FFVII graced our shores the only Square games that came here were FFI and Rad Racer, both for the NES and in extremely limited quantities. Still, I suppose we really are lucky to get games at all. We could be living in Russia where a Vectrex is considered 'state of the art', and something like a PSX is unheard of. At least when FFX does eventually arrive here, it'll be the 2-disc 'International Version', with the Bonus "Making of FFX' DVD disc that the US will never get. So, that's one conselation for living 'down under' I suppose.

Quote: "Heh, I don't go looking for trouble, but I'll fight back if trouble finds me." Amarant, FFIX.

Quote: "Heaven grant the wandering souls eternal repose." Mikoto, FFIX.

Quote: "Save your valediction Steiner! We'll live to see another day!" Beatrix, FFIX.

Quote: "And now Brahne, your role in this tragic drama will come to an abrupt end! Act 2; The End of the Ugly Desire. I hope you enjoy the view from your soul's hellish prison, because the stage will be your former home! The third act will take me away from Gaia, where I kill my nemesis, with my own hands! Ah, everything is going as I have forseen." Kuja, FFIX.

04-16-2002, 03:33 PM
It's bad, but not that bad. The solution comes in form of a mod chip that lets you play NTSC games on PAL playstations. Most of my games are in fact NTSC ones. If I wanted, I could have gotten FFX before X-mas. It's just a matter of will and money :)